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    TEM-4 历年语法考点,第三章 形容词和副词,形容词和副词的比较级及最高级,是对动词和名词进行两者或是三者以上比较时而进行的一种语法对比形式。在专业四级考试中,经常会出现一些需要考生特别注意的形容词和副词的特殊结构。,一、形容词1形容词常用来修饰,描述名词或代词,多用作定语、表语或补语。e.g.the former(late)husband an intimate friend He made his father angry.2-ly后缀和形容词后缀-ly常在形容词之后构成副词,但有些以-ly后缀结尾的词却是形容词,看似副词,容易混用。,这类派生词有两类:1)名词+ly=形容词e.g.brotherly,earthly,friendly,lovely等。2)形容词+ly=形容词e.g.lively,lonely,deadly,likely等。【注】有些形容词本身就带ly,如:silly,ugly,daily,chilly等,容易误用为副词。,3只作表语的形容词英语中有些形容词不能放在名词前面作定语,只能用作表语(或后置定语)一般称作表语形容词。这类形容词有两类:第一类是表示健康状况的词,如well,ill。第二类是由前缀a-构成的形容词,如:afraid,alert,alike,alive,alone,aloof,ashamed,asleep,awake,aware,等。,例如:He is well/a healthy man.()He is a well man.()She is ill/sick.()She is a sick person.()She is an ill person.()He is the only alive man in the village after the earthquake.()He is the only man alive in the village after the earthquake.(),【注】1)上述只作表语用的的形容词中,除well,ill外,大多不能同very 连用,而必须用very much.e.g.I am very much afraid of that-too high a reputation would be a burden for me.2)第二类形容词词都不能作前置定语,但当它们本身带有副词修饰时,又可作前置定语。e.g.a really alive student a somewhat afraid boy,4只能作后置定语的形容词1)形容词修饰由some-,any-,every-,no-等和-body/one/thing等组合的复合不定代词时,须后置。e.g.something newanybody present 2)某些以-able和-ible结尾的形容词作定语时常常后置。e.g.imaginable/possible/available等。,这些词作后置定语修饰名词时,名词前常可以有形容词最高级或only等限定词作为前置定语。e.g.We had the greatest difficulty imaginable.Children need the best education possible.Ill send you all the periodicals available.,3)由前缀a-构成的形容词,即上文提到的表语形容词(afloat/alike/alive/alone等),须后置修饰名词。e.g.The house ablaze was next door to him.The boat afloat was not seen by the enemy.4)在一些头衔或固定词组里,形容词需跟在名词之后。这类词组有:Attorney General 首席检察官,司法部长body politic 全体公民Poet Laureate桂冠诗人time immemorial 史前时期the president elect 当选而尚未就任的总统,5只能作前置定语的形容词1)词尾为-most的形容词,如 topmost,foremost,endmoste.g.Every profession produces its own topmost master.He is considered the foremost British artist of this century.2)词尾为-en 的过去分词形容词,如drunken,spoken,writtene.g.Drunken days have all their tomorrows.They built a robot capable of understanding spoken commands.,3)以物质名词+en构成的形容词,如earthen,golden,wooden,woolene.g.earthen banks a wooden spoona golden crown 4)一些以er结尾的形容词,如 former,latter,inner,outer,minor,upper,utter,elder等e.g.Heart disease dogged his latter years.,【注】形容词enough修饰名词时既可放在名词前,也可位于名词后。e.g.There was just enough room for two cars.There will be time enough to tell you when we meet.但enough作副词修饰形容词或副词时,应当后置。e.g.We should wait patiently before he was old enough to shave.,6 分词转化来的形容词一些形容词是由现在分词和过去分词转化而来的。它们既可充当名词修饰语,又可充当主语补语(表语)和宾语补语;可以被very或too所修饰,也可以有比较级和最高级。这类形容词化了的现在分词和过去分词用作名词修饰语时,仍保留一定的动词含义。一般说来,由及物动词的现在分词转化来的形容词往往带有主动含义;而由及物动词的过去分词转化来的形容词往往带有被动含义。,e.g.He found him to be a very promising young man.During the wedding,the emcee told us an absorbing account of their marriage.Im rather alarmed that youre planning to leave the company.Elephants are distinguished from other animals by their long noses.,7 形容词的顺序单个形容词一般位于所修饰的名词之前,形容词词组一般位于所修饰语之后。特定种类的形容词或特定情况下的形容词作定语时要后置。,1)前置修饰语的排列顺序英语中当不同种类的形容词用来修饰同一名词时,其排列顺序大致如下:a.可以置于冠词前的形容词(all/both/such)b.冠词、指示形容词、所有格形容词、不定形容词(a/an/the/this/those/your/his/our/any/some)c.基数词(one/two/three);序数词(first/second/third)d.