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    Test Three,Part Listening Comprehension Section A(12 points)Directions:In this section,you will hear 12 short conversations.At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D),and decide which is the best answer.,1.A.In a theatre.B.At a railway station.C.In a hospital.D.In a reading-room.2.A.At 5:30.B.At 5:00.C.At 4:30.D.At 4:15.3.A.Librarian.B.Book seller.C.Door-keeper.D.Publisher.4.A.Brother and sister.B.Shop assistant and her manager.C.Waiter and customer.D.Waitress and customer.5.A.He attended a meeting.B.He fell asleep.C.He had a party with his friends.D.He went to a concert.,本页参考答案:C B A D B,全文播放,Test Three,6.A.The woman dislikes both apartments.B.The woman likes both apartments.C.The woman likes this apartment better.D.The woman likes the apartment they saw last week better.7.A.The man cant read her book.B.She forgot where she put the book.C.The book is not available.D.The man can read her book.8.A.He felt rather uncomfortable before the class.B.He found it very easy to give a presentation.C.He was interested in giving his presentation.D.He was feeling sick when he gave his presentation.9.A.She can get the tickets if she wants.B.She doesnt think there are any more tickets.C.She thinks there are a few tickets.D.There are some seats for the people.10.A.The woman likes fishing.B.The woman doesnt care about the experiment.C.He doesnt want the woman to do her experiment.D.He is not good at fishing.11.A.He will repeat his name.B.He will wait for the manager of the company.C.He will leave at once with no more words.D.He will argue with the woman.12.A.He boarded the wrong plane.B.He missed the plane.C.His flight was delayed.D.The meeting was canceled.,本页参考答案:C D A B B A D,Lead-in Listening,Section B(10 points)Directions:In this section,you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the first time,you should listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 1 to 8 with the exact words you have just heard.For blanks numbered from 9 to 11 you are required to fill in the missing information.For these blanks,you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words.Finally,when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you have written.,Test Three,Faces,like fingerprints,are unique.Did you ever(1)_ how it is possible for us to recognize people?Even a skilled writer probably could not(2)_all the features that make one face different from another.Yet a very young child or even an animal,such as a pigeon can learn to recognize faces.We all take this ability for(3)_.We also tell people apart by how they(4)_.When we talk about someones personality,we mean the ways in which he or she(5)_,speaks,thinks and feels that make that individual different from others.Like the human face,human personality is very(6)_.But describing someones personality in words is(7)_ easier than describing his face.If you were asked to describe what a“nice face”looked like,you probably would have a difficult time doing so.But if you were asked to describe a“nice person,”you might begin to think about someone who was kind,considerate,(8)_,warm,and so forth.There are many words to describe how a person thinks,feels and acts.An American psychologist found that nearly 18,000 English words are used to describe differences in peoples behavior.And(9)_.Actors in early Greek drama wore masks to show the audience whether they played the villains(坏人)or the heros role.In fact,the words“person”and“personality”come from Latin,meaning“mask”.Today,(10)_.But we can easily tell the“good guys”from the“bad guys”(11)_.,Test Three,wonder,describe,granted,behave,acts,complex,somewhat,friendly,people have always tried to“type”each other,most television and movie actors do not wear masks,because the two types differ in appearance as well as in actions,Test Three,Part II Reading Comprehension(30 points)Directions:There are 4 passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice.Passage One Sam was an old farmer.He was born on his farm and had lived on it all his life.He had married his neighbors daughter,and they grew fruit and vegetables.Sam got up at five oclock every morning to gather them and take a load of them to market in his old truck.There were very few vehicles(车辆)on the country roads at that time of the morning,and Sam knew how to get to the market very well,so as he was going along,he was always thinking about everything except his driving.One morning he was thinking about what crops to plant for the next years harvest,and whether to try something else.A lot of other farmers were planting the same things which he produced,so the prices in the market were coming down and he was getting less money.,Test Three,After a few kilometers,Sam came to a place where the small road which went in the direction of the market crossed a bigger one,and he continued over it without stopping.He always crossed the big road like that,because there was never any traffic on it at that time of the morning,so there was no fear of having an accident,and anyway he was always in a hurry,because he wanted to get to the market in time for its opening.But this morning a young policeman whom he had never seen before signaled to him to stop a hundred metres beyond the crossroads.Sam stopped beside the policeman,and the policeman said to him,“Didnt you know that there is a sign telling you to stop at the crossroads before going over the main road?”