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    Phonics自然拼音法,一、小学英语语音教学中面临的共性问题:,1.标注汉语读单词2.会说不会认单词3.学生成绩两级分化严重4.机械记忆单词,遗忘率高5.辨音题失分严重,二、什么是phonics?,Phonics,即字母拼读法(又译自然拼音)已经在欧美国家流行百年,是自然形成的一种发音规则,主要教授英文字母(letter)与语音(sound)间的对应关系。是目前国际主流的英语教学法,它不仅是以英语为母语国家的孩子学习英语读音与拼字,增进阅读能力与理解力的教学法,更是以英语为第二语言的英语初学者学习发音规则与拼读技巧的教学方法。是美国、加拿大本土孩子的必修课程。1998年被引入香港和台湾,近几年逐步拓展到全国各地。自然拼读法的最大特点是:通过直接学习26个字母及字母组合在单词中的发音规则,让学生感受到字母及字母组合与发音的关系,建立字母及字母组合与发音的感知,它会把复杂的发音归纳成有规律的、简单的发音,帮助孩子建立音形联系、了解发音和拼写规则,掌握英语拼读规律,从而达到看到单词就会读,听到单词就会拼的学习目的。彻底解决学生学英语发音难、发不准音的问题。据研究,只要孩子掌握这些发音规则,并加以练习,不需要借助音标,就都能够读出80%的英语单词,把枯燥无味的背单词变成一件简单的事,从而达到事半功倍的效果。使英语学习变得简单、快乐、有趣。是一种效果显著的英语教学法。,26个英文字母,5个元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu 21个辅音字母:Bb Cc Dd Ff Gg Hh Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz,三、单词的发音规则和分类方法及步骤,元音字母及字母组合的发音规则 辅音字母及辅音组合的发音规则 特殊字母及字母组合的发音 单词的拼读方法和步骤 双音节词和多音节词的音节划分方法,元音字母及字母组合的发音规则,a e i o ua_e e_e i_e o_e u_ear er ir or urai ay ee ea ey ie igh oa owou ow oi oy au aw al ui ue oo ew,以“一个元音字母+一个或两个辅音字母”结尾的单词叫做闭音节单词,简称为“以元辅或元辅辅”结尾的单词。,A在闭音节单词中读短音:,例词如下:,at cat bat fat hat mat pat sat rat flat ad sad mad dad bad an man fan can and hand landam ham jam map bag flat back apple,五个元音字母在闭音节的单词中读其短音。,以“一个元音字母+一个或两个辅音字母”结尾的单词叫做闭音节单词,简称为“以元辅或元辅辅”结尾的单词。,五个元音字母在闭音节的单词中读其短音。,E在闭音节单词中读短音:,例词如下:egg bed get pen end well best desk eg ed et en end ell,U在单词中读短音:,例词如下:sun lunch bus duck hug un ug,I在闭音节单词中读短音:i,例词如下:six big hill pin kid sit ix ig ill in id,O在闭音节单词中读短音:,例词如下:box not top sock lost ox ot op ock,a_e e_e i_e o_e u_e(神奇的E),A 在“a-e”结尾的单词中读其字母本身的音:ei,例词如下:,ame name same game ake lake make bake cake take ate date gate late hate Kate plate ace place face race safe tape made grade,五个元音字母在“元辅e”结尾的单词中读其长音,即其字母本身的读音(字母音)。,E在e-e结尾的单词中读其字母音:i:these eve,I在i-e结尾的单词中读字母音:ai kite fine ride like nice price smile ite ine ide ike ice,O在o-e结尾的单词中读字母音:u nose rope rode note home hole smoke,U在u-e结尾的单词中读字母音:ju:tube cube cute mute huge,ar er ir or ur R元音,ar:car cart dark hard garden arm farm art party ark ard arm art,er sister marker dinner teacher under farmer her mother,ir:dirty shirt bird girl first third birthday irt,ur:turn nurse turtle turkey fur hurt urn urse,ar er ir or ur R元音,or:pork fork morning short forty sport forty door ork orn,or:word work world,ore:more bore score before,元音字母组合的发音:,ai:ail tail nail fail mail jail rail aid maid paid raid laid ain main gain pain paint rain brain train ait bait wait,ay:day say pay May lay gray play,ai ay ei,ai ay ee ea ey ie igh oa ow,ee ea ey i:,ee:bee see need deep feet week keep green eed eep eet,ea:sea tea read clean meat eal eagle peach speak ean eat,ey:key donkey monkey money honey turkey,元音字母组合的发音:,ea e:head sweater sweat pear lead bear leather feather bread dead deaf ready weather health,ie igh ai,igh:right sight night high sigh bright,ie i::thief piece chief movie cookie,元音字母组合的发音:,ie:tie pie lie die,oa ow u,ou:road boat goal soap loaf roast oad oat oal oap oaf oast,ow:rainbow bowl pillow yellow window hollow low blow slow grow borrow snow row sow own,元音字母组合的发音:,字母操,ou ow oi oy au aw al ui ue oo ew,ou:out shout mouth house mouse cloud couch count found sound,ou u:group route through,ow:cow now flower tower owerdown town brown clown crown own,ou ow au,元音字母组合的发音:,oi:coin join point oil boil soil coil noise,oy:soy toy joy Roy boy,oi oy i,au aw al:,au:because naughty caught daughter taught augh bought thought ought,aw:paw law saw draw straw lawn awful lawyer,al:l:also always already,元音字母组合的发音:,al:call tall fall ball wall small hall walk talk all,Oou:good foot wood book cook look hook took,ui suit juice fruitue blue glue true clueu ue ui在j、r、l后面时读作u:,oo:moon roof boots food spoon room cool fool boom afternoon too,ui ue oo ew u:,ew:blew drew grew threw,ewju:few hewnewview newspaper,元音字母组合的发音:,好脚站在木头上,碰见老K发短音。