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    A级-写作辅导,陈海贝,英语书信English Letters,1.信封格式(Envelope Format)2.正文格式(Text Format)3.英文信件的起首与结尾常用参考用语,1.信封格式(Envelope Format),1)寄信人的姓名和地址写在信封的左上角。姓名独占一行,但寄信人只写姓名不加职务头衔,地址顺序由小到大,先写门牌号码,再写地址,可占两三行不等。2)收信人的姓名和地址从信封中央或偏右一点开始写。姓名独占一行,但收信人姓名前一般都加上官衔或学衔,如President,Captain,Dr.,Prof.等。对没有衔职的,则冠以Mr.,Mrs.,Miss,Ms.等。如有单位名称的,则放在地址之前。有邮政编码的国家,要写上邮区号码(post code)。注意,信封上地址的排列次序、写法必须与信函内收信人地址完全一致。,Stamp,范例如下:,3)在信封左下角,有时可附加投递方式的说明语:Registered 或Reg.挂号信;By(Via)Air Mail(或PAR AVION)航空;Via Air Mail Registered 航空挂号;Express 快信;Printed Matter印刷品;Photo enclosed 内附照片;With parcel另附包裹。4)如果信件需要通过第三者转交收信人,则在收信人姓名下面注明转交人姓名,并在其前面加c/o(care of),例如:Miss Caroline Erwinc/o Mr.William Lytton威廉.李顿先生 收转卡洛琳.欧文 女士,5)如果信件是托人代交,只在收信人姓名之下写上Kindness of,Forward by,Favor of 等再写上受托人姓名,例如:Mr.John Anderson Kindness of Dr.Henry Albert 烦请艾尔博博士面交安德森先生,2.正文格式(Text Format),英文书信信函通常有以下六个部分组成:1)信首发信人的地址和发信时间发信人的地址和时间一般写在信纸的右上角。顺序是第一行门牌号码和街道名称,第二行市(县)、省(州)名。寄往国外的要加上国名。如果发信人的地址是机关、学校、公司等,则在地址上加上单位名称。通常日期写在最后。2)收信人的地址英语正式信函中需将收信人的地址写在左上方低于信首的地方。如收信者是机关、学校、公司等,通常写负责人职务名称,如President,The Chairman,The manager等。3)称谓语或尊称语对收信人的称呼,即在姓名、姓氏或名字前加上职衔和习惯用词Dear(Dear 不一定表示亲热)。称谓语自成一行,从信纸左边顶格写起,末尾用逗号或冒号。常见的情况有:一是根据收信人的性别分别在姓氏前加上Mr.,Mrs.和Miss.近年来有以Ms.取代Mrs.和Miss的趋势。二是正式的称谓语,如Dear Mr.Green,Dear Mrs.Black,Dear Miss Brown,Dear Ms.White。如在书信中不知道收信人的姓名时,只称Dear Sir(s),Dear Madam。三是根据收信人的身份冠以学位、头衔等。常用的有:,三是根据收信人的身份冠以学位、头衔等。常用的有:Dr.(Doctor)冠于博士的姓名前Prof.(Professor)冠于教授姓名前Pres.(President)冠于总经理、会长、大学校长、总统姓名前,4)信函正文信函正文即书信的主要部分。每段第一行向右缩进3至5个字母。正文要求简明扼要,条理清楚。每段不宜太长。事务书信也可以各行都顶格。5)结束语或结束谦称。结束语或结束谦称相当于中文书信中的“敬上”、“谨上”、“谨启”等。对于业务书信中不相识的人:Yours faithfully,Yours truly,写给上级、长者、或受尊重的人:Yours respectfully,Very respectfully yours,写给熟人、朋友、同事:Yours sincerely,Yours cordially,写给亲属或挚友:Yours,Yours ever,Yours affectionately,Your loving son(daughter sistermother),With love,有些英文书信方面的书籍把结束语分为结语和敬语两种。以上所谈是敬语部分,结语为信函正文下附的问候语或祝愿语。例如:With best regards,Hoping for an early reply,With kind regards to your wife,Please convey my best regards to your father,常有的还有:With all good wishes,Best wishes;With kind regards;All the best;Best regards等问候的话以及With king regards to your wife,Please convey my best regards to your family等代问候致意的句子。,6)发信人签名业务书信或较正式的个人书信要签上全名,不能只用缩略字母。此外,在信的最后有时还需要补充一项“又及”(postscript通常用缩略语P.S.),作为对正文内容的补充。如果还有附件(the enclosure),在信的左下角注明:Encl(s)或Encl.例如:Encl:Doctors Certificate(附:医生证明一张)Encl:3 Invoices(附:发票三张),英文书信正文格式范例:,(1)信首 address date(2)收信人的地址(3)称谓语(4)信函正文(5)结束语(6)签名,日期(月日年)Dear(Sir or Madam)/Dear XXX,Yours sincerely,署名 职务公司名,3.英文信件的起首与结尾常用参考用语,开头用语(1)I feel very worried as I have not heard from you for a long time(2)It is my honor to receive your kind letter(3)I have the pleasure to inform you that(4)Your letter was duly arrived,结束用语(1)With kind regards to you and your family.(2)Thank you very much for your kind favor.(3)Please give my compliments to John.(4)Your support is sincerely valued.(5)Looking forward to your prompt reply.,求职求学信Letter of Application,1.得知职位空缺的信息来源2.对哪个职位感兴趣,想申请3.介绍自己(教育情况、工作经验、获得证书、性格爱好等)4.