,Unit 19WHISTLE-BLOWERS,P.297Par 1The pluralist theory of powerTransparency and accountability透明度,责任制.Citizens have the right to be informed about the way in which the country is being governed.,P.298Par 1The elite theory of powerA small group of people can control and manipulate resources,ideas,and information to stay in power.,P.297Par 2 and 3The elite might be a political,economic or knowledge elite.,P.297Par 3Ordinary people may be uninformed,politically passive,and easily distracted from key issues.,P.298Par 5Why was the role of the government increased from the 1880s to the 1980s?1.Expansion of education,health,and social welfare services2.Social security programs3.Regulation of business4.More complex legal systems,P.298Par 7A move away from“interventionism”.Rejection of“mixed economny”to a“competitive state”从混合经济到竞争经济,P.299Par 2Changes1.financial deregulation2.privatization of public services3.end of centralized wage fixing4.cuts in public sector,P.299Par 5Contradiction of bureaucracy and citizenship:Minister:appointed by prime minister,or elected,not experts,at a disadvantageDepartment heads:appointed and promoted as experts,experienced,P.200Par 1Lack of clarity between policy decision-making and administrative decision-making部长:政策局长、处长:执行办法Example:Reduce domestic violence,P.200Par 4A relatively inexperienced minister may be influenced through his Head of Departments administrative expertise.,P.300Par 5 bureaucratic ascendancy权力集中Contradiction between bureaucracy and citizenshipThe search for equality of the redistributive kind breeds bureacracy;bureaucracy breeds authority;and autority undermines the equality which bred it.,P.301Par 1-4 A study of power1.Fathers of elite persons have high social status;2.Three core elite groups:politicians,public servants,businessmen;3.The three groups disagreed among themselves.,P.301Par 5Self-recruiting elite:They are the same in:maintaining their power.,P.301Par 7 Recent changesMinisters appoint their own expert advisers;The bureaucratic authority gained through permanency has been undermined.,P.302Par 2The tension between democracy and bureaucracy has not really disappeared.,P.302Par 6 Whistle-blowerExperts or common people who try to expose problems within the government.,P.303Par 3Elite theorists conceptualize ordinary people as an ill-informed mass,-easily swayed by media distortions of political information.,P.303Par 4 Examples of whistle-blowersNurses:mistreatment of patients;Intelligence officer:wrong interpretation of information;Army officer:wrong doings in East Timor,P.304Par 1-2How are the whistle-blowers treated?IgnoredVilifiedHarassedDemotedDenigrated,P.304Par 3Thus,the recurring patterns of bureaucratic responses to whistle-blowers would indicate some support for the elitist theory,as the whistle-blower syndrome makes it difficultfor people to accomplish their reponsibilities as citizens.,Unit 20RACISM AND PLURALISM,P.311Par 1Australia from outright racism to current multiculturalism,P.312Par 1Where did most immigrants come from during the middle of the 19th century?,P.312Par 2-4Who were subjected to most serious discrimination in the 19th century?,P.312Par 5What is the White Australia Policy?Why was Welsh or Gaelic used?,P.313Par 1By 1947,about how many people had British background?,P.313Par 2What is“assisted migration”?Who were“assisted”?,P.313Par 6Why were a series of non-discriminatory programs introduced?,P.314Par 1-3What does“multiculturalism”mean?(culture,social justice,economy),P.314Par 5Why did Pauline Hanson oppose multiculturalism?,P.314Par 5Why did Pauline Hanson oppose multiculturalism?,P.314Par 8Why did the left side also criticize multipluralist programs?,P.316Par 1-3What are the first 3 stages in the relationship between the colonizers and the Peoples of the Dreaming?Expropriation,segregation,assimilation,P.316Par 5What name did the colonizers give the native people?,P.317Par 1What was the 4th stage in the colonizer-native relationship?,P.317Par 2Why did the 100 Koori people demonstrate?,P.317Par 5In 1946,what was the result of the Aboriginal stockmens strike?,P.318Par 2What was the cause of the Gurindji peoples strike?,P.318Par 3What was“white support”?,P.319Par 4-5Who was Mabo?What was“terra nulius”?Why was the Mabo case of great significance?,P.320Par 6Is there still social inequality for the native people in Australia?,P.321Par 3-4What is“double consciousness”?,P.322Par 3What is the history war?Par 4Tanaka Masaaki田中正明,P.322Par 5What is Keith Windschuttles opinion?,