,第三章 否定、被动语态、比较等级,主讲:冯 倩2008 年 10月13日,西安电子科技大学,3.1 否定,1、全否定:,一般要用“none,no,neither”来表示,意为 都;均。,普通的窗户均承受(withstand)不了这么大的力。,西安电子科技大学,3.1 否定,1、全否定:,一般要用“none,no,neither”来表示,意为 都;均。,None of the ordinary windows=No ordinary windows can withstand so large a force.,西安电子科技大学,2、部分否定:,一般用“all,both,every”+not 来表示,意为 并非都。,This parameter(参数)does not change during all time intervals.,Eq.(1 5)cannot be satisfied by all values of x.,3.1 否定,西安电子科技大学,3、否定的转移,(1)主句中有表示“相信”、“认为”等臆想动词否定式时,一般汉译时否定在从句中。(在科技文中不常见),3.1 否定,西安电子科技大学,not+,thinkfeelsupposebelieveimagine,+that 从句,They dont think that this answer to the problem is right.,3.1 否定,3、否定的转移,西安电子科技大学,(2),appearseemhappen,的否定式+,主语从句动词不定式,It does not appear that this value satisfies the equation.,This computer does not seem to be so good as that one.,3.1 否定,3、否定的转移,西安电子科技大学,This disease does not affect most animals as it does humans.,These layers(层)are not“stretched”(能拉伸的)as a rubber sheet would be.,(3)主句中有not no,rather than,instead of+as 从句或短语(或the way):,译成“并不像那样”。,3.1 否定,3、否定的转移,西安电子科技大学,The HIGH-level output voltages for both OR and NOR are between 0.81 and 0.96 V rather than 0.8 V,as predicted(预计)by Eq.(2 9).,3.1 否定,3、否定的转移,西安电子科技大学,The majority of distance communication in the future could well be computer-to-computer,not person-to-person as at present.,3.1 否定,3、否定的转移,西安电子科技大学,The Maxwell relations(关系式)are not modified(修正)by relativity(相对论)as Newtons relations are when particle(质点)velocities approach the speed of light.,3.1 否定,3、否定的转移,西安电子科技大学,1、带有双宾语动词(tell,inform,convince,give,assign,deny等等)的被动语态(在谓语后存在一个“保留宾语”),In this case some of the users will be denied(拒绝给予)permission(允许).,Each of the users has been assigned a frequency band.,3.2 被动语态,西安电子科技大学,We are told by Ohms law that the current in a circuit is proportional to the applied voltage.,If the reader is not convinced that P is a maximum when R=r,he should verify it by the used(惯常的)calculus(微积分)method.,3.2 被动语态,西安电子科技大学,In 1858 Darwin(达尔文)was sent a scientific paper by a man called Alfred Wallace.,A thorough exposition is accorded principles of a computer in this book.,We are given that the coefficient of sliding friction(滑动摩擦)between box and floor is.,3.2 被动语态,西安电子科技大学,2、“不及物动词+介词”=“及物动词”的被动语态,Electronic radar systems are relied on for a safe flight from one airport to another.,3.2 被动语态,西安电子科技大学,In this case the work done is accounted for by an increase in potential energy.,This topic will be dealt with in the next chapter.,Actually,this result could have been arrived at intuitively(直观地).,3.2 被动语态,西安电子科技大学,3、“及物动词+名词+介词”=“及物动词”(make use of,pay attention to,take care of,make mention of等等)的被动语态,Full use must be made of the computers available.,3.2 被动语态,西安电子科技大学,注意:这里并不是“be made of 由制成”这一词组的含义。而是“make full use of”的被动形式。,3.2 被动语态,西安电子科技大学,The computers available must be made full use of.,In the quantum(量子)theory of the atom no use is made of these models.,必须充分利用现有的设备。(要求使用“make use of”的被动形式),*汉译英:,3.2 被动语态,西安电子科技大学,Full use must be made of the devices available.,3.2 被动语态,西安电子科技大学,4、由“,getbecomeremainappearcome,+过去分词”构成的被动句(强调状态),The energy that is stored in the inductor(电感器)and capacitor eventually(最终)gets dissipated(消耗)by the resistor.,3.2 被动语态,西安电子科技大学,The air throughout the room becomes heated by convection currents(对流的气流).,The gate(门电路)will remain closed by the low input until the clock pulse arrives.,3.2 被动语态,西安电子科技大学,5、科技文中不能有被动形式、不得用过去分词作定语的常见情况,(1)不及物动词,the resulting equation;the existing algorithms;the newly emerging approach,(几个特例:the fallen leaves;the elapsed time;the arrived train;the worked hours),3.2 被动语态,西安电子科技大学,(2)表示状态的及物动词(have,afford等),(3)表示被动含义的“不及物动词+介词”,consist of,“由组成”,result from,“由引起”,arise from,“由引起”,3.2 被动语态,西安电子科技大学,serve as,“被用作为;起作用”,act as,“被用作为;起作用”,behave as,“被用作为;起作用”,(4)表示被动含义的“及物动词+名词”(find use applications in“得到应用”),3.2 被动语态,function as,“被用作为;起作用”,西安电子科技大学,1、表示“得多”的句型,一些程度副词+比较级,常见的程度副词有:,much,very much,far,by far,well,greatly,a lot,a great deal,considerably,appreciably,significantly,substantially,incredibly,enormously,immeasurably等。