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    God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(Module 1),God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U1)期末背多分,The Final is coming!We must fight for the winner.,Ah!Wow!.I havent prepared for it!Oh!My God!,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U1)期末背多分,1 n.vt.尊敬,敬重 2 n.文学 3 adj.具有挑战性的 4 vt.经历,体验 5 vt.介绍 6 adv.立即,马上7 n.文化8 n.教授9 vt.&n.广播,播放10 n.准备,Words,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U1)期末背多分,11 vi&vt.继续,持续12 n.一代,一代人13 vt.选择,挑选14 adj.让人恐慌的,吓人的15 vt.使满意,取悦,1.区别的不同点2.轻松,自在3.(参加)听讲座4.参加俱乐部5.平均地,Phrase,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U1)期末背多分,6.过去常常,曾经7.习惯于做某事8.上网9.与sb.有约会10.对来说是有用的11.提供三餐12.培养。的兴趣13.发现sb难于取悦14.提及,涉及15.发生16.使sb了解某事17.赞同他的观点18.被要求做某事,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U1)期末背多分,Sentences,-What _ great fun it would be if we could light candles to celebrate his birthday!-Forget it!The teacher in_charge our dorm wont be happy to see that.2.Every minutes should be made the most of_(improve)our reading ability.3._ two exams coming near,I have to work really hard these days.4._ two exams is coming near,I have to work really hard these days.A.For B.With C.Of D.As5.He made three good friends in the university,and_ joined the army after graduation.A.three of them B.three of whom C.three of which,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U1)期末背多分,I _ that the man has been fired _ his carelessness.A.regret to say;due to B.regret saying;because C.regret to have said;due to D.regret having said;as 7.Jack stay here and anyone else _out.A.goes B.go C.to go D.has gone8.I think youve got to the very point_ a change is needed,otherwise you will fail.A.when B.that C.where D.which9.I live in the a house whose window _.A.requires being repaired B.requires repairing C.requires to repair D.require to be repaired10.-Why does she always ask you for help?-There is no one else _,is there?A who to turn to B she can turn to C for whom to turn D for her to turn,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U1)期末背多分,1 n.vt.尊敬,敬重 2 n.文学 3 adj.具有挑战性的 4 vt.经历,体验 5 vt.介绍 6 adv.立即,马上7 n.文化8 n.教授9 vt.&n.广播,播放10 n.准备,Words,respectliteraturechallengingexperienceintroduceimmediatelycultureprofessorbroadcastpreparation,词性的变化,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U1)期末背多分,11 vi&vt.继续,持续12 n.一代,一代人13 vt.选择,挑选14 adj.让人恐慌的,吓人的15 vt.使满意,取悦,1.区别的不同点2.轻松,自在3.(参加)听讲座4.参加俱乐部5.平均地,continuegenerationselectscaryplease,tell the difference between.andat easeattend the lecturejoin the clubon average,Phrase,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U1)期末背多分,6.过去常常,曾经7.习惯于做某事8.上网9.与sb.有约会10.对来说是有用的11.提供三餐12.培养。的兴趣13.发现sb难于取悦14.提及,涉及15.发生16.使sb了解某事17.赞同他的观点18.被要求做某事,used to dobe used to doing sthsurf the Internethave/make/fix an appointment with sb.be available for sthserve three mealsdevelop an interest infind sb hard to pleaserefer totake placekeep sb informed ofapprove(of)his ideabe required to do sth,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U1)期末背多分,Sentences,-What _ great fun it would be if we could light candles to celebrate his birthday!-Forget it!The teacher in_charge our dorm wont be happy to see that.2.Every minutes should be made the most of_(improve)our reading ability.3._ two exams coming near,I have to work really hard these days.4._ two exams is coming near,I have to work really hard these days.A.For B.With C.Of D.As5.He made three good friends in the university,and_ joined the army after graduation.A.three of them B.three of whom C.three of which,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U1)期末背多分,I _ that the man has been fired _ his carelessness.A.regret to say;due to B.regret saying;because C.regret to have said;due to D.regret having said;as 7.Jack stay here and anyone else _out.A.goes B.go C.to go D.has gone8.I think youve got to the very point_ a change is needed,otherwise you will fail.A.when B.that C.where D.which9.I live in the a house whose window _.A.requires being repaired B.requires repairing C.requires to repair D.require to be repaired10.