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    必修一,必修一,Unit 1Friendship,早读背诵模板类型:日记。典例:交友日记。模板:Sunday3th July,2011Today I had a quarrel with my friend,Jane,which makes me very upset now.I was in a bad mood today because of my failure in the exam.Jane was happy as usual,so I thought she ignored my feelings.After the quarrel,she was so angry that she went away with disappointment.,She is an easygoing girl and we have been friends for two years.Now I realize I shouldnt have behaved like that.It is I that am to blame.I should value our friendship,because a friend is easier lost than found.The moment I meet her tomorrow I will apologize to her.,一、词汇记忆(一)单词拼写(写出英文单词或单词的汉语意思)1_ vt.使不安,使心烦意乱adj.心烦的,苦恼的,upset,2_ adj.平静的,镇静的 vt.&vi.(使)镇定;(使)平静3_ vt.不顾,不理会;忽视,calm,ignore,4_ adj.松的,宽的;松散的5_ n连续;系列6_ adv.在户外,在野外,在露天;往户外,loose,series,outdoors,7_ vt.使担心;涉及;关系到 n关心的事,重要的事8_vkt n外套,大衣9_ pk n包;捆;包裹,concern,overcoat,pack,10._ n十几岁的青少年11_IntaI adj.完全的,全部的,整个的12_reItfl adj.感谢的,感激的13_dsk n黄昏,teenager,entire,grateful,dusk,14partner n_15curtain n._16power pa n._,伙伴,同伙,帘;窗帘;门帘,力,力量,17settle setl vt.&vi._18suffer sf vt.&vi._19recover rIkv vt.&vi._,使定居,解决,遭受,痊愈,恢复,20tip tIp n._21disagree vi._22exactly IzktlI adv._,提示,技巧,小费,不同意,不赞成,确切地,23dislike dIslaIk vt._24suitcase n._,不喜欢,手提箱,(二)单词拓展(写出下列单词的变化形式)1不理睬,忽视 v_;无知的 adj._;无知n._2权力,力量 n_;强大的 adj._;无权的,无影响力的 adj._,ignore,ignorant,ignorance,power,powerful,powerless,3灰尘 n._;积满灰尘的 adj._4同意 v_;不同意 v_;协议 n_,dust,dusty,agree,disagree,agreement,5喜欢 n&v_;不喜欢 n&v_6关心,涉及,关系到 n&v_;关心的,有关的 adj._;有关的 prep._,like,dislike,concern,concerned,concerning,7感激 n_;感激的 adj._;感激地 adv._8遭受,忍受,经历 v_;痛苦,不幸 n_,gratitude,grateful,gratefully,suffer,suffering,活学活用用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。1As far as I am _,it is quite natural that the farmers are _ about the sale of the land because it is a matter that _ all of them.,concerned,concerned,concerns,So youd better let them see all the official documents _ the sale of this land.(concern),concerning,2There is so much _ in this world.For example,many African people are _hunger while some other people continue to _ from serious pollution.(suffer),suffering,suffering,suffer,3The desk was covered with _ and from the _ books you could see that it was a deserted house.(dust),dust,dusty,4Poverty,disease and _remain major world problems.It is not a question that can be_.(ignore),ignorance,ignored,5After he came to _,everyone said he was a _ leader,but now he felt so _ that he even couldnt save his daughter.(power),power,powerful,powerless,6I was very _ to my teachers for their help and my _ to them was beyond words.(grateful),grateful,gratitude,二、翻译下列必背短语1关心,挂念_2面对面地 _3一连串的,一系列,一套 _,be concerned about,face to face,a series of,4按照;根据所说 _5将合计起来 _6平静下来;镇定下来 _,according to,add up sth,calm down,7对狂热 _8爱上,喜欢上 _9hide away _10go through _11keep a diary _12set sth.down _,grow crazy about,fall in love with,躲藏,经历;经受,记日记,放下,记下,登记,13join in _14on purpose _15get along with _16at dusk _,参加,加入,故意,与相处,进展,在黄昏时刻,17keep calm _18be grateful to sb._19cheat in the exam _20have got to _,保持冷静,感激某人,考试作弊,不得不,活学活用根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子。1Seeing the friends playing an interesting game under the tree,he wanted to _ it.(take part in and become a member of the group),join in,2_ in English every day is a good way to improve your English.(writing a daily record of the events)3Their lifetime friendship has _ tests of life and death.(to experience or suffer sth.),Keeping a diary,gone through,4Every time I _these figures I get a different answer.(to calculate the total of several numbers)5Ive come out from town _to meet you.(not by accident),add up,on purpose,6He _ all his important thoughts in his diary.