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    unit01,Lesson 1,Lesson 1,Lesson 2,Extended Exercises,Checkpoint,Agenda,UNIT GOALS,1.Get reacquainted with someone2.Ask about a persons experiences3.Greet a visitor to your country4.Explain local customs5.Write about local customs of greetings,Lesson 1,Lesson 1,Lead-in,Listening,Speaking,Reading,Writing,1-Lead-in,Lead-in,Sitcom:Have We Met Before?Scene 1,Exercise A,Exercise B,1-Exercise A,Exercise A,A.Check whether each statement is true(T)or false(F).,True FalseMs.Novak is from Chicago.2.Marie has never gone snorkeling in Australia.3.Ms.Novak met Marie in Paris.4.Marie moved from Paris three years ago.5.Katerina is Ms.Novaks sister.6.Ms.Novak has seen Marie in photographs.,1-Exercise B,Exercise B,B.Complete the conversation with the words you hear.,Ms.Novak:Oh,you were the 1_ on a small airplane in China.You 2_ me over the Great Wall.Marie:No.Ms.Novak:Have you ever gone 3_ in Australia?Marie:No.Ms.Novak:4_ a bus in Peru?Marie:No.Ms.Novak,Im quite sure weve never met before.I came here only a year ago from Paris.,pilot,flew,snorkeling,Driven,1-Exercise B,Exercise B,Ms.Novak:Paris?My sister,Katerina,lived there for a year.Marie:Katerina?Katerina Novak?!She lived with me!Ms.Novak:Of course!You were in all the pictures she sent home.Marie:5_!Ms.Novak:You see,6_.,What a coincidence,I never forget a face,1-Listening,Listening,Part 1 Who Are You?,Part 2 Ask About a Persons Experiences,Part 3 Introduction,Part 4 Ways of Greetings in Southeast Asian Countries,New Words,Part 5 Recognition,1-Part-1,Part 1 Who Are You?,Decide which of the following statements could be true,based on the information in the conversation.Explain your decisions.,1.Ed and Keith are friends.2.Ed is a businessman.3.Keith is from another country.4.Ed and Keith met at a party.5.Ed and Keith both know Jack Bailey.6.Jack Bailey is Eds boss.,1-Part-2,Part 2 Ask About a Persons Experiences,Listen to the game Once in a Lifetime.Check if the contestants answered yes(Y)or no(N)to the hosts questions.,Have you ever?,1-Part-3,Part 3 Introduction,You will hear two conversations in which two people are introduced to new friends.The first person is called Kate and the second person is named Kathy.Listen to the recording and tick the information you hear about these two people.,1-Part-4,Part 4 Ways of Greetings in Southeast Asian Countries,Check whether each statement is true(T)or false(F).,True False1.Indonesians tend to greet each other in a quick way.2.In Singapore,people seldom use first names for greeting.3.In Malaysia,handshaking is the most widely used way for greeting.4.In Philippines,it is impolite to point a middle finger at a person or thing.5.Bruneians like to have a firm handshake.,1-Part-5,Part 5 Recognition,You will hear a conversation between a man and a woman.The woman thinks she knows the man,so she starts a conversation.Listen to the recording and briefly answer the questions below.,No.,Chicago.,High school(Central High).,Yes.,1-New Words,New Words,coincidence n.巧合colleague n.同事,同僚congratulation n.祝贺contestant n.参赛选手customary adj.习俗性的deliberate adj.审慎的gosh interj.啊呀instituten.学院;学会literally adv.字面上地obscene adj.下流的outstretched adj.伸开的pilot n.飞行员purse v.撅起嘴唇reciprocate v.回报 snorkel v.使用呼吸管潜泳thumb n.大拇指,1-Speaking,Speaking,Get Reacquainted with Someone,Conversation Model,Conversation Pair Work,1-Conversation-Model,Conversation Model,Read and Listen,A:Audrey,have you met Hanah?B:No,I havent.A:Hanah,Id like you to meet Audrey.C:Hi,Audrey.You look familiar.I think weve met before.B:Really?When?C:Last month.You were at my sister Nicoles party.B:Oh,thats right!How have you been?Rhythm and intonation practiceNow listen again and try to imitate.Pay attention to the stress pattern.,1-Conversation Pair Work,Conversation Pair Work,Introduce classmates.If you think youve met before,get reacquainted.Or use the pictures to role-play where you may have met.Start like this:,A:,have you met?B:C:Continue the conversation in your own way.,at a friends house,at a theater,at a gym,in a class,at an art exhibition,1-Reading,Reading,Topic Preview,Text A,Text B,Vocabulary Exercises,Vocabulary Activity,1-Topic Preview,Topic Preview,Which gestures do people use in your country?,“Come with me.”,“There he is.”,“Six.”,1-Text A,Text A,Text,Comprehension Check,TA-Text-1,Text A,Read the article about gestures around the world.In your opinion,how are gestures different from speech?,To communicate well with people of other countries,you must learn to speak well,right?Yes,but speaking isnt everything.Some experts say only thirty percent of communication comes from talking.Your gestures and other non-verbal actions matter,too.But in different cultures,the same action can have different meanings.When you have to meet someone from a different culture,be prepared.Do you know what kind of gestures and customs are appropriate?Lets look at shaking hands.North Americans like a firm handshake.But the French prefer a light,short handshake.If you shake a French persons hand the North