-Why does she always ask you for help?-There is no one else _,is there?A who to turn to B she can turn to C for whom to turn D for her to turn,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U1)期末背多分,No pains,no gains!,Got it.I will keep it in mind forever!,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U2)期末背多分,Come on!It is time for us to fight again.,Wait!Wait!Wait for me.Wait for me to see the secret my father told me.,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U2)期末背多分,1 n.假期,休假 2 n.成年人 3 adj.珍贵的,宝贵的 4 vt.信任 5 n.行为,举止6 adv.真诚地7 n.过错,过失8 n.解释,说明9 n.争论,辩论10 n.现金,Words,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U2)期末背多分,11 n.关系12 n.自由13 vt.建议,暗示14 adj.空闲的,多余的15 vt.禁止,1.出现,露面2.迫使sb做sth3.比预期的早一天4.应该做,理应做5.让sb负责,Phrase,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U2)期末背多分,6.未受惩罚的7.使双臂交叉8.值得,应受9.对sb苛刻的10.对sb粗鲁的11.做好的决定12.all thumbs13.对感到紧张的14.毕竟,究竟15.向sb寻求有关的建议16.有关系,有影响17.解决问题18.禁止sb做sth,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U2)期末背多分,Sentences,1.Will you please show me the way to the only hill _ stands the ancient temple built in the 1860s?A.that B.C.where D.during which2.They stood at the window,_ they could see _ was happening in the street.A.where;all B.which;all C.from where;what D.from which;what3.We will go to the countryside at the beginning of June _,I think,probably the summer harvest will begin.A.if B.when C.which D.while4.Be careful when _(cross)the road.Though _(inform)of the bad effect,he still wastes his time _(play)the computer games.,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U2)期末背多分,6.The graduate insisted that he _ to the West to teach the children there and that what he chose _ right even though his parents didnt want him to go.A.was sent;was B send;be C.should be sent;should be D.be sent;was7.Whom would you rather _ the washing machine?A.have repaired B.have repairing C.have repair D.have to repair8.他们坚持认为大家观点不一致,坚持要求会议推迟。9.You are saying that everyone should be equal,and this is_ I disagree.A why B where C what D how10.Is this factory _your father used to work many years ago?A.the place B.which C.in which D.the one in which,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U2)期末背多分,1 n.假期,休假 2 n.成年人 3 adj.珍贵的,宝贵的 4 vt.信任 5 n.行为,举止6 adv.真诚地7 n.过错,过失8 n.解释,说明9 n.争论,辩论10 n.现金,Words,vacationadultvaluabletrustbehaviorsincerelyfaultexplanationargumentcash,词性的变化,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U2)期末背多分,11 n.关系12 n.自由13 vt.建议,暗示14 adj.空闲的,多余的15 vt.禁止,1.出现,露面2.迫使sb做sth3.比预期的早一天4.应该做,理应做5.让sb负责,relationshipfreedomsuggestspareforbid,turn upforce sb to do sth/into doing stha day earlier than expectedbe supposed to doleave sb in charge,Phrase,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U2)期末背多分,6.未受惩罚的7.使双臂交叉8.值得,应受9.对sb苛刻的10.对sb粗鲁的11.做好的决定12.all thumbs13.对感到紧张的14.毕竟,究竟15.向sb寻求有关的建议16.有关系,有影响17.解决问题18.禁止sb做sth,go unpunishedhave ones arms crosseddeserve to do/deserve doingbe hard on sbbe rude to sbmake good decision(s)笨手笨脚be nervous aboutafter allask sb for some advice aboutmake a/much/little differencefix/solve/settle/work out probelmforbid sb from doing sth,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U2)期末背多分,Sentences,1.Will you please show me the way to the only hill _ stands the ancient temple built in the 1860s?A.that B.C.where D.during which2.They stood at the window,_ they could see _ was happening in the street.A.where;all B.which;all C.from where;what D.from which;what3.We will go to the countryside at the beginning of June _,I think,probably the summer harvest will begin.A.if B.when C.which D.while4.Be careful when _(cross)the road.Though _(inform)of the bad effect,he still wastes his time _(play)the computer games.,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U2)期末背多分,6.The graduate insisted that he _ to the West to teach the children there and that what he chose _ right even though his parents didnt want him to go.A.was sent;was B send;be C.should be sent;should be D.be sent;was7.Whom would you rather _ the washing machine?A.have repaired B.have repairing C.have repair D.have to repair8.