1,EUTR:European Union Timber Regulation欧盟木材法规,Background to the regulation 法规背景,Illegal wood:非法木材 Major cause of deforestation(exceeded quota),desertification and soil erosion,forest degradation是造成森林过度砍伐、土地沙漠化、土壤浸蚀、森林退化的主要原因。Threats to livelihoods,biodiversity,Global CO2 emissions,climate change and extreme weather events对当地居民、生物多样性、全球二氧化碳排放、气候变化及极端气象造成威胁。Significant social impacts because it deprives the authorities of much needed revenue in the form of taxes and royalty payements.因剥夺了相应的税收当局的权力,而造成了重大的社会影响。,Secrecy and corruption makes it difficult to evaluate the problem商业机秘及腐败贪污使得此问题的评估变得更加困难。Responsible timber product traders and buyers,particularly in Europe and North America increasingly require assurance that raw material are legally sourced.负有责任的贸易商、买手,尤其是在欧盟和北美区域,越来越需要对合法原材料的保障。Increasing attention to the issue of legality via regulations通过法规对合法性日益增加的观注。,Background to the regulation 法规背景,Wood management in SISL SISL木材管理,One tool,three regulations:一个工具,三种法规EUTR regulation n995/2010Swiss ordinance of June,4th 2010 Australian Illegal Logging Prohibition Bill,EUTR REGULATION,FLEGT(Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade 森林管理贸易执行法)EUTR:European Union Timber regulation 欧盟木材法规 Applicable from the 3 of March 2013,in Europe 自2013/3/3于欧盟生效 Target:eliminate the illegal wood from european market 目的:从欧洲市场消除非法木材(Legal wood is wood issued from an forest exploitation in accordance with the law of the harvesting country).合法木材即为 根据砍伐地法律法规进行合法的森林开发而来的木材。Which wood:all wood(solid wood,plywood,chipboard,paper made of non recycled wood except recycled wood,rattan,bamboo and printed products哪些木材:所有的木质材料(由非回收木制成的实木、多层板、刨花板、纸等,回收木、藤条、竹子、印刷品不在此要求内),6,ZOOM on recycled and non recycled wood 聚焦回收木与非回收木,How to make the difference between the two?如何区分?If the wood is wood at a“pre-consumer”stage,which means it was not included in a product yet non recycled wood(ex:chipboard made of wastes of a sawmill)木材处于消费前阶段,即从未用于产品非回收木(如用剧木厂的废木屑所加工成的刨花板)If the wood is wood at a“post-consumer”stage,which means it was already(before)included in a product recycled wood(ex:chipboard made of wastes of tables,chairs and other mine-run materials)木材处于消费后阶段,即其曾用于成品中回收木(如用废弃的桌椅或其他废料加工而成的刨花板),Christelle Salom,7,SUISS Ordinance 瑞士法令,Massive wood delivered to Switzerland 销往瑞士的实木,What:specific regulation in Switzerland 瑞士的具体规定When:from December the 31st 2011.生效日期 2011年12月31What is compulsory:强制点 Conforama Switzerland has the obligation to mention in stores,close to the price,the wood species(usual/trade name)and the origin of wood for every furniture having solid wood 每款含实木的家具,Conforama瑞士零售店有义务在价格标附近提及树种(通用名/商业名)及木材的产地Data required:common name,latin name of species,volume,country of harvest 数据收集:树种通俗名、拉丁名,体积、砍伐国家,8,What:Risk analysis for Australia 澳大利亚风险分析 Same regulation is in preparation in Australia/New Zealand:fight against illegally logged timber 澳大利亚/新西兰准备出台同类法规以抵制非法砍伐的木材 September 2014 2014年9月生效 Very closed to the EUTR regulation 与欧盟木材法规极为相近 Brands 所涉及品牌:Freedom,Poco Australia,Australian illegally logged timber 澳大利亚非法木材管控,EUTR regulation 欧盟木材法规,1/To have the information about the full traceability of wood from the cutting phase of the trees up to Conforama stores.收集产品中木材的完整追溯信息,即从木材的砍伐到产品在店里的销售。2/Assess the risk of sourcing illegal wood in our products:make a supplier or wood scoring:from maximum risk to minimum risk 风险评估:对所有供应商或木材进行风险评分3/Put an action plan in place to reduce the risk of sourcing illegal wood 制定行动方案降低采购非法木材的风险These steps should also be included in your Due diligence system(DDS)for wood sourcing.这些措施同样应包括 在您对于木材采购的尽责系统 中。,What is compulsory(3 steps):强制措施3步,10,1.Data and document collection 数据及文件收集,Data collection file:数据收集表 product certifications 产品证书名称 species,volumes 树种名、体积 5 key intermediates in the traceability chain 供应链中5个关键加工商 certifications along the traceability chain 供应链中涉及的证书名称 harvesting countries.