Perfec onizm,ti,Outline,What is Perfectionism?CharacteristicsConsequencesSuccess and HappinessSources of PerfectionismOvercoming Perfectionism,Learn to fail or fail to learn,Crisis(Wei Ji)DangerandOpportunity,“The greatest mistake a man can make is to be afraid of making one.”Elbert Hubbard,The Path of Failure,Age 22:Lost job Age 23:Defeated for state legislature Age 24:Failed in business Age 27:Nervous breakdown Age 34:Ran for congress and defeated Age 39:Defeated again Age 46:Ran for senate and defeated Age 47:Defeated for nomination for vice president Age 50:Defeated again for senate Age 51:16th US President,“Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err.”Mohandas Gandhi,“The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men.”,George Eliot,Thomas Watson Sr.IBM,Amy Edmondson(1999)“Psychological Safety”,“If you want to increase your success rate,double your failure rate.”Thomas Watson Sr.,“Origins of Genius”(Simonton,1999)Fail your way to success(Klem,1997),Perfectionism is an incapacitating fear of failure that permeates our lives,especially those areas that we care about most.It is an approach,a cognitive and emotional schema,that we hold toward the journey of our lives,toward the process of getting from point A to point B.,Perfection Vs.ExcellenceCharacteristics,Defensive,Open to Suggestions,Half Empty,Half Full,Over Generalize,Realistic,No Self-Acceptance,Unconditional Acceptance,Static,Dynamic,Perfection,Excellence,Fear of failure,Failure as feedback,Focus on Destination,Journey and Destination,Perfection Vs.ExcellenceConsequences,Temporary Relief,Lasting Satisfaction,Inevitable Failure,Possibility of Success,Wastes time,Appropriate Time Allocation,Prone to disorders,Healthy Approach,Hurts Self-Esteem,Continuous Improvement,Harms Relationships,Allows for Growth,Anxiety/Stress,Creative Tension,Perfection,Excellence,Performance?,Less Pain More Gain,Less Pain More Gain?*#!#?,Sustainable approach to growthProcrastinationHigher levels of self-confidenceLearn to fail or fail to learnThe Luck Factor(Wiseman,2003)Creativity(Simonton,1999)80/20 Rule(Paretos Principle)Increase in flow experiences(Csikszentmihalyi,1991),Source of Perfectionism,ConditioningDestination=Reward=AcceptanceJourney=Unrewarded=Means OnlySocial environmentPermission to be human?,“Emphasizing effort gives a child a variable that they can control.They come to see themselves as in control of their success.Emphasizing natural intelligence takes it out of the childs control,and it provides no good recipe for responding to a failure.”,Intelligence versus Effort,Harmful Praise?(Dweck,2005),“When you praise kids intelligence and then they fail,they think theyre not smart anymore,and they lose interest in their work.In contrast,kids praised for effort show no impairment and often are energized in the face of difficulty.”,Fixed versus Malleable,Overcoming Perfectionism,Awareness,Overcoming Perfectionism,AwarenessFocus on,and reward,effortActive AcceptanceBehavior changes attitudeMeditation and visualizationSetting a liberating goal or visionThe Platinum RuleHelping others?,Applying the 3 Ps,1.PermissionAcceptanceRespect for reality2.PositiveBenefit findingFailure as opportunityDistracting3.PerspectiveDont sweat the small stuffPsychological maturity,Nature to be commanded must be obeyed.Francis Bacon,