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    The First Days in College,Warming up Text Understanding Structure Analysis Focus on Language Show Time,Contents:,QuotationsInformation bubbleLead-in questions Video-watchingListening,Warming up,1,1,Quotations,Educations purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.Malcolm Forbes,教育的目的是把一只空脑袋变成一个开放的脑袋。,In education we are striving not to teach youth to make a living,but to make a life.,教育不是为了教会青年人谋生,而是教会他们创造生活。,学士硕士博士,必修课选修课,主修专业辅修专业,大一大二大三大四,年级,university,sophomore,junior,senior,required courses,学分,绩点,bachelors degree,masters degree,doctors degree,学位毕业证书,diploma,freshman,研究生,postgraduate,minor,major,grade,Certificate of Graduation,elective courses,专业,课程,certificate,分数,mark,score,学位,degree,point,credit,major,course,酒店管理旅游管理物联网工程 电子信息科学与技术网络工程计算机科学与技术,Hotel Management,IOT Engineering,Science and Technology of Electronic Information,Computer Network Engineering,Computer Science and Technology,Tourism Management,Major:,Leading-in,Work in pairs.Discuss which of the followingexpressions suit you most when you first cameto your college.,I felt happy,joyful,delighted,satisfied,content,cheerful,carefree,merry because I had finally realized my dream/everything was new to me/could live independently/,I felt depressed,upset,worried,concerned,nervous,dismayed,anxious about making friends/being away from home/money/studies/accommodation/food/loneliness/,More,Leading-in,Discuss the following questions.What are the main differences between your life at home and at university?,Answer 1:I have to take care of myself and plan my studies.Answer 2:,At University,At Home,Answer 1:My parents looked after life and helped me with many things.Answer 2:.,More,Leading-in,Discuss the following questions.2.Is the way you study at college different from the way you studied at school?,Answer 1:The way seems to be more independent.We make decisions ourselves.Answer 2:It seems that we dont have as many classes as we did at school.I got to know how to manage time.,At University,Answer 1:Teachers guided all learning and we just followed most of the time.Answer 2:We had more exams to sit in.,At School,Video-watching,Think about the class in the video.Discuss in pairs about the differences between a high school class and a college class.What is the most difficult part for you in a college class?,Listening,Directions:You will hear a passage three times.The first listening is for free note-taking.After the second listening,you are required to fill in some blanks,either with words or phrases.The last listening is for you to check your answers.,A student calls up his mother from college,and asks her for some money.His mother says,“Why?”“Ive_,”replies the student.“_ But youve only been at college for a week,”says his mother.“Oh well,sure.Ill send you some money._ you also left a textbook here.Do you want me to send that too?”“OK,thanks,”replies the student.So his mother wraps up the book _ two checks in a package and goes to the to_ mail it.,More,Already?,By the way,along with,run out,post office,When she gets back,her husband asks,“How much did you give the boy?”She says,“Oh,I wrote two checks,_“Thats$1,020!”shouted her husband,_“Dont worry,”She says,“I put the$20 check inside _ of his book,but I put the$1,000 one somewhere between the _!”,one for$20,and the other for$1000.”,“Are you crazy?”,the front page,pages at the back of the book,Text Understanding,Text overview PredictingStructure of the TextQuestion AnsweringUnderstanding the major detailsFocus on Language,Text overview,1,1,College life is“the best time of ones lives”,but adapting to it is clearly not easy.Handling the workload independently,getting along with fellow classmates,competing to get scholarship and various awards,these are all issues college students must deal with responsibly and effectively.,Text overview,1,1,For this purpose,there are a lot of self-help books and resources.This passage is one of them.,Text overview,1,1,It is originally a story on an online newspaper G and aims to provide help and practical suggestions to the freshmen.,Text overview,1,1,Several subjects are covered in the story,including the significance of the event,orientation day,stress and homesickness,choice of major,etc.Instead of dealing in fine theories,the writer tries to analyze each issue and give brief and simple answers to them,which is a common feature shared by self-help books.,Text overview,1,1,While acknowledging the significance of the event,the writer tries to tell students that there is nothing unusual if you have problems.And that there are some ways to solve each of them.Please note that the tone is objective,and optimistic.,Orientation Day,1,1,When new students first come to a college,they usually have a week or so of various activities preparing them for the school terms to come,and its called orientation day.In the sessions a series of talks and tours are offered to help freshmen understand the purpose,rules and regulations of the college,and learn how to