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    Translate:,e.g.local/tribal/ancient/British etc custommy custom of reading a little before sleep.She was stopped at customs and questioned.,back,His custom was to get up early and have a cold bath.,他的习惯是早起,然后洗个冷水澡。,custom,A practice followed by people of a Particular group or region.习俗 2.Ahabitual practice of a person:某人的习惯性做法 3.(pl)(用作sing.)关税,海关,Unit 3:Security,index,break,over,Translate:,e.g.1.Ray went out,leaving the door on the latch.,Dont forget to leave the front door on the latch if you go to bed before I come back.,2.Let yourself in;the door is on the latch.,要是我回来之前你就睡了,请别把前门锁死。,on the latch,(of a door)closed but not locked 拴着门闩(并未锁着),Unit 3:Security,back,index,break,over,e.g.I want so much to close up my store and go traveling.,Translate:,在我家乡,所有的店铺在新年除夕都要关门歇业。,On the New Years Eve all the stores were closed up in my hometown.,close up,Shut(sth.)esp.temporarily(临时)关上,Unit 3:Security,back,index,break,over,Translate:,在农村,房舍各自相距很远使得基础设施建设很昂贵。,Of,in or suggesting country-side 农村的,有乡村特点的,rural,e.g.1.a peaceful rural setting;rural bus routes2.Its very rural around here,isnt it?,In rural areas the distance between buildings makes infrastructure development costly.Opposite:urban 城镇的e.g.crime;城市犯罪 population 城镇人口,Unit 3:Security,back,index,break,over,e.g.a vulnerable young childThe fort is vulnerable to attack from the north.,Translate:,与沙特足球队相比,中国队更易被击败。,Compared with Saudi Arabian soccer team,the Chinese team is more vulnerable.,1.exposed to danger or attack;unprotected 易受攻击的2.easily hurt emotionally脆弱的,vulnerable,n.Vulnerability e.g.The of airports to terrorist activity,Unit 3:Security,back,index,break,over,e.g.Armed guards with dogs patrolled the exhibition.Gangs of youths patrolled the streets at night.Security guards carry out regular patrols of the factory.,v.n.1.to go around to see all iswell 巡逻 2.walk around in an threatening way,patrol,a police patrol car 警察巡逻车a patrolman 巡警 a patrol wagon 囚车,Unit 3:Security,back,index,break,over,e.g.Statistics on illness are used in planning health care.,Translate:,统计资料表明,在美国大约每隔22年就有一次大的旱灾。,The statistics indicate that roughly every 22 years a major drought occurs in the U.S.,n.collection of information expressed in numbers 统计资料,statistics,他是否意识到 妇女占劳动力的百分之四十这个数据?,Unit 3:Security,Is he aware of the statistic that women make up 40%of the work force?,back,index,break,over,e.g.A tranquil village sceneVisitors like to stay in this hotel because it is beautiful and located in a tranquil lake area,n.Tranquility e.g.the of the countryside,pleasantly calm,quiet and undisturbed平静的,宁静的,tranquil,v.Tranquilize 使安静(尤指用药物)e.g.He was d into a sound sleep.,Unit 3:Security,back,index,break,over,era,n.A period of history ora long period of time 纪元,年代,时代。,e.g.in the era of globalizationWe are living in the computer era.,Translate:,在维多利亚时代,这种行为是不为社会所接受的。,In the Victorian era such behavior was socially unacceptable.,Unit 3:Security,back,index,break,over,electronic,Of or relating to electronics or devices and systemsdeveloped through electronics电子的,e.g.smart electronic car alarms electronic music,Translate:,因特网的使用正在代替其它电子通讯方式。,Use of the Internet is replacing other forms of electronic communications.,Unit 3:Security,你的电子邮件地址是什么?,Whats your e-mail address?,back,index,break,over,more,index,break,over,hook up to,to connect or attach(sth.)to(sth.else)with or as if with a hook 连接到,e.g.My computer is hooked up to the Internet,so I can communicate with my students at home via email.,More Expressions:,hook n.v.钩子 sth.over/around/onto etce.g.He hooked his leg over the branch.,Unit 3:Security,previous,back,index,break,over,to get hooked on/onto 钩住,挂住Eg.Jacks jacket got hooked on a rose bush.to hook up with 联系Eg.Ill give you a few names of people to hook up with out there.hooked a.钩形的 a nose;clawshook-up n.a satellite,Unit 3:Security,back,index,break,over,build in/into,make(sth.)as part of the structure 使成为建筑物的一部分。,e.g.The cupboards in the kitchen are all built in.A completion date was built into the contract.,More Expressions:,build sb.sth.Eg.Nick said hed build us a wardrobe.build(up)a picture of sb./sth.e.g.The police are trying to build up a picture of Haigs daily routine.,Unit 3:Security,back,index,break,over,pry,v.