,My First Ride on a Train,Introduction,Please talk about how you travel around most frequently?,motorbike,ferry,train,plane,bus,taxi,bicycle,brainstorm,bicycleMotorbiketaxi,bus,traintram,ferry,planehelicopter,planetrain,get on get off get into get out(of)ride drive take off land,Match the verbs with the means of transport weve learnt just now.Some of the verbs can refer to more than one means of transport.,get on get off get into get out(of)ride drive take off land,get on get off get into get out(of)ride drive take off land,bicycle bus ferry helicopter train tram motorbike plane taxi,get onget off,bus,train,tram,plane,bicycle,motorbike,ferry,get into/out(of),taxi,helicopter,ride,drive,helicopterplane,take offland,board drive fly get off get on get out of land ride sail take off,Example:Can you fly a bicycle?Can you fly a bicycle?,ride,Exercises in the workbook(Page 80)Correct these sentences with the words in the box.,5,1.I dont know how to ride a car.2.When all of the passengers had boarded,the ocean liner(班轮)left the port and flew to Hong Kong.3.The passengers got out of the bus.4.The plane got off from Tokyo(东京)Airport and six hours later,it landed in Bangkok(曼谷).5.How long did it take you to learn how to sail a plane?,sailed,got off,took off,fly,drive,Describe the first time you travelled a long distance.Say how old you were,where you went and who you went with.,Discussion,vehicle,age,destination,person,VocabularyReading and speaking,kindergarten,eagle,Tell your partners about the first time you did one of these activities and decide whose experience is the most interesting.,Reading and vocabulary,My First Ride on a Train,How do you know about Australia?,populationcapital cityhomes habitationterrain 地形animals,The Opera House of Sydney,Ostrich,National Emblem,1)How many people live there?2)Do you know the name of the capital city?3)Where do you think most of the people live in the central part of the country or on the coast?4)Where do you think the central part of the country is like?5)What Australia animals do you know?,kangaroo,platypus,koala,abandoned camel cassette desert diamond distance expert midnight product scenery shoot soil,abandoned camel cassette desert diamond distance expert midnight product scenery shoot soil,abandoned camel cassette desert diamond distance expert midnight product scenery shoot soil,abandoned camel cassette desert diamond distance expert midnight product scenery shoot soil,abandoned camel cassette desert diamond distance expert midnight product scenery shoot soil,abandoned camel cassette desert diamond distance expert midnight product scenery shoot soil,abandoned camel cassette desert diamond distance expert midnight product scenery shoot soil,abandoned camel cassette desert diamond distance expert midnight product scenery shoot soil,abandoned camel cassette desert diamond distance expert midnight product scenery shoot soil,abandoned camel cassette desert diamond distance expert midnight product scenery shoot soil,abandoned camel cassette desert diamond distance expert midnight product scenery shoot soil,abandoned camel cassette desert diamond distance expert midnight product scenery shoot soil,abandoned,camel,cassette,desert,diamond,distance,expert,midnight,product,scenery,shoot,soil,Please skim My First Ride on a Train and find out whats the passage about?*a train ride to Sydney*the train to Australia*travelling to the central part of Australia*a child visiting her grandmother,Language points,