他们坚持认为大家观点不一致,坚持要求会议推迟。9.You are saying that everyone should be equal,and this is_ I disagree.A why B where C what D how10.Is this factory _your father used to work many years ago?A.the place B.which C.in which D.the one in which,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U2)期末背多分,Dont lose the balance of yourself!,WellI have regretted what I have done!,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U3)期末背多分,Dont take in yourself.The man who laughs last laughs best!,I am dying to win this time!Hurry up!let me beat you to death.,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U3)期末背多分,1 n.体型,身材 2 n.衰退,故障,失败 3 adj.有吸引力的 4 vt.影响 5 n.手术6 adv.适当地,合适地7 n.压力8 n.成就9 n.能力10 n.能量,Words,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U3)期末背多分,11 vt.跳过,略过12 adv.定期地,有规律地13 vt.算数,有效14 adj.肥胖的15 vt.认出,识别,认可,1.改变sb的外貌2.渴望做3.work out4.对感到羞耻的5.对感到尴尬的,Phrases,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U3)期末背多分,6.使肝脏衰竭7.遵循医生的建议8.值得做某事(w-)9.拒绝做某事10.既然=since11.增加力气12.推荐sth给sb13.充分利用14.使sb高兴,振作15.对sb来说是难事16.从长远来看17.集中注意力18.take in,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U3)期末背多分,Sentences,1.Anyone with some experience will never believe the reason _ he raised at the conference.A.why B.that C.what D.where2.She left her children to her aunt,_ she believe could take care of.A.who;them B.whom;them C.who;/D.that;whom3._ he said just now,I think,should be discussed at the next meeting.A.Which B.That C.As D.What4.Do you know whom the teacher had _ for the wall newspaper last time?A.work B.worked C.works D.to work5.We cant imagine the difficulty she had _ under such bad condition.A.to work B.worked C.working D.had worked,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U3)期末背多分,6.Unless _(speak)to,He usually remains silent.When _(ask),he dropped his head._(see)the frightening dog,he felt frightened._(see)from the mountain,the city looks beautiful.7.He was educated at the local high school,_he went on to Beijing University.A.after which B.after that C.in which D.in that8.-Jack has made great progress this term.-_ and _ A.So he has;so you have B.So has he;so have you C.So he has;so have you D.So has he;so you have9._ is often the case,we have worked out the production plan.A.Which B.When C.What D.As10._ through the gate and youll find the entrance to Bear County on the other side.A.Going B.Go C.To go D.Having gone,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U3)期末背多分,1 n.体型,身材 2 n.衰退,故障,失败 3 adj.有吸引力的 4 vt.影响 5 n.手术6 adv.适当地,合适地7 n.压力8 n.成就9 n.能力10 n.能量,Words,figurefailureattractiveaffectoperationproperlypressureachievementabilityenergy,词性的变化,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U3)期末背多分,11 vt.跳过,略过12 adv.定期地,有规律地13 vt.算数,有效14 adj.肥胖的15 vt.认出,识别,认可,1.改变sb的外貌2.渴望做3.work out4.对感到羞耻的5.对感到尴尬的,skipregularlycountoverweightrecognize,change ones appearancebe dying to do/for sth锻炼;解决;制定出;奏效be ashamed ofbe embarrassed about,Phrases,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U3)期末背多分,6.使肝脏衰竭7.遵循医生的建议8.值得做某事(w-)9.拒绝做某事10.既然=since11.增加力气12.推荐sth给sb13.充分利用14.使sb高兴,振作15.对sb来说是难事16.从长远来看17.