,21个辅音字母的音标如下:B-b C-k D-d F-f G-g H-h J-d K-k L-l M-m N-n P-p Q-kw R-r S-s T-t V-v W-W X-ks Y-j Z-z,21个辅音字母的读音中有大部分跟汉语拼音的读音相似。,辅音组合的发音规则,th ch tch sh wh phbl fl pl cl gl cr gr pr fr tr drsm sn sw sl sp st sc sk spr str scrkn wr ck mb,phf:phone phrase physics phonics enough,th th ch tch sh wh ph,th:this that these those father mother brother feather weather with then than the,th:thank think thing math tooth thick mouth teeth thin three thirsty thief bath throw throat,cht:much chair lunch French beach church chicken tcht:catch match fetch,sh:sheep fish dish shirt ship shop she finish shake fresh,wh W:what when which why white while wheel wheatwhh:who whose whom whole,bl fl pl cl gl cr gr pr fr tr dr,bl:blue black bloom fl:flat fly flag flower pl:plane play plate cl:clock clean clay gl:glass glue,cr:cry cream fr:frog Friday gr:gray green grass pr:price press pray,trtr:tree truck train drdr:drink dress drum dry,sm sn sw sl sp st sc sk spr str scr,sm:smile small smell sn:snow snake snacksw:swim sweet sweat sl:slow sleep sled slope,sp:spell speak space spoon sport spring st:star stop star stand stick story stocking street strong strawberry sc:scarf scream screen sk:skirt skate sky ski,kn wr ck mb,kn n:knob knee knife knock knew wr r:write wrote written wrongck k:back duck neck black mb m:thumb lamb bomb comb climb,特殊字母及字母组合的发音,ts ds qu ng ge dge ful ing tioneigh ild ind old ost eieer ear eir air are,ts ts:its parts lots hatsds ds:hands beds birdsqukw:quick quack queen questionng:song sing long thing bringged:age page large huge dged:bridge edge judgeful ful:useful helpful ing i:sing swing playing going tion n:fiction question,ts ds qu ng ge dge ful ing tion,eigh ild ind old ost ei,eighei:eight weight eighth neighbor heightild aild:wild mildind aind:kind find behind blindold uld:old gold cold sold ost uld:post host most ghostei ai:either neithera+s,f,th:spass class glass grass fast ask last basket after father,ear:bear pear weareir/ere:their there whereair:air fair hair pairare:care dare hare share,eer:cheer engineerear:ear clear year dear hear,single little table people middle uncle,The man with fair hair dare not repair their chairs there,because there is a bear there.,eer ear eir air are,eer ear i:,ear eir ere air are e:,字母y的三种读音:,why shy fly cry try dry sky spy,y作辅音字母时,一般位于词首,读作 j:yes yo-yo yellow,y作元音字母时,有两种读音:daddy sunny funny baby story glory dictionary strawberry,在双音节或多音节单词末尾读作 i:在单音节单词末尾读作ai:,C在e、i、y前面读作s:city cell nice rice,C在a、o、u前面读作k:cat cap cost cup cut,字母c的两种读音:,g在a、o、u前面读作g:gas got goat gum,字母g的两种读音:,g在e、i、y前面读作d:cage page age orange digital gym,单词的拼读方法和步骤:第一步:找元音,找出单词中的元音字母或元音字母组合。第二步:找元音前面的辅音或辅音字母组合。第三步:两音相拼。第四步:把其他的音加进去。第五步:对于双音节单词和多音节单词,注意重读和弱读。same switch snowman quickly,例如:crossing funny hobby hurry letter little middle merry office rabbit supper summer,双音节词和多音节词的音节划分方法:,一般的原则是:元音和元音前面的辅音构成一个音节。如果两个元音之间夹有一个辅音或一个辅音字母组合,则该辅音归后;如果两个元音之间夹有两个辅音,则利用就近原则,各属其一。,例如:辅音归后:behind beside body clever 就近原则:corner farmer festival,在两个音节中,如果有两个一样的辅音字母时,只读一个辅音。,(一)语音变化的归纳方法1.归纳演绎法2.对比分类法(二)语音教学的训练方法1.直观教具法2.游戏练习法3.儿歌巧记法4.说唱练习法5.绕口令6.故事教学法7.情景描述法8.媒体展示法,四、自然拼音法在课堂中的应用及教学方法,far,Can you read?,farmer,-ar,farm,Can you read?