感谢对方考虑安排面试,留下自己联系方式,I read with great interest your advertisement which appeared in 媒体 in 月日年.I would like to take up the challenges to be an in your company.Im writing to apply to this job.Borned in_ in _,I graduated from _ majoring in _ in _.I have been working as _ in _ for nearly years since I graduated.I would like to furnish you with further information about my education and working experience.Im an outgoing talkative and optimistic girl with great enthusiasm about everything around.With the kind of experience which I have accumulated I expect my salary not less than 4000RMB.I shall be much appreciated if you grant me an interview so that I have the opportunity to give more detailed relevance of my background and training to you.Your prompt response will be much grateful.I am looking forward to seeing you soon and you can contact me at.,邀请信Letter of Invitation,1.表明邀请的目的2.进一步说明活动的安排3.表达希望对方接受邀请的诚意.,邀请信的回复信,感谢信Letter Expressing Gratitude,1.写信目的是表示因为对方为自己做的事情表示感谢2.详细描述对方为自己做的这件事情(甚至夸张)3.提出回报的方法4.再次感谢,I have come back home safely today.Please do not worry about me.Im writing to express my great gratitude to you.I would like to thank you for your kindness rendered me during my stay at your home.My stay in in will be a lifelong memory in my heart that I will cherish forever.If I have not been timely assistance,I am afraid I would have.My appreciation to you is beyond words.In order to be reciprocate my gratitude to you,I would like to invite you to my hometown and show you around and introduce you to my friends.I deeply hope you receive my most sincere appreciation again.I hope there is a word better than“thanks”to show my gratitude to you.Im looking forward to seeing you soon.,参考用语,I hereby express my heartfelt thanks tofor现为向某人表示衷心的感谢.Accept my sincere thanks for the trouble you have taken 麻烦之处,当表感谢.Thank you for doing me a real favor.感谢你对我的帮忙.Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality.再次感谢你的盛情款待.,5.I gratefully acknowledge the help and encouragement given by my colleagues.我非常感谢同事们的帮助与鼓励.6.Please convey my gratitude to your parents.请你转达我对你父母的谢意7.It is exactly what I most wanted.它正合我心意.8.Thank you more than I can say 不胜感激9.Thank you ever so much for your warm compliments 非常感谢你温馨的祝贺10.Your lovely Christmas card was most welcome非常喜欢你那可爱的圣诞贺卡,道歉信Letter Tendering Apologies,1.表示道歉,因为自己做了一件有损对方利益的事情.2.希望对方原谅3.提出弥补或者补偿的方法4.再次道歉,Im writing to express my most sincere apology to you.I hope you understand I havent intended to hurt you.Please forgive me.I feel guilty for what I have done to you.Now,let me explain what had happened at that time.I am afraid what I have done cause my inconvenience to you.I offended you unintentionally.In order to compensate for your loss,I will.I hope the settlement of this matter can meet your wishes.I deeply hope you could receive my honest apology again.I assume this will never happen again in the future.I hope you can forgive me.I know you are a large-hearted person and will forget this matter soon.,投诉信Letter Making a Complaint,1.什么时间什么地点买了哪个生产商生产的什么产品2.