(to write sth.down on paper)7Ever since then I have been longing to meet him _.(staying close to and looking at sb.),set down,face to face,8Youve been absent six times _our records.(as stated or reported by sb./sth.),according to,三、用括号中所给词语翻译下列句子,然后用五句话将这些句子连成一篇短文。【连词成句】1在日常生活中,与我们相处融洽的朋友和邻居使我们更加愉快。,(get along with;make宾语补语)_,In our daily life friends and neighbors whom we get along well with make us happier.,2他们关心并帮助我们。我们经常面对面地与他们交谈。(be concerned about;face to face)_,They are concerned about us and help us and we usually talk with them face to face.,3我们喜欢交很多朋友,但是我们可能不完全懂得交朋友的方式。(entirely)_,We like to make lots of friends,but we may not entirely understand the way.,4为了参加不同的活动我们选择不同的朋友作为我们的搭档。(in order to;partner)_,We may choose different friends as our partners in order to take part in different activities.,5我们可能有很多朋友,但是最好的朋友只有一个。他/她能够分享我们的经历与甘苦,甚至与我们一起渡过难关。(sufferings;go through)_,We can have many friends,but only one can be our best friend,who is able to share our experiences and sufferings and even go through difficulties with us.,6我们最好的朋友可能就是我们彼此相爱的人。(fall in love)_,Our best friend can be someone whom we fall in love with.,7我们也应该全力以赴地帮助最好的朋友。(entirely;power)_,We should also help our best friend entirely in our power.,【连句成篇】_,答案:Friends and neighbors make us happier in our daily life because they get along well with us.They are concerned about us and help us and we usually talk with them face to face.We may choose different friends as our partners in order to take,part in different activities.We can have many good friends,but only one can be our best friend,who is able to share our experiences and sufferings and even go through difficulties with us.,We should also help our best friend entirely in our power because she/he can be someone whom we fall in love with.,四、课文填空根据课文内容用适当的词填空,使短文完整。I wonder if it is because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long 1._ I have grown so crazy about everything to do,that,2._nature.I can well remember that there was a time 3._ a deep blue sky,the song of the birds,moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.Thats changed since I was there.For example,one evening when,with,when,4._was so warm,I stayed awake on purpose 5._half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by 6._.But as the moon gave far too much light,I didnt dare open a window.,it,till,myself,Another time five months ago,I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open.I didnt go downstairs until the window had to be shut.The dark,7._(rain)evening,the wind,the thundering clouds held me entirely,rainy,8._their power;it was the first time in a year and a half that I 9._(see)the night face to face.Sadly.I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains 10._(hang)before very dusty windows.,in,had seen,hanging,1.add vt.&vi.增加,增添,补充add up合计add.to把加入add to增加 添加 add up to总计达,即时应用(选用上述词语填空)(1)Their debt _ more than 100,000 yuan.(2)His absence _the difficulties to solve the problem.,added up to,added to,(3)Please _some sweet _the milk to make it more delicious.(4)_3,4 and 5 and youll get 12.,add,to,Add up,2.upsetvt.使心烦;生气 adj.心烦意乱的upset sb.使某人生气upset sth.弄翻某物be upset with sb.对某人生气be upset about sth.为某事感到心烦,即时应用(选用上述词语完成下列小片段)It really(1)_me that my son played truant again.So I said to him,“I(2)_you because you dont behave like students.,upset,am upset with,Can you pay more attention to your subjects so that I will not(3)_your studies?”,be upset about,3.concernnU关心,担忧;C关心的人(或)事 vt.涉及,关系到,参与;使担心,使操心concerning prep.关于;有关concern oneself about/for 担忧;关心,as/so far as.be concerned 就而言;依之见be concerned about/for sth.担心;关心be concerned in/with 与有关be concerned over/at sth.为某事忧虑,即时应用(根据中文提示完成句子)(1)There is _(对电视上的暴力内容日渐忧虑)(2)The President _ _(深感担忧)this issue.,growing concern about violence on television,is deeply concerned about,(3)He asked several questions _(有关)the future of the company.