DS 2012下半年太平洋团购活动总结报告-成都,路演时间:12/29Time:12/29路演地点:DS展厅Avenue:DS Exhibition hall 执行人员:DS 黄韬(销售经理 销售顾问 5人)Executor:DS TaoHuang(sales mgr+5SC)天气情况:29日晴Weather:29th Sunny客流情况:100 产品折页发放:200Traffic:100 Brochure delivery:200 意向客户信息收集:30Potential Customer Info:30现场成交:DS3-0 DS4-0 DS5-0On site deal:DS3:0 DS4:0 DS5:0,情况简介 Event Facts,场地 Venue,成都DS 展厅DS Exhibition hall Chengdu,现场图片 Event Shooting,现场图片 Event Shooting,现场图片 Event Shooting,数据分析 Data Analysis,经验及提示 Road show summary,太平洋团购活动经验提示Experience from pcauto group purchase Activities团购活动为本月最后一周的店头活动,邀约客户20组,太平洋汽车带客户10组,因为厂家活动时间截止到12月31日,店头活动的举办时间已经临到月末,把客户逼的太急反而不好,后期建议在每月第三周举行比较合理。Group purchase activities for the last week of this month the storefront activities,invite customers and group,Pcauto with customer and group,because the factory activity time until December 31,storefront activities held at the end of the time has come,the customer pushed too hard but bad,late in the third week of every month suggest a more reasonable.,Thanks,