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    Unit 3 A healthy life基础落实.高频单词思忆1.Those between 16 and 18 are(青少年).2.The interview made me feel(有压力的).3.The company decided to reduce(产量).4.The problem isnt(陈述)in the letter which I got.,adolescents,stressed,production,stated,5.This training can increase your(理解)of Britain English.6.Youve put me in an(尴尬的)position.7.There is to be a total b on smoking in the office.8.It took him a while to a himself to the idea.9.We decided it was time to q the city.10.Its i to drive through a red light.,comprehension,awkward,an,ccustom,uit,llegal,.重点短语再现1.由于;应归于2.对上瘾;沉溺于或沉湎于3.习惯于4.对作出决定5.不顾,不管6.想要(做)7.冒险8.陷入;染上(坏习惯)9.代表;支持10.与某事物有关,涉及某事物,due to,addicted to,accustomed to,decide on/upon,in spite of,feel like(doing),take risks(a risk),get into,stand for,be concerned with/in sth.,.典型句式运用1.I do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have.我的确希 望你把烟戒掉,因为我希望你能像我这样活得健 康长寿。so表示“”,可用来替代 或某一情况的全部。常与动词think,expect,hope,believe,suppose,imagine,guess等 及形容词afraid连用。I suppose/think/imagine so等有两种否定形式:I dont suppose/think/imagine so或I suppose/think/imagine not。但是,hope和afraid的否定形式通常只用I hope not或Im afraid not。,考点提炼,这样,如此,整个句子,2.It seems amazing that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometres in an afternoon.在我这个年纪,依然很健康,能一下 午骑车二十公里,这是令人吃惊的。It is+形容词+that从句,真正的主语 是。常见的用it作形式主语的复合句结 构还有:It is a fact(a shame/a pity/no wonder.)that.It is said(reported/decided/suggested.)that.It seems(happened/doesnt matter/has turned out.)that.,考点提炼,that从句,3.You can have HIV in your blood for a long time,but eventually HIV will damage your immune system so much that your body can no longer fight disease.你可以在血液里携带艾滋 病毒很长时间,但最终它会破坏你的人体免疫系 统,致使你的身体不再有抗病能力。这是so.that.引导的 状语从 句,意为“”,常用 句型为:so+adj./adv.+that;so+adj.+a/an+可数 名词单数形式+that从句;so+many/much/few/little+名词+that从句。,考点提炼,结果,这么/那么以致于,导练互动重点单词1.stress.drug abuse,(回归课本P17)观察思考 Your headaches are because of stress.你的头疼是紧张造成的。I cant stress enough the need for cooperation.合作的必要性无论我如何强调都不过分。,stress,归纳总结stress 压力;紧张;重点;重音;加压力于;使紧张;重读。(1)under stress在压力之下under the stress of在压力下in the stress of the moment一时紧张(3)stressed adj.焦虑不安的,心力交瘁的stressful adj.压力重的;紧张的,n.,vt.,stress sth.lay/place/put stress on sth.,(2),强调某事物,即学即用(1)自从母亲病倒后,简一直忧心忡忡。Janes been since her mothers illness.(2)他强调了接受良好教育的重要性。He the importance of a good education.(3)疾病应以预防为主。the prevention of diseases.,under a lot of stress,stressed,Stress should be put on,2.accustomed This means that after a while your body becomes to having nicotine in it.(回归课本P18)观察思考 He has already been accustomed to the tropical climate in the area since he has stayed there for almost ten years.他在这个地区生活了将近十年,所以已经习惯了 热带气候。Im not accustomed to getting up so early to do morning exercises.我不习惯这么早起床进行晨练。,accustomed,归纳总结accustomed。(1)be accustomed to习惯于(表示状态)become/get accustomed to习惯于(不延续的动作)unaccustomed adj.不习惯的(2)accustom vt.(与介词to连用)使习惯于;使适应accustom oneself/sb.to doing sth.使自己/某人习惯于;养成的习惯,adj.,习惯的;通常的,即学即用(1)我花了一段时间才逐渐适应了所有的新规章制度。It took a while for me to all the new rules and regulations.