(esp.AmE)to force sth.open撬开 2.to try to find out detailsabout others 打探(别人的隐私等),e.g.I dont wish to pry,but is it true that youre having problems at home?They pried open a sticky can of blue paint.,Phrases:pry sth.open/away 撬开,撬动away from prying eyes(in private,where people cant see)Eg.Id like to show you sth.away from prying eyes.,Unit 3:Security,back,index,break,over,paste,e.g.sth.on/over/downA notice had been pasted to the door.Paste down the edges of the label.The protesters had pasted slogans all over the walls.n.meat/fish/tomato etc paste 酱,Unit 3:Security,vt.stick sth.with glue用浆糊粘贴;n.浆糊,back,index,break,over,premise,Unit 3:Security,n.1.(pl.)all the buildings and land that an institution occupieson one site房产;2.前提(+that),e.g.business premises 事务所,办公室 to be consumed on the premises 限在店内喝完 the major premise 大前提,the minor 小前提,它的前提是男女在这个社会中是平等的。,楼内不准饮食。No food or drink is to be consumed on the premises.,It is based on the premise that men and women areon equal terms in this society.,back,index,break,over,advertisement,n.a picture,set of words etcused to make public a productor service;a statement that a jobetc is available广告,e.g.an for a free day of skiingbe an for eg.He is not a good for private education.advertise v.forHave you tried that new shampoo being d on TV?,Translate:,多年来电视上都禁止打烟草广告。,Tobacco s have been banned from TV for years.,Unit 3:Security,back,index,break,over,feature,n.1.give a prominent part to sb./sth.以为特色;2.To show a particular person or thing in a film etc.由主演;,e.g.a film featuring famous actors由大明星主演的影片Fish features largely in their diet.他们在食物方面的特色是以鱼为主。,Translate:,业余时间内画画成为她生活中的一大特色。,Painting in her spare time features largely in her life.,Unit 3:Security,back,index,break,over,chart,n.A diagram or graph 图,图表 v.制海图;画图表订计划,e.g.a weather chart 天气图class analysis chart 全班学生成绩分析表classification chart分类图 climatic chart气候图color chart比色图表 complex chart综合图The nurse gave the doctor a chart showing the patients temperature and blood pressure.,Unit 3:Security,back,index,break,over,Unit 3:Security,risk,vt.冒.的危险 n.冒险,风险,e.g.a risk of fire失火的危险 at ones own risk自担风险at risk有危险 children at risk孩子们有危险run risks冒险(=take risks),Translate:,尽管有暴风雨,他们还是冒险驾车赶路。,They took a risk in driving on,notwithstanding the storm.,more,index,break,over,Unit 3:Security,put up,build or erect建造,设置,More Expressions:,put about 散布(消息);宣称put across 解释;表达Im not putting my meaning across very well.,e.g.He put up a new fence around his house.Most of the old buildings were pulled down so that blocks of apartments could be put up.,previous,back,index,break,over,Unit 3:Security,put aside节省(钱、时间);储蓄;储存备用He has a little money put aside for a rainy day.他积蓄了一点钱以备不时之需。put away 储存(钱);储存备用;储蓄(=put by)吃掉;喝掉put down写下;记下“Put it down to my account,please.”,More Expressions:,more,index,break,over,Unit 3:Security,barrier,n.Thing that prevents progressor movement)障碍物,妨碍,e.g.the language barrier 语言上的隔阂Intolerance is a barrier to understanding.偏狭是理解的一大障碍。,Comparison:,obstacle;impediment;obstruction;hindrance都含“阻碍”、“障碍物”的意思。obstacle指“阻碍前进的东西或状况”,如:,Unit 3:Security,Her fathers opposition remained only their obstacle.她父亲的反对是他们唯一的障碍。impediment 指“妨碍正常活动而使前进受阻的事”,特指“口吃”,如:a speech impediment口吃。obstruction 指“阻碍整个通道的阻塞物”,如:Your interference is an obstruction of justice.你的干预阻碍了正义。,previous,index,break,over,Comparison:,more,Unit 3:Security,previous,back,index,break,over,Comparison:,hindrance 指“阻碍事物前进的人或物”,如:lt was proved a hindrance to our progress.已证明它是我们前进的障碍barrier suggest an obstruction that confines or prevents exit or entry:成为航行的阻碍物的沙洲。barrier暗示有限制或阻止出入的阻碍物,Unit 3:Security,barricade,vt.n.a barrier of large objects,Intended to stop an enemy;blockWith a barricade 路障,设置街垒,e.g.The rioters barricaded streets with piles of tires.She fought on the barricades for womens rights.她在维护女权这一富有争论性的议题上力争不懈。,Translate:,back,index,break,over,恐怖分子在楼里搭起了防御工事。,The terrorists barricaded themselves inside the building.,back,index,break,over,Unit 3:Security,More Expressions:,take over,把.从一地带到另一地;接收,接管,take after相似 take back撤销;同意回来take for 当作;误认为take in收留,领悟take on 雇用;聘用承担(工作、责任等)take up 开始从事;专注于take it out of sb.