home,Objectives,In this unit,you will,read what Bill Gates says about education;build up your vocabulary relating to campus life;get to know about the vocational education in Germany;study different types of nouns;read and write self-introductions.,Objectives,main,Listening and Speaking,Text A,Grammar Tips,Text B,Comprehensive Exercises,Practical Reading and Writing,Warm-up,1.Bill Gates,Warm-up-Background Information,Discussion,Background Information,Warm-up,William(Bill)H.Bill Gates is the co-founder,chairman and chief software architect of Microsoft Corporation,the worlds largest and most profitable software company.And he is also the richest man in the world.,Warm-up-Background Information,Background Information,Discussion,Warm-up,Gates was born in 1955,in Seattle,Washington.Gates attended the private Lakeside School.There,he discovered his interest in software and began programming computers at age 13.Gates went off to Harvard University in 1973 with the original intention of becoming a math professor.It was during his Harvard days that he and his friend developed BASIC(Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code),the programming language for the first microcomputer.,Warm-up-The use of the Internet,Warm-up,Background Information,Discussion,Gates left Harvard in 1975 without completing his university education.He started Microsoft at the age of 19,and made a deal that changed the landscape of computing forever.Gates announced in 2006 that he would be transitioning from full-time work at Microsoft to part-time work,and full-time work at the Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation to enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty in the world.,Warm-up-The use of the Internet,Warm-up,Background Information,Discussion,2.Harvard,Harvard University,founded in 1636,is Americas oldest institution of higher learning.The university was named after its first benefactor,John Harvard of Charlestown.Since its founding,the university has grown from nine students with a single master to an enrollment of more than 18,000 degree candidates,including undergraduates and graduate students in 10 principal academic units.An additional 13,000 students are enrolled in one or more courses in the Harvard Extension School.,Warm-up-The use of the Internet,Warm-up,Background Information,Discussion,Seven presidents of the United States John Adams,John Quincy Adams,Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt,Rutherford B.Hayes,John Fitzgerald Kennedy and George W.Bush were graduates of Harvard.Its faculties have produced more than 40 Nobel laureates.,Warm-up-Background Information,Background Information,Discussion,Warm-up,3.Vocational Education in Germany and The Dual System,Vocational education and training is deeply embedded and widely respected in German society.The system offers qualifications in a broad spectrum of professions and flexibly adapts to the changing needs of the labour market.,Warm-up-The use of the Internet,Warm-up,Background Information,Discussion,The dual system is especially well-developed in Germany,integrating work-based and school-based learning to prepare apprentices for a successful transition to full-time employment.A major strength of the dual system is the high degree of engagement and ownership on the part of employers and other social partners.But the system is also characterized by an intricate web of checks and balances at the national,state,municipal,and company levels that ensures that the short-term needs of employers do not distort broader educational and economic goals.,Question 1:Do you know anything about Bill Gates,such as his life and his educational background?,1.Birthday and birthplace:October 28,1955;Seattle,Washington2.Educational background:public elementary schoolprivate schoolHarvard University from 1973-1975(education not completed),Hints,Warm-up-Discussion,Discussion,Background Information,Warm-up,Warm-up-Discussion,Discussion,Background Information,Warm-up,3.Career:chairman and chief software architect of Microsoft,the worlds largest and most profitable software company4.Main events in his life:a.beginning programming computers at age 13;b.developing a version of the programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer in Harvard;c.founding Microsoft Corporation in 1975 at the age of 19,Warm-up-Discussion,Discussion,Background Information,Warm-up,5.A joke about Bill Gates:A guy was in a bar at the Seattle Airport.He was waiting for an important business client that he wanted to impress.He looked around the room and to his great surprise,he saw Bill Gates sitting by the window.He went over to him and said,“Excuse me,Mr.Gates,Im a huge fan of yours.I wonder if you could do me a favor?”Bill Gates said,“Maybe.What do you want me to do?”The man replied,“In a few minutes,a very important client of mine will arrive.When she arrives,could you walk over to us and say hello to me?My name is George.If shethinks that you and I are good friends shell be