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    新通用大学英语综合教程3 unit 5答案及.ppt

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    新通用大学英语综合教程3 unit 5答案及.ppt

    unit05,Lesson 1,Lesson 1,Lesson 2,Extended Exercises,Checkpoint,Agenda,UNIT GOALS,1.Find out about an interesting holiday2.Describe a holiday or celebration3.Explain holiday traditions4.Write about a holiday or a tradition,Lesson 1,Lesson 1,Lead-in,Listening,Speaking,Reading,Writing,1-Lead-in,Lead-in,Sitcom:I Want a Large Wedding,Exercise A,Exercise B,1-Exercise A,Exercise A,Match the person with his or her ideas about wedding according to what you hear.,A.a large wedding B.a small weddingC.an outdoor weddingD.an indoor wedding E.contemporary musicF.traditional music,Bob wants2.Cheryl wants,1-Exercise B,Exercise B,T F1.Bob and Cheryl are planning their honeymoon.2.They ask Marie for her opinions.3.Cheryl has a lot of relatives who want to come to the wedding.4.Marie thinks getting married indoors is romantic.5.Marie suggests two cakes and two kinds of music.,Check whether each statement is true(T)or false(F).,1-Listening,Listening,Part 1 A Korean Holiday,Part 2 Find Out About a Holiday,Part 3 What Is the Occasion?,Part 4 Holiday Celebration,New Words,Phrases and Expressions,Proper Names,1-Part-1,Part 1 A Korean Holiday,Listen to a conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear.,MAYA:Wow!That dress Su-min is wearing is spectacular.1._?MIN-JIN:Chuseok.The dress is called a hanbok.MAYA:Did you say“Chuseok”?Whats that a holiday?MIN-JIN:Thats right.2._.It takes place in September or October each year.,MAYA:Oh yeah?What does everybody do?MIN-JIN:3._.The airports and train stations are mobbed with passengers,and the roads are impossible.It takes hours to get anywhere.MAYA:Every countrys got at least one holiday like that!,What was the occasion,Its a Korean harvest celebration,We get together with our relatives,1-Part-2,Part 2 Find Out About a Holiday,Listen to the conversation and then answer the following questions.,1.What is the holiday mentioned in the conversation?_2.What kind of holiday is it?_3.How do people celebrate it?_,Easter.,Its a religious holiday.,They usually eat a large meal together.,1-Part-3,Part 3 What Is the Occasion?,Listen to the passage and check whether each statement is true(T)or false(F).,T F1.He spent 10 days in Tahiti for honeymoon.2.He got married in September.3.They have been friends since childhood and the bride threw the banquet to her.4.They are talking about a luxurious wedding.,1-Part 4,Part 4 Holiday Celebration,Passage 1 Wedding Ring,Passage 2 Descriptions of Holidays,Passage 3 Thanksgiving Day,1-4-Passage-1,Passage 1 Wedding Ring,Listen to the passage and circle the letter that best completes each sentence.,1.Ancient Egyptian grooms gave their brides _.A.money to buy a ring B.money shaped like a ring C.a ring for every finger2.A wedding ring is a symbol of _.A.eternity B.a circle C.love without end3.Most people wear their wedding rings _.A.on the both hands B.on the fourth finger C.close to their hearts4.A ring that fits too loosely symbolizes _ to some people.A.a perfect fit B.jealousy C.not enough care,1-4-Passage-2,Passage 2 Descriptions of Holidays,Listen carefully to the descriptions of holidays.Write the type of holidays and what people do to celebrate them.,religious,wear costumes,have a parade,historical,dance in the streets,eat all kinds of food,military parades,fireworks,seasonal,wear new clothes,clean every corner of their house,make traditional food,give gifts,1-4-Passage-3,Passage 3 Thanksgiving Day,Listen to the passage and check whether each statement is true(T)or false(F).,T F1.People celebrate Thanksgiving Day on Thursday.2.Americans spend a lot of time preparing special food on Thanksgiving Day.3.Thanksgiving Day is a religious holiday.4.People usually return from gatherings on the Sunday after Thanksgiving.,1-New Words,New Words,bouquet n.花束 bride n.新娘 carelessness n.不关心 eternity n.永恒 groom n.新郎 jealousy n.妒忌 joyous adj.充满快乐的,使人高兴的 lunar adj.阴历的 military adj.军队的 observance n.(对节日的)纪念,庆祝 reunion n.聚会 solemn adj.庄严的,隆重的 unbelievable adj.难以置信的 vein n.