桂林山水甲天下,Welcome to our English world.,East or west,Guilin landscape is the best.,Rebecca,Claire Holt,1.Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.,2.Every little helps a mickle.,3.Better late than never.,4.Experience must be bought.,读书养神,锻炼健身。,聚少成多,不怕慢,就怕站。,吃一堑,长一智。,5.Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.,信心为成功之始。,6.Custom makes all the things easy.,形成习惯,事事好办。,7.An idle youth,a needy age.,少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。,Group introduction,第一个人:我是忠州中学的xxx;,第二个人:我是忠州中学的xxx的旁边的石宝中学的xx;,Self-introduction,Each group choose one person to make a self-introduction,and the rest group memeber should help him or her.,hobbies,from,feelings about English,name,English is!,Do you like English?Is it difficult for you?,funny,Riddles,Riddles,1.What letter is an animal?,2.What letter is a question?,3.Whats the smallest room in the world?,4.What table can be eaten?,5.Why are dogs are afriad of sunbathe?,6.When a boy fell into water,whats the first thing he did?,7.Which eight-letter word has one letter in it?,B(bee),Y(why),mushroom,vegetable,hot dog,got wet,envelope,How do we study English?,习惯与要求:,1.课前预习,课后复习2.上课要五到:心、耳、口、手、眼3.大声阅读4.作业本一套:听写本、练习本、作文本、笔记本、错题本5.字典6.三省吾身:单词记否?听力听否?大声朗读否?,Love me,love my English.,