砍伐地 Collection of documents:文件收集product certification or intermediates certification 成品证书或木材证书 invoices if product declared as certified 若成品经过认证,需提供相应发票 selling contracts in case of broken chain of custody(to trace the chain up to the certified intermediate)若木材经过认证,需提供其销售合同(所有介于成品加工商与证书持有企业之间的供销合同。)Evidences of legality 其它的合法性证明文件(详见后面说明),2.Risk assessment 风险评估,Files controll:Pertinence of data,veracity and validity of documents 文件的审核:数据的关联性,文件的真实性、时效性。Risk analysis(automatical analysis)风险分析Product scoring:RED,AMBER,GREEN 产品的风险评级:据以下条件评为红色、橙色、绿色等级Product certification 产品证书Broken chain of custody 追溯链是否完整Completeness etc文件的完整度but also including additional criteria 附加准则 Corruption index in the country of harvest 砍伐地的腐败指数 Countries subject to armed conflicts 砍伐地是否为武力冲突国家Countries that faced sanction from UNO etc砍伐地是否面临联合国组织的制裁/处罚等。,2.Risk analysis 风险分析,3.Risk mitigation 风险减缓,If a new model is scored AMBER or RED by SISL,the supplier has maximum 6 month to provide the missing documents to SISL,in order to become GREEN.If not,we have to alert the Conforama commercial direction after 6 months in order to take a decision about the product.如果一个新产品等级被SISL定义为橙色或红色级别,供应商会有6个月时间向我们补充其他文件以使其等级达到绿色级别。6个月后未达到要求的,我们会对其相关贸易方向作出警告并对是否采购此产品作出决断。,14,Convention on International trade of threaten flora and fauna(Washington 1973).濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约(华盛顿1973)。Etablished 3 lists(annex I,II,III)of protected animal and vegetal species with levels of protection for each(including bannings(annex 1)制定了3个濒危物种名录,记录了其不同贸易保护(包括目录1中的禁止名单)。If the species is classified as CITES and if its commercialization is permitted by CITES,the importer must show a CITES licence for importation.确定木材品种是否在CITES名录里,其贸易是否受CITES许可,进口商需提供CITES许可证。Anyone planning to import or export/re-export specimens of a CITES species should contact the national CITES Management Authorities of the countries to obtain certificate 如果计划进口或出口CITES名录里的物种,需联系国内CITES管理机构获取证书。,CITES licence CITES 许可证,VPA or Volontary Partnership Agreements:agreements on measures taken by EU and exporting country to avoid illegal wood.自愿合作伙伴关系协议:关于采取欧盟和出口国避免非法木材的措施的协议。Signed by exporting countries(Ghana,Congo,cameroun出口国家签署(加纳,刚果民主共和国,刚果共和国,喀麦隆,加蓬,利比里亚)To sum up:verification and audit of legality in the country 国家的合法性的验证和审核 FLEGT license means:the country is engaged in a global follow up and improvement of its wood exploitation FLEGT许可意味着:此国家参与了全球的木材砍伐的跟进和改进工作,FLEGT LICENCE FLEGT 许可证,FLEGT and CITES licences,FSC/PEFC certifications 许可证、证书,Products that are covered by either FLEGT licence/permit or CITES permit are considered to be legally harvested.有FLEGT许可证或CITES许可证的产品被认为是经过合法采伐的。Certifications FSC(Forest Stewardship Council 森林管理委员会)/PEFC(Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification 森林认证计划):FSC/PEFC证书:These schemes play an important role in risk assessment and can be used to support a risk judgement.However,they do not provide evidence of legality on its own.These certifications do not integrate the legal requirements to trade and customs beyond forest management level.这些证书在风险评估中有重要作用,可以有效地支持风险评判。但是,它们本身并不提供合法性证据。它们不能超出森林管理水平而整合贸易及海关方面的合法性要求。,PEFC/FSC certifications 证书,Two guaranties:两方面的保证1/The wood come from a forest which follows a standard of sustainable forest management.此类木材所来自的森林遵从了可持续性森林管理的标准。Maintain biodiversity,productivity,regeneration,potential to fulfill economic and social functions for people 保持生物多样生,生产率,再生性,满足人类对于经济及社会功能需求的潜力。2/It can be traced from the harvesting country:through a chain of custody(COC).Establishes linkages in the production chain.其可以通过产销监管链建立供应链各环节的联系,并可以追溯至砍伐地。