“Oh,yes,”answered Sam,“I knew that there was a sign at that point,because I got to the market along this road every morning.But what I unfortunately didnt know was that you were here.”1.Sam lived on a farm and _.A.he had one daughter B.he grew fruit and vegetables C.he always planted the same crops D.now he planned to sell his farm as he was making less money,B,Test Three,2.Which of the following is true?A.Someone came to collect Sams crops every morning.B.People came to his farm from different places to buy his crops.C.Every morning Sam drove his truck to the market to sell his crops.D.Sam didnt quite know the way to the market.3.From the passage we can see that _.A.Sam would decide what to plant next according to the market B.Sam had a good harvest this year C.Sam was so disappointed that he might not plant any crops next year D.Sam made a good fortune from his crops4.Sam was supposed to stop at the crossroads,but he didnt as _.A.he thought there was never any traffic on the road early in the morning B.this was his usual practice C.he wanted to get to the market before it opened D.all of the above5.That morning,on the way to the market Sam _.A.came across an old friend B.was stopped by a policeman C.had an accident D.had to stop because his crops fell onto the road,C,A,D,B,Test Three,Passage Two Buck liked to lie by the fire,looking at the burning wood.Sometimes he thought about Mr.Millers house in California.More often he remembered the man in the red coat and his club,the death of Curly,the fight with Spitz,and the good things that he had eaten.But sometimes he remembered other things.These were things that he remembered through his parents,and his parents parents,and all the dogs which had lived before him.Sometimes as he lay there,he seemed to see,in a waking dream,a different fire.And he saw next to him,not the Indian cook,but another man,a man with shorter legs,and longer arms.This man had long hair and deep eyes,and made strange noises in his throat.He was very frightened of the dark,and looked around him all the time,holding a heavy stone in his hand.He wore the skin of an animal on his back,and Buck could see thick hair all over his body.Buck sat by the fire with this hairy man,and in the circling darkness beyond the fire he could see many eyesthe eyes of hungry animals waiting to attack.And he growled softly in his dream until the Indian cook shouted,“Hey,Buck,wake up!”Then the strange world disappeared and Bucks eyes saw the real fire again.,Test Three,6.This passage mainly concerns _.A.Bucks warming himself by the fire B.Bucks relation to the Indian cook C.Bucks wakening instinct about his ancestors D.Bucks way of killing time7.A waking dream is _.A.a day dream B.a surprising dream C.a sleep-ending dream D.an exciting dream8.What he did not recall was _.A.the man in the red coat and his club B.the holes he dug to sleep in C.Mr.Millers home in California D.the fight with Spitz9.“This man”in the waking dream is _.A.a modern man B.a superman C.a timid man D.a primitive man10.The meaning of the waking dream is that _.A.Buck likes day dreaming B.Buck is stepping closer to call of the wild C.Buck finds comfort in dreams by escaping the harsh reality D.Buck is worried about his future,C,A,B,D,B,Test Three,Passage Three I dont often lose things and Im especially careful with money,so I was quite surprised when I reached for my wallet and it wasnt there.At first,I thought it was possible that I could have left it at home.Then I remembered taking it out to pay for the taxi,so I knew I had it with me just before I walked into the restaurant.I wondered if it was possible that it could have slipped out of my pocket while I was eating dinner.Thinking about that possibility,I turned and walked back to the table where I had been sitting.Unfortunately,there were several people sitting at the table at the time,so I called a waiter and explained to him that my wallet had fallen out of my pocket while I was sitting at the table a few minutes earlier.I had the waiter go over to the table to see if my wallet was on the floor.While the waiter was looking for it,the manager of the restaurant came up to me and asked me if anything was wrong.I didnt want to get a lot of people involved