七年级英语I’d like some noodles课件.ppt
,Id like some noodles.,Go for it Unit 8,教材分析,教学重难点,教学目标的设计,教学策略,Go for it Unit 8说 课 材 料,教学过程,学生分析,1,3,4,2,一、本单元教学内容,中心话题:Order food,相关语言:“What would you like?”,“Id like”,“What kind of would you like?”,“What size bowl of would you like?”,“I like dumplings,fish,and orange juice.”,“I dont like onions,green tea or porridge.”“Whats your address?”“My address is”,世界各地的人对于食品的口味与习惯都各不相同,本单元围绕food介绍了中国食品的特色及相关知识。围绕What would you like?等问题,学习“想要什么”的表达。,语法:1.学习并掌握情态动词“would”的使用方法,并能够熟练使用它进行对话交流。2.掌握what 引导的特殊疑问。3.复习动词“like”在一般现在时态中的肯定式和否定式。4.可数名词和不可数名词的区分。,新词汇:noodle potatoes onion would beef mutton cabbage green tea large juice dumpling special rice reason fish porridge soup drink menu as well as(un)countable noun,二、教学重点和难点,重点:1.Learn the key words.2.Learn to order food.3.Learn to ask for and give personal information.4.Learn to design an ad for House of dumplings.,难点:1.Learn to order food.2.Learn to design an ad for House of dumplings.3.Train students listening,speaking,reading and writing skills.,三、教学目标设计,(一)语言知识,(二)语言技能,(五)文化意识,(三)情感态度,(四)学习策略,(一)语言知识,学会用英语表达食物和饮 料,描述面食的大小和种类以及模拟生活场景进行点菜、用餐、购物。学会写宣传广告。,1、培养学生自学能力 2、培养学生阅读能力 3、提高学生听的能力 4、锻炼学生交际能力 5、与他人合作的能力,(二)语言技能,1、体会英语学习的乐趣,做到在“用中学,在学中用”。2、通过中、西方在饮食及用餐方面的对比,对祖国文化能有更深刻的了解。3、乐于了解异国文化,加强文化差异的理解与认识。,(三)情感态度,1、自觉完成课前任务2、主动参与课堂活动3、积极与人合作表演4、学会听取关键词,(四)学习策略,了解中、西方在饮食习惯、口味、方式等方面的不 同,加深对中国饮食文化的理解。,(五)文化意识,四、学生分析,1、知识基础:缺少丰富的语言基础,对某些任务的完成有一定的难度;2、思维能力:有较强的记忆力和模仿能力,有待培养知识的扩展运用能力。3、认知心理:有较强的求知欲和表现欲,但部分学生存在不自信,羞于表现等思想顾虑。,五、教学策略与建议1、兴趣活动策略:采用游戏、唱歌、竞赛、合作 等多种 活动方式2、开放性教学策略:开发课程资源,拓展学用渠 道 3、采用“任务型”教学方法;4、注重评价方式和鼓励措施,创建学生成果展示 包。,六、教学评价,1、评价主体:学生本人 学生小组 教 师,2、评价方式:学生自评 小组互评 教师评价,学生自我检查评价表:,A.很好 B.较好 C.一般 D.需努力,我准备来改善提高我的学习效率。,教学内容:本单元的大部分词汇及完成Section B 1b课时目标:a)学习本单元的主要食品词汇;b)学习 I likeand I dont likeor,Period 1,教学过程,(复习已有的单词,温故而知新,为新课的学习打下基础;培养学生学会自己学习),Pre-lesson:do some ready.Find some information about food.And collect food pictures.,(用简单易学的英语歌曲,调动起全班学生的学习热情),A ping-pong game,a bowl of porridge,porridge,rice,dumplings,a bowl of rice,orange juice,green tea,noodle,a bowl of noodles,drink,potatoes,cabbage,beef,mutton,onions,fish,soup,Treasure bowl(聚宝盆)Prepare a box(“a treasure bowl”),There are some food in it.Get Ss guess whats in it.Select one who does best and most quickly.,A:What do you like?B:I likeandA:What dont you like?B:I dont likeor,Pairwork,There are all kinds of food and drink pictures.Lets divide them into two groups:,(1)Countable nouns(可数名词),(2)Uncountable nouns(不可数名词),Grammar Focus,(1)Countable nouns(可数名词):noodles,dumplings,cakes,eggs,hamburgers,salad,French fries,sandwiches,ice creams,hot dogs,apples,pears,bananas,grapes,strawberries,cabbages,potatoes,tomatoes,onions,oranges,chickens(2)Uncountable nouns(不可数名词):rice,meat,beef,pork,chicken,fish,green tea,salad,mutton,broccoli,porridge,soup,juice,cabbage,Grammar Focus,Discuss,Which do you think is healthy food?Which is junk food(垃圾食品)?,?,?,Make a survey:What do you like?,I like,and I dont like,or because.He/She likes,He/She doesnt like because.,Give a report like this:,Name,1、为家人设计一份营养、健康的早、中、晚餐,并说明理由。2、第二课时课前准备:通过看书或到附近的面馆考察搜集资料,画出几种面的碗型及所加菜料(图片要一张一张地画出来,以便在课堂上为同伴制作面条时可以随时粘贴),并在图画下面写上英文单词。,Homework,教学内容:(Section A1a-2c),Period 2,课时目标:掌握词汇Id=I world;hed=he would;special,large,size.2.巩固前一课时所学词汇。2.学会电话采访及订面条。