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    信息管理与信息系统专业英语Unit3Introduction to MIS,ERP&SCR-Part II(ERP)Part III(SCR),Part II-ERP,In this session,we will cover the following parts:ERPEnterprise Resource PlanningA brief history introduction of ERP-ERP历史简介Definition of ERPWhy use ERP?Advantages(优势)and disadvantages(劣势)of ERPSCR Supply Chain Revolution(To read by yourself),Part II-ERP,Vocabulary:logistics-n 物流,后勤replenishment-n 补给,补充consistency-n 一致性integration-n 整合性piecemeal-n 逐个完成的functionality-n 功能性module-n 模块embed-v 植入merger-n 合并,归并interface-n 分界面,界面processor-n 信息处理机configure-n 配置,设定,Part II-ERP,Vocabulary:Economies of scale规模经济Run-time-运行时间Millennium Bug-千年虫Supply chain-供应链Enterprise resource planning-企业资源规划Customer relationship management-客户关系管理,Part II-ERP,A brief history introduction of ERP MRP(Material Requirements Planning)evolved from the 1960s need to manage demand and ordering.物料需求规划系统是由上世纪60年代管理和订货的需要逐步发展而来的。MRP II was developed in the 1970s to bring both demand and time phasing of the demand into the planning process.上世纪70年代发展起来的 MRP 二代,它的规划流程中包含了总体需求和局部某一期间段的需求。,Part II-ERP,A brief history introduction of ERP At the same time,Accounting Management solutions gain strength.ERP,developed from earlier MRPII systems,were also integrated with financial applications to provide a complete solution to a company for managing their inventory,cash and people resources.同时,它加强了财务管理措施。由早期的MRPII 系统发展起来的ERP,它集成了财务应用功能,为企业提供了一整套管理账目(库存),资金和人力资源的解决方案。,Part II-ERP,A brief history introduction of ERP Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP)is born in the early 1960s from a joint effort between J.I.Case,the manufacturer of tractors and other construction machinery,and partner IBM.上世纪六十年代早期,在生产牵引机和其它的工程机械的制造商-J.I.Case及其合作伙伴IBM合作开发下,第一个ERP系统诞生了。,Part II-ERP,A brief history introduction of ERP Material Requirements Planning or MRP is the initial effort.This application software serves as the method for planning and scheduling materials for complex manufactured products 这个应用软件可以被看作是一种系统(MRP系统可以被用作一种方法),它的基本功能是规划和管理用于制造复杂产品的原材料。,Part IIERP-Definition of ERP,A brief introduction of ERP ERP modules may be able to interface with an organizations own software with varying degrees of effort,and,depending on the software,视软件情况而定,ERP 模块能够不同程度地与组织机构拥有的软件进行接口。,Part IIERP-Definition of ERP,A brief introduction of ERP An ERP system can include software for manufacturing,order entry,accounts receivable and payable,general ledger,purchasing,warehousing,transportation and human resources。一个ERP系统应包含如下软件功能块:制造业务,订单录入,收款和付款账目,总体分类账目,原料购买,仓库业务,交通运输和人力资源。,Part IIERP-Definition of ERP,Definition of ERP Enterprise resource planning(ERP)system is one of the major software components(组件)of logistics(物流)information systems,is an integrated information system that serves all departments within an enterprise.ERP系统是物流信息系统的主要的软件组件之一,是一个服务于企业内部各部门的集成信息系统。,Part IIERP-Definition of ERP,Definition of ERP ERP implies the use of packaged software rather than proprietary software written for one customer.ERP使用的是套装软件,但这些软件不是为某一个顾客而开发的专用软件。,Part IIERP-Definition of ERP,Why/how questions?why using/developing ERP?()What are advantages and disadvantages of ERP?,Part IIERP-Rationale for ERP implementation,Why developing ERP?When firms introduced extensive(大量)computing to control and monitor operations and financials in the early 1970s,much of the development was completed piecemeal(一块一块地).在20世纪七十年代初,当公司引入大量计算技术来控制和监控经营和财务情况时,大部分开发是逐步完成的。The financial and accounting systems were typically introduced(引进)first,followed by some type of sales and order management system.首先引进的是财务和会计系统,接着是一些的销售和订单管理系统。,Part IIERP-Rationale for ERP implementation,Why developing ERP?When additional functionality was needed,other applications were developed or purchased.