(2)他在炉火旁经常坐的座位上坐了下来。He took by the fire.(3)你必须使自己适应新的环境。You must the new environment.,accustom myself to,his accustomed seat,accustom yourself to,3.effect When I was young,I didnt know much about the harmful of smoking.(回归课本P18)观察思考 He criticisms had the effect of discouraging him completely.他批评的结果是使他完全丧失了信心。I can certainly feel the effects of too many late nights.我当然能感觉到熬夜太多产生的影响。I tried to persuade him,but to no effect.我试图说服他,但却无济于事。,effects,归纳总结effect。(1)have an effect on影响put/bring sth.into effect实施,实行;使生效come into effect/take effect(法律、规则或制度)生效;实施to no effect毫无效果,不起作用in effect实际上(2)effective adj.有效的;醒目的,n.结果;影响;效力,即学即用(1)通货膨胀正在给经济带来灾难性的影响。Inflation is the economy.(2)把这些变化落到实处不是件容易的事。It wont be easy to the changes.(3)新的税率从四月起生效。The new tax rates from April.,having a disastrous effect on,put,into effect,come into effect,4.ashamed If you weaken and have a cigarette,dont feel.(回归课本P19)观察思考 She was ashamed of having failed in the examination.她因考试不及格而感到羞愧。She was ashamed to tell anyone that she had fallen in love with him.她羞于告诉任何人自己爱上了他。He is ashamed of his shameful conduct.他为自己可耻的行为感到羞愧。,ashamed,归纳总结ashamed为,意为“感到惭愧或羞耻的”。(1)be ashamed of(doing)sth.因(做了)某事而感到羞愧be ashamed to do sth.耻于做;因难为情而不愿做be ashamed that.对感到内疚(2)shame n.羞耻;惭愧;遗憾的事shameful adj.不体面的shameless adj.不知羞耻的,表语形容词,易混辨异ashamed,shameful(1)ashamed指某人因某事而感到羞耻、惭愧、害臊等。(2)shameful指事情或行为本身可耻、不道德。,即学即用(1)真有点不好意思,我太幸运了。I that Ive been so lucky.(2)最后我哭了,我并不耻于承认哭过。I cried at the end and Im it.(3)我不好意思寻求帮助。I ask for help.(4)你不能留下来和我们在一起,真是太遗憾了。that you cant stay with us.,feel almost ashamed,not ashamed to,admit,felt ashamed to,It is a shame,5.risk He felt he had to make up his mind on every step instead of taking.(回归课本P20)观察思考 Fishermen face a lot of risks in their sea lives.渔民在海上的生活面临着许多危险。Im afraid Im a poor risk for life insurancemy health is too bad.我恐怕不是人寿保险的对象,因为我的健康很差。The brave man risked his life in trying to save the boy.这位勇士冒着生命危险去救孩子。I couldnt risk missing the train.我不能冒误火车的危险。,risks,归纳总结risk。(1)at risk处于危险之中;冒风险at the risk of.冒着的风险at all risks无论冒什么风险face/run risks/a risk冒险take risks(a risk)to do sth.冒险做(2)risk sth.以作为赌注risk doing sth.冒险做risk ones life to do sth.冒着生命危险做某事,n.危险;风险;v.使冒险;冒的风险,即学即用(1)公司的整个前途受到威胁。(2)皮肤白皙的人患皮肤癌的危险更大。(3)我们不能冒失去全部钱的危险。,The whole future of the company is at risk.,People with fair skins are more at risk of skin cancer.,We cant run the risk of losing all themoney.,重点短语与句型6.due to I think my long and active life must be _ the healthy life I live.(回归课本P18)观察思考 The accident happened due to the heavy fog.事故因大雾而起。My toothache is due to too much sugar,for I have a sweet tooth.牙痛是由于我吃了太多的糖,因为我喜欢吃甜食。,due,to,归纳总结due to意为:;在句中可作 语、语等,置于句首。be due to do sth.预期做某事,预定要做某事be due to sth./doing sth./sb.归因于某事/做某事/某人;欠某人be due for sth.应有;应得到,由于,因为,表,状,不可,易混辨异due to,owing to,because of,thanks to这四个介词短语都表示“由于,因为”,除due to外都可以引导副词短语,在句中作状语。Because of/Owing to/Thanks to his careless driving we had a bad accident.由于他开车不慎,我们出了严重的车祸。(1)due to可以引导形容词短语,在句中作表语或定语,而其他几个不能。