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    第2讲,国际结算的信用工具:票据 Negotiable Instruments,本讲内容,信用工具汇票BILL OF EXCHANGE本票PROMISSORY NOTE支票CHEQUE,CHECK,票据的概述,支付工具,货币票据:国际贸易中最主要的支付工具,一、票据综述,(一)票据的定义 1、广义(document of title)=商业上的权利凭证。2、狭义(instrument,bill)=以无条件支付一定金额的现金为目的的可流通转让的有价证券,包括:汇票、本票和支票。,A negotiable instrument is a chose in action,the full and legal title to which is transferable by delivery of the instrument(possibly with the transferors endorsement)with the result that complete ownership of the instrument and all the property it represents passes freely from equities to the transferee,providing the latter takes the instrument in good faith and for value.流通票据是一种法定的财产,这种财产的全部或法定的权益可以通过交付进行转让(可以凭转让方的背书),其转让的结果是只要受让人是正当取得的或者支付对价而取得该财产,该票据的全部所有权及其所代表的财产权益将转移给受让人.,Function of Negotiable InstrumentsAs a means of paymentAs a credit instrumentAs a transferable instrumentEssentials of a negotiable instrument:An unconditional order or promise in writing to pay a sum certain in moneyAddressed by one person to anotherPayable to a specific person or bearer or to orderPayable on demand or at a definite future time,(二)票据的特性,1、要式性(Requisite in form):必须要符合法律规定的格式。如:票据必须是书面的且必须经过签字。2、无因性(Non-causative nature):尽管出票是有因的,但一旦票据发生法律效力,各有关的当事人按照票据的文义和票据法的规定行事,而不问票据的出票原因、原因是否正当。,(二)票据的特性,3、流通转让性(Negotiability):所有的票据都可以转让。但实务中,限制性抬头的票据除外(如:仅付给某人)。,Features of Negotiable Instruments,a.to be transferred easily and freelyb.to be independent of its basic relationc.to protect bona fide holder speciallyd.its issuance and acts must be in conformity with bill laws Assignment 让与 Transfer 转让 Negotiation 流通,(三)票据法,英美法系:1882年的英国票据法大陆法系:1931年的日内瓦统一法中国:1996年中华人民共和国票据法,国外票据往往是在某一国出票,而在另一个国家付款,而期间的背书转让行为可能发生在第三国。那么究竟以哪一国的法律为准呢?,(四)票据的当事人,1、票据的基本当事人2、票据的其它当事人 A、背书人和被背书人 转让人受让人(背书人(1)(被背书人)转让人受让人(背书人)(2)(被背书人)前手和后手;票据转让的实质,B、持票人和善意持票人持票人(Holder)善意持票人(Bona fide Holder)取得票据时善意地付出对价的取得的票据合格、完整、不过期不知票据曾被退票过不知前手的权利缺陷除非有相反证据证明,否则所有的持票人都被认为是善意持票人。,善意持票人受到法律的保护,他获得的权利是完全的。例:某A偷得票据一张。当其要求付款人付款时,付款人是否必须付款?案发前:案发后:若A将票据转让给一个不知情的B。B要求付款人付款,付款人会付款?付款人应该付款。,Parties to a negotiable instrument,a.Drawer:A drawer is the person who draws a bill of exchange or a promissory or a check upon the drawee for the payment of a certain amount of moneyb.Drawee:A drawee is the person upon whom a bill of exchange or a check is drawn.He is also known as the addressee of a draftC.Payee:A payee is the person to whose order the drawee is to make payment or to whom the money is to be paid,d.Acceptor:If and when the drawee agrees and assets to the order in writing addressed to him on a bill of exchange by signing his name on its face,indicating that he will pay on due date,the drawer will become an acceptor.e.Endorser:When a payee or a holder signs his name on the back of an instrument for the purpose of transferring it to another person,he is called an endorser.He is liable to his subsequent endorser,his endorsee or any subsequent holder of the instrument.f.Endorsee:An endorsee is the person to whom an instrument is endorsed.He is the holder of an instrument,which has been transferred by the endorser.g.Acceptor for honor:The person who himself is not a party liable on a bill of exchange but with the consent of the holder may intervene and accept the bill supra protest.h.Guarantor:A guarantor is the person who guarantees the acceptance and payment of a bill of exchange,though he is not a party liable thereto.The obligations of the guarantor are the same as those of the guaranteed.,I.Holder:A holder is the possessor of an instrument,namely the payee,the endorsee or bearer.He may sue,if needed,on the instrument in his own name.Holder for value:A holder for value is the person who possesses an instrument for which value has been given by himself or by some other person.Holder