当需要其它功能时,就需要开发或购买其它的应用系统。These added modules frequently used inconsistent processes,conflicting assumption,and redundant data.这些添加的模块经常使用不协调的进程,冲突假设,和冗余数据。,Part IIERP-Rationale for ERP implementation,Why developing ERP?In some cases functional systems were developed internally by the firm to fit internal work processes.The result was a series of legacy systems that incorporated(包含)much of the firms history regarding processes and information but was unique in terms of(就.而言)processes,capabilities,and features.在一些情况下,公司开发功能系统来适应内部工作流程。结果是留下了一系列的遗留系统,这些系统包含了公司的发展史和公司信息,但就其流程,能力和特征而言又是独有的。,Part IIERP-Rationale for ERP implementation,Why developing ERP?Since processing and storage hardware were often very expensive at the time these legacy systems were introduced,their developers often used sophisticated(精密的)and complex programming techniques to minimize storage and run-time requirements.在引进这些遗留系统的时候,由于存储和处理硬件通常很贵,因此他们的开发人员通常采用即复杂而又精密的编程技术来最小化存储和运行时候的硬件要求。,Part IIERP-Rationale for ERP implementation,Why developing ERP?As an example,many of these legacy systems included programs with the Year 2000 Millennium(一千年)Bug(Y2K)embedded(嵌入)into the operation logic.举一个例子:许多旧系统都有嵌入到操作逻辑的千年虫程序。By only storing two digits of the year,less disk storage was required to store dates,thus reducing the cost of the technology.由于只存储年份的两位数,要求较少的磁盘空间存储日期,从而大大减少了技术成本。,Part IIERP-Rationale for ERP implementation,Why developing ERP?This combination of events relating to legacy systems along with the availability of relatively inexpensive information-storage technology caused firms to reinvest in their enterprise systems during the 1990s.And firms were also looking to enhance their internal integration.遗留系统与相对便宜的信息存储技术的结合导致了企业在上世纪90年代重新投资建设企业系统。同时企业也寻求加强内部系统的整合。,Part IIERP-Rationale for ERP implementation,Why developing ERP?ERP systems can provide firms with information consistency,economies of scale,and integration.ERP系统能够给企业带来信息一致性,规模经济效益,和整合性。,Part IIERP-Consistency,ERP Advantages Information Consistency As discussed earlier,many firms or divisions of firms developed legacy systems to meet their own specific requirements and processes.This was also true for international divisions as the firm extended markets and operations globally.如前所述,许多公司及其分支机构开发了这些遗留系统来满足公司自己的特殊的需求及流程。对于那些拓展全球市场和运作的国际部门而言这也是事实。,Part IIERP-Consistency,ERP Advantages Information Consistency Similarly,the many mergers that occurred during the 1980s and 1990s brought together firms with incompatible legacy systems.The result was many different systems that provided different and,in many cases,inconsistent processing.于此类似,许多发生在20世纪八十年代到九十年代之间的企业收购和合并(的类似情况)给企业带来了遗留系统不兼容的麻烦。导致许多不同的系统在许多情况下提供了不一样或不一致的处理方法或流程。,Part IIERP-Consistency,ERP Advantages-Information Consistency Thus the first major ERP objective is to create a system that utilizes consistent data and processes for firm regions and divisions globally.In the typical application,the data is resident in a common data warehouse that can be accessed globally.因此,ERP的第一个主要目标就是建立一个系统,此系统使企业各个地区的分支机构能够使用一致的数据和流程。在典型的应用中,数据存储在一个能够被全球访问的通用数据库中。,Part IIERP-Consistency,ERP Advantages-Information Consistency In addition,the data can be modified with appropriate security and controls using transactions available in multiple languages.The transactions to initiate a specific supply chain activity are implemented using common assumptions and timing*.另外,使用多语言处理,数据能够在恰当的安全和控制下被修改。运用通用假设和定时,实现了处理典型供应链活动的交易。,Part IIERP-Consistency,ERP Advantages-Information Consistency Likewise(similarly),consistent processes allow global customers to use the same order entry procedure,for example,regardless of where they enter the order.Such a unified perspective offers senior management a consistent integrated view of the firm and operating management.