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    囧,今天好囧啊,等了半天打不到的士。,welcome to our class,Discussion:,1.What difficulty do you often have in English Reading?,Meeting with new words.,If you come across new words in English reading,What will you do?,Ignore them and continue reading,Look them up in the dictionary,Guess the meaning,阅读理解之,猜测词意,主要题型,1.,阅读理解,近3年全国卷I阅读理解题型分布,猜测词义,2题,2题,3题,How to guess wordswhile reading,词义猜测类题目常见提问方式,l.Twelveyearold Sally was an active girl,but her sister was quite sedate A.pretty B.calm C.friendly D.energetic,【解析】句中的 but表转折,指明sedate正是active的反义词。所以calm实为sedate的同义词。,高考典例,选出与划线单词意思相近的词,2.Mary is a beautiful and charming lady,so she is very popular in the company.A.lovely B.ugly C.brave D.serious,【解析】根据连词and判断前后应为并列的关 系,可见charming与beautiful应为近义词.,利用上下文,通过_结构或_结构中的_词、_词推测词义。,对应,平行,同义,反义,技巧 1,反义词常见信号词有but、yet、while、however、on the contrary 等。同义词常见信号词:and,or,namely,that is,that is to say,等。,1.Although the hazards of the trip were many-for example,the unbearable heat,the lack of water,the possibility of getting lost,the presence of wild animal and poisonous snakes-Collins nevertheless decided that she must go.A.safties B.destinations C.dangers D.pleasures【解析】通过下句信息词for example 后面所举例子来推断词义。,2.It will be very hard but also very brittle-that is,it will break easily.A.breakable B.firm C.strong D.separate【解析】其线索that is(也就是说)后 面一句话表明了该词义。,从句子或文段中找线索、信息词(如_、_或_等)推测词义。,举例子,下定义,解释,技巧 2,常见的举例的提示词有for instance,for example,such as 等。常用的解释性词提示词有that is,mean,stand for,namely,in other words,to be等,,1.The herdsman,who looks after sheep,earns about 650 yuan a year.A.chief B.sheepherder C.merchant D.buyer【解析】根据who引导的定语从句所提供的信息来推断。,2.Japan has a problem many other countries would envy-its workforce works too hard.Curing Japanese workers of disease workaholism is proving a difficult job,partly because many of them like work better than anything else,experts say.A.killer B.drinker C.jobnik D.secretary【解析】根据because 从句所提供的线索来找答案。通过上下语境可知,workaholism和jobnik 都是“工作狂”的意思。,根据上下文_结构(即_句)及其语境,推断词义。,句子,主从复合,技巧 3,文中常用解释性句子引出生词含义,有时用破折号,括弧来表示,或者用同位语、定语从句的形式出现。,Do you have any strong opinion on co-educational or single-sex schools?A.co-operative educational B.separate educational C.boys and girls at the same schools educational D.individual educational【解析】根据信息词or及single-sex 一词 之意可推断出其词义。且前缀co-有“共同、一起”的意思。如:cooperation.,2.We live in a technological society where most goods are mass-produced by unskilled labor.Because of this,most people think that craft(手艺)no longer exists.A.large-scaled production B.small-scaled production C.bankrupt D.fortune hunting【解析】根据合成词中的mass(大量的)和produce(生产)可推断其义。,利用_,巧解词义。,构词法,技巧 4,1.利用上下文,通过对应结构或平行结构中的某些同义词、反义词推测词义。2.从句子或文段中找线索、信息词(如举例子、下定义、解释等),判断词义。3.根据上下文句子结构及语境,推断词义。4.利用构词法,巧解词义。,当堂检测,1.The official asked the man what his occupation was.The man told him that he worked as an engineer.A.work B.study C.name D.interest,2.Those new comers were not used to the life in the suburbs which was so different from that inside the city.A.town B.capital C.countryside D.house,3.That old man was so decrepit that he could hardly walk.A.weakB.strong C.healthy D.wealthy 4.Overwork may cause diseases.A.hard-working B.working too much C.working too little 5.In the world,some are well off while others are poor.A.rich B.brave C.tall,阅读短文,推测文中划线词的含义,A There is a new boy in our class.His name is Brian.Today is his first day at our school.He rode to school on my bus.He was very quiet at lunch.He stood near the wall and did not play during recess.I think he might be nice because he smiled whenever I look at him.He might be just bashful.Do you think we could become friend?,1.The underlined word“recess”can be replaced by _.A.class B.break C.exercise D.lunchWhich of the following means the same as“bashful”?A.shy B.excited C.unfriendly D.young,BDear Aunty,I got the highest grade on a biology test.Now the popular kids think Im brainy,and want me in their lab group.I knew I was being used.Now,they want my homework.What should I do?-LilyDear Lily,Popularity can come at price,but its no excuse to cheat.Offer to help new friends with their homework,but dont give them yours.,3.The underlined word“brainy”in the text means _.A.excited B.friendly C.intelligent D.hard-working,C I have to hire many people to grow my business.Most of the people who apply for work have such things as educational experience and work experience.What they often fail to show me on paper or in the interview is the confidence to get the job,do the job and grow in the job.If you bring your confidence,most employers will see exactly what theyre seeking in you.Then,all the weakness and shortcoming on your resume(履历)will disappear.Not having enough experience,youthall the things that you think as disadvantages-will diminished.,4.The underlined word“diminished”probably means _.A.less helpful B.less important C.less hopeful D.less pleasant,Definition 定义法,Similarity 相似法,Contrast 对比法,猜测词义,Example 例举法,Context 上下文,Word Formation 构词法,Please keep in mind,Practice makes perfect!,Homework,运用今天所学到词义推测解题方法,完成英语周报第42期猜测词义练习。,Enjoy English,Enjoy life!Bye-bye!,


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