,The introduction of the qingming festival清明节的介绍,Qingming festival is also called TaQingJie in air with spring,which is the 108th day after the winter solstice,one of Chinas traditional festival,is also one of the most important festival of sacrifice,is the day of ancestor worship and the grave.清明节又叫踏青节,在仲春与暮春之交,也就是冬至后的第108天,中国传统节日之一,也是最重要的祭祀节日之一,是祭祖和扫墓的日子。,Ching Ming festival origin origin清明节起源源流,Jie zitui,later generations as meson,the spring and autumn period,the state of jin zhou dynasty people,born in the village wenxi account,based on research PeiJie village,due to cut in jun,dont say lu seclusion,missed.Buried after the death of jiexiu continous mountain.Duke wen chong er deeply guilty,then change continous the mountains for the interface,able to temple worship,the resulting cold,all previous dynasties poetry,literati perpetual memory with a large number of poems.介子推后人尊为介子,春秋时期,周朝晋国人,生于闻喜户头村,长在夏县裴介村,因“割股奉君”,隐居“不言禄”之壮举,深得世人怀念。死后葬于介休绵山。晋文公重耳深为愧疚,遂改绵山为介山,并立庙祭祀,由此产生了“寒食节”,历代诗家文人留有大量吟咏缅怀诗篇。,Remember the poem.缅怀诗篇,There are dragon form,its neighbour.Five snake,cheng fu,dragon against the township,the locality,four snakes from it,have the rain,a snake of shame,bridge Yu Zhongye to death.,有龙于飞,周遍天下。五蛇从之,为之丞辅,龙反其乡,得其处所,四蛇从之,得其露雨,一蛇羞之,桥死于中野。,Seasonal food节令食品,?,Thanks for watching!,