Review,Outcome 4,Q1.Identify,with reasons,the structure that best describes the organization at present.Your description should include the way in which activities are currently grouped together and reason for such groupings.,Flat structure(David&Neil 作为公司的高层领导直接管理工程师、技术工人等,公司的层级链少,管理跨度宽,是扁平型结构)Combining the centralized line structure operated by David and the decentralized team approach operated by Neil(David的事事汇报的集权管理与Neil的团队合作的分权管理)Work is divided by product/service civil structural administration,Flat structure,2.Describe a form of work grouping that would be more applicable for the organization based on the proposed new developments.Again you description should include the way the organization should be grouped.,部门化方式:Grouping by product/service civil structural administration 组织结构:Line structureOr the firm could consider:Matrix structure;Line-functional structure;Shamrock organization,Matrix Structure,David,Neil&John,Design Department,Construction Department,AdministrationDepartment,Staff,Project A,Project B,Staff,Staff,Staff,Staff,Staff,Project C,Staff,Staff,Staff,Line-functional structure,David,Neil&John,AdministrationDepartment,Civil EngineeringDepartment,Structural Engineering Department,DevelopmentEngineering Department,Project team,Project team,Project team,Finance support,Finance support,3.Using the Contingency Approach,describe how the main situational variables of task,technology and size have helped determine the new organisation structure.,Task scope of product/service will be wider(从设计到施工);engineers will have more control over the site workers.Size bigger organisation enabling ability to compete more effectively for future projects.Technology enables movement to alternative location,creating reduction in size of administrative support.,4.Identify the different line,staff,functional and/or lateral relationships within the proposed new structure.,Line relationship:每一位Leader有自己负责的部门,和部门中的成员是直线关系 Neil(市场的开发、新项目的合约、结构工程)John(工程的施工建设)David(日常行政管理、民政工程)A lateral relationship would develop between the engineering team leaders.,Staff relationship 行政部门和其它部门间的关系,从工资、奖金、福利待遇、休假等问题上对其他部门的咨询和建议。Functional relationship 设计师与team leader 的关系,财政部门和Project team的关系,5.Describe how authority,responsibility and delegation should be exercised within the new structure.,Responsibility as noted above for the partners.Each team having the authority to organise and divide work,as appropriate to the project design needs.Team leaders exercising the authority to delegate specific duties within their team.分别从David,Neil 和John的角度说明,