Does not always includes legality criteria 并不完全涵盖合法性准则,PEFC/FSC certifications 证书,3 types:FM/COC/CW 三种类型:森林认证/产销监管链认证/受控木材认证Forest management(FM)certification 森林经营认证(即FM类型)Forest managers or forest owners who want to prove that their forest operations are socially beneficial and managed in an environmentally appropriate and economically viable manner can apply for forest management(FM)certification.森林经营者/林主想证明其森林管理是对社会有利的,对环境无害的,经济上可行的,可申请森林经营认证。Does not always include requirements on sells and customs 并不包含销售及通关方面的要求 Concession certification 特许认证,PEFC/FSC CERTIFICATIONS,Intermediates,FSC FM Certified,FM certification only applies to forest.,FM类型的证书只适用于森林环节,PEFC/FSC CERTIFICATIONS,2.Chain of custody certification 产销监管链认证即 COC类型FSC chain of custody certification allows traceability from the forestry concession up to the consumer.It verifies FSC certified forest products through the production chain.FSC chain of custody(CoC)certification is for companies that manufacture,process or trade in timber or non-timber forest products raw materials.FSC产销监管链认证可由森林追溯至消费者,它证明经过FSC认证的经过了生产链。FSC的COC型证书适用于生产、加工或贸易木材或木材产品的企业。Product certification and intermediate certification 包括产品认证 及木材(中间商)认证。,21,COC certification means manufacturing,processing and distribution of forest products can be documented and traced through the supply chain,and these steps are conform to the FSC Chain of Custody Standard.COC证书意味着木材产品的生产、加工、销售等环节备有证明文件,且可以追溯其供应链,这些步骤均符合FSC产销监管链的标准。,PEFC/FSC CERTIFICATIONS,What is CoC?什么是产销监管链,PEFC/FSC CERTIFICATIONS,Intermediates,FSC FM Certified,FSC CoC Certified,FSC CoC Certified,FSC CoC Certified,COC certificate applies to all trader except forest.COC类型的证书适用于木材/木材产品的加工商或贸易商。,PEFC/FSC CERTIFICATIONS,3.FSC controlled Wood FSC受控木材FSC Controlled Wood supports the production of FSC Mixed Sources by providing FSC certified companies with tools to control the non FSC certified wood in their product groups to avoid the wood produced in socially and environmentally most damaging ways.FSC受控木材支持FSC混合来源的生产,通过向受认证企业提供工具以控制其产品组中非FSC认证木材,从而避免其生产对社会和环境造成最大的破坏。Controlled wood must meet the following basic requirements:受控木材需满足以下基本要求:1)The origin of the material must be known 材料来源可知2)The wood must not come from sources classified as controversial by FSC 其原材料不是FSC定义的争议性木材。,FSC endorsed schemes:,FSC CERTIFICATION,PEFC CERTIFICATIONS,PEFC endorsed schemes:,PEFC CERTIFICATIONS,PEFC endorsed schemes:,And many others:see all national endorsed schemes,Example of FSC certification 以FSC证书为例 FSC is the most famous and preferred certification FSC是最著名和最受认可的认证 3 types of FSC certificates exist:FM,CoC,CW 存在3种FSC证书:森林认证、产销监管链认证、受控木材认证,The FSC system defines five categories of controversial material:FSC系统定义了5种争议性木材 Illegally harvested wood 非法砍伐的木材Wood harvested in violation of traditional and civil rights木材的砍伐侵犯了传统和当地公民权利 Wood harvested in forests where globally significant high conservation values are threatened by management activities从高保护价值受到威胁的森林采伐的木材 Wood harvested in forests being converted to plantations or non-forest use 由转变为人工林或非林业用地的森林采伐的木材 Wood from forests in which genetically modified trees are planted.木材来自于含转基因树种的森林,CERTIFICATION FSC,100%Wood or virgin fibers certified FSC木材或原纤维经过认证,FSC certified virgin fibre mixed with controlled virgin and/or recycled fibreFSC认证的木材混合了受控木材或回收木材,100%Recycled wood or recycled fibre:at least 85%is post-consumer recycled 回收木/回收纤维:至少85%是回收料,FSC CERTIFICATION,Ex:SGS=SGS=the certification body.认证机构 COC=Chain of custody 监管链 008459=Number 证书号码You can go on to verify what is certified.您也可到此网站查询该证书并找到认证的更详细信息。