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    Practical English Writing,Sarah 2008,Have you ever written an English Letter?,format 格式 salutation 称呼语 body 正文 complimentary close结束语,英文信件格式 Formal,英文信件格式 Informal,THE HEADING,THE INSIDE ADDRESS,THE SALUTATION,The address of the writer,The address of the receiver,Post code after the address,American style,Blocked Letter Format齐头式,Blocked Letter Format齐头式,Envelope,An envelope,收信人地址,寄信人地址,Mr.Li Mingc/o Prof.Richard Miller 502 North Olive Ave.West Palm Beach,Florida 33402U.S.A,An envelope 转交信,Types and Features,Business letters Personal letters,Business Letters,Formal letters 商业信函,正式邀请函,推荐书,申请信,自荐信 要求语言准确,简洁,态度客气礼貌,措辞婉转得体Page202-205,Business Letters,Inquiry 询问向外语教学与研究出版社(Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press)询问在哪里和如何购买最新版本的朗文当代高级英语词典Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 地址:北京市西三环北路 19号(100089),Personal Letters,informal letters 信头的地址可以不写称呼语后面一般加逗号语气亲切,灵活,缩略语,非书面用语不限Page205-208,Personal Letters,Please write a personal letter to a friend,telling him/her whatever you would like him/her to know about yourself.,Models of Practical Letters,Models of Practical Letters,Letters of invitation Letters of congratulations Letters of thanks Letters of apology Letters of recommendation Letters of application,Letters of Invitation,Formal vs.Informal The inviterThe inviteeWhy?When?Where?Requesting reply&providing the address or telephone number for the reply,Letters of Invitation,提出邀请I am pleased to invite you to It is our great pleasure to invite you to On behalf of I would like to invite you to,Letters of Invitation,请求回复Please inform us at your earliest convenience of your schedule so that we can make appropriate arrangements for your visit.R.S.V.P.(repondez sil vous plait)=Reply,if you please.请回复,Letters of Invitation,邀请 Mr.Harvey给英语专业学生做一个有关西方文化的讲座时间:地点:邀请人:Li Gang(学生会主席),Letters of Invitation,Informal 邀请Sarah 参加我们班5月11日晚上八点组织的晚会,May,8Dear Sarah,We are having a party in our classroom,#207,this Sunday,May,11.Would it be possible for you to join us at 8 p.m.?We would be very happy if you could be with us.Students of Class 3 Grade 06,Review,1.Envelope 信封的格式2.Letter 信件的格式:正式/非正式3.Letter of Invitation 邀请函的书写,Envelope,Letters,Letters,May,15Dear Rose,Will you and Mr.West have dinner with us on Tuesday,the fifth of May,at seven oclock?Its a long time since we have had the pleasure of seeing you and we do hope you can come.Sincerely yours,Fondly,Letter of Invitation,外国语学院院长章少泉邀请您于二零零四年六月二十六日(星期六)下午三时参加在大礼堂举行的毕业典礼。敬请光临The Dean Zhang Shaoquan of the Foreign Languages DepartmentRequests the honor of your presenceat the Graduation Ceremonyat 3:30 p.mon Saturday,June 26 th,2004at auditorium,Letter of Invitation,外国语学院院长章少泉邀请您于二零零四年六月二十六日(星期六)下午三时参加在大礼堂举行的毕业典礼。敬请光临The Dean Zhang Shaoquan of the Foreign Languages DepartmentRequests the honor of your presenceat the Graduation Ceremonyat 3:30 p.mon Saturday,June 26 th,2004at auditorium,Letter of Invitation,On the occasion of the visit to China by the President of the United States of America George W.Bush,Premier Wen Jiabao requests the pleasure of your company at a banquet at 7:00 p.m.on Saturday,11 September 2004 at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.为欢迎美国总统乔治.布什访华,谨订于二零零四年九月十一日(星期六)晚上七时在钓鱼台国宾馆举行宴会。敬请光临 温家宝,Letter of Invitation,On the occasion of the visit to China by the President of the United States of America George W.Bush,Premier Wen Jiabao requests the pleasure of your company at a banquet at 7:00 p.m.on Saturday,11 September 2004 at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.为欢迎美国总统乔治.布什访华,谨订于二零零四年九月十一日(星期六)晚上七时在钓鱼台国宾馆举行宴会。