同样,一致的过程允许全球顾客使用同一个订单录入程序,例如,不必在意在那儿输入订单。这种统一标准使得高级管理层对公司及其经营管理有一个持续的整体的了解。,Part IIERP-Economies of scale,ERP Advantages-Economies of scale(demands)As firms merged and expanded globally,management made increasing demands to take advantage of global scale economies through resource rationalization(使.合理化).当公司全球合并与扩张时,管理层增加了通过使资源合理化来实现规模经济优势的需求。,Part IIERP-Economies of scale,ERP Advantages-Economies of scale(demands)Similarly,customers began looking for suppliers that could provide product globally using consistent system capabilities and interfaces to take advantage of scale economies.同样,顾客开始寻找能够使用一致的系统功能和界面在全球范围内提供产品,从而利用规模经济性的供应商。,Part IIERP-Economies of scale,ERP Advantages-Economies of scale(2ways)ERP offers firms potential economies of scale in several ways.First,a single centralized processor or network of decentralized processors with common configured hardware offers the potential for substantial procurement*and maintenance scale economies.首先,一个单一的中央(集中)处理器或者具备通用(常用)硬件配置的分散处理器的网络,提供了强大获取和维护规模经济的潜力。,Part IIERP-Economies of scale,ERP Advantages-Economies of scale(2ways)Second,the centralized ERP approach increases the potential for a multidivisional firm to implement shared resources and services across divisions or even regions.The ability to review the production,storage,or transportation resource requirements of multiple divisions in the common system increases the potential for sharing of critical resources.第二,集中化的ERP方法提高了跨国(多分支机构)公司实现内部各部门和各地区共享资源的机会(潜能)。这种在共用系统中检查多个部门生产,存储,运输资源需求的功能(能力),增强对重要(关键)资源共享的潜力。,Part IIERP-Integration,ERP Advantages-Integration The final ERP benefit is enhanced system integration both within the firm and enterprise and between suppliers and customers.Internal integration results from(happen as an result)a common integrated database and implementation of common processes across divisions and regions.ERP 最后的好处是在公司内、企业内以及供应商和客户之间的系统整合性增强。内部整合起因于共同的完整的数据库和跨部门和跨地区共同过程的实施。,Part IIERP-Integration,ERP Advantages-Integration Typical Common processes included in ERP are order entry,order processing,warehouse management,invoicing,and accounting.包括在ERP中的典型通用流程有订单录入,订单处理,仓库管理,发票业务和做账业务。Such commonality(共性)offers the capability to merge processes and provides major customers with a common and consistent interface with(including)the firm.这种共性提供合并流程,并为主要顾客与公司提供一个共同一致的界面。,Part IIERP-Integration,ERP Advantages-Integration Such integration also results in standard financial practices across business units.The standardized interfaces offered by many ERP systems also facilitate external communication with supply Chain partners.这样的整合也导致了跨业务部门的标准财务制度的实行。由许多ERP系统提供的标准的界面还使得与供应链伙伴的外部联系变得容易。,Part IIERP-Integration,ERP Advantages-Integration A new generation of ERP systems is evolving to provide additional integration particularly with customers.新一代的ERP系统正在不断发展以提供额外的整合,尤其是与客户的整合。,Part IIERP-Integration,ERP Advantages-Integration These systems,identified as ERPII,integrate tradition ERP along with a Customer Relationship Management(CRM)system to better integrate the requirement of key customers with the firms supply chain plans.这些系统被称为ERP二代,把客户关系系统与传统的ERP整合起来,从而更好地把公司的供应链计划与关键客户的需求整合在一起。,Exercises,1)Describe the rationale for ERP implementation.2)How does ERP offer firms potential economies of scale?3)What makes internal integration possible?4)What is the major improvement offered by ERPII?,Any Questions or Comments?,If you have any comments and worth suggestions,please do not hesitate to contact with me by mobile message or email.Dont forget your exercises!Next session,we will mention the rest parts of MIS.Bye-Bye,


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