,Apple round,apple red.Apple juicy,apple sweet.Apple apple,I love you.Apple sweet,I love to eat.,Warming up:English song,(用简单易学的英语歌曲,调动起全班学生的学习热情),What would you like?What kind of vegetables/meat/fruit would you like?Id like some,Learn,(单词融入句型中巩固学习,培养学生在语境中理解、识记单词),Memory Game,Make a sentence:Id like.noodles.,beefbeef potatobeef potato cabbagebeef potato cabbage muttonbeef potato cabbage mutton tomatobeef potato cabbage mutton tomato fish,完成 1a,a,g,d,e,f,b,What kind of noodles would you like?,Id like beef noodles.,beef and tomato noodles.,chicken and cabbage noodles.,mutton and potato noodles.,Special 1,Special 2,Special 3,Many kinds of noodles,large,medium bowl,small bowl,different s,What size bowl of noodles is it?Its a.,bowl,size,What kind of noodles are they?They are.What size bowl of noodles is it?Its a.,Guessing game,large,medium,large,small,Game time.,Please describe(描述)the noodles(size,kind).,A small bowl of beef and tomato noodles.,A large bowl of mutton and onion noodles.,A large bowl of chicken and tomato noodles.,A small bowl of beef and onion noodles.,Id like a bowl of noodles,(1)Id like,and(2)(3)noodles,please.(4)Id like a bowl.(5)Id like and noodles,(6)(7)please.,large,chicken,potato,cabbage,medium,beef,tomato,Telephone ordering noodles(Work in pairs),完成任务所需要的语言:,1.-What would you like?-I would like a bowl of noodles.2.-What kind of noodles would you like?-I would like cabbage and beef noodles.3.-What size bowl of noodles would you like?-Id like a small/medium/large bowl,please.,-What kind of food would he/she/they like?-He/She/They would like(Hed/Shed/Theyd like),Guessing Game,(采取比赛的形式,提高学生的学习兴趣和参与意识),What do poor(穷的)people eat?What would they like to eat?What should we do?,Discuss,Please give the right order(顺序):,A:What kind of noodles do you have?B:Can I help you?C:We have small,medium and large bowls.D:Ok,Id like mutton and potato noodles,please.E:We have beef,chicken,mutton,cabbage,potato,tomato.F:What kind of noodles would you like?G:Sure.And what size would you like?H:Id like some noodles,please.I:Oh,a medium bowl,please.J:What sizes do you have?,Read this dialogue:,A:Can I help you?B:Id like some noodles,please.A:What kind of noodles would you like?B:What kind of noodles do you have?A:We have beef,chicken,mutton,cabbage,potato,tomato.B:Ok,Id like mutton and potato noodles,please.A:Sure.And what size would you like?B:What sizes do you have?A:We have small,medium and large.B:Oh,a medium bowl,please.,Make a survey,Id like.because.(Hed/Shed like because),Give a report like this:,(可设计问题:What kind of noodles would you like?What size bowl of noodles would you like?Why?),Homework,第三课时课前准备:通过看书或到附近的面馆考察搜集资料,画出几种面的碗型及所加菜料(图片要一张一张地画出来,以便在课堂上为同伴制作面条时可以随时粘贴),并在图画下面写上英文单词。,教学内容:(Section A3a-Section B 2c),课时目标:复习、巩固本单元所学词汇。2.能模仿生活场景编排点菜、就餐等对话。,Period 3,Warming up:Noodle Jazz What would you like?What would you like?Noodles,noodles.Id like noodles.What kind of noodles?What kind of noodles?Beef and potato,beef and potato.A medium bowl of beef and potato noodles.,Let the students make their own food jazz.,(以说唱的形式复习上节课的主要句型,并让学生编写自己的food jazz,不一样的复习形式,将引起学生极大的学习兴趣),Cook,操作建议:,1.一名学生拿出画好的图片,其他组员轮流大声读出图片下面的单词。2.全班活动,一名学生说出面条的碗型及菜料,其他学生举起相应的图片。3.小组活动,一名学生说出自己想要的面条的碗型及菜料,其他学生为他/她制作“面条”(把图片粘贴在一起即可)。4.全班活动,各组代表轮流汇报同伴想吃的面条的碗型及菜料,并出示做好的“面条”。评出“最佳厨师奖”,作品放入档案袋。