(4)This chapter _(与有关)the historical background.,concerning,concerns itself with,4.suffer v遭受;经历;(否定句)忍受suffering n苦难suffer from遭遇某事(不幸的事情,即时应用(完成句子)(1)They _(suffer)great losses in the financial crisis.(2)I _(不能忍受)criticism given by my classmates.(3)Helen Keller suffered _ a strange sickness when she was only nineteen months old.,suffered,couldnt suffer,from,5.cheatvt.欺骗,骗取;作弊 nC骗子,作弊者cheat sb.out of sth.骗取某人某物cheat sb.into doing sth.骗某人做某事,即时应用(选用上述词语填空)(1)The students mustnt _ in the exam with mobile phones.(2)The neighbour _ the old lady _ giving him her gold ring.,cheat,cheated,into,6.get along with与相处;进展get away from 离开;脱身get down to 开始认真做,开始着手做get over 克服,摆脱get rid of 消灭,摆脱,除掉,get through(电话)接通;用完;通过get together 聚会,联欢get sth.down 将某事做完,即时应用(选用上述短语完成句子)(1)Jane was a shy girl and she couldnt _ her shyness.(2)I rang you several times but couldnt _.,get over,get through,(3)He is _ his new classmates.(4)You should _ your bad habit.,getting along well with,get rid of,即时应用(用上述短语完成句子)(1)He _ doing the same work every day.(2)You must _ the long flight.Please take a rest today.,is tired of,be tired from,8.advicen建议(不可数名词)advisev建议advisorn顾问 advise sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事advise doing sth.建议做某事give sb.some advice on sth.就某事给某人建议,即时应用(根据括号中的单词完成句子)He is a good(1)_and he always(2)_ me on how to learn English well,which helps me a lot.(advise),advisor,advises,(3)My teacher always advises _(keep)an English diary to improve my writing.(4)Thank you for your _(advise),keeping,advice,9.join in参加正在进行的活动join sb.(in sth./doing sth.)和某人一起做某事,join the army/the party/the club/the league 入伍参军/入党/加入俱乐部/入团,attend主要指出席、参加会议、婚礼、典礼、葬礼或听讲座、报告、音乐会等;或指上学、上教堂(attend the meeting,attend school,即时应用(用join的词组填空)(1)We only need one more player for this gamecan you persuade your sister to _?(2)Can you _ us _ the game?,join in,join,in,10.on purpose故意do sth.on purpose 故意做某事 do sth.with/for the purpose of 为了的目的而做某事,即时应用(用上述短语完成句子)(1)She closed the door _.(2)He took along one of his pictures _ finding a job.,on purpose,with the purpose of,1I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.不知是否因为我很长时间不能外出我才对自然界的一切变得如此狂热。,句型一:I wonder whether/if.不知是否I wonder whether you can calm her down.我想知道你是否能使她冷静下来。,模仿造句(1)我想知道你是否能帮我写下他的地址。_,I wonder whether you can help me set down his address.,(2)我想知道你是否能和他友好相处。_,I wonder whether you can get along well with him.,句型二:Its 被强调的部分that其他的强调句模仿造句(1)昨天帮助那位老人的人就是他。_,Its he that/who helped the old man yesterday.,(2)我们是骑自行车去公园的。_,Its by bike that we went to the park.,2I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky,the song of the birds,moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.我记得非常清楚,以前,湛蓝的天空,鸟儿的歌唱,月光和鲜花,从未令我心迷神往过。,句型:There was a time when.曾经有段时间模仿造句(1)曾有一段时间我厌倦了国外生活。_,There was a time when I got tired of living abroad.,(2)曾有一段时间我英语学得很好。_,There was a time when I was getting along well with English.,3.I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open.黄昏时刻我碰巧在楼上,窗户是开着的。句型:happen to do.when.当的时候碰巧说明:表示“碰巧做某事”也可用It happens/happened that.句型。,仿写(请将下列句子译成英文)(1)当我给他打电话的时候,碰巧他父母都出去了。_his parents were out _.,It happened that,when I called him,(2)一天正在参观颐和园时碰巧遇上了李平。One day I _Li Ping when I was visiting the Summer Palace.,happened to meet,4I didnt go downstairs until the window had to be shut.直到不得不关窗时,我才下楼。句型:not.until 直到才说明:1)倒装式:not until放在句首,主句要半倒装;2)强调式:It is not until.that.。,仿写(请将下列句子译成英文)(1)直到他回来,妈妈才去睡觉。His mother_ until he got back.,didnt go to bed,(2)直到那时,我才真正意识到朋友的重要性。_I really realized the value of friends.,It was not until then that,5.it was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face.