发展有机硅高端产品之我见My opinion on developing high-end silicone products,傅积赉FU Jilai,提要 Outline,一、中国具备向有机硅高端产品发展的基础 China has the foundation of developing high-end silicone products 二、甲基氯硅烷产能的发展要审时度势 Developing the capacity of methyl chlorosilane needs sizing up三、他山之石可以攻玉 By others fault,wise men correct their own 四、有机硅高端下游产品 High end silicone downstream products五、产学研合作创业 Enterprise,University and Institute Cooperation 六、值得注意的硅氧烷毒性问题 Siloxane toxicity should get more attention,一、中国具备向有机硅高端产品发展的基础China has the foundation of developing high-end silicone products,甲基氯硅烷(methyl chlorosilane):工厂20来个,总产能近100万t/a。about 20 factories,total capacity is nearly 1 million tons.2008年总产量约40万吨,2009年会有10万20万吨的增长。In 2008,the total output is around 400 thousand tons.In 2009,an increase of 100-200 thousand tons.有机硅下游产品工厂几百个,其中HTV和RTV硅橡胶产量都是数以10万吨计。Now,China has hundreds of factories of silicone downstream products.The production volume of HTV and RTV is over 100,000t/a.在人才方面,中国科学院研究所、大专院校、其他研究院所和好几百家公司和工厂的生产和科研工作者。Product operator and scientific researcher from Chinese Academy of Science,colleges and institutes,other research institute and hundreds of enterprises and factories.,二、甲基氯硅烷产能的发展要审时度势 Developing the capacity of methyl chlorosilane needs sizing up,民营甲基氯硅烷企业已经有十多家,还有很多扩建和新建工程或计划:over ten private enterprises of methyl chlorosilane,expansion and new programs:兴发集团宜昌精细化工园18万t/a有机硅项目;Xingfa Group Yichang fine chemical park has a 180,000t/a silicone project 贵州施秉县恒盛有限公司提出6.8万t/a有机硅单体项目;Hengsheng Co.,Ltd in Shibing County in Guizhou put forward a 68,000t/a project of silicone monomer 还有两家企业向内蒙古进军的消息 two enterprises plan to get into Inner Mongolia星火化工厂,产能30万吨/年。Xinghuo Chemical plant owns a capacity of 300,000t/a.在蓝星收购法国罗地亚以后,星火使用罗地亚的工艺技术,投资80亿元增建40万t/a有机硅单体及下游产品一体化项目,在两期工程完成后将有70万t/a的总产能。After bluestar aquiring Rhodia,China Chemical Group Corp.had Xinghuo to use the technology of Rhodia and invested RMB 8 billion to conduct a 400,000t/a integrative program of silicone monomer and downstream products.When the project finished,the total capacity of the company will increase to 700,000t/a.,二、甲基氯硅烷产能的发展要审时度势 Developing the capacity of methyl chlorosilane needs sizing up,我国有机硅工业的政策:policy of Chinese silicone industry鼓励进口技术和产品目录(2009年版)Catalogue for Technologies and Products Encouraged to Import(2009 Edition)“鼓励引进20万吨/年以上有机硅单体生产技术及有机硅下游加工产品生产技术的项目。”也就是说在已经兼并了法国罗地亚后还不行,还要引进更“先进”的有机硅上下游产品的工艺技术。“Encourage fetching in the project of 200 thousand tons per year silicone monomer and silicone downstream production technology。”i.e.China was not satisfied with bluestar aquiring Rhodia,and the“more advanced”technology of silicone up/downstream product will be introduced.,三、他山之石可以攻玉By others fault,wise men correct their own,在这样跃进式大发展同时,有信息说:在中国“一直强劲增长的有机硅市场已经显露原料过剩迹象;我国有机硅市场日益呈现中低端产品发展过剩,高端产品严重紧缺的现象”。The continuously and rapidly expanding market has showed the sign of overcapacity.Excess of low and middle end products and lack of high end products became a feature in silicone industry.50万60万吨甲基氯硅烷的产量就出现了过剩迹象,值得业内人士关注和思考。We should pay much attention to the so called overcapacity.,三、他山之石可以攻玉By others fault,wise men correct their own,2008年日本环硅氧烷的总产量也就是17万吨,当年进口环硅氧烷约3万吨。In 2008,Janan outputs 170,000t of cyclosiloxane and imports 30,000t of the product.前几年日本有机硅业界提出“转型”(,Shift)的策略,将重点转向高端下游产品的研发。Years ago,Japanese proposed the“shift”strategy and turn to focus on R&D of high-end downstream products.日本也有不少以开发、生产具有特色的有机硅材料和制品的公司。Japan also has some companies researching and developing silicone products.可见,分享市场份额或占领市场不能全靠大量的D4、DMC或107胶;而是要靠质量优异、有特色的高端下游产品群。So it is hard to take a place in the market by virtue of D4 and DMC,or simply-processed 107 glue.We shall depend on the high-quality and characteristic high-end products to develop the market.,四、有机硅的高端下游产品High end silicone downstream products,何谓高端产品?What are high end products?有机硅与普通聚合物等接枝、共聚、IPN等方法改性就成为高端产品 Using silicones to modify synthetic resins,cellulose,PLA and so on via grafting,copolymerization,IPN and etc.