in due course:The person who is in possession of an instrument that is:plete and regular on its face,ii.taken before maturity without notice of its previous dishonor.iii.taken in good faith and for value and iv.taken without notice of any infirmity in the instrument or defect in the title of the person negotiating it.He is also called a bona fide holder,who may claim payment from all parties liable on the instrument.,D,E,F,G,A B Drawee Drawer(Acceptor),PayeeFirst endorser,I,C,Holder,Acceptor for honorPayer for Sbs honor,K,Guarantor,(五)票据的权利、义务,1、票据的权利持票人(票据的债权人)按照票据的文义和票据法的规定所享有的权利,包括:付款请求权追索权转让权,2、票据的义务票据上的签字人(票据的债务人)所承担的义务。包括:担保义务次债务人付款义务主债务人,汇票,Case:吴先生向海尔公司订购100台空调,每台2000元,合计20万元。吴先生从李先生获得20万元的借款。,1.出票(issue/draw),2.提示(presentment),3.付款(payment),海尔(payee),李先生(payer,drawee),吴先生(drawer),汇票(Bill of Exchange;Draft),A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing,addressed by one person to another,signed by the person giving it,requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand,or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person,or to bearer.汇票是一人(吴先生)以另一人(李先生)作为受票对象的无条件书面命令,由发出命令的人(吴先生)签发,要求受票人(李先生)见票时或者在将来的固定时间或可以确定的时间,将确定数额的钱款支付给某人(海尔)或其指定的人或持票人。,汇票的基本当事人,1、出票人(drawer)吴先生 签发汇票的人。责任:(1)保证汇票被承兑和付款;(2)如遭退票,保证偿付票款。2、受票人或付款人(drawee/payer)李先生是接受付款命令的人,但可拒绝承担付款责任。承兑人:即对汇票进行承兑后的付款人,汇票到期后必须承担付款责任。汇票的主债务人:承兑前:出票人 承兑后:承兑人3、收款人(payee)海尔收取票款的人,汇票的主债权人。,A three party negotiable instrument,The drawer:the person giving the order to payThe drawee:the person to whom the order is addressed;The payee:the person to whom the sum certain in money is paid.,汇票进入流通后出现的当事人,4、背书人(Endorser):通过背书将汇票转让给他人的人,是汇票的债务人。责任:(1)保证汇票被承兑和付款;(2)如遭退票,保证偿付票款。5、被背书人(Endorsee):接受背书转让之人,是汇票的债权人。6、持票人(Holder):持有汇票者。7、参加承兑人(Acceptor for Honour):汇票未能获付款人承兑时,愿意对汇票进行承兑的人。参加承兑后成为汇票的债务人。8、保证人(Guarantor):为汇票债务人作担保的人,与被担保人负同样的责任。,汇票例子,标明“汇票”字样汇票的金额出票日期出票地点,付款时间无条件的支付命令收款人付款人出票人名称和签字,Exchange for US$50 000 May 25,2005 New York At 45 days after sight pay to A Bank the sum of fifty thousand US dollars only.Drawn under irrevocable documentary credit No.1234 by B Bank dated May 10,2005.To:C Bank For D Company,New York(signed),汇票的绝对必要记载事项,(1)写明“汇票”字样Exchange for,或Draft for,以与本票和支票相区别。(2)无条件的支付命令(unconditional order to pay)必须用英语的祈使句,以动词开头,且不能附加支付条件。(3)一定(确定)的金额(a sum certain in money)除写明确定金额外,还可以:1带有利息。必须记载利息与利率。2.分期付款。必须注明分期数和每期支付额。3支付等值其他货币。必须注明汇率。汇票金额要同时用文字大写(Amount in Words)和数字小写(Amount in Figure),(4)付款人(payer,drawee)(5)收款人(payee)(6)出票日期(date of issue)出票日期的作用:1决定汇票提示期限是否已过。2决定到期日。3决定出票人的行为能力。(7)出票人签字(signature of the drawer)如签字人代公司、单位、团体签字,应在公司等名称前写上“For”,“On behalf of”,“For and on behalf of”或“Per pro.”。eg:For A Co.Ltd.London John Smith Manager,Essentials of a bill of exchange,A.The word”Exchange”B.An unconditional order in writingC.A sum certain money D.Name and Address of the draweeE.Name or entity of the payeeF.Date and place of issueG.Drawers signature(s)H.TenorI.Place of payment,B.An unconditional order in writing,1.Pay to ABC Co.providing the goods in compliance with contract the sum of one thousand US dollars.2.Pay to ABC Co.out of proceeds of sale of woolen blankets the sum of one thousand US dollars.3.Pay from our No.123 account to ABC Co.the sum of one thousand US dollars.4.Pay to ABC Co.or order the sum of one thousand US dollars and debit our No.123 account.,5.At sight pay to the order of Bank of China the sum of forty thousand US dollars drawn under L/C No.23674 issued by XYZ Bank New York dated on 15 August 200X.6.On demand pay to the order of ABC Co.the sum of twenty thousand US dollars drawn against shipment of 10 bales cotton piece goods from Tiangjin to London.7.After customs clearance pay to the order of ABC Co.the sum of twenty thousand US dollars.8.Pay to Mary the sum of fifty pounds and give her a suit of clothes.,-Bear interest on a bill of exchange Pay to the order of C Co the sum of USD ten thousand plus interest calculated at the rate of 3%per annum from the date hereof to the date of payment.