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    3.1 Multiple Choice,Directions:For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.,Multiple Choice,According to the passage,_drinking may be good for ones health.A.much B.excessive C.moderate D.unlimited,2)He had to _the sharp pain all night since no doctor could be reached.A.sustain B.endure C.put up D.last,3.1 Multiple Choice,3)The public are very unsatisfied with the _grudgingly doled out(发放)to the elderly.A.income B.wages C.allowances D.salary,4)Some teachers are_ to stray from the subjects of their lessons.A.able B.liable C.probable D.possible,5)The painting shows a serious-looking man and a woman standing alongside him in front of a farmhouse,their models being _ the painters dentist and sister.A.respectably B.respectfully C.respectively D.respectingly,6)The old man was getting better and he could bend to fasten his shoelaces without being out of_.A.breath B.oxygen C.control D.air,3.1 Multiple Choice,15)I spent most of my money in the first week and _had very little to eat during the last few days of the holiday.A.consequently B.as a result of C.as a consequence of D.because of,16)The techniques are being applied almost everywhere by big and small companies _.A.likely B.similar C.alike D.samely,3.1 Multiple Choice,19)The brains of people who exercise may be better equipped to_ mental challenges.A.meet with B.cope C.remove D.tackle,20)This is forcing people to _ themselves with computers in a hurry.A.arm B.install C.associate D.equip,3.1 Multiple Choice,Directions:For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.,Multiple Choice,2)Education should aim to_ childrens mind to its utmost potential.A)train B)evolveC)practice D)cultivate,3.1 Multiple Choice,3)This _book was widely discussed but whether it was read by artists I leave to further research.A)common B)controversial C)universal D)primary4)As in the middle schools in Shanghai,the _for truth,integrity,curiosity and knowledge is also widespread in the middle schools in Jiangxi.research B)lookC)exploration D)quest,6)Ive applied for the job but Im not very _about my chances of getting it.A)optimistic B)pessimist C)distressing D)indifferent,3.1 Multiple Choice,10)She was too _ to use make-up but had no objection to skin-care products.A)convenient B)conventional C)convenient D)constant,15)This book is the first genetic map of the world and scientifically disproves the idea that one race is genetically _ any other race.superior to B)more superior toC)superior than D)more superior to,3.1 Multiple Choice,14)While tastes _country to country,good design is appreciated everywhere.A)are differ from B)are similar to C)differ from D)are different,3.1 Multiple Choice,16)Safe driving is good driving because it _ into consideration the lives of other people.A)gives B)comesC)takes D)falls,17)I used to cook on electricity,but Ive switch to gas _ its low price.as a result B)becauseC)owing to D)as a consequence18)We must make sure that we keep pace with new developments in computer technology,otherwise we will _ soon.fall forward B)put forwardC)leave behind D)lag behind,3.1 Multiple Choice,20)_ we get good weather,it will be a successful holiday.Unless B)ProvidedC)If not D)So long,3.1 Multiple Choice,Directions:For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.,Multiple Choice,1)The huge statue outside the court building is considered as a _ of justice.sign B)evidenceC)symptom D)symbol2)The committee did not _the plan to build a new bridge over the river.approve B)approve ofC)disapprove D)disapprove of,3.1 Multiple Choice,3)I am afraid that in his speech the merits of the project are _ whereas its difficulties are downplayed.stated B)describedC)depicted D)exaggerated4)It is a _acknowledged truth that a single man in possession of a good fortune,must be in want of a wife.universally B)commonlyC)harmoniously D)rarely,5)It was in the 1930s that she_ fame and fortune as a dramatist.got to B)raised toC)rose to D)reached to6)The village was named _the hero who gave his life for the educational cause.A)for B)with C)after D)by,3.1 Multiple Choice,11)Officers making a routine_ of the vessel found fifty kilograms of the drug.A)investigation B)checkC)inspection D)research12)I cannot but admit the truth of your remarks,although they _my interests.A)go along with B)go against C)go with D)go off,13)Believing that he was fully qualified,he submitted his application instantly,but a week later he was _to learn that it had been turned down.A)disappointing B)encouraged C)optimistic D)crushed14)Companies publish _ reports to