敬请光临 温家宝,Letter of Invitation,Useful expressions,Opening:The pleasure of your company is requested at We invite you to join us inIt would be a great pleasure to meet you onWould you be willing to share with us,Useful expressions,Concluding:We hope you will be able to attend.We are all looking forward to hearing your views.We are looking forward to seeing you.Please let me know as soon as possible.,Festivals:the New Year,Christmas,Good news:marriage,birthday,promotion,graduation,admission Page211-213,Letters of Congratulations,On what occasions?,Sample,May,15Dear Dr.Harmon,Im very glad to congratulate you on your receiving a doctorate in physics from Harvard University.I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part,and its an achievement you can be well proud of.My very best wishes to you!Sincerely yours,Peter,Main points,In the first sentence,express your congratulations on(the event should be pointed out)Write some details.Re-express your congratulations or express your wishes in the last part.Make a most careful choice of words and greetings,for appropriacy is the best policy in writing letters of congratulation.Handwriting is preferred,because it makes the recipient feel affectionate.,Useful Expressions,I congratulate you on(winning a scholarship)(Warm/Sincere)congratulations onCongratulations and all good/best wishes!Please accept my congratulations onI am so pleased/glad/delighted/thrilled to hear thatIt was a great pleasure to hear the good news that I wish you every success.All the very best for the future.Many happy returns!祝您长寿!My best wishes to you!On behalf of and in my own name,I would like to express to you my warmest congratulations.,请你给刚结婚的好朋友 Jack and Jessie 写一封祝贺信,Letters of Congratulations,Letters of Congratulations,Hearty congratulations on your marriage and best wishes to you both!Best wishes for a long and happy married life to you both.,Letter of Thanks,Letters of thanks are one of the most enjoyable letters people write and they are appreciated and expected in many instances in western culture.This is not the case in Chinese culture.,Letter of Thanks,In China,people prefer expressing their appreciation in person.In western culture,however,even if you have expressed your thanks in person,a letter of thanks must still be written.,Letter of Thanks,Every gift or favor,every courtesy or kindness,deserves to be acknowledged with genuine thanks and appreciation.Remember,a letter of thanks doesnt have to be long but it must be sincere and enthusiastic.,May 15Dear Mrs.Benton,Thank you very much for those four wonderful days at Shady Acres(林荫庄园)!Every moment was a delight.I cant remember ever having enjoyed myself so thoroughly elsewhere!It is good of you and Dr.Benton to have invited me,and I deeply appreciate your hospitality.Sincerely yours,Henry,Sample,Main points,In the first sentence you should write the reason for expressing thanks.The rest includes details about the situation.It ends by re-expressing your appreciation.It remains friendly in tone and common courtesy is welcomed by the reader.Sign the letter in handwriting.,May 15 Dear Linder,My visit with you last weekend was a real pleasure.Thank you for your hospitality.I enjoyed everymoment.Yours sincerely,Joan,Sample Thanks for Ones Hospitality,Useful Expressions,Thank you very much for the lovely dinner yesterday.We enjoyed the evening a lot.I am writing to thank you for the wonderful time we had at your party last night.I am writing to express my appreciation of all that you did for me during my visit to Guangzhou.,Useful expressions,Thank you very much!Many thanks forPlease accept my sincere/grateful appreciation forI sincerely/deeply/warmly appreciateI am sincerely grateful to you forIt was good/fine/nice of you 承蒙好意I would like to thank you forI was deeply touched byWe are indebted to you 我们感激您,Your Task,Write a note to thank someone for the gift given.In your letter you will 1)express thanks for the gift given,2)state clearly