-Bear payment by installments Pay to the order of C Co the sum of USD ten thousand by ten equal consecutive monthly installments.-Bear payment by other kinds of currencyPay to the order of C Co the sum of USD ten thousand converted into HK dollar at current rate of exchange.,C.A sum certain money,Variation:对己汇票:付款人和出票人为同一个当事人 指己汇票:付款人和收款人为同一个当事人,D.Name and address of the drawee,(1)Restrictive Order:Cannot be negotiable Pay to B Company only.Pay to B company,Not Transferable Pay to B Company,Not Negotiable(2)Demonstrative Order:to be negotiable by endorsement Pay to the order of B Company.Pay to B Company or order.PAY TO B?(3)Bearer Order:Negotiation by delivery Pay to bearer Pay to B Company or Bearer,E.Name or entity of the payee,Date of Issue:(1)To judge due to date of a bill of drafts(2)To definite time of presentation(3)To check validity of a bill of drafts(4)To vindicate if the drawers insolvent or notPlace of issue A bill of exchange to be effective according to the bill laws of issuing place,F.Date and place of issue,(1)No signature,no liability(2)Forge signature,G.Drawers signature(s),H.Tenor Sight bill&Usance bill,(1)At sight pay to the order of On demand pay to the order of.On presentation pay to the order of.(2)Payable on a fixed future date)On 20th,July 2003 pay to the order of Payable at a fixed time after date At 30 days after date pay to the order of.Payable at a fixed time after sight At 30 days after sight pay to the order of Payable at a fixed time after the happening of a specified event At 30 days after bill of lading date pay to the order of.,Place of payment=place of draft proceeds Notice of Dishonor or Protest should be issued as per the law of payment place款,I.Place of Payment,汇票的相对必要记载事项,出票地(place of issue)付款地(place of payment)到期日(tenor),汇票的任意记载事项,可以记载事项记载不生票据法上效力的事项记载无效的事项记载使票据无效的事项,成套汇票(A Set of Bill)注明只付其中一张,其余各张不付。例如:Pay this first bill of exchange(second of the same tenor and date being unpaid)to 俗称“付一不付二”。如拿第二张汇票提示,可注明“付二不付一”。,出票条款(drawn clauses)即出具汇票的依据。托收汇票须在出票条款栏内或其他位置加注“FOR COLLECTION”。信用证名下的汇票,应填写出票条款。包括:开证行名称、信用证号码和开证日期。Drawn under irrevocable documentary credit No.1234 by B Bank dated May 10,2005.,担当付款人(Person designated as payer预备付款人(Referee in case of need)必须提示承兑(Presentment for acceptance required)不得提示承兑(Acceptance prohibited)利息与利率(Interest and its Rate)用其他货币付款(Payable in other currency)提示期限(Limit of time for presentment)免作退票通知(Notice of Dishonor)或放弃拒绝证书(Protest)无追索权(Without Recourse),Non-essentials of a bill of exchange,(1)A Banker Designated as Payer(2)Referee in Case of Need(3)Notice of Dishonor Excused or Protest Waived(4)Without Recourse,A Banker Designated as Payer Accepted(Date)Payable at Bank of CITIC,New York For A Co(Signed),Referee in Case of NeedTo:A CompanyIn case of need refer to ABC Company,129 Buffee Street,London,Notice of Dishonor excused For B Company(Signed),Notice of Dishonor Excused or Protest Waived,Without Recourse to us For B Company(Signed),Without Recourse,习题41:找出汇票的三类记载事项,习题42:填制汇票,Fill in the following blank forms according to the given requisite items:date:23 July,200X amount:USD 35,000.50 tenor:At 30 days after sight drawer:George Anderson Inc.,New York drawee:Irving Trust Co.,New York payee:Brown and Thomas Inc.or order,汇票的分类按出票人和受票人的不同,按汇票是否附带商业单据区分,按付款时间不同,按收款人(抬头,记载权利人)不同,按当事人不同,汇票属于资金单据,可以代替货币进行转让或流通。因此,汇票是一种重要的有价证券。为防止丢失,汇票一般一式两份,两张正本,即First Exchange和 Second Exchange,两张正本汇票具有同等效力,但付款人付一不付二,付二不付一。