血管,静脉,1-Phrases and Expressions,Phrases and Expressions,get together with 与相聚,团聚remind somebody of 提醒某人shopping season 购物季节,1-Proper Names,Proper Names,Bastille Day 巴士底狱日(7月14日,法国国庆日)Catholic 天主教的Chuseok 秋夕(韩国中秋节)Easter(耶稣)复活节Lent 四旬斋Mardi Gras 四旬斋前的最后一天Mongolia 蒙古Mongolian 蒙古的Tahiti 塔希提岛Tsagaan Sar(White Moon)白月(蒙古新年),1-Speaking,Speaking,The Harvest Moon Festival,Conversation Model,Conversation Pair Work,1-Conversation-Model,Conversation Model,Read and listen.,A:I heard theres going to be a holiday.B:Thats right.The Harvest Moon Festival.A:What kind of holiday is that?B:Its a seasonal holiday that takes place in autumn.People spend time with their families and eat moon cakes.A:Well,have a great Harvest Moon Festival!B:Thanks!Same to you!Rhythm and intonation practice,1-Conversation Model,Conversation Pair Work,Role-play a conversation with a visitor to your country.Exchange information about holidays.Start like this,or create a new conversation.,A:I heard theres going to be a holiday next _.B:Thats right._.A:What kind of holiday is that?B:_.Continue the conversation in your own way.,1-Reading,Reading,Topic Preview,Text A,Text B,Vocabulary Exercise,Vocabulary Activity,1-Topic Preview,Topic Preview,Look at the pictures.Which traditions are you familiar with?Which ones would you like to know more about?,1-Text A,Text A,Text,Comprehension Check,TA-Text-1,Text A,Read the article,then do the comprehension check.,On the fourth Wednesday of August,about 3 000 people gather in the Spanish town of Bunol,approximately 50 km west of Valencia,for the biggest food fight in the world.,The food fight is called“La Tomatina,”and the tradition goes back more than 60 years.It began on a Wednesday in August of 1945 when a fight broke out between two people in the town square.Other people were quickly involved in the fight.Some people took tomatoes from a nearby vegetable stand and started throwing them.Soon everyone was throwing them.The police had to break up the fight.One year later,many people still remembered the big tomato fight.They met at the square again,and this time they brought their own tomatoes.There was a similar fight,and again it was stopped by the police.,TA-Text-2,Text A,In the years that followed,people continued to meet in the town square with tomatoes.The fight was illegal,but it remained popular.In 1959,the town legalized the fight and set rules to follow:Tomatoes must be crushed before they are thrown.Youre not allowed to throw anything except tomatoes.The fight begins at 11:00 A.M.and ends at 1:00 P.M.No tomatoes may be thrown before or after these times.You may not tear anyones clothes.,approximately,approximately,adv.almost,but not completely 近似地,大约 There were approximately 1 000 people who attended the meeting.The plane will be landing in approximately 20 minutes.,legalize,legalize,v.make something legal so that people are allowed to do it 使得到法律认可,使合法化 The lawyer tried to find any proof to legalize his deed.Selling this kind of fish in the market is not legalized.,crush,crush,v.press something so that it breaks or is damaged 压碎;挤压 Coconuts have to be crushed in order to extract their oil.People lay crushed to death beneath the rubble of their houses.,break up,break up,驱散 A fight started in the High Street last night,so the police were called to break it up.Three policemen were needed to break up the fight.,TA-Proper Names,Proper Names,Bunol 布诺市(西班牙城市)Carnival 狂欢节La Tomatina 番茄大战Valencia 瓦伦西亚(西班牙城市),TA-Comprehension Check,Comprehension Check,answer the following questions.,1.Where is the biggest food fight in the world held?_2.Who were involved in the fight when it first began?_3.Is“La Tomatina”accepted by the police now?_4.What should people do before they throw tomatoes?_5.What kind of holiday is“La Tomatina”,a historical,harvest,or religious holiday?_,The biggest food fight in the world is held in the Spanish town of Bunol.,A large group of people were involved in the food fight when it first began.,Yes,“La Tomatina”is accepted by the police now.,People should crush the tomatoes before they throw them.,“La Tomatina”is a historical holiday.,Text B,Text B,Warm-up,Text,Comprehension Check,TB-Warm-up,Warm-up,Work with your partners and list the foreign holidays you know.,TB-Text-1,Text B,Thailands Wet Water Festival Songkran marks the start of the Buddhist New Year in Thailand.It is a wild and wonderful festival in which people of all ages have fun dousing each other with water for three solid days.If you decide to stay indoors,youll miss out on a great time!Songkran began nearly a thousand years ago to celebrate the beginning of the farming