The accident was due to careless driving.事故是驾驶不慎造成的。(2)owing to引导的副词短语多用于修饰复合句,常与主句用逗号隔开,是一个比较正式的用语,用于正式,的公告或公开的声明中;because of用来表原因,常用于口语中。All flights into London Heathrow have been delayed owing to the thick fog.所有飞往伦敦希思罗机场的航班均因大雾而延迟。(3)thanks to表示由于某人或某事的原因,主句所述事实才得以发生,一般表积极意义,但有时也有讽刺意味。Thanks to your help,we finished the task ahead of time.多亏你的帮忙,我们才提前完成了任务。It was thanks to your stupidity that we lost the game.我们输了,应归于您的愚蠢。,即学即用(1)这个队的胜利在很大程度上是她努力的结果。The teams success was largely.(2)由于风暴他迟到了。He arrived late.(3)多数问题都是人为错误造成的。Most of the problems were.,due to her,efforts,due to the storm,due to human,error,(4)他回来晚了,因为雨下得很大。(修饰全句)He came back late,.(5)他拒绝仅仅因为下雨就取消比赛。(修饰to call off)He refused to call off the game simply.,owing to/because of the,heavy rain,because of the rain,7.in spite of all his efforts he failed.(回归课本P20)观察思考 We went out in spite of the rain.尽管下着雨,我们还是出去了。Kelly loved her husband in spite of the fact that he drank too much.虽然她丈夫酗酒,凯莉仍然爱着他。,In spite of,归纳总结in spite of意为:。(1)out of spite出于恶意in spite of oneself情不自禁地,不由自主地(2)in spite of+n.=despite(prep.)+n.=regardless of+n.(3)in spite of the fact that.(同位语从句)=(al)though+从句注意 in spite of为介词词组,与介词despite及regardless of一样,其后可跟名词、动名词及其他短语。意义基本相同,但regardless of只有“不管,不顾”之意。though,although也有“虽然,尽管”之意,但它们是连词,后面应接句子。,尽管,虽然;不管,不顾,即学即用(1)(尽管他干了坏事),I still believe in his essential goodness.(2)He did very well at school(尽管他不时地干些兼职).(3)(尽管天气恶 劣),he still insisted on going there on foot.,In spite of the bad things he has done,in spite of,having to do parttime jobs every now and,then,In spite of the bad weather,8.get into Of course the best way to deal with these drugs is not to the habit in the first place!(回归课本P20)观察思考 Im sorry I got you into trouble with the teacher.很抱歉,我让你跟老师发生了纠纷。He got himself into the habit of smoking.他染上了吸烟的习惯。,get into,归纳总结(1)get into作“陷入”讲时,指进入某种特殊状态,如get into debt负债;get into trouble/a rage/a temper惹上麻烦/发怒/发脾气。(2)get into作“养成做某事的习惯;学得做某事之常规”讲时,常构成get into the way/habit/routine of doing sth.结构,意为:学做某事的方法/养成做某事的习惯/学得做某事之常规。(3)get into词组无被动语态。get(sth.)across(to sb.)(使某事为某人)理解,get along/on with事情进展;相处get around/about四处走动;活动get away(from)逃离get back回来,返回get close to接近get down to认真工作get over战胜,克服get through顺利通过get together相聚,聚集,即学即用(1)过去他怕高但现在他克服了。He used to be afraid of heights but he has now.(2)生意越来越糟,很快他负债累累。The business went worse and worse soon he.,got over that,got into debt,(3)微笑可以帮助我们在一个到处是陌生人的世界里 渡过难关,找到朋友。A smile can help us and find friends in a world of strangers.(4)这位教授经常能把很难理解的问题讲清楚。The professor often which are difficult to understand.,get through difficult,situations,gets across the,questions,9.As you know,if you do the same thing over and over again,you begin to do it automatically.你知道,如果你反反复复地做 同一件事,你就会自动地做它。典例体验,smoking is harmful to ones health.众所周知,吸烟对健康有害。The sun heats the earth,to us.太阳让地球变暖,这对我们来说很重要。,As we know,which is very,important,He opposed the idea,.正如所预料到的,他反对这个意见。The weather turned out to be very good,.超出我们的预料,天气结果非常地好。