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    人教新课标必修8 Unit3,Language points,1.When I called up my mother in the countryside on the telephone,she was very upset.,call up 打电话,使回忆起,今晚我会给你打电话。_,Ill call you up tonight.,老相片引起了我对童年的回忆。_,The old photo calls up memories of my childhood.,call back call forcall in call oncall at,召唤某人回来;再访;回电话需要,要求,接(人或物)邀请;请来拜访(人)拜访(某地),Ex.-Can I do the job?-Im afraid not,because it _skill and patience.calls on B.calls out C.calls up D.calls for,D,2.now and then 时而;不时=sometimes,but not often,我偶尔看见他,但不常见。_我有时喜欢去看歌剧。_,I see him now and then,but not often.,I like to go to the opera now and then.,from time to time(every)now and againfrom now onjust now since then,相关短语:,有时;不时时而;不时从现在开始,今后刚才从那时以来,3.Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself by inventing something merciful that would catch snakes but not harm them.,distinguish vt.&vi.,(1)辨别;辨认,从远处我能认出他们。_,I can distinguish them at a distance.,(2)(常与from,between连用)区别;区分你能区分那两个物体吗?_应当教育孩子分辨好坏。Children should be taught to _,Can you distinguish between those two objects?,distinguish right from wrong,(3)(常与from连用)使别于;有特点语言把人和动物区别开来。Speech _象因为有长鼻子而有别于其他动物。Elephants _ by their long trunks.,distinguishes men from animals,are distinguished,(4)distinguish oneself 显扬自己;使自己扬名,这个人因智慧而扬名。The man_.,distinguish himself by his wisdom,be distinguished fromdistinguish from be distinguished by be distinguished for,不同于与加以区别辨别,把和区别开以为特征因而著称,distinguished adj.distinguishing adj.distinguishable adj.,著名的,出名的有区别的可区别的,4.I set about researching the habits of snakes to find the easiest way to trap them.,set about=set out:to begin or start 着手;开始,他一到那儿就着手解决问题。He _ as soon as he arrived there.=He _ as soon as he arrived there.,set about solving the problem,set out to solve the problem,set out的另一个意思为“动身”,“出发”,后面长跟介词for他们以出发到上海去了。_.,They have set out(=set off)for Shanghai,set out set out to do sth.set off set asideset down set up,出发,起程开始做某事出发,动身留出,对不予考虑记下,写下设置,造成,产生,5.,which freezes hard when cooled.,(果冻)被冷却后会变硬。,when cooled 为when it is cooled 的省略结构when/while/once/unless/if 等连词所引导的时间状语从句中的主语与主句主语相一致,且从句中含有系动词be 时,从句中的主语和系动词be可省略,形成“连词+分词”结构。,1._ with the size of the whole earth,the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.Compare B.When comparing C.Comparing D.When compared2._more time,we are sure to finish it.A.Given B.Giving C.Be given D.If giving,D,A,6.They abruptly disappeared into a convenient hole in the wall.,abruptly adv.突然地,唐突地 abrupt adj.突然的;意外的 Ex.这路有很多急转弯。The road is full of _.这会议突然结束了。The meeting came to _.我们的讨论突然给缩短了。Our discussion was _ curtailed.,abrupt turns,an abrupt end,abruptly,convenient adj.便利的,方便的,be convenient to sb.it is convenient for sb.it is convenient to do sth.,对某人方便对某人方便做某事方便,三点钟对你方便吗?_,Will 3 oclock be convenient for you?,我想这个时候见你恐怕不大合适。Im afraid this isnt a _ to see you.,convenient moment,Come and see me whenever_.you are convenient B.you will be convenient C.It is convenient to you D.it will be convenient to you,C,If it is quite _ to you,I will visit you next Tuesday.A.convenient B.fair C.easy D.comfortable,A,7.This was in the expectation that the snakes would bite again.But monitored carefully,the snakes proved to be no trouble and all went according to plan.这是因为我们预料蛇会再咬人。但是经过仔细监视,证明这些蛇是制造不了麻烦的,一切都按计划进行着。,Expectation:预料;期待。例如:firm belief that sth will happen,Theres no expectation of snow tonight.今晚预计无雪。,句中的that从句是一个同位语从句,作expectation的同位语。,monitor(vt.)(1)to check by means of an electronic receiver for significant contents,such as military,political,or illegal activity 利用监听器或监视器来监听,收听,收视重要内容,如有关军事,政治或非法活动的内容。例如:,They have been monitoring the enemys radio broadcasts to try to find out their secret plans.他们一直在监听地方的电台广播,设法查探他们的秘密计划。