改变聚硅氧烷的(-Si-O-)主链结构,引入诸如:芳烃、环烷烃、多面体硅倍半氧烷、芘、C60、二茂铁等结构单元 In addition,we can introduce aromatic hydrocarbon,cyclane,POSS(Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane),pyrene,C60,ferrocene and so on to change the backbone structure(-Si-O-)of polysiloxane so as to form characteristic high-end products,四、有机硅的高端下游产品High end silicone downstream products,(1)有机硅改性环氧树脂 Silicone modified epoxy resin(2)有机硅改性氟碳化合物 Silicone modified fluorocarbon(3)有机硅改性聚醚 Silicone modified polyether(4)有机硅改性聚酰亚胺 Silicone modified polyimide,四、有机硅的高端下游产品High end silicone downstream products,(5)改变硅氧烷主链结构的有机硅苯撑聚合物 Silicone phenylene polymer with siloxane backbone structure changed(6)发光二极管用的有机硅包封料 Silione encapsulating material used in LED(7)高折射率的有机硅共聚物 Silicone polymer with high refractive index(8)多面体笼形聚硅倍半氧烷(POSS)Polyhedral Oligomeric silsesquioxanes 以三烷氧基硅烷为原料(trialkoxy silane as raw material)有机-无机杂化物(Organo-inorganic hybrid),四、有机硅的高端下游产品High end silicone downstream products,(8)多面体笼形聚硅倍半氧烷 POSS 改性聚丙烯 Modifying polypropylene 改性涂料 Modifying coating 改性聚氯乙烯 Modifying PVC 改进聚硅氧烷 Modifying polysiloxane 提高环氧树脂的耐电晕性 Improving the corona resistance of epoxy resin,四、有机硅的高端下游产品High end silicone downstream products,(8)多面体笼形聚硅倍半氧烷 POSS 改性聚碳酸脂树脂 Modifying polycarbonate resin 改性聚酯树脂 Modifying polyester resin 低介电常数有机无机杂化物 Organo-inorganic hybrid with low-k(dielectric constant)用于燃料电池 Using in fuel cell 抵抗低地球轨道空间原子氧的作用 Resisting atomic oxygen of low earth orbit space,四、有机硅的高端下游产品High end silicone downstream products,POSS的原料 Raw materials of POSSPOSS的原料都是三官能单体,如硅烷偶联剂。Raw materials of all above POSS are trifunctional monomer,most of which is silane coupling agent largely produced in China.以甲基三氯硅烷为原料制作的带甲基的多面体硅倍半氧烷是消纳甲基三氯硅烷的一条途径,可用作塑料的加工助剂等。外国公司都有带甲基的POSS和带苯基的POSS的商品。Using methyl trichlorosilane as the raw material of POSS is one way to consume methyl trichlorosilane.It can also be used as processing agent.Many overseas companies produce POSS with methyl and phenyl.有人正在探索用带甲基的POSS制作-Si-O-C-纤维。Some people are making the research of using POSS with methyl to produce-Si-O-C-fiber.,五、产学研合作创业 Enterprise,University and Institute Cooperation,单体工厂与下游工厂组建联合体 silicone monomer manufacturers should cooperate with downstream producers.可考虑设立“有机硅产学研合作创业基金 establishing cooperation fund for silicone enterprise,university and institute 这是增强有机硅企业的治本性措施,比一时性的输血、引进的效果要好。This is a fundamental method to strengthen Chinese silicone companies.,六、值得注意的硅氧烷毒性问题Siloxane toxicity should get more attention,(1)又有10个硅氧烷被认为有毒(加拿大)Ten siloxanes were regarded as toxic.2009年1月31日发布了D4、D5和D6筛选评议的“最终决定”,将D6排除在外,对D4、D5则仍认为:Canada issued his final decision of examination on of D4,D5 and D6 on Jan 31,2009.He claimed D6 is nontoxic,unlike D4 and D5.很低浓度的D4就能伤害水生生物(LC50 1 mg/L)。Even D4 with very low concentration does harm to aquatic organism生物积累性问题正在等待新的资料。Now Canada government is still collecting new data about organism accumulation.加拿大又先后发布了第10、11、12批被列入“有生物积累性、对非人类生物有毒”的化学物质多种,其中有机硅化合物有10个。Afterwards,Canada announced the 10th,11th and 12th group listed as chemicals with organism accumulation and toxicity to nonhuman organism.,六、值得注意的硅氧烷毒性问题Siloxane toxicity should get more attention,()七甲基苯基环四硅氧烷(Heptamethyl phenyl cyclotetrasiloxane)苯基有机硅的中间体 intermediate of phenyl silicone,()十甲基四硅氧烷(decamethyltetrasiloxane)二甲基硅油dimethicone,六、值得注意的硅氧烷毒性问题Siloxane toxicity should get more attention,()八甲基四硅氧烷(Octamethyltetrasiloxane)加成型液体硅橡胶的组分 component of addition type liquid silicone rubber,()八甲基三硅氧烷(Octamethyltrisiloxane)二甲基硅油dimethicone,六、值得注意的硅氧烷毒性问题Siloxane toxicity should get more attention,(2)美国也开始要对硅氧烷加强监控了 America also started to heighten surveillance on siloxane3月17日,美国环保署(EPA)宣布将含硅氧烷在内的4种化学品列入下一批“化学品行动计划”。EPA has announced the next batch of chemicals for which it will develop chemical action plans,in which siloxanes were listed.EPA提到的硅氧烷是复数名词Siloxanes,说明不是1个2个,而是若干个。The plural noun siloxanes tells us that there are several kinds of siloxanes,but EPA does not publish the name.美国有世界上两个最大的有机硅公司,涉及到的硅氧烷品种的数量会比加拿大要多。America has two largest silicone companies in the world.More siloxanes will be involved compared with those in Canadian.在中国除上述硅氧烷外,还有其他的硅氧烷 Besides siloxanes mentions above,other ones should be also attached more attention.,谢谢大家!Thank you!,