讲清楚产品出了什么问题,投诉它3.希望对方尽快调查采取手段来处理这个投诉:refund退 or change换 4.如果对方受理这个投诉并采取有效解决,表示感谢,I am.cause me great trouble/loss/inconvenience.I hope the department concerned should investigate this matter at once and give back a favorable response.Im writing to express my dissatisfaction.Honestly,to begin with I were satisfied with.However to my great disappointment recently I found.First of all.Moreover.Last of all.To compensate for my loss,you are required to.In order to remedy this situation,you ought to make some suggestions so as to help you improve this matters such as.I deeply hope the department concerned should look into this case and give back favorable feedback to me as soon as possible.Your prompt response will be much appreciated.If you cannot settle this matter as I wish,I am afraid I will have to resort to complaining to relating department.,祝贺信Letter of Congratulations,1.得知对方有喜事而感到高兴2.表示热烈祝贺,同时高度评价赞扬对方3.进一步给予美好的祝愿。,1.On the occasion of,I wish to extend to you our warm congratulation on behalf of and in my own name.值此之际,我代表.并以我个人的名义,向你致以热烈的祝贺.2.Its wonderful to know that you have achieved the goal you set for yourself.得知你实现了预定的目的,我极为高兴.3.We take this opportunity to wish you and Mr.(Miss.).happiness on your recent marriage.借此机会对你和某某先生(小姐)的新婚表示祝福.4.Presenting the compliments of the season致以节日的问候5.It is really a splended achievement and we are all proud of you.,6.This brings our best wishes and warmest congratulations顺致我们美好的祝愿和热烈的祝贺。7.We are very happy to learn that you have successfully passed the college entrance examination this year.我们非常高兴地得知,你今年高考旗开得胜。8.We send you good wishes for all possible happiness我衷心地祝福你们幸福美满。9.On behalf of the Government and people of(Country)I wish to extend to you our warm congratulations and good wishes on我谨代表政府和人民对致以热烈的祝贺和良好的祝愿。10.It is a well-deserved recognition of your hard work.这是你勤奋努力的应有回报。,推荐信Letter of Recommendation,推荐人(写信人)被推荐人收信人1.写自己与收信人之间的交情2.写自己与被推荐人之间的关系3.介绍被推荐人的情况对其评价4.留下联系方式(与自己联系还是直接与白日推荐人联系)5.感谢收信人给机会给被推荐人,介绍信Letter of Introduction,介绍信是介绍本单位人到外单位参观学习、联系工作、了解情况或出席某种会议等所写的一种书信,以便得到对方都信任和支持。正式介绍信是写信人因公务把自己的同事或业务关系介绍给某单位或某个人。这种介绍信语言和格式比较规范、严谨,内容包括以下:1.简单介绍被介绍人的身份和情况。2.说明事由,并要求对方对被介绍人提供某种帮助。3.对对方的帮助预先表示感谢。4.如果是熟悉的业务往来或老的工作关系,也可以附带询问下工作上的近况和向对方致以问候。,商业建交信Establishing Business Relations,1.得知对方公司的信息来源2.对对方的什么产品或服务感兴趣3.介绍自己公司、产品或服务4.表示自己能在哪方面给对方带来利益,使得对方对自己也感兴趣5.表达愿意进一步建立交往关系的愿望,报价信Letter of Offers,1.应对方的要求,随信寄上报价单We are writing to send you our catalogue and price list as requested.2.对产品性价比做介绍3.如没有产品,就推荐同类产品;4.表达愿意提供服务的愿望,促成交易成功,询价信Letter of Inquiries,1.写信的目的要询问什么产品什么型号的产品目录和价格清单2请对方给予详细介绍3.表示感谢,盼望及时回复练习:P99(9),It is reported,which arouse my great interest.Im writing to ask you if you could give me some relevant information about it.I shall be much appreciated if you could tell me something as following aspects.First of all,Id like to know.Moreover I wonder if which is my most concern.My utmost concern is that.Your prompt response will be great appreciated.Thank you for your time and consideration.,订购信Letter of Orders,1.要买某个产品2.