表示性质、状态、质量的形容词(good/ugly/sweet/useful)e.表示大小、长短、形状的形容词(big/long/small/square/round),f.表示年龄、新旧、温度的形容词(young/new/old/cold/hot)g.表示颜色的形容词(red/white/black)h.表示国籍、产地、区域的形容词(Chinese/American/British)i.表示材料、用作形容词的名词(iron/silk/stone/fuel)j.动名词、分词(floating/hand-made),这些高大年轻的美国警察these tall young American policemen美丽的古老欧洲大教堂城市the beautiful old European cathedral cities所有十个年轻力壮的中国男学生all the ten strong young Chinese boy students头三幢既漂亮又宽敞的陈旧英式红石头农场房子the first three fine big old red English stone plantation houses,二、副词1副词的功能修饰动词、形容词、其他副词、介词短语或全句。2带ly的副词和不带ly的副词的应用有时不带ly的副词往往用在直接和具体的场合,带ly 的副词往往用在抽象的场合。e.g.climb high 攀到高处(具体)highly developed 高度发展的(抽象);follow close紧跟(具体)closely related to密切相关(抽象)。,常见的类似副词还有:clean/cleanlydead/deadlydirect/directlytight/tightlysharp/sharplyslow/slowlyfirm/firmlyfair/fairlysure/surelyloud/loudlydeep/deeplynear/nearly 等。,3几种副词同时使用时的顺序1)地点副词时间副词;方式副词时间副词;方式副词地点副词时间副词(有时时间副词也可放在句首)。e.g.She sang beautifully in the hall last night.(方式地点时间)Yesterday,they worked very hard in the fields.(时间方式地点),2)具体的笼统的,小的大的。e.g.I saw the program at ten oclock yesterday evening.(确切的时间笼统的时间)He is used to taking a walk for an hour or so every day in the evening.(持续时间频度时间某一时间)They ate in a Chinese restaurant in London.(小地点大地点),3)run/go/drive+地点副词方式副词时间副词。e.g.He drove to the bank hurriedly after lunch.(地点方式时间)【注】两个方式副词一起连用时,通常是短的在前,长的在后。e.g.Maria spoke slowly and sensibly.,4.频度副词在句中的位置频度副词always/usually/constantly/continually/often/frequently/occasionally/periodically/sometimes/once/ever/never/rarely/seldom等在句中的位置与动词有无助动词或情态动词有关。通常有以下几种情况:1)句中无助动词或情态动词时,一般位于动词be之后、行为动词之前。e.g.Pauls always good for a laugh(=always amusing).It always protects,always trusts,always hopes,always perseveres.,2)句中有助动词或情态动词时,通常位于第一助动词或情态动词之后。e.g.This right will usually be given to the injured party.We must be constantly alert to this danger.3)在简短回答或省略句中,助动词、系动词或情态动词单独使用时,这些副词要放在助动词、系动词或情态动词之前。e.g.Islay is seldom visited by tourists,is it?No,it seldom is.,5程度副词在句中的位置程度副词almost/completely/considerably/definitely/deeply/extremely/fairly/greatly/hardly/just/much/nearly/partly/quite/rather/terribly/scarcely/so/very等,一般位于它所修饰的形容词、副词之前。程度副词enough要放在它所修饰的形容词、副词之后。e.g.Im awfully sorry to bother you so late.This is an extremely difficult and dangerous thing to do.Youre not big enough for basketball,6.also/too/either的用法also/too/either都表示“也”,一般来说,also放在句中(be动词后或实义动词前),too和either放在句末,而too用于肯定句,either用于否定句。e.g.A brilliant linguist,he was also interested in botany.She is a grown woman,and a strong one too.It wont do any harm,but wont really help either.,【注】1)as well(as)=in addition(to),“除外,同,和,也,并”。e.g.a shop that sold books as well as newspapers.The museum provides hours of fun and a few surprises as well.2)much too作为副词短语修饰形容词或副词,不修饰名词。e.g.Youre walking much too fastIts much too cold outside,8more of a/as much of a及less of a的用法与名词连用的more of a意为“更像,堪称”as much of a 意为“称得上”less of a相当于“算不上”。e.g.Are you more of a follower or a leader?The sayingisas much of a truth as ever.It seems less of a threat than Id expected.,9 A is to B what X is to Y,这个句型意为:A之于B犹如X之于Y。