how much you like it.,May 15 Dear Lynn,I just love the vase you sent me!It is so delicate,yet so gorgeous.It is one of the nicest birthday presents I have ever received.I will place the vase on our dining table and put the most beautiful flowers in it.You really should come and see for yourself how lovely the vase looks in our dining room.With love,and a special hug and kiss,Yours,Helen,Sample Thanks for a Gift,态度要诚恳原因要属实 设法弥补,Letters of Apology,A Note of Apologies,Jan.4 Betty,Id like to express my apologies for not being able to take part in your birthday party,for it happens to be my turn to be on duty and will have to work till 8 oclock tomorrow morning.Happy birthday to you!May every day be sunny for you in the coming year!John,Sarah 因 原因,不能参加学生5月17日晚上八点的晚会,为此给学生写信表示道歉。,Letters of Apology,Letters of Apology,May,15Dear students,I am so sorry to have to tell you that I shall not be able to come to your party on May 17,because I have a bad cold.I do hope you will have a good time.Sarah,Note Writing,a short letter Simple in form Informal in language Brief and precise in content,A note of asking for leave请假条,April 2,2008 Dear Mr.Clark,I am very sorry to note you that I am unable to attend school today owing to a bad cold.I enclose doctors certificate and ask you for sick leave of three days.Your student,Tom Encl:Doctors Certificate for Sick Leave,A Note of Appointment 预约,June 3 Jane,Wed like to have an outing at 8 oclock a.m.on Saturday,June 4.Could you join us and enjoy the spring on Mt.Baiyun?Drinks and dessert are ready.Just remember to bring an umbrella.Fisherman,Your Task,Please write a note of appointment.,Appointment,May,10Helen,Can we see each other for about an hour on Friday afternoon at 3 oclock?Sarah,Appointment,May,10Sarah,I have to meet my husband at the airport at 3 p.m.on Friday.Shall we discuss the matter at 10 tomorrow morning?If not,please ring me to make another time-many thanks.Helen,Messages,May,10Dear Mr.Ali,Here is a ticket for the exhibition tomorrow.The car to pick you up will come around at 10:00 tomorrow morning.Jack,Messages,May,10Dear Sarah,A Mr.Ali who recently arrived from Egypt wishes to see you.You are requested to ring him up any time this evening from 8:00 to 10:00 at 135*.Jack,Your Task,Please write a note of message.,A Note of Message,Oct.15 Alison,A Mr.Ted left a rose for you at the Service Desk服务台.He said he wouldnt lose heart although you refused to let him in.He would come tomorrow and the day after tomorrow until you accept his rose and heart.Butterfly,A Note of Saying Goodbye,Nov.23 Dear Betty,I will leave for Shanghai at 8:00 a.m.this morning.It is a pity that I cant see you to say goodbye before leaving for home.I have enjoyed my stay here,thank you very much for the kindness,hospitality and the trouble you have taken on my behalf.Yours ever,Green,Notice 通知,Class Meeting Friday May,9 7 p.m.Rm.207,Notice 通知,NOTICE All the members of the University Commission of Academic Research are requested to meet in the University conference room on Monday,April 6 at 3:00 p.m.to discuss questions of intercollegiate academic exchanges.April 2,2008,Notice布告,Movie-Hamlet in the Auditorium Sun.May,10 4:00 6:00 Admission Free,Notice 布告,Womens Lib Movement on CampusSpeaker:Prof.Wang*Professor of Sociology,Beijing University Author of*Date:Friday,9 MayTime:10 a.m.Place:Rm.101All Welcome,Notice,Found A brown leather wallet,in the dining hall on the morning of Apr.29th.Owner please claim it at the Lost and Found Office,Rm.320 of the Office Building.Lost and Found Office,Notices,Lost I lost a wallet in the dining hall on the morning of Apr.29th.It is a brown leather one.Inside there is some money,bank cards and a monthly ticket.I wish the finder would return it to me soon.Will the finder please call me?Ill pay him or her for it.Thank you!Name:Wang Li Telephone:669745,Notices,Missing Mr.Guan Wenming,a cashier of Jiangnan Shipping Co.,has been missing since April 21st,2008.He has neither returned nor reported for duty since the date mentioned.Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Mr.Guan,or having information which may lead to his location,is requested to report to any police station or to his family at the following address:810 Renmin Road,Notices,Position wanted Experienced Hotel Receptionists-with good knowledge of English(Japanese language as added asset).Application in details with photo to Wuxi Grand Hotel.,Greeting Cards,To Prof.Zhang A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!from Li Hua,Greeting Cards,To Prof.John Lee,With best WishesforA Happy New YearfromMrs.Gao Hemei,Your Task,Make a greeting card to your teacher for the Teachers Day.,Useful expressions,Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.祝圣诞、新年快乐。A bright and prosperous New Year to you.恭祝新年昌盛。May peace and happiness be yours in the New Year.祝新年安康幸福。May this Christmas find you well and happy.祝圣诞安康幸福Love and best wishes to you and yours.敬祝合家圣诞快乐May the year of 2001 find all your family in the best health and spirits.祝2001年合家身体健康,精神愉快。,注意事项:注意审题注意格式(按要求选择相应的文体格式)注意内容(所规定的要点一定要写全)用自己熟悉的词汇和句型整洁,清晰,Exercises,Exercises,1.Write a letter to your mother about your campus life.2.Write a invitation card to invite Tom Brown to attend the engagement of your sister.3.Write a note to your classmate Hughes,making an appointment for an outdoor activity at weekend.4.You failed to buy a book for your friend Bob.Write him a note of apologies.,Exercises,5.Write an informal letter of congratulations to a friend of yours based on the following notes.1)Congratulations on your friends appointment to the General Manager of this company.2)The promotion is due to his hard work.3)You are going to New York very soon.You promise to call him after you come back.4)Express your best wishes for the future.,书信题的写作方法,一)信封格式:名字、地址、地域范围由小到大二)信纸格式:日期:背月份的缩写 称呼 Dear Sir or Madam,To whom it may concern,正文:空4个字节或者顶格写,段与段之间空行)签名:Sincerely yours,书信题的写作方法,书信写作的五点要求:1、开门见山说意图2、咨询/建议1、2、3、3、不同内容可分段4、感谢客气不可少5、期待回信成老套,书信题的写作方法,(三)开头段:1.告知对方你的身份(假如对方不认识你)Dear Sir/Mr.Prometheus,I was a student at your college,enrolled in Philosophy Department.I am a at your I am a at your college,enrolled in the course.My name is.I am,书信题的写作方法,(三)开头段:2.问候收信人(假如他/她是你的朋友)Dear Prometheus,Hello/Hi.How are you?/I hope everything is fine./How are things going with you?/How are you getting on in/getting along with.?,(三)开头段:3、解释写信的原因(1)致谢:I deeply appreciate your courtesy and I hope to reciprocate报答 your favor when the opportunity arises.I am greatly indebted感激的 to you for the trouble)you have gone into on my behalf.Thank you for your letter about studying in Canada.I am writing to tell you how grateful I am forI would like to thank you most sincerely for,书信题的写作方法,(三)开头段:3、解释写信的原因(2)抱怨:I am writing to complain about the poor service at your dining-room.I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with/atI wish to make a complaint aboutI am writing to draw your attention to.I am afraid I have got a complaint about.,书信题的写作方法,(三)开头段:3、解释写信的原因(3)致歉:I am writing to you because I am unable to.I am terribly sorry that.I would like to express my apologies for not being able to.,书信题的写作方法,(三)开头段:3、解释写信的原因(4)询问:I would like to obtain/request/seek/inquire some information aboutI am writing to ask if you can do me a favor.I would like some detailed information on/about.I would be grateful if you would be so kind as to provide me with certain information regarding the following aspects.,书信题的写作方法,(四)结尾段:1、发出请求(1)Please give this matter your immediate attention.(2)I would very


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