这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚句型:It is the first/second/third.time that.have/has done这是某人第一次做某事,说明:(1)其中的it可用this或that替代;(2)当is改为was时,从句中的have改为had。比较:It is time that sb.did sth.是某人该做某事的时候了(It is time for sb.to do sth.)。,仿写(完成句子或用所给词的适当形式填空)(1)这是我第一次来到这里。_,It is the first time that I have been here.,(2)这个短语已经第三次出现在我们的练习中,所以老师要求我们一定要掌握。It is the third time that the phrase_(appear)in our exercises,so our teacher asks us to master it.,has appeared,(3)这是我第一次来到长城。This is _ that _ the Great Wall.(4)那是我最后一次看到珍妮,我最好的朋友。_,the first time,Ive come to,That was the last time that I had seen Jane,my best friend.,6Although I try to talk to my classmates,I still find it hard to make good friends with them.虽然我努力去跟我的同学交谈,但我依然觉得跟他们成为好朋友是很困难的。,句型:find it hard/difficult/easy/interesting/possible to do sth.觉得做某事是困难的/容易的/有趣的/可能的,仿写(请将下列句子译成英文)(1)我觉得很容易与他相处。I find _.,it easy to get along with him,(2)她觉得很难在某个藏身之处定居并安定下来,因为她担心他们是否会被发现。She _ to settle and _ in the hiding place,because she was concerned _ whether they would be discovered.,found it hard,hide,about,高三一年的时间非常宝贵,同学们需掌握的知识面广,量多。我们都希望冲刺一年后能步入理想的大学,所以我们不辞辛苦,奋战题海。然而,我们无奈地发现习题做了无数,考试分数却没有提高。,究其原因,就是我们不懂命题规律,没有形成解题技巧,其结果当然就是事倍功半。其实,题海无边,技巧有限,只要掌握了一定技巧,是可以在短期内大幅提高考试成绩的。为了帮助同学们形成应试技巧,本书特设“应试锦囊”专栏,,分“听说考试专题突破”、“完形填空技巧突破”、“阅读理解技巧突破”、“信息匹配技巧突破”、“基础写作专题突破”、“读写任务写作专题突破”和“写作导与练”等专题,向同学们系统介绍各类试题的解题妙招,使同学们跳出题海,提高能力,并最终能笑傲考场。,专题一听说考试专题突破听说考试是广东高考2011年开始采用的英语新题型,它令不少同学望而却步。为了帮助同学们提高听说能力,有效应对听说考试中的难点,本专题特意为你介绍绍兴市2011年广东高考听说考试真题及各部分的解题技巧,希望对你有所帮助。,1听说考试题型一览表,计算机辅助“英语听说”考试最终计入英语科总成绩的分值卷面成绩(满分60分)0.25,四舍五入取整数计分。,22011年广东高考听说考试真题(1)分析Welcome to Computerbased English Listening and Speaking Test.CELST is a module of National Matriculation English Test(Guangdong Version),consisting of three parts.,Part A is Reading Aloud.In this part,you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.Part B is Role Play.In this part,you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:,listen to a speaker,ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions from the computer acting as another role.Part C is Retelling.In this part,you are required to listen to a monologue,and then retell what you have heard in your own words.,Part AReading AloudIn this part,you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.The South Pacific is on the face of it still a healthy ocean.We depend on it.Over 60%of the worlds fish catch comes from the Pacific.,But like all oceans,it has little or no protection,so it may not stay healthy much longer.For the South Pacific,this is a critical time.Its changing in ways that,if left unchecked,could develop into a global crisis.,Some of its residents have been through crisis before.And protecting the fish will ensure a healthy ocean for all the marine life of the Pacific.It will require international commitment and cooperation.,视频总长:64秒,字数:102 words。视频用的是原声,背景音乐杂乱,视频画面的内容和材料内容不相对应。题材难度:高于高考听力题语速:130 words/minute两个难词:marine(海地),commitment(义务),句子难度:基本上没有长难句。语调为降调,没有升调。现在请对照原文,再听一遍录音。Now listen to the speaker once again.And try to read after the speaker.现在你有一分钟的准备时间。,Now you have ONE minute to practise reading.现在开始录音。Now read as the speaker in the video.,Part BRole PlayIn this part,you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to a speaker,ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions.,情景介绍角色:你是学生。任务:(1)与同学谈论双胞胎的兴趣培养;(2)根据谈话内容回答问题。生词:gene 基因,W:You have a twin brother named James,dont you?M:Yes,I do.He is at Harvard University and studies chemistry.He is very interested in it.W:What I thought,twins would have the same interests and abilities.,M:Not always.Genes give twins the potential for developing the same interests and abilities,but Dad and Mum encouraged us to develop our own interests and we did.W:Did you and James dress al


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