,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,This computer is much smaller than that one.,Most computer facilities(设施)continue to protect their physical machine far better than they do their data.,This circuit requires many more components(元件)than the circuit shown on page 3.,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,If q2 is HIGH,it means that two more CLi pulses(脉冲)than CLo pulses arrive.,Equation(8 10)contains much more than a mere description of how the gain(增益)saturates(饱和).,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,2、表示“越来越”的句型,(1)最常用的方式,对单音节词:,采用“er and er”,对多音节词:,采用“more and more”,Electronic devices are becoming smaller and smaller but more and morecomplicated.,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,(2)采用“ever+er”(主要用于单音节词),Computers are ever smaller.,(3)采用“increasingly+原级”(主 要用于多音节词),Computers are getting increasingly complicated.,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,(4)“含有比较级的主句+表示时间的as-从句随着”,The skin effect(集肤效应)is more pronounced(明显的)as the frequency increases.,The accelerating(加速)force becomes smaller as the body approaches the center.,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,3、“as 形容词 as 数量”要译成“达到”,这块芯片(chip)薄达零点几毫米(millimeter)。,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,This chip is as thin as a few tenths of a millimeter.,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,地球离月球的距离远达24万英里。,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,The distance of the earth from the moon is as great as 240,000 mi.,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,Efficiencies of as much as 99%are achieved in large transformers(变压器).,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,4、在“as as”句型中省去第2个“as部分”的情况,Digital transmission need not have as high an S/N ratio.可看成省去了“as analog transmission”,To dissipate(耗散)50 watts of heat,the temperature difference must be twice as great.,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,Measuring anything means comparing it with some standard to see how many times as big it is.可看成省去了“as the standard”,How many times as great is the kinetic energy if the velocity is doubled?,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,A force which causes a body to have twice the acceleration(加速度)another force produces must be twice as great.,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,5、一种特殊的“as as”句型,as many(+名词A)as there are+名词B,译成“有多少个B就有多少个A”,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,There are as many designs as there are designers.,These energy bands(能带)are actually composed of a multitude of(许许多多)individual(单个)energy levels(能级),as many as there are atoms in the crystal(晶体).,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,6、句型“more 名词A than 名词B”译成“与其说是B不如说是A”,The design and implementation(实现)of programming languages has been more art than science.,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,7、“much、mang 和long”常起形容词和名词的双重作用,The flip-flop(触发器)can stay high for as long as 2 min.,The recommended practice is to let Rs contribute as much of 45 as possible.,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,8、表示最高级的比较范围“在之中”时“of”和“in”的用法区别,in:后跟表示整体的集合名词单数,Of all physical properties of matter,electrical resistance perhaps shows the greatest range of values.,of:后跟可数名词复数,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,9、表示“越,就越”的句型,(1)通常的句型,“the+比较级 条件从句部分,the+比较级 主句部分”,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,导线越细,你获得的电阻就越大。,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,The thinner the wire,the more resistance you will obtain.,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,该物体被提得越高,它具有的位能就越大。,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,The higher the body is lifted,the more potential energy it possesses.,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,The smaller the time interval t,the more closely does vt approach the actual displacement(位移).,The greater the nuclear mass,the less of the neutrons(中子的)energy is transferred(转移)to the nucleus(原子核).,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,颜色越深,它吸收(absorb)的热就越多。,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,The darker the color(is),the more heat it will absorb.,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,(2)特殊句型,特点:,“主句部分”在前,“从句部 分”在后,两部分之间无逗号分开,3.3 比较等级,“主句部分”的比较级前一般不用“the”,西安电子科技大学,Skin effect is greater the higher the frequency.,The particles move more freely the higher the temperature.,3.3 比较等级,西安电子科技大学,Ex6 269,271,272,279,313,339,340,341,343,347,西安电子科技大学,