普通地质学(Physical Geology),学位课程,Office:震旦楼310Email:,Introduce Myself,张树明(教授、博士),Very Happy to See You!,1.Come to class(all the time).2.READ the textbook.(Preferably before you come to class)Study for the exams.Grade=平时(30%)+考试(70%),Course Format(What You Need to Know To Me),课程简介:普通地质学是地学类专业学生专业基础课 1999年院级一类课程 2001年列为东华理工学院第一批重点建设课程 2003年评为江西省优质课程,http:/,专业基础课,阐述性、叙述性讲授,内容也不是中学数理化一类有严格的推导,许多问题是定性讲叙。学生应调节自己,适应课程特点:大量阅读,认真理解、总结归纳。课堂作笔记,课后阅读参考书,消化当天内容。第一次接触专业课,同时课程特点与中学差别较大,应在学习中注意培养自己专业课学习的良好的习惯和方法。,本课程学习方法,教材只是主要参考书,黄定华主编.普通地质学.高教出版社.2004.“十五”规划教材,绪论(Introduction to Course)地质学的研究对象、任务及内容地质作用与地质学的特征地质学的研究方法地质学史简介,第一节 地质学的研究对象、任务、内容,一、地质学的研究对象 地球 人类赖以生存的地方,能源、矿产资源、地质环境等,人们要了解认识地球,就必须研究地球。但地球的半径有6300多公里,所以,地质学就目前来讲,主要是研究地壳,即研究地球最表层。,Geology is the study of the EarthIt includes not only the surface process which have shaped the earths surface,but the study of the ocean floors,and the interior of the Earth.It is not only the study of the Earth as we see it today,but the history of the Earth as it has evolved to its present condition.,二、地质学的研究任务 地质学对人类社会担负着两大使命:1.地球资源 Energy and Mineral sources that we depend on for our lifestyle come from the Earth.At present no other source is available.2保护环境 Geologic Hazards-Earthquakes,volcanic eruptions,hurricanes,landslides,could affect us at any time.A better understanding of the Earth is necessary to prepare for these eventualities.,Everything we use comes from the Earth,Particularly in the from of natural resources.Most provided through geologic knowledge.Construction-cement,concrete and asphalt Fuel,light and heat-oil,gas and coalWaterPrediction and avoidance of hazards,earthquakes,floods,volcanoes,landslides,erosion.,1研究地球的物质组成 其分支学科有:矿物学、岩石学、矿床学、地球化学等。2研究地壳结构、构造及其演变规律 如构造地质学、大地构造学、地球物理学等。3研究地球的历史 如古生物、地史学等。4研究地质学应用问题 找矿勘探、水文地质学、工程地质学、环境地质学等。5研究地质方法学问题 数学地质、遥感地质学等。6综合性研究 边缘学科、综合性学科的兴起,行星地质学、海洋地质学等。,三、地质学的研究内容及分科,Earth Materials,Atoms and molecules,Minerals,Continents,Rocks,Origin of the Earth,Geologic Processes,Rivers,Caves,Volcanoes,Glaciers,Earthquakes,Fossils,Floods,Atmospheric Studies,第二节 地质作用与地质学特征,一、地质作用(Geological Prpcess)形成和改变地球的物质组成、外部形态特征和内部构造的各种自然作用。分为:内力地质作用(Endogeneous)外力地质作用(Exogeneous)。,内力地质作用:由地球内部能源引起的地质作用,又称内动力地质作用或内部地质作用。主要包括岩浆作用、变质作用和地壳(构造)运动。外力地质作用:以太阳能和日月引力能为能源并通过大气、水、生物因素引起的地质作用,又叫外动力地质作用或外部地质作用。包括风化作用、剥蚀作用、搬运作用、沉积作用和固结成岩作用等。,二、地质学特征地质事件在空间上既又宏观性,又有微观性地质事件 在 时 间 上 既短暂的,又有缓慢的地质事件包括物理的,化学的和生物的地质现象的四维性(三维空间时间),第三节 地质学究方法收集资料系统分析实验论证反演推理(将今论古)提出假说,The Earth is about 4.6 billion years old,human beings have been around for only the past 2 million years.Thus,mankind has been witness to only 0.043%of Earth history.The first multi-celled organisms appeared about 700 million years ago.Thus,organisms have only been witness to about 15%of Earths history.One of the major difficulties we have is with the time scale.Try to imagine 1 million years-Thats 50,000 times longer than most of you have lived.It seems like a long time doesnt it?Yet,to geologists,1 million years is a relatively short period of time.More discussion about time in later lectures.But one thing we have to remember when studying the earth is that things that seem like they take a long time to us,may take only a short time to earth.,“将今论古”-现在是认识过去的一把钥匙Look at processes and structures that occur today,and interpret what must have happened in the past.现代盐湖干旱、半干旱、蒸发。珊瑚礁温暖、清澈、浅海。,第三节 地质学史简介 地质学就是人类在实践的基础上形成和发展起来的研究地球的科学。地质学的起源可以追溯到远古时代,其正式诞生的标志是:地质学原理(Principles of Geology)(英国莱伊尔著)1830年问世,Charles Lyell 1797-1875Published Principles of Geology(5 volumes-1830),First textbook on Geology,Andrew Ramsey stated:“We collect the data and Lyell teachesus the meaning of them”.,地质学的发展经历了三次大的论战:1火成论对水成论 郝屯(苏格兰)对 魏尔纳(德)2渐变论与灾变论 莱伊尔(英)对 居维尔(法)3活动论与固定论 魏格纳 对 德纳、别洛鸟索夫,