American way,he or she may not like it.People in Eastern European countries and some Latino cultures prefer shorter handshakes,too.Hugging after shaking hands is also a common introduction there.Dont be surprised if a Brazilian gives you a hug.If you misinterpret gestures of introduction,your friendship may get off on the wrong foot!,Body Talk!,by Kelly Garbo,TA-Text-2,Text A,Everyone around the world knows the“OK”hand gesture,dont they?But in Spain,parts of South America,and Eastern Europe,the OK sign is considered rude.And if you go shopping in Japan,it means youd like your change in coins instead of bills.In France,making the OK sign means“zero”or that something is worthless.So check before you use the OK sign to be sure its OK!Understanding even a few key gestures from different cultures can make you a better communicator.So next time you travel,try being culturally sensitive.Find out the local gestures and let your body talk.,North Americans like a firm handshake.,Communicate,Communicate,v.to exchange information or conversation with other people,using words,signs etc;to contact someone,especially by telephone or by writing a letter 交流;通信 People use more than words when they communicate with each other.We communicated mostly by e-mail.,non-verbal,non-verbal,adj.not using words 非口头的 When you are in foreign countries,you can communicate through non-verbal actions.In daily life,we use more non-verbal means than verbal ones to communicate.,culture,culture,n.the ideas,beliefs,and customs that are shared and accepted by people in a society 文化 We speak Chinese at home so that the boys dont lose touch with their language and culture.Changing the corporate culture is a long and difficult process.,custom,custom,n.something that is done by people in a particular society because it is traditional 习惯,风俗 The guide offers information on local customs.The custom of naming women after flowers is becoming less common.,hug,hug,n.the action of putting your arms around someone and holding them tightly to show love or friendship 拥抱,misinterpret,misinterpret,v.to not understand the correct meaning of something that someone says or does,or to explain something wrongly to other people 误解 Some parts of the report could be misinterpreted.She had misinterpreted his silence as anger.,sensitive,sensitive,adj.able to understand other peoples feelings and problems;able to measure or react to very small changes in heat,light,etc 敏感的,能理解(别人的感情和问题)的;灵敏的 Its made me much more sensitive to the needs of the disabled.Throughout her career she remained very sensitive to criticism.,givea hug,givea hug,givea hug 拥抱 Paul gave me a big hug.Giving a hug is a way of greeting in Western countries.,get off on the wrong foot,get off on the wrong foot,get off on the wrong foot 糟糕的开端 Simon and I got off on the wrong foot but were good friends now.Getting off on the wrong foot does not necessarily mean a total failure.,TA-Comprehension Check,Comprehension Check,Check whether each statement is true(T)or false(F).,True FalseSeventy percent of communication comes from non-verbal actions.2.If you dont speak someones language,its always safe to use gestures.3.French people generally dont like firm handshakes.4.Brazilians never shake hands.5.Japanese people think the OK sign is rude.,1-Text B,Text B,Warm-up,Text,Comprehension Check,Critical Thinking,TB-Warm-up,Warm-up,1.Do you always mean what you say?In what situations does your real meaning differ from what you say?2.Work in pairs or groups to give some examples of different customs in speaking in different countries.,Reading Strategy:making inferencesUse the information in a reading to figure out answers to questions that are not clearly stated.,TB-Text,Text B,Mean What You Say:The Art of Conversation Its always a good idea to study the language of a foreign country before you travel there.But speaking with someone from another country can involve more than just words in a different language.People in different countries can have very different customs when they speak.People in Indonesia,for example,always want to be agreeable and polite,and this means that they dont like to say no.In their native language(Bahasa Indonesia),there are many ways to say yes.But twelve of these yes words actually mean no!Australians are friendly people,but they value directness.Australians prefer a clear,direct response,even if it is not the one they wanted.The French appreciate the“art”of conversation,which can include arguing as a form of entertainment.In this case,speakers may interrupt each other frequently.This is considered active participation in the conversation by both people.It is better than one person“lecturing”the other.As in many other Latin American countries,titles are very important in Costa Rica.Peoples titles can indicate their profession,such as Doctor(doctor)or Ingeniero(engineer).Licenciado is used when talking to someone with a college degree.If someone does not have a profession title,Senor(Mr.),Senora(Mrs.),or Senorita(Miss)are appropriate.,involve,involve,v.to