具体:型号、颜色、尺寸、数量、交货时间、交货地点、运输方式、费用、支付方式、保险、仲裁等等3.盼望回复确认练习:P99(9),催款信Letter of Urging Payment,催款函是卖方在规定期限内未收到货款,提醒或催促买方付款的函件。写此类催款函要求文字简练、意思清楚,同时要求语气诚恳、体贴,彬彬有礼。不可轻易怀疑对方故意拖欠不付,以免伤害对方感情,不利于达到索款的目的,或妨碍以后的业务。对于某些屡催不付,故意逃款的客户,语气则要强硬,措辞坚决。总之索款要把握一个原则:既要达到索款的目的,又要与客户保持友好关系。练习:P99(10),辞职信Resignation Letters,1.离职日期、辞去的工作职位。一般来说,应该在合同终止前至少2个星期提出辞职。2.简述辞职原因(可提可不提)3.向公司、上司及同事表示谢意。4.祝愿公司将来发展顺利。,备忘录Memos,备忘录主要用于提醒、督促对方或就某一问题提出意见,是一种记录诸如情况汇报、问题处理、责任分工等内容以备忘的文体,多用于公司、机构等内部书面往来活动。To:From:Subject:Date:Dear,正文Yours sincerely,署名练习:p96(2),电子邮件E-mail,From:To:Cc:Bind Cc:Subject:Dear,正文Yours练习:P98(7),启事Notices,1.遗失启事2.招领启事3.迁移启事4.征稿启事5.更正启事,启事是为公开声明某事而见于报或张贴于公共场所的应用文,多用于失物招领寻人征稿等事项.启事的格式除了具备海报所含有的三部分(标题正文署名)外,通常还需要加上联系地址或联系人及电话号码等.,1.遗失启事,Lost 日期(月日年)正文 Loser,署名Address:Tel:,1.I was careless and lost本人不慎将遗忘2.It contains 其中有(物品)3.I will appreciate it very much if the finder sends it to the office of or ring me to fetch it back.拾到者请送交办公室,或电话通知本人领取,不胜感激。4。Will the finder please send it to?Thanks a lot.拾到者请将该物品送至多谢.,2.招领启事,FOUND日期(月日年)正文Finder,署名Address:,1.I happened to find which contains at the Dining Room No.1.2.Loser is expected to come to to claim it.丢失者请到认领为盼.3.Anyone who has lost at Room 203 is expected to come to to claim it.有在203室丢失者,请到认领.,3.迁移启事,Removal日期(月日)正文署名,1.Owing to,we find it necessary to remove由于迁至2.You are warmly welcome to our new address.热忱欢迎顾客至新址惠顾.3.We beg to inform that after National Day,we shall be at抱歉通知各位顾客,本(公司)于国庆节后迁至新址,4.征稿启事,Contributions Wanted日期(月日年)正文落款,1.To warmly celebrate,we have decided to2.In celebrating of,we have decided为了热烈庆祝我们决定3.This magazine has decided to publish a special issue with emphasis on本刊决定出版一期特刊,内容着重报道4.All are welcome to send in their contributions in whatever form and style.欢迎各位读者踊跃投稿.稿件形式和文本不限.5.We have decided to publish a special issue with the topic“”本刊决定出版一期特刊,题为”Contributions should be sent directly to the Editorial Department before the deadline of 有意者请将稿件直接寄往编辑部.投稿截至日期为,5.更正启事,Correction 本刊6月号第四页第三栏第一段第三行应该为“。”,1.The fifth line of the fourth paragraph of on page ten of the October issue should read“We should do everything possible to help them.”本刊10月号第10 页第4段第5行应该为“我们应该尽一切力量去帮助他们.”2.Because of an editing error,an article on Sunday about,misstated由于编辑错误,周日版一篇有关的文章对于陈述有误。,海报Posters,1.讲座2.球类比赛3.演讲比赛4.影讯,海报是人们日常生活中最为常见的一种招贴形式,多用于电影、戏曲、球赛、文艺演出等活动。海报中通常写明活动的性质,活动的主办单位、时间、地点等内容。海报的语言力求简明扼要,形式做到新颖美观。海报的格式,通常由三部分组成,即标题、正文与落款。海报的落款要写明主办单位名称以及撰写日期。海报的落款通常写在海报正文的左下角、日期位于主办单位名称的下方,既可写在左下角,可也写在右下角。,1.讲座,LectureSubject:Speaker:Time:Place:Sponsor:日期(月日年),2.球类比赛,Ping-Pong Match 正文(指明比赛的双方、时间、场所、比赛由某部门主办或赞助进行)落款日期(月日年),1.Under the auspices of 由主办2.All-University Ping-Pong Games will be held in the Gymnasium at 3:30 p.m.every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon from to 全校乒乓球比赛将于至每逢周二和周三下午3:30在体育馆举行。3.All who are interested are warmly welcome.热忱欢迎感兴趣的前往参观。,3.演讲比赛,English Speech Contest 正文(主办方、比赛名称、比赛日期、地点等)落款日期(月日年),1.Hosted by,the Contest will be held inat由主办的比赛将于在举行。2.A contest will be held next week under the auspices of下星期将举办比赛。,4.