集中注意力18.take in,cause liver to failfollow doctors adivcebe worth(doing)sthrefuse to donow thatbuild up ones strengthrecommend sth to sbmake the most/best ofcheer sb upbe a headache to sbin the long termconcentrate on/focus onforbid sb from doing sth,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U3)期末背多分,Sentences,1.Anyone with some experience will never believe the reason _ he raised at the conference.A.why B.that C.what D.where2.She left her children to her aunt,_ she believe could take care of.A.who;them B.whom;them C.who;/D.that;whom3._ he said just now,I think,should be discussed at the next meeting.A.Which B.That C.As D.What4.Do you know whom the teacher had _ for the wall newspaper last time?A.work B.worked C.works D.to work5.We cant imagine the difficulty she had _ under such bad condition.A.to work B.worked C.working D.had worked,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U3)期末背多分,6.Unless _(speak)to,He usually remains silent.When _(ask),he dropped his head._(see)the frightening dog,he felt frightened._(see)from the mountain,the city looks beautiful.7.He was educated at the local high school,_he went on to Beijing University.A.after which B.after that C.in which D.in that8.-Jack has made great progress this term.-_ and _ A.So he has;so you have B.So has he;so have you C.So he has;so have you D.So has he;so you have9._ is often the case,we have worked out the production plan.A.Which B.When C.What D.As10._ through the gate and youll find the entrance to Bear County on the other side.A.Going B.Go C.To go D.Having gone,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M1U3)期末背多分,Cheer up,young man.Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.,WellI am ashamed of what I have done!,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(Module 2),God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M2U1)期末背多分,You have been stepping up your practice.You must have made great progress!,You are more a friend than a competitor.I wont let you disappointed any more.,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M2U1)期末背多分,1 adj.色彩繁多的 2 n.存在 3 adj.令人困惑不解的 4 vt.谋杀,凶杀5 n.证据6 adv.最近,近来7 n.财宝,财富8 n.肩部,肩9 n.网站10 n.脚印,Words,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M2U1)期末背多分,11 adj.国家的12 adv.可能地13 vt.支持,支撑,搀扶14 adj.立即,马上15 vt.具有挑战性的,Prases,1.不解之谜2.沉船3.加紧,加强,促进4.为sth搜查sp5.根据,依照,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M2U1)期末背多分,6.做研究7.排除8.make up9.有可能性10.取得很大进步11.对sb很失望12.把A和B分开,隔开13.梦想做某事14.more than15.作为报答,回报16.前进,一路向前17.可能做过某事18.对信服的,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M2U1)期末背多分,Sentences,1.Will you please show me the way to the only hill _ stands the ancient temple built in the 1860s?A.that B.C.where D.during which2.They stood at the window,_ they could see _ was happening in the street.A.where;all B.which;all C.form where;what D.from which;what3.We will go to the countryside at the beginning of June _,I think,probably the summer harvest will begin.A.if B.when C.which D.while4.Be careful when _(cross)the road.Though _(inform)of the bad effect,he still wastes his time _(play)the computer games.5.Whom would you rather _ the washing machine?A.have repaired B.have repairing C.have repair D.have to repair,God helps those who help themselves!,高一A英语复习课件一(M2U1)期末背多分,6.The graduate insisted that he _ to the West to teach the children there and that what he chose _ right even though his parents didnt want him to go.A.was sent;was B send;be C.should be sent;should be D.be sent;was 7.How I regret _ them all_ I know about the secret!A.to tell;that B.telling;what C.to tell;what D.having told;which8.If you buy _MP4 player in our store you can get a watch for _ free.A.a;/B.an;the C.an;/D.the;the9.The _look on her face suggested that she_ it.A.puzzling;hadnt expected B.puzzled;hadnt expected C.puzzling;wouldnt expect D.puzzled;shouldnt expected10.You _ things about.Look,what a mess in your room.A.always throw


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