include something as a necessary part or result;to include or affect someone or something 包含;涉及 These changes will involve everyone on the staff.I didnt realize putting on a play involved so much work.,agreeable,agreeable,adj.someone who is agreeable is very nice and is liked by other people;pleasant or acceptable 受人喜欢的;惬意的 We spent a most agreeable couple of hours.The main objective is to find a solution that is agreeable to the company in terms of cost.,response,response,n.something that is said or written as a reply;something that is done as a reaction to something that has happened or been said 回答;响应 Carl made no response,and carried on with his meal.The exhibition has received a positive response from visitors.,indicate,indicate,v.to show that a particular situation exists or that something is likely to be true 表明 The study indicates a strong connection between poverty and crime.Research indicates that over 81%of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary.,profession,profession,n.a job that needs special education and training 职业 Some students enter other professions such as arts administration.Johnson was a barrister by profession.,even if,even if,even if 即使 Shes going to have problems finding a job even if she gets her A levels.She decides to marry Tom even if her parents dont approve.,Proper Names,Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加,Proper Names,TB-Comprehension Check,Comprehension Check,Complete the chart with the information you have read.,to be agreeable and polite,giving clear and direct response,taking an active part in conversation,using titles,TB-Critical Thinking,Critical Thinking,Check whether each statement is true(T)or False(F).,True FalsePeople around the world speak in the same way.2.It is not polite to say no in Indonesia.3.Australians only want to hear the answers yes.4.If you are visiting Costa Rica,use a title to address someone.,1-Vocabulary Exercises,Vocabulary Exercises,Complete the sentence with a word or phrase in the box.Change the form where necessary.Each one can only be used once.,1.Most research and development projects _ some element of risk.2.The government must take _ action to stop the fighting.3.Time spent in education is a good _ of social and economic position.4.Cant we deal with this now _ waiting until tomorrow?5.Its a subtle point thats open to _.,misinterpret involve sensitive indicate even ifresponse appreciate firm communicate instead of,involve,firm,indicator,instead of,misinterpretation,1-Vocabulary Exercises,Vocabulary Exercises,misinterpret involve sensitive indicate even ifresponse appreciate firm communicate instead of,6.There is a growing _ of the need for environmental reforms.7.The government should listen to industry and _ to its needs.8.Fish is very _ to changes in water temperature.9.Hes determined to prove his innocence,_ he has to go to the highest court in the land.10.Can you somehow _ to him that we are just not interested?,appreciation,respond,sensitive,even if,communicate,1-Vocabulary Activity,Vocabulary Activity,Activities Classification.Write activities for each category below.,an exam,shopping,a walk,dancing,a bath,swimming,a breath,sightseeing,1-Writing,Writing,Step 1 Reading,Step 2 Discussion,Step 3 Writing,1-Step1 Reading,Step1 Reading,Read the information about greetings in Asia.,Getting Greetings Right The traditional greeting in Asia is a bow.In fact,there are different types of bows used in greetings throughout Asia.For example,In Japan,China,and Korea,people bow,but in Japan the bow is usually lower.In India and nearby countries in South Asia,most people put their hands together and bow a little.While each Asian culture has its own traditional special greeting,these days,dont be surprised if people in Asia just shake your hand.,1-Step 2 Discussion,Step 2 Discussion,Now talk with your partner about what you have just read,and see if you have understood all the main points.,1-Step 3 Writing,Step 3 Writing,Write dos and donts for a visitor to China about how to greet and address people,and what to talk about and what not to talk about.Then share your work with your partner and have a small discussion to make it better.,Reference Sample,1-Step 3 Writing,Step 3 Writing,Reference Sample,How to Greet and Address People in China Nowadays,many foreigners come to China and even visit some families.Thus,how to greet and address people in China becomes a big question.Usually,you should address those who are of the same age or position as you by Mister or Miss,or their names.While you should bow to the older or persons who are in higher position,and your address should change to Uncle,Aunt,or their titles.At the same time,it is very impolite to address them just by their names and you mustnt do that.You can chat with them about their hometown,family,weather,health or entertainment.Maybe people believe that salary is not a secret for Chinese,which is exaggerated by some reports.You had better not ask about


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