,PEFC/FSC CERTIFICATIONS,Case 1:Products supplier is certified 产品生产/贸易方通过认证 Case 1.1:the product sold is certified(the certificate must be the direct supplier of SISL)产品本身通过认证(即证书来自石庭豪夫的直接供应商)Case 1.2:the product sold is not certified 产品本身没有认证 Case 2:Broken chain of custody 不完整 的产销监管链(即木材、板材供应方通过认证)You are buying wood products from a supplier who is not certified but there is a or several certificates somewhere in the supply chain 板材生产/贸易方经过认证,木材/板材供应链中存在一个或多个证书 Case 3:Not certified chain 供应链中无任何认证证书 Special case 1:Product only going to Swiss only refers to massive/solid wood.特例1:只去瑞士的产品 则只涉及到实木材料。Special case 2:All Wooden material in the product are 100%recycled material.特例2:产品中所有木材均为回收料,Case study,Evidences need:需要的证明文件(发票+证书)INVOICE 发票:As evidence,you will be typically provided with an invoice or delivery note detailing the products that you are buying and stating for each certified product:,其上须包含以下信息以证明所贸易的产品经过认证1/the chain of custody certificate number of your supplier COC型证书号码2/the%of certified material in the product 认证材料在整个产品的木材中所占百分比3/the type of certification(mix,recycled etc.)证书类型CERTIFICATE 证书:a copy of certificate need to check by us.证书的电子档需发给我们验证,1.1 The product is certified 产品通过认证,Case study 1,1.2 the product is not certified 产品无认证,If there is no link between the CoC certified chains and the product:如果没有相关文件证明COC证书与产品之间的联系:Do not include the CoC certificate in the products assessment 证书不可用于产品的评估 If no other certificate,ask for the full traceability chain and legality documents 若没有其他证书,则需填写追溯链并提供相关合法性证明文件。,Case study 2 You are buying wood products from a supplier who is not certified but there is a certificate somewhere in the supply chain 产品供应商未认证,但此前的供应链中某环节被认证,What does it mean:this is a broken chain of custody case.You will therefore not be able to claim that you have purchased a certified products but with robust supportive evidence you can claim to have purchased a sustainable wood product in compliance with the policy.这种情况即为不完整的监管链,此种情况不能作为产品认证的情况,但您可以提供相关合法性证明文件以表明您产品中所用的木材符合我们木材采购方针的要求。The last certificate in the supply chain need to be checked and additional evidence for every missing link in the supply chain is also required.This is a very common case.供应链中的证书需被验证,认证企业之后的环节即为监管链中不完整的部分,针对这些环节,相应的证明文件同样需要提供。,The direct supplier has no certificate:additional evidence is required 只要我们的直接供应内不具备产品认证证书,则都需要提供相关证明文件。,What does it mean:you will not be provided with certified products but there is still a possibility that you can be provided with legal and sustainable timber.Robust evidence documents are required,but it has to be assessed on a case-by-case basis depending on the level of risk.意味着产品虽没有认证,但其所用的木材仍可能是合法木材。那么就有必要提供木材相关的合法性证明文件,当然根据其风险程度,它们需要进行评估验证。,There is no certificate at all,even at the forest level,Case study 3,There is no certificate available at all in the supply chain 整个供应链中无任何证书,Special case study,Special case 1:Product only going to Swiss only refers to massive/solid wood.特例1:只去瑞士的产品 则只涉及到实木材料。The data file will be more simple which only refers to massive/solid wood.Of course if there is no massive/solid wood,no need of data file or other docs.针对此类产品的数据表会更简单,只涉及实木方面。当然如果此类产品中无实木,则无需填写数据表。Special case 2:All Wooden material in the product are 100%recycled material.特例2:产品中所有木材均为回收料 The best evidence is to get a declaration signed by the wood supplier.Or it will be checked during EUTR audit.最好提供一份由木材供应商提供的证明,否则其将在EUTR审核中被验证。,Conforamas 3-year program 康福浪漫的3年应对计划,Conforamas program to be compliant with EUTR regulation 康福浪漫的应对计划:From April 2012:Data and docs collection 自2012 年4月,收集木材追溯信息,March 2013:suppliers risk assessment based on data and docs collection 自2013年3月:根据所收集到的信息及文件,对供应商作风险等级评估from April 2013 to June 2015:audits in factories of suppliers scored RED mainly(using SGS audits)including notation,and follow up of corrective action plans 2013年3月至2015年6月:对所有红色风险等级的供应商作审核并给出其整改计划from July 2014 to June 2016:audits in factories of suppliers scored AMBER(using SGS audits)including notation,and