,奥黛丽.赫本Audrey Hepburn,The fairy drop in our temporal world,仙女下降到我们的世俗世界,Introduction,Evaluation on Audrey Hepburn,Hepburns life,Her career and famous works,Anecdotes and her love stories,Hepburns life,blue-blooded(出身名门)In May 4,1929,Audrey Hepburn was born in Brussels in belgium.Her father Joseph Victor Anthony Hepburn Ruston was an English banker,and mother Ira Van Herm Stella Holland is the aristocrat Baroness.She really was baroness(荷兰贵族),After her parents divorced,Audrey went to London with her mother where she went to a private girls school.Later,when her mother moved back to the Netherlands,she attended private schools as well.After the war,Audrey Hepburn works while looking for opportunities for further studies in London.,In 1948,Hepburn entered the famous Mary Lambert(Marie Ramberts)ballet school,has not paid during the high tuition fees and returned to Holland,and played a airline stewardess in a film.,After months of training,Hepburn was told not suitable for the ballet dancer.Facing the family economic pressure,she become a part-time model,and participated in the song and dance troupe.,In 1951,Hepburn became a film actor in the British film“Laughter in Paradise,and then she play some minor character in films.,Below is someroles and filmsHepburnplayed,Audrey gained immediate prominence in the U.S.with her role in Roman Holiday in 1953.We Chinese knew her from this film.,Roman Holiday(罗马假日),Roman holiday tells the story of a European principality of Princess and a America reporter in Italy Rome romantic stories occurring within a day.,The Nuns Story(修女传),who cant get rid of the secular rebellion and be big with pride.修女传是奥黛丽赫本的代表作之一。她在影片中为世界影坛创造了一个清新隽永、纯洁可爱而又无法摆脱世俗叛逆和骄傲自满的修女形象。,She created a fresh meaningful,pure and lovely image in the film,“The nuns story”is one of Audrey Hepburns representatives。,Breakfast at Tiffanys(蒂凡尼的早餐),Tiffany breakfast is one movies of Audrey Hepburn with the highest attendance,the film won the 1962 thirty-fourth session of two Oscar awards.,My Fair Lady(窈窕淑女),One of Audreys most brilliant roles was in the My Fair Lady in 1964.Her co-star Rex Harrison once was asked who his favorite leading lady was.Without thinking,he answered,“Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady(窈窕淑女).,The Childrens Hour孩子们的时刻又名双姝怨,The childrens hour is set in England in 1930,about two owners setting up a boarding school stories.This is the last black and white movie of Audrey Hepburn.,Funny face narrated a story about a bookstore clerk of New York Greenwich Village,as picked by a fashion photographer and to be cultivated,she became one world-famousmodel.The film is the first musical film starred by Audrey Hepburn,integration of the many elements of fashion.,Funny face(甜姐儿),In 1954,Audrey and Mel met,two months after their performance,they married.And there was a time that Audrey was very happy.However,she and Mel 13-year marital relationship broke down in 1968.,Her love stories,In 1969,Hepburn married an Italian doctor,Andrew Doty.53-year-old Audrey Hepburn re-divorce.,“beauty tips”,For attractive lips,speak words of kindness.For lovely eyes,seek out the good in people.For a slim figure,share your food with the hungry.,In 1988,Audrey became a goodwill ambassador to UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会的亲善大使)helping children in Latin America and Africa,a position she kept until 1993.,She put her attention on charity in her old ages.,Once she came to China.,Though she was old,she still kept her personal charm.,On Jan.20th,1993,she passed away for cancer in Switzerland,Remember,if you ever need a helping hand,it is at the end of your arm.As you get older,you must remember that you have a second hand.The first one is to help yourself,the second one is to help other.(假如你需要一只援助的手,它就在你胳膊的末端。当你老去的时候,你要记住你有两只手。第一只是用来帮助你自己的,第二只是用来帮助别人的。)-Audrey Hepburn,Evaluation on Audrey Hepburn,Audrey Hepburn appears to be some long-gone trait.For example:noble,elegant and etiquette.,God would like to kiss her cheek,she is such a love.Billy Wilder,She has the rare trait-to viewers,everyone had to watch her.Catherine Nasby,The only cover Tiffany jewelry ray is Audrey.Henry Prete,She was the nicest nonesuch of gentle lady(淑女的典范)in the 20th.Not only her beauty on screen,but also her noble moral,which gained peoples respect and love,thank you,