本句型的变体有:A is to B as X is to Y.A is to B what X is to Y.As X is to Y,so is A to B.What X is to Y,that is A to B.What X is to Y,A is to B.As X stands for Y,so A stands for B.A stands to B as X stands to Y.A is to B the same thing as X is to Y.A is to B the relation that X is to Y.A is among B what X is among Y.,e.g.Leaves are to the plant what lungs are to the animal.叶之于植物犹如肺之于动物。As the house is to the man,so is the nest to the bird and the cave to the animal.=What the nest is to the bird and the cave to the animal,that is the house to the man.室之于人,犹如巢之于鸟,穴之于兽。Reading is to the mind what food is to the body.读书之于精神犹如粮食之于身体。,e.g.食物之于人,犹如油之于机器。Food is to men as oil is to machines.Food is to men what oil is to machines.As oil is to machines,so is food to men.What oil is to machines,that is food to men.What oil is to machines,food is to men.As oil stands for machines,so food stands for men.Food stands for men as oil stands fro machines.,Food is to men the same thing as oil is to machines.Food is to men the relation that oil is to machines.Food is among men what oil is among machines.,10成对副词词组英语中有许多常用副词词组,如:down and out,back and forth,by and by,far and near,by and large,more or less,out and out,safe and sound,sooner or later,to and fro 等,广泛应用在交际中。e.g.1)down and out 落魄,潦倒,Its a novel about living down and out in London.这是一部描写在伦敦生活落魄的小说。,2)back and forth 来回地,Dont move those flowerpots back and forth.你别来回摆弄那几盆花了。3)by and by 不久,马上Summer vacation will come by and by.暑假很快就要来到。4)far and near 到处,处处,四面八方People came from far and near to the party.人们从各处来参加聚会。,5)by and large 总的说来;大体上Mammals have,by and large,bigger brains than reptiles.总的说来,哺乳动物的脑比爬行动物大。6)more or less或多或少;在一定程度上;大约They are more or less a waste of time.这些事多少是在浪费时间。7)out and out彻底地,不折不扣地Jack was induced to part out and out with all the money.有人诱使杰克把所有的钱都花掉了。,8)safe and sound平安无事Parents are glad to see their children home safe and sound.看到孩子平安回家父母很高兴。9)sooner or later早晚;迟早Youll have to tell him sooner or later.你迟早得告诉他。10)to and fro来来往往地,往复地She cradled the baby,rocking him to and fro.她把婴儿放在摇篮里,不停地摇着。,三、形容词和副词的级有些形容词没有比较级和最高级有些形容词本身就有“极、最、完”或“独”的含义,所以也没有比较级最高级,例如:absolute/chief/entire/eternal/excellent/fatale/final/infinite/inevitable/main/naked/perfect/possible/primary/right/simultaneous/sufficient/supreme/unanimous/unique/universal/utter/vital/whole/wooden/wrong等。,2.以-ior结尾的形容词的用法有些形容词本身就含有“比年长”、“比优等”等的意思,所以没有比较级和最高级。例如:anterior(前面的),posterior(以后的),superior(较优的),inferior(较劣的),junior(年少的),senior(年长的),prior(顺序在先的)等。这些形容词后面习惯上要用介词to,而不用than。,3.同级比较用“as+原级+as(和一样地)”与“not as(so)+原级+as(不及)”的结构。在这种结构中常用almost/just/nearly或表示倍数、分数的twice/five times/ten percent 等作状语放在asas之前。e.g.The tree is almost as tall as the building.The river is twice as long as that one.,【注】当as-as与重量、数量、时间、距离、价格等名词连用时,往往并不表示比较,而是构成一个形容词词组,意为“重达-,多达-,高达-”等。e.g.The river is as deep as ten meters.Frosts often occur as late as May.,4.英语中常用的倍数表示法(1)主语+谓语+倍数(或分数)+as+adj.+as。e.g.I have three times as many as you.(2)主语+谓语+倍数(分数)+the size(amount,length)of.e.g.The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.,(3)主语+谓语+倍数(分数)+形容词(副词)比较级+than。e.g.The grain output is 8 percent higher this year than that of last year.(4)还可以用by+倍数,表示增加多少倍e.g.The production of grain has been increased by four times this year.