张国荣,he is my idol,In the entertainment circle,he is one of the people I most admire.,Guorong Zhangs brief,张国荣:Leslie Cheung Date of birth:September 12,1956 Place of birth:Hong Kong,China Death Location:Mandarin Hotel in Hong Kong,suicide Region:Hong Kong,China Blood type:O-Height:175 cm Weight:Let me add Marital status:Single Family members:Tanghede Synonym Nickname:Zhang Zhong(Cengyongming),Kwok-wing Cheung(translation),Leslie Cheung Kwok-wing(translation),Guorong Zhang(translation),Leslie Cheung,Zhang in the(formerly)10 Aberdeen,brother(nickname)Hong Kong actors,singers.Native of Guangdong,formerly known as Zhang Zhong,known as“brother.”A designer was born in Hong Kong family.After graduating from high school to the Leeds University students to enroll in textiles.(香港演员,歌手。祖籍广东,原名张忠,被誉为称为“哥哥”。他出生在香港。高中毕业后到英国利兹大学修读纺织专业。)“哥哥”:合演倩女幽魂 的王祖贤称呼他为“哥哥”,从此开始四周的人也改称他这个名字。,About Leslie,Leslie Cheung Kwok-Wing(12 September 1956 1 April 2003),nicknamed elder brother(哥哥),was a film actor and musician from Hong Kong.Cheung was considered as one of the founding fathers of Cantopop,and combining a hugely successful film and music career.In 2000,Cheung was named Asian Biggest Superstar by China Central Television,and voted/ranked the 1st as The Most Favorite Actor in 100 Years of Chinese Cinema in 2005.Recently,he was voted into CNNs top five most iconic musician of all time placing behind Michael Jackson and The Beatles.,Discography(唱片),I Like Dreamin(白版碟)1977 Day Dreamin 1977 情人箭(Lovers Arrow)1979 風繼續吹(The Wind Blows On)1983 一片痴(Craziness)1983 張國榮 Leslie(Monica)1984 夏日精選-全賴有你(Summer Best Collection-All Because of You)1985 為你鍾情(For Your Love Only)1985 張國榮(迷惑我)Leslie Cheung(Allure me)1986 Stand Up 1986 張國榮(當年情)(The Past Love)1986 愛慕(國語)(Admire)1987,Summer Romance87 1987 Hot Summer 1988 Virgin Snow 1988 Leslie 89 張國榮(側面)(Side Face or Profile)1989 Salute89 1989 Final Encounter 1989 Dreaming 1990 Silence is Golden(沉默是金).寵愛(Beloved)1995 紅(Red)1996 FROM NOW ON(single)1996 Printemps 1998 這些年來(EP)(All These Years)1998 陪你倒數(Count Down With You)1999 Big Heat(大熱)2000 Leslie Untitled(EP)2000 Leslie Forever 2001 Crossover 2002 一切隨風(Everything Follows the Wind)2003,Silence is Golden(沉默是金).共同度过together 倩女幽魂Ghost Story当爱已成往事When love is history 愛慕(國語)(Admire)為你鍾情(For Your Love Only)夜半歌声 Midnight songs,My favorite songs:,Filmography影视作品,1.Farewell My Concubine霸王别姬,2.Ghost Story(倩女幽魂),3.Farewell my concubine东邪西毒,3.The Fallen Family(武林世家),He played roles,Whether of dramas,comedy or action movies,he can shape a classic screen image in their own temperament and talent(无论是文艺片、喜剧片亦或是动作片,他都能挥洒自如,并以自己的气质和天赋塑造了一个个经典的银幕形象):倩女幽魂中的宁采臣、胭脂扣中的十二少、阿飞正传中的旭仔、霸王别姬中的程蝶衣、东邪西毒中的欧阳锋、春光乍泄中的何宝荣都已成为留名影史的经典角色!,In the same year,with the film A Better Tomorrow II re-nomination of the Hong Kong Academy Award winner,and Ghost Story in Ningcai Chen has become difficult to go beyond the classical scholar of the century the image of同年,凭电影英雄本色II再次提名香港金像奖影帝,而倩女幽魂中的宁采臣则成为难以超越的世纪经典书生形象,April 1,2003,on the day of April fools day,he goes away.,他是香港的一代传奇与神话,超人的才华与品位,充满星光的神采与深入骨髓的魅惑,王族一般的高贵气质与翩翩佳公子式的优雅风度在演艺界内外都久负盛名,多次在“最受欢迎艺人”、“演艺十大红人”、“十大健康形象”、“十大靓人”等选举中名列榜首。但是,与舞台上银幕中前卫、风流、狂野、颓废的多变形象相反,生活中的他,性格传统,作风低调,谦恭有礼,纯真坦荡,对事业认真,对工作严谨,对家人负责,对爱情忠贞,对前辈尊重,对后辈提携,对朋友热诚,对歌迷亲切,一生大事小节无愧于心,无负于人,具有几近完美的品德。,历经的风风雨雨只是增强了他的坚韧,没有改变他的一颗赤子之心,就算在被严重抑郁症折磨的痛苦之下,也仍然热爱生活,关心社会,积极投身公益事业,尽力帮助身边的朋友,从来不曾怨天尤人。这份非凡的人格魅力使他不仅仅是一个明星,更是一个高贵的艺术家,一个值得怀念的朋友,一个令人敬仰的人。愚人节的那天,张国荣走了,愚人节对张国荣来说也许是一个好日子,在他心里,这个日子可以尽情玩笑,这一天,真真假假,没有人会相信他已离去。张国荣何等聪明,戏剧化的日子,戏剧化的辞世,他的身后事戏剧化的流传于世。4月1日,特立独行于365天的任何一日,一个风华绝代的男人,一个眼神细腻如丝的男人用他忧郁的表情向维多利亚港湾做最后的道别,绞断一切温柔缠绵,化蝶而去,A successful man,why does the glorious life suddenly dropped to the ground as a break line kite?Money,the status,the success,follow ones inclinations,besides,what does he want to have?Why do people alive?Behind the pomposity,leaving more questions and introspection(一个成功卓著的人,为何生命就象断线的风筝,突然坠地而止?金钱,地位,成功,随心所欲,还要有什么?人到底是为什么而活着?在浮华的背后,留下的是更多的问号和思考),