,汇票的使用步骤(票据行为),注:出票为主票据行为,出票人,出票人,收款人,收款人,受票人,受票人,持票人,前手,持票人,被背书人,出票,提示,提示,见票,见票,背书,承兑,承兑,付款,付款,退票,退票,追索,追索,(3)Acts of a bill of exchange,IssuanceEndorsementPresentmentAcceptancePaymentDishonor,Notice of dishonor,protestRecourse Acceptance for honor supra protestGuaranteeDiscounting,出票(issue),为主票据行为包括制作汇票和交付汇票,出票人,收款人,付款人,双方事前有协议,出票(issue),出票日期(date of issue)出票地(place of issue):按国际惯例一般采用“行为地法律”原则出票人签字(signature of the drawer),Issuance,A.Liability of drawers:By drawing the bill,the drawer commits himself to the following:-The draft will be duly accepted or paid on presentment,and-if the draft is dishonored,the drawer will compensate the holder or any endorser for any loss suffered B.To issue a draft comprises two acts to be performed by the drawer:To draw and sign a draft To deliver it to the payee,1,N0 汇票号码 Exchange for 小写金额Beijing,China,出票日期At*Sight of this FIRST of exchange(the SECONDOf the same tenor and date being unpaid),pay 受款人(抬头的三种写法)the sum of 大写金额dawn under 出票依据To 受票人名称 出票人签字,出 票,Presentment,A draft must be duly presented for payment if it is a sight bill or duly presented for acceptance first and then presented for payment at maturity if it is a time billTime of presentment:Bill with payment after sight Sight bill:China:one month from the date of issue Continental laws:one year from the date of issue Time bill:a.Time of presentment for acceptance China:one month from the date of issue Continental laws:one year from the date of issue b.Time of presentment for payment China:within 10 days from maturity Continental laws:2 days around maturity,背书(endorsement),转让票据及票据权利的行为。包含两个动作:在票据背面签名。即使只签字不加文字说明,也视为背书。交付被背书人。记名汇票和指示汇票的转让必须背书。影响:(1)对背书人(债务人)失去票据及票据权利 向后手证明签名的真实性和票据的有效性 担保承兑和付款(2)对被背书人(债权人)享有票据的全部权利:付款请求权和追索权。前手越多,票据权利越有保障。,表格式背书:,粘 单,C,D,F,G,E,B,A,H,第一背书人,第二背书人第一被背书人,第三背书人第二被背书人,第四背书人第三被背书人,第五背书人第四被背书人,背书的连续性,李四,赵六,王五,背书的种类,完全背书,又称记名背书、正式背书和特别背书(special endorsement)内容背书完整,记载支付给被背书人的名称,并经背书人签字。记名背书的票据,可以继续背书转让。,Pay to A Co.,Pay to the order of A Co.,Pay to A Co.or order,+背书人签字,空白背书(endorsement in blank),又称不完全背书、略式背书、简式背书、无记名背书只有背书人的签字。被背书人可继续转让。(1)签名后转让,会被追索。可在被背书人一栏记名,也可不记名。(2)不签名,直接交付转让,不会被追索。可在被背书人一栏记名,也可不记名。国际贸易中,汇票背书多为空白背书,Pay to the order of(),+背书人签字,限制背书(restrictive endorsement),能否继续转让,不同票据法规定不同。(1)英国票据法不能再转让(2)日内瓦统一法和我国的票据法:原背书人只对直接后手负责。被背书人继续转让而产生的其他后手,原背书人不承担担保责任。,Endorsement-1,A.Liability of endorses-the draft will be duly paid upon presentment,and-if the draft is dishonored,he will compensate the holder who is compelled to pay the draft.B.Features of Endorsement-it is an act of negotiation-Prerequisites for a valid endorsement should be normally effected on the back of a draft and signed by the endorser,must be made for the whold amount of the draft.,Endorsement-2,C.Four kinds of endorsement-Blank endorsement-Special endorsement-Restrictive endorsement-Conditional endorsement,-Blank endorsement,An endorsement in blank is one that shows an endorsers signature only and specifies no endorsee.It is also called a general endorsement.A draft so endorsed becomes payable to bearer For C Co,Paris(Signed),-Special endorsement,A special endorsement is one that specifies an endorsee to whom or to whose order the draft is to be paid,in addition to the signature of an endorserPay to the order of D Company For C Co,Paris(Signed),-Restrictive endorsement,An endorsement is restrictive when it prohibits further transfer of the draftPAY TO D COMPANY ONLY FOR C CO(SIGNED)PAY TO D COMPANY NOT TO ORDER FOR C CO(SIGNED),-Conditional endorsement,A conditional endorsement is a special endorsement adding some words thereto that create a condition bound to be met before the special endorsee is entitled to receive payment.The endorser is liable only if the condition is fulfilled.PAY TO THE ORDER OF D COMPANY ON DELIVERY OF BILL OF LADING NO.123 FOR C CO(SIGNED)Other kinds of e


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