,Task1:,完成任务所需要的语言:,1.I/He/She would like a small/medium/large bowl of noodles.2.I/He/She would like beef noodles.3.Id like cabbage and onions,please.4.I/He/She would like a small bowl of noodles cabbage and onions.,Task:Do Section A 3a,A,C,E,B,Task:Discuss and learn,Where can we eat noodles?Would you like to eat here?Why?Where else?,(创设情境,鼓励学生参与讨论),Do Section A 3a.,Before Food Festival:Design your food house,Food Festival,-Id like.-What kind of would you/he like?-What size bowl/glass of would you like?-What else would you like?-How many/much would you like?,On Food Festival:Order food,Act in groups or pairs as the waiter(服务员)and the customers(顾客).,Task 2:Role play,Welcome to Can I help you?This way,please.Heres the menu.What kind of would you like?What size would you like?Is that all?Wait a minute,please Id like Id like a table for two.How much is it,please?,Useful expressions,Task:,Task:Listen again and fill in the order form on page 82.,15 Peace Road,3982845,Chicken,fish and cabbage.,16 mutton and carrol dumplings.,Tomato soup.,One large green tea.,One small orange juice.,Welcome.Can I help you?/What can I do for you?May I have a menu,please?Do you have a menu in Chinese?Would you like something to drink before dinner?May I order,please?What would you like?Do you have todays special?Could you tell me how to eat this?Id like,please.May I have,please.This is not what I ordered.Check,please.麻烦请结帐。How much are they?Thank you a lot.Welcome.,完成任务所需要的语言:,Homework:准备课本短剧表演 A:Make up a conversation about ordering noodles;Do Section A 3a.B:Make up a conversation about other food.,任务具有趣味性,拓展性和挑战性,可以使学生充分运用自己的创造力,审美观,艺术和感觉,整个学习过程充满了灵感和智慧。,(分层次作业,鼓励有能力的学生学会利用词典来增加 词汇量。),Homework,收集英语广告词(可能的话自己试着设计一份。),Good to the last drop 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡),Just do it.只管去做。(耐克运动鞋),The taste is great.味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡),Lets make things better.让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子),Poetry in motion,dancing close to me动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车),Impossible made possible 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机),教学内容:(Section B 3a Self check),课时目标:学会写宣传广告。,Period 4,Task:Come on!Show yourself!(about all kinds of food),课文短剧表演赛:评出最佳表演奖、最佳口语奖、最佳编剧奖,(培养学生的自学能力、表演能力 和与他人合作的能力),Task:Get ready for a party.,Today is my birthday,would you like to come to my birthday party?Please help me get ready for it.1.Make a food list.,2.Go shopping for the party.Make up dialogues about shopping,Food,drinks,fruit or the things you would like.,Task:Help teacher finish the ad.Discuss and fill in the blanks.(3a,3b),cabbage,Orange juice,soup,dumplings,have,specials,banana,apple,ice cream,medium,orange juice,green tea,Make a survey,What kind of food would you like?,特别提醒:千万别忘 了介绍你店的特点。Special 1 is.Special 2 is,House,Ad,评出最佳广告创意奖,并展示他们的成果。放入档案袋。,Task:Workers wanted,一家新开张的饭店要招聘员工,要求编写食物广告。学生自己组合搭配,设计广告。评出最佳广告创意奖,并展示他们的成果。,(话题由课本知识向实际生活延伸,进一步鼓励学生发挥自己的想象力和主观能动性,体现语言的实用原则。),Homework:1、完成Self check.2、我们班准备在学校举办一个美食节,请你策划一遍宣传书。开头如下:,Dear friend,We are going to have a food festival.,We have great specials,Task:Discussion,Im a Chinese.I like to eat at home or in a Chinese food restaurant.Would you like to eat at home or eat out?Why?Where else?,课外拓展,Thats all!Thank you for enjoying it!,