use the facilities,plan their study,handle personal relationships and even budget for their expenses at college.,Orientation Day,1,1,All new students are expected to attend on Orientation Day.Besides what are mentioned above,on Orientation Day new students will also meet their teachers and college staff,visit their new school,get their personalized schedule,student profile and booklist and obtain their copy of the college agenda.As a rule,orientation day is organized by the students union and clubs.,1 Whats the passage about?,A.How to choose a College,D.How to get used to college life,The title is clear it is about starting college.,C.University memory,B.Rules at college,More,Predicting,2 Who wrote it?,A.Freshmen.,B.University president.,C.Teachers.,D.Senior students.,We are not told exactly but from the title we know it tells freshers how to do with the problems in the first days in college.,More,3 Who was it written for?,A.Kids.,B.High school students.,C.New comer.,D.Parents.,Its probably suggestion for freshers.,More,Part One(Para.1-4):The writer focuses on the idea that the event is a_ in young adults lives,and it isnatural that some may feel _ and some may be _.,Structure of the Text,1,Structure Analysis,1,turning point,excited,worried,Part Two(Para.5-16):The writer lists the _ freshmen will face in college and offers some _.Part Three(Para.17):The writer calls on the new students to _ _as much as they can.,Structure of the Text,1,Structure Analysis,1,problems,suggestions,enjoy their college life,Based on the text,decide whether the followingstatements are true(T),false(F),or with noInformation Given(NG)in the text.,Question Answering,1,Text Understanding,1,()1.Going to college is one of the most important events for teenagers.()2.College students enjoy freedom to an extent that they have never experienced in their school life.()3.You are the only person who is faced with the challenges of a new life in college.,T,F,NG,Based on the text,decide whether the followingstatements are true(T),false(F),or with noInformation Given(NG)in the text.,Question Answering,1,Text Understanding,1,()4.On orientation day,new students can learn everything they want to learn about the university.()5.Choosing their major is not an issue for the freshmen,because it has already been decided by their parents.()6.If you feel homesick,you can get support from your teachers and advisers.,T,F,T,Based on the text,decide whether the followingstatements are true(T),false(F),or with noInformation Given(NG)in the text.,Question Answering,1,Text Understanding,1,()7.Every student should choose a major relevant to his future career.()8.If you have chosen the right major,made a lot of friends,become independent and learned many new things,it can be said that you are enjoying your college life.,T,T,Unit 1,1)Orientation Day This is to help them get acquainted with the institutions rules,services,departments and teachers.Students come from _.Holding an orientation day for them would _.,2)Some of the most common challenges students face are _,stress,loneliness and _.Solution:If you feel that you are always under pressure and your health is being affected,_.Students can get support from teachers or advisers.,different high schools,help them adapt to new environment,anxiety,homesickness,seek help,Understanding the major details,Unit 1,3)A major issue students face is to how to choose their major.Solution:The key to choosing a major is to see how relevant it is to the workplace.You will be working in a job related to the major for the rest of your life.So _ or you will regret your decision later.,youd better like it,Understanding the major details,1.But just a few months ago you hung out with friends in your high school playground.(Para.1)hang out:(informal)to spend a lot of time in a particular place or with particular people 闲逛,闲呆着 e.g.I go to the mall because my friends hang out there.我去商业街是因为我的朋友们经常在那儿闲逛。,1,1,Focus on Language,hang out,hang out the wash,hang out the flag,hang out with my friends,今天天气很好,我要把洗好的衣服挂在外面。Its a great day today,so Ill hang out the wash.,2.今天是国庆节,我们要把国旗挂出去。Today is the National Day,so we should hang out the national flag.,3.我喜欢和朋友们一起出去玩。I like to hang out with my friends.,2.Suddenly its up to you to attend classes,handle your money,wash your clothes,sit for exams,manage your time,go partying and hang out with friends.(Para.2)be up to sb.:a)used to say that someone can decide about something 由来决定 e.g.,1,1,咱们是到外面吃饭还是呆在家里?你决定吧。,Shall we eat out or stay in?Its up to you.,2.Suddenly its up to you to attend classes,handle your money,wash your clothes,sit for exams,manage your time,go partying and hang out with friends.(Para.2)be up to sb.:b)used to say that someone is responsible for a particular action 由来负责 e.g.Its up to the travel companies to warn customers of any possible danger.旅游公司有责任警告顾客可能的危险。,1,Focus on Language,1,3.However,some students are so excited to spend what adults usually call“the best time of their lives”,many have their fears and worries.