(5)倍数+what引导的从句。e.g.His income is four times what it was five years ago.,(6).”数词+fold”表示增加到X倍或增加了X-1倍。e.g.The value of this house has increased fourfold.,5.morethan的用法可以看作是一个连词词组,表示“与其说不如说”的意思。这时,形容词或副词不用-er形式,应该用“more+原级”,这种用法也适用于lessthan结构。e.g.The typing is more neat than accurate.The man is more kind than wise.She was more the product of her family traditions than of her environment.,6.more的固定表达法有些more的固定表达法也有特定的意义,例如:1)more than 不止;2)no/nothing more than不过,仅仅;3)more than a little 十分,非常;4)more or less 大体上,或多或少;5)more often than not 经常,多半;6)whats more而且(作插入语)。,More persons than one were invited.受邀请的不止一个人。This was no more than a freak of history.这只不过是历史上的一件怪事罢了。They expected nothing more than a new-type machine.他们期望的只不过是一台新型的机器而已。I was more than a little angry when I saw how theyd ruined it.当我见到他们是怎样把它破坏时,我不禁大为愤慨。,A parliament is nothing less than a big meeting of more or less idle people.议会者,无非是多少有些懒惰的人们的大集会而已。Goodness often charms more than mere beauty.善良常比美丽更有魔力。It occurs more often in women than in men.此事更经常发生在女性身上,较少地发生在男性身上。,Whats more,the fear of seeming weak or defective makes many people reluctant to acknowledge mental and emotional distress.另外,害怕显得脆弱或有缺陷也使许多人不愿承认自己有心理和情感上的苦恼。,7.修饰比较级的程度状语 rather/still/even/(by)far/yet/a good(great)deal/lot/lots/three times等副词修饰形容词比较级,用以加深比较的程度。hardly/no/a bit/a little/slightly等是用来弱化比较级的。比较级前面有定冠词时,不能再与这些副词共同修饰。注意more不能用来修饰比较级。e.g.This restaurant is rather more expensive than that one.这家餐厅的收费比那家贵得多。,He knows even less about it than I do.他对此甚至比我知道的还少。You can stay here a little longer.你可以在停留一会儿。,She is a great deal better today.她今天身体好多了。,【注】far 与性质形容词或副词连用,far修饰比较级时,相当于much。e.g.He is able to function far better than usual.他能发挥比平常好得多的作用。A far far better thing that I do;felt far worse than yesterday;eyes far too close together.那是一件我做的非常好的事情;感觉比昨天更糟;见解很接近。,8比较级+than+any other+单数名词,此句型意为“比其他任何都还”。这是用比较级来表示最高级的同范围比较句型。也可用“比较级+than+all the other+复数名词”或“比较级+than+anyone else”来表示。e.g.约翰比班上其他的同学用功。John is more diligent than any other student in his class.=John is more diligent than all the other students in his class.=John is more diligent than anyone else in his class.,9 no+形容词或副词比较级+thanno+形容词或副词比较级+than可以表示“与同样不”的意思,和该形容词或副词意思相反。e.g.no richer than=as poor asHe is no younger than his wife.(=as old as)Tom is no wiser than John.(=as stupid as),10 cant/couldnt+谓语+比较级成对副词词组cant/couldnt+谓语+比较级,表示肯定的含义,意为“再不过,不可能更”。e.g.I cant agree more.我完全同意。(我再同意不过了。)The weather couldnt be worse.天气再坏不过了。试比较:He couldnt care more.他非常介意。He couldnt care less.他一点也不介意。,11形容词的最高级1)最高级的比较及定冠词英语里,三个或三个以上当中,才可以说最,所以在对三个或者三个以上作比较式,只可以使用形容词的最高级,而且在最高级形容词前面,应当加定冠词the,其结构是:“the+最高级形容词+介词短语(或者定语从句)”。e.g.This is the highest colour television transmitter in Asia.He is the most bothersome of the old men I met.,【注】假如最高级的形容词只是用作表语,并不和别的事物对比,这时最高级的形容词的前面,一般不加定冠词the。e.g.On the contrary,she is busiest on Sundays.,2)比较范围最高级的副词和形容词的比较应该有一个范围,这个范围通常由介词of,in,among+名(代)词构成的介词短语来表示。e.g.Miss Zhao is one of the most popular teachers in the school.Of all the students,Wang Bing reads(the)most correctly.They all came early but she came(the)earliest of all.,


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