Unit 6,The story of rain,A,人教PEP六年级英语上册,First the sea,Then the sun,Next the clouds,The rain has fun!First the rain,And then the sea,Next the sun,Then clouds over me!,Lets chant,Lets chant Where does the rain come from?Cloud,cloud,it comes from the clouds.Where does the cloud come from?Vapour,vapour,it comes from the vapour.Where does the vapour come from?Water,water,it comes from the water.How does the water become vapour?The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.,Who is he?,Hello.I am little water drop.Nice to meet you!,He is Little Water Drop.,Who is he?,He is Mr Wind.,What are they talking about?Lets listen.,1.Whats the weather like?,Its a sunny day.,2.Where does the little Water Drop sleep?,He sleeps in a river.,3.How does he feel?,4.Where is he going?,He feels very hot.,He is going to the sky.,Role Play分角色扮演,知识点,1.little water drop小水珠 wake up 醒来 wake sb up叫醒某人 feel hot 感觉热 may be 也许是 cooler比较级 in the sky 在空中 go up 上去 meet遇见,Whats happening when the Little Water Drop goes up to the sky?,He meets many other little water drops.They go up together and become a cloud.Little Water Drop becomes very heavy.,Role Play分角色扮演,知识点,higher and higer越来越高 many 许多,修饰可数名词复数 other其他的 go up 上升 become heavy变得重 I am falling.我正在下落。be+doing现在进行时态,1.How does he feel when the little water drop in the lake?,He feels warm again.,2.What does he want to do?,He wants to go up to the sky again.,Role Play分角色扮演,知识点,fall down into掉进 come out 出来 feel warm 感觉暖和 see 看见 dear 亲爱的 help sb do sth帮助某人做某事 go up to上升到 feel become 叫做系动词+形容词做表语,构成系表结构,如feel hot,feel warm,become heavy,become fat,Have a test.1.Choose the right key.选择正确的答案。()1.Where does the vapour come from?A.你要去哪里?()2.He wakes up.B.水珠升得越来越高。()3.Where are you going?C.太阳出来了。()4.The sun comes out.D.水蒸气从哪里来?()5.Water Drop goes higher and higher.E.他睡醒了。,D,E,A,C,B,2.Ask the questions.就划线部分提出问题。a.The rain comes from the clouds.Where does the rain come from?b.I am Amy.Who are you?c.I am going to Shanghai.Where are you going?,What have you learned from this class?,