(Para.3)cf.as as is used when comparing two things or two persons,here it means“although some students are excited to be in college,many have fears and worries”.,1,1,然而,尽管有的学生对于即将度过的“一生最美好的时光”感到兴奋,也有许多人感到惧怕和忧虑。,4.It is as significant as getting a job for the first time.(Para.5),1,Focus on Language,1,她与她妈妈一样心地善良。,She is as kind as her mother.,e.g.as easy as ABC 容易得像ABC一样 as busy as a bee 忙碌得像蜜蜂一样,as hungry as_as brave as _as cool as _as greedy as _as firm as _ as quick as _as like as _,a cucumber 泰然自若,极其镇静,a wolf 饿得像只狼,a lion 勇如猛狮,a pig 贪婪得像只猪,a rock 坚如磐石,a flash 快如闪电,two peas 一模一样,asas,5.attending college is the major turning point in young adults lives.(Para.5)Adapting to the new university life is clearly not easy.(Para.6)“Attending college”and“adapting to the new university life”are gerund phrases,used as the subjects of the sentences.Gerund phrase can be used as subject,object or predicative in a sentence.,1,Focus on Language,1,5.attending college is the major turning point in young adults lives.(Para.5)Adapting to the new university life is clearly not easy.(Para.6)e.g.Seeing is believing.眼见为实。Translation:Talking mends no holes.空谈无济于事。,1,Focus on Language,1,6.Stress is also common because of the pressure to learn how to adapt to a new educational system.(Para.10)how to adapt to:“wh-word+infinitive”serves as a clause in the sentence.So the sentence equals to“Stress is also common because of the pressure to learn how you can adapt to a new educational system”.adapt:(both vt.and vi.):to gradually change your behavior and attitudes in order to be successful in a new situation(使)适应,1,Focus on Language,1,6.Stress is also common because of the pressure to learn how to adapt to a new educational system.(Para.10),1,Focus on Language,1,有些学生觉得很难适应大学生活。,Some students are finding it hard to adapt to the college life.,e.g.The ability to adapt is a definite asset in this job.适应能力在这个工作中有明显的优势。,adapt yourself/itself etc.(to sth.)e.g.How do these insects adapt themselves to new environments?这些昆虫是如何适应新环境的?,1,Focus on Language,1,6.Stress is also common because of the pressure to learn how to adapt to a new educational system.(Para.10),6.Stress is also common because of the pressure to learn how to adapt to a new educational system.(Para.10)c.f.to adopt(similar in spelling,different in meaning)e.g.Students should be helped to adopt a positive approach to the environment.应帮助学生对环境采取积极的态度。,1,Focus on Language,1,7.try to get accustomed to teachers,make new friends and live in a new environment.(Para.10)be/get/become/grow accustomed to something:be/get/become/grow familiar with something and accept it as normal 习惯于 e.g.You will be accustomed to the weather here soon.你很快就会习惯这里的气候。,1,Focus on Language,1,7.try to get accustomed to teachers,make new friends and live in a new environment.(Para.10)be/get/become/grow accustomed to something:be/get/become/grow familiar with something and accept it as normal 习惯于 Translation 她的眼睛很快就习惯了黑暗。Her eyes quickly became accustomed to the dark.,1,Focus on Language,1,8.It is said that the healing process starts when one admits there is a problem.(Para.11)“It”is the formal subject of the sentence,and the real subject of sentence is the clause introduced by“that”,namely,the subject clause.Such an arrangement is to keep sentence“end-weight”,meaning that we try to put long“heavy”elements at the end of the sentence,and keep the subject as short as possible.,1,Focus on Language,1,人们说,当一个人承认问题存在时,他就开始被治愈了。,8.It is said that the healing process starts when one admits there is a problem.(Para.11)e.g.It is very likely that their group will get ahead of us.很可能他们的小组会赶到我们前头去。,1,Focus on Language,1,8.It is said that the healing process starts when one admits there is a problem.(Para.11)sentence patterns:,1,Focus on Language,1,是好事情是好消息有必要重要的是可能众所周知据说,It is a good thing thatIt is good news thatIt is necessary that It is important thatIt is possible thatIt is well-known thatIt is said that,It is reported thatIt is recorded thatIt should be noted thatIt has been proved thatIt seems thatIt happened thatIt turned out that,1,Focus on Language,1,据报导据记载应当注意已证明看起来碰巧结果是,8.It is said that the healing process starts when one admits there is a problem.(Para.11)sentence patterns:,9.One of the main issues of the students is to choose their major.(Para.13)The key to choosing a major is to see how relevant it is to the workplace.(Para.14)In the two sentences,the infinitive phrases act as predictive.e.g.The most important thing for her is to have plenty of exercise.对她来说,最重要的事情是进行充分的锻炼。,1,Focus on Language,1,9.One of the main issues of the students is to choose their major.(Para.13)The key to choosing a major is to see how relevant it is to the workplace.(Para.14)In the two sentences,the infinitive phrases act as predictive.Translation 我的主要目的是指出这个问题的困难所在。My chief purpose is to point out the difficulties of the matter.,1,Focus on Language,1,10.Some are forced into studying a subject because of family pressure.(Para.13)Co


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