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    ,Can you play the guitar?,Unit 1,2a-2d,Can you say these in English?1.下象棋 2.弹吉他 3.英语俱乐部 4.艺术俱乐部 5.加入音乐俱乐部 6.我想加入游泳俱乐部,play chess,play the guitar,English club,Art club,I want to join the swimming club,join the music club,dance,draw,swim,sing,play the guitar,play chess,A:What can you do?B:I can sing.Can you sing?A:Yes,I can./No,I cant.,Can he sing?,Can he play basketball?,No,he cant.,Yes,he can.,Can he speak English?,Yes,he can.,Hello!,Can they sing?,Yes,they can.,What can they/she/he do?,dance,draw/paint,swim,sing,play the guitar,play chess,A:Can they/he/She-?B:Yes,-/No,-.,swim,Hello!,speak English,sing,draw,play the guitar,play chess,dance,Group work,Can you/she/he/they swim/?Yes,I/she/he/they can.No,I/she/he/they cant.,swim,Hello!,speak English,sing,draw,play the guitar,play chess,dance,A:What club does he/she/Lisa want to join?B:He/She wants to join the club.A:What club do they want to join?B:They want to join theclub.,2a Listen and circle the clubs you hear.,English club,b.art club,c.music club,d.chess club,e.swimming club,I,2b,Listen again,complete the sentences.,Lisa wants to join the _ club,but she cant play _.Bob wants to join the _ club.He likes to speak _.Mary likes music.She can _ and _.Bob likes music,too.They want to join the _ club.,chess,chess,English,English,sing,dance,music,Conversations on the tape.,1.-What club do you want to join?-I want to join the chess club.-Can you play chess?-No,I cant.What about you,John?-I can.,-Hi,Mary.Here are all the clubs.-What club do you want to join,Bob?-I want to join the English club.I like speak English.How about you?-Hmm,I want to join the chess club.Can you play chess?-No,I dont like chess.Do you like music?-Oh,yes.I can sing and dance.I like music.-Me,too.Lets join the music club.,2.,2d,Role-play the conversation,1.Fast reading,What club does Bob want to join?What club does Jane want to join?,He wants to join the sports club.She wants to join the story telling and art clubs.,2.Listen and follow(跟读),What sports can Bob play?Can Jane tell stories well?Does Jane like to draw?,讲故事俱乐部,1.a sports club,2.What sports can you play?,Eg.我认为足球是一种刺激的运动。,I think football is an exciting sport.,sport 名词(n.)运动,运动会(sports是复数形式),sports形容词(adj.)运动的,1.(有关)运动的,2.运动用的,sport/sports shoes运动鞋,适合运动的,平时穿的,3.What about you?,你呢?=How about you?,about(介词)+名词/人称代词/v-ing,Eg.(吃)鸡蛋怎么样呢?,What about(having)eggs?,一双运动鞋,a pair of sports shoes,4.want to do sth 想做某事,5.be good at doing sth 擅长做某事,6.like to do sth 喜欢做某事,7.Let sb do sth 让某人去做某事吧,Eg.Bob想要参加音乐俱乐部。,Bob wants to join the music club.,Eg.我擅长打篮球。,Im good at playing basketball.,Eg.他和我喜欢写故事。,He and I like to write stories.,Eg.让我们参加数学俱乐部吧。,Lets join the math club.,be good at(sth./doing),I am good at English.Im good at _(speak)English.She is good at _(dance).Lin Shuhao is good at _(play)basketball.Sun Yang is good at _(swim),speaking,danceing,playing,swimming,1 ing2去掉不发音e,再加-ing3 双写末尾字母,再加-ing.,join,join指加入某党派、某组织或某社会团体,以及参军等,join in通常指参加某种活动(注意是活动),常与take part in进行转换。,I will never forget the day when I joined the Party.我永远也忘不了入党的那一天。Will you join us for dinner?请你和我们一起吃饭好吗?,例句:May I join in the game?我可以参加这个比赛吗?I hope youll all join in the discussion.我希望你们大家都参加讨论。,讲故事擅长于你可以加入讲故事俱乐部。,tell stories,be good at(sth./doing),You can join the story telling club.,你会什么方面的运动?我喜欢画画。,What sports can you play?,I like to draw.,A:Hi,.What club do you want to join?B:I want to join the club.A:Great!What sports can you play?B:I can.A:So you can join the club.B:What about you?Youre good at.You can join the club.A:Sounds good.(but I like to,too.)B:Then join two clubs,.club andclub.A:OK,Lets join now.,Make similar dialogues,采访你的同学或朋友(至少两个),他们能或不能做某事然后做一个报告(report):,I want to join the _ club.I can _._wants to join_.He/She can_.,


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