inform the public about the last years activities.year B)annuallyC)annual D)monthly,3.1 Multiple Choice,3)The gate wont stay open,so well have to _ it to the post.fasten B)tie C)bind D)secure4)His broken arm hung _ from his shoulder.A)lose B)loosely C)loosen D)loose,5)I never imagine why he always has a burning _ for wealth.A)hunger B)tiredness C)thirst D)sleepiness6)Although they had several golden chances,they _to escape.A)made every attempt B)attempted C)hardly made little attempt D)made no attempt,3.1 Multiple Choice,15)The old man had a stroke,which _ him to bed in the hospital for about half a year.A)condemned B)contributed C)confirmed D)converted 16)Before blaming children,parents should think about whether they were _ in doing that.logical B)understandableC)justified D)arbitrary,17)There might be some return of pain after 24 hours,but repeating the dose would _ the problem.A)release B)relieve C)lesser D)reduce,3.1 Multiple Choice,19)All these _ one question:Are common people able to afford cars?A)come down to B)come byC)come up with D)come to20)But all the time they were so alert,ready to _ instantly at the first hint of danger.A)deposit B)withdraw C)invest D)worship,3.1 Multiple Choice,Directions:For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.,Multiple Choice,Some of these diseases are becoming more and more_ to medicines;they are difficult to cure.A.activeB.resistant C.toughD.gradual,2)The equipment was strong and designed to_ heavy use under harsh working conditions with minimum maintenance.A.adapt B.withdraw C.withstand D.shade,3)If a man is easily taken in by emotional traps,he will not be able to make _ judgments.A.sensitiveB.sentimental C.sensibleD.sensational,4)I _some money,which you may need for your expenses.A.enclose B.contain C.reserve D.invest,5)There are certain _women should take during pregnancy,for instance,avoiding certain foods and being careful about contact with animals.A.sanctionB.precautions C.shield D.shelter,6)The ships generator broke down,and the pumps had to be operated _instead of mechanically.A.manually B.artificially C.automatically D.synthetically,3.1 Multiple Choice,7).According to the weather _,its going to be fine today.A.predictionB.indication C.provisionD.forecast,8).Vehicle theft is a common _which has a direct impact on over four million victims a year.A.arrival B.proportion C.scale D.occurrence,9)At first he was strongly opposed _his daughter marrying the young man,but in the end he gave his consent.A.of B.against C.on D.to,10).The computer can predict changes with a surprising degree of _.A.frequency B.accuracy C.emergency D.efficiency,3.1 Multiple Choice,11)During the process,great care has to be taken to protect the _silk from damage.A.sensitive B.tender C.delicate D.sensible,12).As the plane was getting ready to take off,we all _ our seat belts.A.tied B.locked C.fastened D.closed,13).Professor Collins was _ of the latest developments in physics because he had been in hospital for several months.A.unconsciousB.negative C.robbed D.ignorant,14).It has been revealed that some government leaders _ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.A.employB.take C.abuseD.overlook,3.1 Multiple Choice,15).It is the development strategy of the company to_ its overseas expansion so as to take a slice in the world market.A.accomplishB.accelerate C.accumulateD.account,16)These days,people who do _ work often receive far more money than people who work in offices.A.survivalB.mental C.restlessD.manual,17).Within two or three years,springs come back to life,wildlife returns and crops_.A.flourishB.fade C.stemD.cultivate,18).We rarely perceive more than a minute _ of the sights and sounds that fall upon our sense organs;the great majority pass us by.A.fictionB.function C.fractionD.fragment,3.1 Multiple Choice,19).How to _the technical talents in the company remains an important issue for the management of the company.A.sustain B.contain C.maintain D.retain,20).Dont drive so fast.You will be fined if you _ the speed limit.A.breakB.reject C.suspendD.exceed,22).When Jack was eighteen he _ going around with a strange set of people and staying out very late.A.took toB.took in C.took upD.took on,3.1 Multiple Choice,24).The survival of civilization,as we know,is _ threat.A.withinB.under C.towardsD.upon,3.1 Multiple Choice,except 与 except for 区别except for 后接的词同句子中的主语不是同类,表示从整体中除去一个细节,一个方面。except后接的词同句子中的主语是同类,表示从同类的整体中去掉一个部分。,All buildings are excellent their location.All buildings are excellent this one.,except for,except,


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