really impressed.”,Warm-up-Discussion,Discussion,Background Information,Warm-up,Bill Gates said,“Well,OK.”Five minutes later the client arrived and sat down beside the man.They chatted for a few minutes.Then,Bill Gates walked over,tapped the man on the shoulder,and said in a loud voice,“Hey,George.Its good to see you.How are you doing?”The man looked at Bill Gates and in an angry voice said,“Listen,Gates,cant you see Im busy?Im talking to an important customer.Get out of here.”,Question 2:Why do you think education is important for you?,Education is important for everyone because:1.it helps to develop sound personalities;2.it helps to cultivate positive attitudes toward life;3.it provides students with a variety of useful knowledge and skills for their future career;4.it exposes students to different cultures and enables them to know the world better.,Hints,Warm-up-Discussion,Discussion,Background Information,Warm-up,A.Underline the word you hear in each group.,1.A.books B.boss C.brought 2.B.cock C.caught D.cool3.A.foot C.fought D.food4.A.room C.raw D.roof5.A.pull B.pop D.pool,Listening,Listening and Speaking,Speaking,Listening,I.Listening,D.boots,A.cook,B.fog,B.rock,C.Paul,Listening,Listening and Speaking,Speaking,Listening,6.B.god C.gone D.goose7.A.look B.lock C.lord 8.B.pin C.pen D.pan9.A.keep B.kid D.cat10.A.he C.hem D.ham,A.good,D.loud,A.pea,C.kept,B.him,At present,there are 16(1)vocational schools in China,with millions of graduates every year.Generally speaking,they can be categorised into two(2):middle vocational schools which are on the same level as high schools in China,and advanced professional schools offering knowledge and(3)at a higher level.The average employment after graduation from such schools is even(4)than that of people with bachelor degrees.,Listening,Listening and Speaking,Speaking,Listening,thousand,_,B.Fill in the blanks of the following passage according to what you have just heard.,types,_,skills,_,higher,_,Discuss with your partner the following questions based on the information from the above passage you have just heard.,Speaking,Listening and Speaking,II.Speaking,Speaking,Listening,1.What type of vocational school do you attend?,Hints,Types of vocational schools usually include1)In terms of skills the students are trained in,there are vocational schools for foreign services,early education,communications,mechanics,electronics,banking and finance,business,vehicle repair,manufacturing,tourism,cooking,nursing,etc.,Speaking,Listening and Speaking,Speaking,Listening,2)In terms of funding sources,there are public and private vocational schools.,2.Do you like the new school?Why or why not?3.What do you like to learn in the school?,忠告,建议,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text A Words and Expressions,Text Study,education n.,Text A,教育,好几百,许许多多,有重要意义,有价值,count v.,hundreds of,advice n.,e-mail n.,电子邮件,退学,不参与,退出,drop out of,若干,a number of,询问,寻求,ask for,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text A Words and Expressions,Text Study,Text A,一生,终生,suggestion n.,意见,建议,有利条件,好处;优点,优势,成功,胜利,success n.,advantage n.,lifetime n.,take advantage of,利用,千载难逢的良机,一生中唯一的机会,chance of a lifetime,公司,company n.,兼职的(地),part-time adj.&adv.,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text A Words and Expressions,Text Study,Text A,项目,课题,programmer n.,程序师,编程员,不鼓励;使泄气,使失去信心,相当多的,quite a few,discourage vt.,project n.,diploma n.,文凭,毕业证书,精神,spirit n.,团队精神,team spirit,高度地;非常,highly adv.,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text A Words and Expressions,Text Study,Text A,自动地,focus v.,(使)集中;(使)聚焦,软件,集中精力于,be focused on,software n.,automatically adv.,attend v.,参加;出席,试验,考验,try out,能力,本领,ability n.,简而言之,总之,in short adv.,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text A Words and Expressions,Text Study,Text A,range n.,范围,科目,课程;主题,subject n.,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text A Words and Expressions,Text Study,Text A,Proper Names,Bill Gates:,比尔盖茨。美国微软公司创始人和董事会主席,世界电脑软件业著名企业家。他于1973年进入哈佛大学,本科二年级时退学,和朋友共同创立了微软公司。2008年从微软公司退休后,他建立了个人慈善基金会,专注于促进全球卫生和教育领域的平等。,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text A Words and Expressions,Text Study,Text A,Microsoft:,美国微软公司。盖茨创建的全世界最有影响力的电脑软件公司。,Harvard:,哈佛大学。坐落于马萨诸塞州,创建于1636年,是美国历史最悠久的名牌学府。,1 Hundreds of students send me e-mail each yearfor advice about education.They want to know whatto study,or whether its OK to drop out of collegesince thats what I did.A smaller number of parentssend messages asking for suggestions for their sonsor daughters.“How can we guide our child towardsuccess?”They ask.My advice is simple.