影讯,Films News/Movie 正文(时间、地点、主办方、电影名称等)落款日期(月日年),1.“Sound of Music”,an award-winning American feature film.美国获奖影片音乐之声2.Will be shown at the cinema at 7:00,Saturday,May 17.3.Fare:Three Yuan for each门票:每位3元4.Admission Free 免费入场5.Ticket office;the club 售票处;俱乐部,表格Form,1.简历2.学生注册表3.求职申请表4.求学申请表,表格是应用文中常见形式之一,填写时多用短语,条目清晰,内容明了,重点突出,所提供的信息一目了然.表格能够简明高效地传达信息,既能为信息提供者节约叙述信息的时间和精力,也能为信息需求者迅速地发现所需信息提供便利.,简历Resume,Chen Haibei/Yao ChuqinHome Address:School Address:Job Objective:Secretary/AccountantEducation 2006-2009 senior high school 2009-present Guangdong Polytechnic College,accountingSocial Activities:football club/volunteer in Rewards:First Price in Oral English Contest/Triple A student/Excellent student cadre,Excellent League Member/Part-time jobs:Tutor/salesperson/Hobbies:English Proficiency:CET-4/CET-6/PRETCO-A/good command of English in writingspeakinglisteningreadingtranslationPersonal DataSex:Female女/Male男Height:180cmWeight:70kg,学生注册表Student Registration Form,求职申请表(Application Form),求学申请表(Application Form for Admission),Application FormApplications must be accompanied by a 200.00 registration fee for each session you wish to attend.The remaining portion of the tuition,less the registration fee,is due on the first day of classes,payable to University College London,in pound sterling.Tuition is not refundable once classes begin.The registration fee is non-refundable.Name wang Zhigang(family)(given)Country of Birth ChinaDate of Birth July,1979Nationality ChineseSex MaleMarital Status SingleNative language ChinesePrevious Study of English 10 years(fluent)(indicate level)Profession Computer engineerMailing Address:(Street and Number)Apartment 217,36 Zhongshan Road(Town or City)Nanjing(Province or State)Jiangsu(Country)China(Telephone Number)025-3648512,Postal Address:International OfficeUniversity College LandonGower StreetLondon WC1E 6BTEnglandTelephone:+44(0)20 7679 7765Fax:+44(0)20 7679 3001,便条和留言条Notes and Messages,1.请病假(Asking for Sick Leave)2.请事假(Asking for Business Leave)3.要求续假(Asking for an Extension of Leave)4.感谢条(Notes of Thanks)5.转告电话(Transmitting a Telephone Message)6.约会(Notes for Appointments)7.辞别条(Note for Saying Good-bye),便条和留言条实际上是一种简单的书信,内容简介,大多是因某种原因无法直接通知或咨询某事而采取的传递信息的方法,用以表达临时的询问、留言、通知、要求等。常见的格式一般包括:日期、称呼、正文、署名等。日期一般只需写某日上下午,也课写出几点钟。内容一般为当日要办的事或两三天内要办的事,因此不必写出年月。称呼语比较随便,如John,Dear Ann,Liu Ying等。正文部分尽量通俗口语化,简单明了。署名部分一般写上留言人姓名,若十分熟悉课只写姓或名。便条或留言条无需邮寄,多托人转交或临时留于某地,因此不需说明留条人地址。,1.请病假(Asking for Sick Leave),MondayMiss Zhang,I caught a bad cold yesterday and have a fever and headache now.The doctor says I have to stay in bed for a couple of days.So I am writing to ask for sick leave of two days.I shall be very thankful if you grant my request.Li Ming,2.请事假(Asking for Business Leave),March 9Mr.Lee,I beg to apply for one weeks leave of absence from the 10th to the 16th instant,both days inclusive,in order to return to see my grandma who is now dangerously ill.Ill be much obliged if you grant my application.Encl.A telegram my fath


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