in the problem,but I knew I had to get the wallet back.I told the manager what had happened.He had me describe the wallet to him,and then he insisted that I report the missing wallet to the police.I told him that I didnt particularly want to get the police involved in it;besides,I was in a hurry because I had an appointment with my doctor in just a few minutes.I explained to him that my biggest worry at the moment was how I was going to pay the check.He told me not to worry about that.He had me write down my name and address,and he said he would send me a bill.,Test Three,11.Why was the writer so sure he had brought his wallet with him?A.He remembered that he didnt leave it at home.B.He always felt his pocket for the wallet before he left home.C.He believed his own memory.D.He had taken it out to pay the taxi-driver.12.According to the passage,the writer most probably lost his wallet when _.A.he took it out to pay for the taxi B.he walked into the restaurant C.he was eating dinner D.he was ordering his dish13.Why did the writer walk back to the table where he had been sitting?A.He was sure his wallet was still there.B.It was possible that he could find his wallet there.C.He could ask someone there about his wallet.D.He saw the wallet lying on the floor near the table.14.The manager _.A.didnt appear till vary late B.didnt come at all because he was very busy C.came up pretty soon to see what had happened D.came to the table and found the wallet,D,C,B,C,Test Three,15.As the writer didnt want to get a lot of people involved in the problem,_.A.he only told the manager what had happened B.he didnt tell the manager anything C.he reported to the police immediately D.he only told the story to the manager and the waiterPassage Four Thanksgiving Day is always celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.It is the most traditional of American holidays.The first Thanksgiving was held in Massachusetts in 1621.After a year of great hardship,the Pilgrim colonists wanted to give thanks to God for their first harvest.They invited their Indian friends to join them in a big feast.Today the holiday is still celebrated as a day for giving thanks.It is a day of family reunion and it is customary to invite friends to share the meal.In some large cities,there are carnival parades for children.In other cities,there are important football games that are played on Thanksgiving Day.In my family,we always go to my grandmothers house on Thanksgiving Day.All my aunts,uncles,cousins,nephews,and nieces gather for a family homecoming.We always invite some friends to join us.Everyone is glad to see everyone else.The women soon disappear into the,Test Three,kitchen to help my grandmother prepare the dinner.The men,meanwhile,settle down to watch a football game on television or to discuss business or politics.If the weather permits,some of the more athletic men go outside to play ball with the children.At about four oclock we all sit down to dinner.My grandfather gives thanks for the blessings we have received and then he starts to carve the turkey.We always have the traditional dinner of stuffed turkey,sweet potatoes,chestnuts,and pumpkin pie.After dinner,no one can move and we all sit around and talk,play word games,or tell jokes until it is time to go home.It is always difficult to leave because Thanksgiving Day is one of the few days of the year when the entire family gets together.16.Thanksgiving Day _.A.has long been a popular holiday in the West B.became traditional in America in the 16th century C.has long been a national holiday for the Americans D.is a holiday only in a few states in the United States17.Thanksgiving Day was originally _.A.a day to give thanks to God B.a day for family members to get together C.a day of recreation for children D.a day to treat ones friends,C,A,Test Three,18.Today,Thanksgiving Day is _.A.a day of family reunion B.a national holiday C.still a day to pray to God D.all of the above19.The writer always has his Thanksgiving Day in _.A.his Daddys B.his own house C.his grandparents D.one of his friends20.Why is it so difficult to leave each other that day?A.There is so much to eat.B.People find a lot of fun that day.C.It is a day of jokes and stories.D.Its one of the few days when the entire family gets together.,D,C,D,Test three,Part Vocabulary&Structure(12 points)Directions:There are 24 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.1.His sister is talkative,but he is shy and _.A.reserved B.conversational C.conversable D.openly2.He left his job largely because he was _.A.interested B.bored C.involvedD.concerned3.Frequent cultural exchange will certainly help _ friendly relations between our two universities.A.foster B.raise C.prove D.add4.After ten years of hard labor,he _ by new hope.A.reju


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