,as could be expected,which was more than we could expect,归纳总结as/which引导非限制性定语从句:由as,which引导的,as和which这两个关系代词都可指主句所表达的整个意思,相当于and this或and that。并且在定语从句中都可以作主语和宾语。但不同之处主要有两点:(1)as引导的定语从句 置于句首,而不可。(2)代表前面的整个主句并在从句中作主语时,从句中的谓语必须是系动词;若为行为动词,则从句中的关系代词只能用。as的常见用法小结:,非限制性定语从句,可,which,as,which,(1)“as+adj./adv.+as+主语+其他”或“not so/as+adj./adv.+as+主语+其他”,意为:像/不像那样。(2)as引导状语从句,常可构成“as+主语+动词+其他”的形式,意思是“当时候;因为;按照;正如”。(3)as常用于句首,用来构成倒装句型,构成“adj./adv./v./n.+as+主语+其他”的结构形式,意为“虽然”。(4)在被讲解句中as用作引导定语从句。as引导定语从句常用于以下几种情况:当先行词被such修饰时;当先行词被the same修饰时;as指代前面或后面所提到的句子,通常as后面跟know,expect,show,report,believe,announce,be known,be expected等。,即学即用(1)他非常喜欢她,但又羞于告诉她。,he is shy of telling her.(2)正如我们预料的那样,她得了高分。She got a good mark,.(3)照我告诉你的去做。Do it.(4)正如他所说,我们无法完成那项工作。,we could not finish the work.(5)她没有她的妹妹聪明。She is not(is clever).,Very much as he likes her,as was expected,as I told you,As he said,so clever as her sister,品味构词1.利用派生法,品句填词These days my teeth give me much;if you never suffer from it you wont feel it.(trouble)串联扩展,trouble,troublesome,fearsome,令人厌烦的,爱管闲事的,wearisome,worrisome,tiresome,2.利用合成法,品句选词Mr.Wan is a brave comrade.Where is danger,he always comes to the.all the workmates like him.A.foreB.there C.Therefore,B,A,C,串联扩展,thereabout,thereafter,therein,thereupon,thereof,考题回扣【例1】So sudden that the enemy had no time to escape.(山东高考)A.did the attack B.the attack did C.was the attack D.the attack was 解析 在so+adj.+that.句型中,当so+adj.置于句首时,其所在句子的谓语应用部分倒装形 式,故选C项。课文原文 It is not easy to stop smoking,but millions have managed to quit and.,so can you,C,【例2】Its the office!So you know eating is not allowed here.Oh,sorry.(湖南高考)A.mustB.will C.mayD.need 解析 句意为:这里是办公室!你要知道,在这儿吃东西是不被允许的。哦,对不起。句子用来责备对方且带有命令的语气,所以空格 处应选择must。课文原文 I think my long and active life be due to the healthy life I live.,must,A,【例3】the project as planned,well have to work two more hours a day.A.CompletingB.Complete C.CompletedD.To complete 解析 句意为:为了按计划完成工程,我们不得 不每天多工作两个小时。此处用动词不定式作状 语,表示目的。课文原文 It was impossible more than twenty yards ahead of you,so all the cars were travelling very slowly.,to see,D,【例4】The weather was cold that I didnt like to leave my room.(全国高考)A.reallyB.such C.tooD.so 解析 考查so.that这一结构。课文原文 He was upset about himself he felt like crying.,so,that,D,【例5】By the time he realizes he into a trap,itll be too late for him to do anything about it.(山东高考)A.walksB.walked C.has walkedD.had walked 解析 由句中realizes及itll be可知应用现在 的时态,故排除B、D两项,由句意可知空白处强 调已经完成的动作,故用现在完成时。课文原文 I just from a long bike ride to an old castle.,have,returned,C,自主检测.品句填词1.I was a of having lied to my teacher.2.I always dream of having an a dishwasher,so I wont wash dirty dishes myself.3.I think the company places too much s on cost and not enough on quality.4.She was suffering from physical and m exhaustion.5.His increasing financial difficulties forced him to take d measures.,shamed,utomatic,tress,ental,esperate,6.He felt they had(滥用,妄用)his trust by talking about him to the press.7.He tried to dance,but he was too clumsy and(笨拙的).8.Her position in the Party has(加强)in recent weeks.9.New controls will come into(生效)next month.10.I was(失望)to see she wasnt at the party.,abused,awkward,strengthened,effect,disappointed,.