你会读吗?,a,/,ad,and,hand,eat meat teacher,tea,father mother brother,water,father mother brother,water,dad,/,cat,bag,black,a,feet,beef,meet,ee,ee,ee,ee/i:/,Can you read,see feel deep seed bee peel seem feed reel need week teemkeep jeep feet beef,cat,cake,map,make,hate,hat,i,i-e,nine,rice,bike,kite,six,pig,big,five,like,nice,fine,你能拼读出以下单词吗?,Try to read,win bit hid rid sit,wine bite hide ride site,Try to read,你能根据i-e的发音自然拼读出以下单词吗?,kite bite,like bike Mike,five dive live,nine mine pine,rice ice nice,wall,a tall,a,c,t,Its a black cat.,I have ten red pens on my legs.,单词拼读器。,大声读出你看到的单词。,a,e,m,k,t,l,t,h,g,m,d,大声读出你看到的单词。,a,单词拼读器。,d,d,m,p,c,t,f,s,d,_al_,eg:fall,六人小组,由组长拼单词,其他同学读出单词,Lets try!,我家dad,脾气bad,让我sad。有只cat,非常fat,专吃rat。,把眼close,用我nose,去闻rose。喝着coke,听着joke,把腰broke。,我的mother,生个brother,想要another.寒冷weather,身披leather,头戴feather.,Lets chant,a-e a a a a a-e cake a-e face i-e i i i i i-e kite i-e five o-e o o o oo-e nose o-e Coke u-e u u u uu-e cute u-e tubeI can say my A I O U.,Lets chant,Draw a ball on the wall。,Draw a small ball,On the tall wall,Drive a car to the park,Drive a small car,Lets go to the park,Tongue twister(绕口令),1.Ten red pens.,2.Ten red pens in bed.,3.Ten red pens in pet bed.,They say they may stay at the railway station and wait for their neighbour to explain why it rains every day.他们说他们可能会呆在火车站,等邻居来解释为什么天天下雨。,A good-looking cook stood on a piece of wood with his one foot,looking at a book about his childhood.一位英俊的厨师单脚站在一截木头上,看着一本关于他童年时代的书。,Please look at the card.In fall,two tall dogs drive a small car to a park,talk in the park and play football.then,they want to walk to a farm arm in arm.but the farm is far from the park.They see a bar near the park,so they stop by a tall wall,listen to the guitar and enjoy the stars.,开心阅读:,Two happy dogs,His name is Mike.He likes to write and ride.One time,he went to the park by bike.He saw a white kite.Look,whats on the kite,its a big number nine,its fine.He saw five mice,too.They were looking for rice beside the ice.They are so nice.He helped the five mice to eat the rice.,i-e i ai,Funny story,It s _,so I go _ for a _.But there is a _,I ask _._!Ha!Ha!There is a _ in her _.,coat cold home hole hello rose nose roadboat goatnote,cold,home,coat,hole,Rose,Hello,rose,nose,My name is Kate.,This is my cat.,I made a cake.,The cake is on the plate.,Where is my cake?,There is a deer called Mark.,Mark is tall for his car.,Mark sees a ball near the car.,He likes the ball and the stars.,The bike.,The kite.,The bike is bright.,The kite is white.,Im going to fly the kite.,I see Mike is on his bike.,We are flying the kite in the park.,Look,a dog!,We dont like the dog!,We are sad!,The dog bites the kite.,Unit 3 At the zoo,Lets spell,pig,six,big,milk,pig,six,big,milk,i,Read and find out the same.,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/,My sister is.,6,six,She likes drinking.,milk,She likes playing with kids(小朋友们).,One day,she gets(收到)a,gift,When she opens it,she sees a,pig,The pig is not big.,The pig is,pink,粉色,She likes it.,And she can play with the pig.,Can you retell(复述)the story?,6,sister,six,milk,gift,pig,pink,My _ is _.,6,sister,six,She likes drinking _.,milk,She likes playing with _.,kids,One day,she gets a _.,gift,When she opens it,she sees a _.,pig,The pig is not _.,pink,The pig is _.,big,She likes _.,it,And she can play with the _.,pig,My sister is six.She likes drinking milk and playing with kids.One day,she gets a gift.When she opens it,she sees a pig.The pig is not big.The pig is pink.She likes it.And she can play with the pig.,6,fun,us,cute,Excuse,use,tube,mule,duck,bus,under,cut,Its a duck.,A is in the.,cube,mud,me.Can I your pen?,Look at the the desk.,Thank you,


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