“Get the besteducation you can.Take advantage of high school andcollege.Learn how to learn.”,Text A-1,Education Does Count,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Text A,Text A-2,Text A,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,2 Its true that I dropped out of college to startMicrosoft,but I was at Harvard for three years beforedropping out.As Ive said before,nobody should dropout of college unless they believe they face the chanceof a lifetime.And even then they should considercarefully.,Text A-3,Text A,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,3 In my companys early years,we had a bright part-time programmer who planned to drop out of highschool to work.We told him no.Quite a few of ourpeople didnt finish college,but we discourage droppingout.Having a diploma certainly helps somebody who islooking to us for a job.,4 High school and college offer you the best chanceto learn many things and to do projects with others thatteach you about team spirit.In high school there wasa time when I was highly focused on writing software,but for most of my high school years I had many interests.In college,I read about all kinds of things andattended different kinds of classes.For me,classroomis not the only place where you can learn.You can alsolearn in a library.But somebody handing you a bookdoesnt automatically start your learning.You shouldlearn with other people,ask questions,try out ideas andhave a way to test your ability.,Text A-4,Text A,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,5 In short,its a real mistake not to take the chance tostudy a wide range of subjects and to learn to work withother people because education does count.,Text A-5,Text A,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Text A-Comprehension1,A.Choose the best answer according to the text.,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Text A,Words and Expressions,Every year many _ ask Bill Gates for advice about education.A.students B.students or their parentsC.parents D.teachers,Text A-Comprehension2,Text A,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Words and Expressions,2.Gates is asked many questions,except _.A.what to study B.whether its OK to drop out of schoolC.where to get information D.how to guide children toward success,Text A-Comprehension2,Text A,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Words and Expressions,3.Gates advises young people to _.A.get the best education they canB.learn how to learnC.take advantage of high school and college educationD.all the above,Text A-Comprehension2,Text A,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Words and Expressions,4.When Gates was in high school,he _.A.was always highly focused on writing softwareB.attended different kinds of classesC.had many interestsD.read about all kinds of things,Text A-Comprehension2,Text A,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Words and Expressions,5.What did Gates value most in high school and college?A.Visiting the library.B.Writing software.C.Developing broad interests and team spirit.D.Asking questions.,Text A-Comprehension3,Text A,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Words and Expressions,B.Complete the following sentences orally with your partner.,1.How long did Bill Gates study at Harvard before dropping out?He studied at Harvard.2.What can high school and college offer,according to Bill Gates?They can offer the best chance to.,for three years,_,and to do projects with others that teach you about,learn many things,team spirit,Text A-Comprehension3,Text A,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Words and Expressions,3.What did Bill Gates like to do in college?He liked to read and attended.4.Where can students learn things?They can learn things both in and in.5.How should we learn things according to Gates?We should learn with,d,and have a way to test our ability.,about all kinds of things,_,different kinds of classes,_,the classroom,_,a library,_,other people,_,ask questions,_,try out ideas,_,Text A-Comprehension4,Text A,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Words and Expressions,C.Create a dialogue with your partner according to the requirements.,Suppose Bill Gates has just come to China.Here is an imagined conversation between him and a student reporter from a vocational school.Fill in the blanks withyour partner and then read the dialogue aloud in class.You may depend on the text if necessary.(“B”stands for Bill Gates and“S”for the student.),Text A-Comprehension4,Text A,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Words and Expressions,S:Its a great pleasure to meet you,Mr.Gates.I am a reporter from XXX School and Id like to ask you a few questions if I may.B:The pleasure is mine.Go ahead.S:Do you think its all right for us to?B:.As Ive said,nobody unless.In fact,having a diploma.S:Then what do you think high school and college can do for us?,No,definitely not,_,should drop,out of school,drop out of school,_,they believe they face the chance,of a lifetime,somebody who is looking to us for a job,certainly helps,Text A-Comprehension4,Text A,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Words and Expressions,B:They.S:Can you tell us something about your own learning experience in college?B:Yes,.In college,I used to read about all kinds of things and.,can bring you the best chance to learn many,things and to do project