Character:C usually singular,all somebodys qualities 人的品质,性格,特征I cannot she lied to me and it seems so out of character.Openness is at the heart of the American character.,2)U singular,qualities of something 事物的特性,性质,特征总和-In only ten years the whole character of the school has changed.,Characteristic:C usually plural,a quality or feature of something or someone that is typical of them and easy to recognize.特征,特性,-A characteristic of this species is the blue stripe on its back.,Conclude:I,T 结束,推断出,议定Davis concludes from an analysis of traffic accidents that the speed limit should be lowered.I will be publishing my results only when I have concluded my research.,Draw a conclusion Jump to conclusions/a conclusion 冒然断定,过早下结论In conclusion 最后,总之Come to a conclusionArrive at a conclusion,attend:I,T 出席,参加;照顾,护理(to look after someone,especially because they are ill)Only seven people attended the meeting.Please let us know if you are unable to attend.They have got to attend school/class/church.(to go regularly to a school,church etc.),expose:T 暴露,揭露,使曝光,使经历Wounds that are exposed to the air heal more quickly.The report revealed that workers had been exposed to high levels of radiation.That group works to expose racism.Travel abroad exposes children to different cultures and languages.,Cure:T 治愈To make someone who is ill well again-When I left the hospital I was completely cured.,Cure:C A medicine or medical treatment that can cure an illnessa cure for cancer,2)To make an illness disappear completely,usually by medical treatment,3)To remove a problem,or improve a bad situationAttempts to cure unemployment have so far failed.Even whisky couldnt cure him of his anxieties.,2)Something that removes a problem,or improve a bad situationa cure for inflation,Control:UI prefer to live alone because I have more control over/of my life.Dont worry.Everything is under control.The car got out of control and hit a tree.He got a corner too fast and lost control of the car.Students are encouraged to take/gain control of their own learning.The country is under the control of the military.Firefighter now have the blaze under control.The anti-government forces are still in control of the area.The area is still in/under the control of the anti-government forces.,absorb:吸收,吸引,使专心Plants absorb nutrients from the soil.I havent really had time to absorb everything he said.Judith was absorbed in her book.The video was totally absorbing the childrens attention.Black objects absorb heat more.,Blame:TMom blamed herself for Dannys problems.The report blames poor safety standards for the accident.Dont try to blame it on me.You are not to blame for what happened.(=be responsible for something bad),get the blame(=be blamed)Take the blame(=say that something is your fault)Put/lay the blame on,Instruct:T 命令,指示,指导Our staff have been instructed to offer you every assistance.We returned the questionnaire as instructed.,Apart from:also aside from esp.AmEUsed to introduce one small point which makes a statement not completely true.This essay is good apart from a couple of spelling mistakes.,2)Except for-Apart from the occasional visit,what does Alan do for his kids?,Lead to:通向,导致The bank has offered a reward for any information leading to the arrest of the men.This road leads to the downtown.The thief cut the wires leading to the surveillance cameras.,Lead the wayLead somebody through/to/along etc.Lead somebody by the noseAgassi was leading by two sets when rain stopped play.What led you to take up acting as a career?Lead a normal/exciting/dull,Make sense:To have a clear meaning that is easy to understandRead this and tell me if it makes sense.,Reject:拒绝;丢弃;排斥Sara rejected her brothers offer of help.Ian was rejected by the army because of his bad eyesight.We have very strict quality control,so anything that is imperfect is rejected.The present generation has largely rejected the beliefs of its parents.,2)To have a good reason or explanation.It just doesnt make sense.Why would she do a thing like that?,3)To be sensible thing to do.-It makes sense to save money while you can.,