Unit 4 Its warm today,Lesson 1,(PEP)四年级英语下册,秦古镇中心小学,陶俊东,Lets doTime for breakfast.Drink some milk.Time for lunch.Have some chicken.Time for dinner.Eat some rice.Time for P.E.Jump and run.Time for English.Read and write.Time for music.Sing and dance.,秦古镇小学,Qinguxiaoxue,Lhasa,Qingu middle school,Hong Kong,Qingu,Whats the weather like in?,Dushan,秦古小学,Its in.,warm 暖和的,I can wear the pink shirt.,秦古小学,Its in.,cold,Lhasa,I can wear the black sweater.,秦古小学,Its in.,cool,凉爽的,I can wear the yellow sweater.,Qinguxiaoxue,秦古小学,Its in.,Hong Kong,hot,I can wear the blue T-shirt.,秦古小学,cold,Its in,Qingu,秦古小学,Its in.,warm,Ningbo,秦古小学,cool,warm,warm,hot,hot,weather report,Its in.,秦古小学,Lets chantWeather,weather,weather report.This is the weather report.Mmm!Mmm!Its warm.Its warm Its warm in Beijing.Phew!Phew!Its hot.Its hot.Its hot in Hong kong.Ooooh!Ooooh!Its cool.Its cool.Its cool in Lhasa.Brrr!Brrr!Its cold.Its cold.Its cold in Harbin.,秦古小学,Good morning.Everyone!This is the weather report.Look at the map.Its cold in Beijing.Its hot in Shanghai.Its cool in Kunming and Lhasa.Its hot in Hong Kong.But its warm in Harbin.Thats all.Thank you.,秦古小学,Good morning.This is the weather report.Look at the map.Itsin Thats all.Thank you.,秦古小学,1.Read after tape for 3 times.2.Make a weather report and say it to your friends.,秦古小学,Thank you for listening!,秦古小学,