the Main Features of Roman Society and Roman Culture,Features of Roman Society,Roman society:highly hierarchial(.hirkikl,等级制的)highly class-consciousDuring times in ancient Rome there were two distinct political classes:the Patriciansthe Plebeians,Supplement:knight class(business)senate(deliberation),Slavery in Ancient Roman,Features of Roman Culture,1.militarism(尚武精神)2.sense of honor(荣誉感)3.spirit of enjoyment(享乐精神)4.rational spirit(理性精神)5.legal consciousness(法律意识),militarism(尚武精神),sense of honor(荣誉感),君士坦丁凯旋门,提图斯凯旋门,塞维鲁凯旋门,spirit of enjoyment(享乐精神),罗马斗兽场(供皇宫贵族取乐的竞技游戏场所),rational spirit(理性精神),Virgil(维吉尔)the Roman poet(BC 70-19)BCHe created Romes greatest epic Aeneas(埃涅阿斯记).The story of the hero Aeneas reflects the typical of the Roman rational spirit.,legal consciousness(法律意识),Roman LawsLaw of the Twelve Tables(十二铜表法)It was the first Roman statute,it was regarded as the origin of European law.,