,(2)to keep close watch over;supervise 密切监视;监督。例如:,The teacher is monitoring an examination.老师正在监考。,prove(vt.),show that sth is true or certain by means of argument or evidence 证明;证实。例如:He has proved his courage in battles.他已在战斗证明了自己的勇气。Facts prove that the creative power of people knows no limits.事实证明人民的创造是无穷的。,(vi)be seen or found to be;turn out to be 原来(是);证明(是)。例如:,The method/drug proved(to be)highly effective.这个方法/这种药被证明是非常有效的。My advice proved to be wrong.我的意见被证实是错的。,8.Only after you have had that recognition can you say that you are truly an inventor.只有你得到这种承认,你才可以说是一个真正的发明家。,only 修饰状语,至于句首,主句的语序需要倒装。此句如改成正常语序应是:You can say that you are truly an inventor only after you have had that recognition.又如:Only by working hard can we pass the exams.,某些否定词至于句首,表示强调时也会引起倒装。如:never,seldom,hardly,neither,nor,not,only,little 等。如课文中令一句:Nor will you receive a patent until a search has been made to find out that your product really is different from everyone elses.又如:Never have I seen such an exciting film.Little did I know what was about to happen.,9.The criteria are so strict that it is difficult to get new ideas accepted unless they are truly novel.专利标准非常严格,除非新的想法真的是新颖的,否则很难被接受。这里that引导结果状语从句。主句和从句是原因与结果的关系,译作“因此”。例如:She spoke so fast that few of us could follow her.讲话太快,我们很少有人能听得懂。,novel 在此处是形容词,意思是“新的;新颖的;新奇的”。其名词形式是novelty。,He is a person who always has novel ideas.他经常会有新奇的想法。,Language points for reading II,1.He believed that one should always be curious and his most famous saying was:”Leave the beaten track occasionally and dive into the woods.Every time you do you will be certain to find something that you have never seen before.Follow it up,explore all around it,and before you know it,you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind.All really big discoveries are the result of thought.”,他认为一个人应当具有好奇心,他最著名的一句话是:“偶尔离开平路去寻求困境。当你这么做的时候,你一定会发现你从未见过的东西。跟踪下去,不断探索,不知不觉中,你就会发现某种值得思考的东西占据着你的头脑。所有真正伟大的发现都是思考的结果。”,beaten track 踏平的路;一贯的路;惯例。如:We followed a well-beaten track through the forest.我们沿着一条人们他出来的路穿过森林。dive(vt)to go headfirst into water 潜入;跳水。例如:He dived into the river and rescued the drowning child.他跳到水中,救起那快要溺死的小孩。,to move quickly in a specified direction 扑去;冲去。例如:when the rain started,we dived into a caf.雨下了起来,我们立即跑进一家小餐馆。woods 原指“森林”,在这里有“险境,困境”的意思。out of the woods 表示“脱离麻烦或困难”。如:The situation is improving,but we are not out of the woods yet.情况正在改善,但我们还没有摆脱困境。,2.Although he is most often associated with the invention of the telephone,he was indeed a continuing searcher after practical solutions to improve the quality of everybodys life.虽然人们常把他和发明电话联系起来,但是他的确是一名永不停息的探索家,不断寻求着改善人们生活质量的途径。associate with 把 和联系起来;和来往。如:In our minds the Spring Festival is associated with happy family reunions.在我们心中,春节是和愉快的家庭团聚联系在一起的。Her parents didnt like her associating with net friends.她的父母不喜欢她和网友来往。,句中的continuing是动词-ing形式,在这里作定语用。如:This is a very pressing problem.这是意见紧急的事情。We talked a great deal about the coming festival.我们说了不少有关即将到来的节目的事情。He made an inspiring speech at the meeting.他在会上发表了一段激动人心的讲话。,practical 实际的;实践的;实用的 I want some practical advice.我想要些实际性的建议。It wouldnt be practical for us to go all that way just for the weekend.我们跑那么远只为了去度个周末实在很不切实际。The dictionary is very practical.这本词典非常实用。,3.Im sorry,but this phone is out of order.对不起,这个电话坏了。out of order 坏了;有毛病。如:Our refrigerator is out of order again.Wed better buy a new one instead of repairing it.咱们的冰箱又坏了,我们别修它了,最好买一个新的。与之相反的短语是in order,意思是“处于正常情况,情况良好”。如:The house is painted and decorated,everything is in order.房子粉刷了,装修了,一切都整整齐齐。Ill see that everything is in good order when the guests arrive.客人来时我会把一切都照料得井井有条的。,


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