短语运用1.She a princess in that dress.2.Have the things to be bought?3.He the life in the mountains since his childhood.4.He saved my life losing his own.,at the risk of,be ashamed of,stand for,get into,feel like,in spite of,due to,addicted to,decide on,be accustomed to,felt like,decided on,was accustomed to,at the risk of,5.We an argument about politics then.6.He became drugs.7.his illness,he works hard.8.WHO the World Health Organization.9.Most traffic accidents are careless driving.10.I not having passed the driving test.,got into,addicted to,In spite of,stands for,due to,was ashamed of,.用恰当的代词填空1.If I can help,I dont like working late into the night.2.Id appreciate if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.3.Catherine bought a postcard of the place she was visiting,addressed to and then posted it at the nearby post office.4.My most famous relative of all,the who really left his mark on America,was Reb Sussel,my great-grandfather.,it,it,it,herself,one,5.Weve been looking at houses but havent found we like yet.6.Im moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than in the city.7.I prefer a flat in Inverness to in Perth,because I want to live near my Moms.,one,that,one,.完成句子1.这家工厂排出的污水对当地环境有很大危害。The waste water from the factory the environment in the local area.2.无论你什么时候想和我谈都可以来找我。you me,you can do it.3.很可能他会接替经理的职位。he will take over the manager.4.学习时,遇到不会的问题他总是请教那位教授。He always the professor about the problem he didnt understand when he was a schoolboy.,does great,harm to,Whenever,feel like talking to,Its likely that,was,consulting,5.被大家嘲笑使他感到很难堪。was by everyone made him embarrassed.6.(尽管下着大雨),he managed to arrive at the party on time.7.Though his family was very poor(他父母还是把他送进了大学).8.His book is(预定十月份出版).,It,being laughed at,that,In spite of the heavy rain,his parents,managed to send him to the university,due to be published in October,.单项填空1.I hear Tom playing games recently.no wonder he is easy to feel sleepy in the class.A.is addicted to;There is B.addicts;There is C.addicts;It is D.is addicted to;It is 解析 此题考查时态。be addicted to sth./doing sth.沉溺于某事;It is no wonder that.不足为奇,二者均为固定的表达形式。句 意为:我听说近来汤姆迷上了打游戏。他在课堂上老打盹就不奇怪了。,D,2.My sister,an inexperienced rider,was found sitting on the bicycle to balance it.A.having triedB.trying C.to tryD.tried 解析 该题中考查了固定句式“find+宾语+宾语 补足语”结构的被动语态形式。由于try与find的 动作几乎同时发生,且try与主语之间为逻辑上的 主谓关系,故try须用现在分词形式作宾语补足语。,B,3.Although many measures,the worlds economy is still going down.A.were takenB.have been taken C.will be takenD.are taken 解析 考查动词的时态与语态。表示过去发生的 动作对现在造成影响,所以用现在完成时;take 与measures之间构成动宾关系,所以要用被动语态。,B,4.So much of interest that most visitors simply run out of time before seeing it all.A.offers Beijing B.Beijing offers C.does Beijing offer D.Beijing does offer 解析 在使用so.that句式时,若so+adj./adv.位于句首,则该句须用倒装语序,故应选择C项。,C,5.the website of the Fire Department in y


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