使某人精疲力尽,Unit 3:Security,wander,v.move about without a fixedpurpose 漫游,闲荡,e.g.about/around/throughThe children wandered in the woods.The river wanders through beautiful country.,Translate:,Im sorry,my mind was wandering.What did you say?,对不起,我刚才走神了,你说什么呢?,back,index,break,over,Unit 3:Security,NCE-B3,take off,1.(aircraft,bird or insect)move from the ground and begin to fly(飞机等)起飞2.remove sth.去掉,e.g.Kids like watching planes taking off and land.The plane didnt take off on time because of bad weather.,Translate:,昨晚我忘了卸妆。,I forgot to take off my make-up last night.,back,index,break,over,Unit 3:Security,hold/keep(sb.)at bay,prevent(an enemy,etc.)fromcoming near不让逼近,e.g.Eating apples keeps colds at bay.She left the light on all night to keep her fears at bay.More Expressionskeep sth.clean/open 保持清洁,开放keep on the right side of sb.不要惹恼,back,index,break,over,Unit 3:Security,sideways,a./ad.to,towards or from the side斜着的,斜向一边的,e.g.shoot sb.a glance 瞟一眼If you would move to the right,I can get the flowers on the picture.to walk sideways through a narrow openingWe turned the table sideways to get it into the room.我们把桌子斜向一边以便把它搬进房间里。,back,index,break,over,Unit 3:Security,stand for,represent,mean 代表,表示象征。,e.g.He stands for the spirit of freedom.Stand for the freedom of speechMore Expressions:Stand against 抵抗,反对Stand in for sb.临时替代Stand out in a crowd 突出Stand up for 支持,back,index,break,over,Unit 3:Security,index,break,The fields and woods were bathed in a golden light at sunrise.to bathe a wound 洗伤口The coach told him to bathe his eyes twice a day.教练叫他每天洗眼两次。be bathed in sweat Tears bathed his cheeks.泪流满面,e.g.,over,be bathed in,cover or envelop as if with liquid沉浸于,沐浴于,more,Unit 3:Security,Comparison:,take a bathe 常指海水浴或江河水浴;take a bath 指普通洗澡。,previous,back,index,break,over,The Mediterranean Sea bathes the shore of Italy.地中海环抱着意大利的海岸。,go for a bathe去游泳have a bathe 游泳,洗(海水)澡,More Expressions:,Unit 3:Security,analyze,back,index,break,over,Eg.to psychoanalyze.精神分析法治疗Assemble your knowledge and it:that is the way forward.,Vt.分析,解析,研究,Translation:,我们将分析这次民意调查的结果,并在明天做出报告。,Well the results of the poll and report on our findings tomorrow.,margin,n.页边的空白;界限;(时间、花费上保留的)余地;盈余;利润,notes written in the marginsit on the margin of a lake 坐在湖边He is on the margin of death.他已濒临死亡。There is no margin for error in our plan.我们的计划中不留有误差幅度。small profit margins较少的利润额with/by a small/large margin小/大幅度的,back,index,break,over,Unit 3:Security,error,n.mistake错误,e.g.I was guilty of making an error of judgment.,Comparison:,Error indicates departure from the correct path;it often implies deviation from what is morally or ethically right or proper:Mistake often implies misunderstanding or misinterpretation and is usually weaker than error in imputing blame or censure:Oversight refers to an inadvertent(无意的)omission or error that results from inattention:,back,index,break,over,Unit 3:Security,civilize,v.cause to improve from a primitivestage to a more developed one使文明,e.g.Many a rough man has been civilized by his wife.许多粗野的男人在其妻子的影响下变得文雅了。,Translate:,世贸中心遭恐怖袭击震惊了整个文明世界。,The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center has shocked the civilized world.,back,index,break,over,Unit 3:Security,reflection,n.1.a thing bringing discredit有损声誉的事 2.Reflecting or being reflected 思考,反映,e.g.This is a reflection upon your honor.这有损你的名誉。reflections on the current situation对当前形势的看法the reflection in a mirror 镜中的映像,她的成就是她勇气的显示。,back,index,break,over,Translate:,Her achievements are a reflection of her courage.,Unit 3:Security,puzzle,n.难题,谜;v.(使)迷惑,(使)为难,迷惑不解,e.g puzzling a.令人费解的 a statement a crossword puzzle 纵横填字游戏Its a puzzle where all my money goes each week.puzzle about 苦思苦想puzzle over 苦苦思考puzzle out 仔细考虑,设法想出,Translate:,下一步该怎么办,我心里还没数哩。,Im puzzled about what to do next.,index,break,over,Unit 3:Security,more,Comparison:puzzle,perplex,confuse,bewilder,都含“使困惑不解”的意思。puzzle 指“情况错宗复杂,因而使人感到困惑不解”.perplex 较正式,除含有puzzle 的意思外,还侧重“心情的困惑和行动的不决,不知如何办”.confuse 指“把事物混淆或弄乱“或“由于混淆、混乱而糊涂”,语气较弱,常指暂时现象.bewilder 指“由于迷惑不解或惊愕而慌乱、糊涂和不知所措”,语气比前两个词都强.,previous,back,index,break,over,Unit 3:Security,look back on,think about(sth.)inones past 回顾,e.g.When you your life,do you have any regrets?,More Expressions:,look down on轻视,看不起 look forward to盼望;期待look in顺便看望;短暂访问look on(常与as连用)旁观May I look on with you?我可以跟你合看这本书吗?,back,index,break,over,Unit 3:Security,


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