season.It is a time when Thai people routinely do a thorough cleaning of their homes.Additionally,people make offerings to local temples and provide food and new robes for monks.During Songkran there is singing and dancing in the streets,and lots of water.Visitors should expect to become totally drenched and love every minute of it!On every side street,youll find children waiting to throw water at you.Bus riders also need to be careful.Some people have been known to hurl buckets of water through open windows!,People douse each other with water during Songkran.,TB-Text-2,Ramadan,the Month of Fasting“May you be well throughout the year,”is the typical greeting during Ramadan,the ninth month of the Islamic calendar,a special month of the year for over one billion Muslims throughout the world.According to Islamic tradition,Ramadan marks the time when Muhammad received the word of God through the Koran.Throughout the month,Muslims fast totally abstaining from food and drinks from the break of dawn until the setting of the sun.The usual practice is to have a pre-fast meal before dawn and a post-fast meal after sunset.It is also a time of increased worship and giving to the poor and the community.Ramadan ends with the festival of Eid ul-Fitr three days of family celebrations and eating!,Text B,TB-Text-3,Simon Bolivars Birthday Simon Bolivar was born on July 24,1783 in Caracas,Venezuela.He is known throughout Latin America as“The Liberator”because of his fight for independence from Spain.He led the armies that freed Venezuela,Bolivia,Colombia,Ecuador,Peru,and Panama.He is memorialized in many ways,but two countries celebrate his birthday every July 24th Venezuela and Ecuador.On that day,schools and most general businesses are closed and there are military parades and government ceremonies.But the malls are open and people usually use the holiday to go shopping.,Text B,douse,douse,v.throw(water)over somebody/something 朝泼水 They had doused a car with gas and then set it on fire.She doused herself with perfume before leaving home.,thorough,thorough,adj.1.including every possible detail 彻底的 The doctor gave him a thorough check-up.Building inspectors should have a thorough knowledge of construction materials.2.careful to do things properly so that you avoid mistakes 严格的,小心的 The screening of applicants must be thorough.Our mechanics will check everything,theyre very thorough.,drenched,drenched,adj.covered with a lot of liquid 湿透的 Everyone got completely drenched when a huge wave hit the boat.He forgot to take the umbrella,so he was drenched in rain when he got home.,abstain,abstain,v.not do or have something you enjoy,especially alcohol or sex,usually for reasons of religion or health 禁绝,戒掉 He has abstained from wine with the help of his wife.At the last election,he abstained from voting.,miss out on,miss out on,错过时机,坐失良机 Dont forget to invite Wendyshes always missing out on these discussions and feels left out.Living in the country,I often feel that I am missing out on the activities of city life.,abstain from,abstain from,(经过努力)避免;戒掉 His doctor ordered him to abstain from beer and wine.Patrons are requested to abstain from smoking in the restaurant.,TB-Proper Names,Proper Names,Caracas 加拉加斯(委内瑞拉首都)Colombia 哥伦比亚(南美洲国家)Eid ul-Fitr 穆斯林用于庆祝斋月结束的宗教性节日 Islamic 伊斯兰的,伊斯兰教的 Koran(伊斯兰教)可兰经 Muhammad 穆罕默德(生于麦加的阿拉伯圣人,创立了伊 斯兰教),TB-Proper Names,Proper Names,Panama 巴拿马(中美洲国家)Peru 秘鲁(南美洲国家)Ramadan 斋月 Simon Bolivar 西蒙玻利瓦尔(在西班牙统治时期的南 美,带领人民打败西班牙军队,帮助委内瑞 拉、秘鲁、玻利维亚、哥伦比亚和厄瓜多尔获得 独立 Songkran 宋干节(泰国的新年和泼水节),TB-Comprehension Check,Comprehension Check,Check whether each statement is true(T)or false(F).,T F1.Songkran is a festival mainly involving outdoor activities.2.Songkran first began to celebrate the beginning of the hunting season.3.During Ramadan,Muslims only need to abstain from food from thebreak of dawn until the setting of the sun.4.People worship and donate a lot during Ramadan.5.Simon Bolivar led his army to fight against many countries.6.People usually stay at home during Simon Bolivars Birthday.,TB-Critical Thinking,Critical Thinking,Answer these questions based on the information in the passage.,Which of the three holidays is observed in a solemn manner?Which is fun and festive?Explain your answers.,Answers may vary.Possible answers:Simon Bolivars Birthday is observed in a solemn manner.There are military parades and government ceremonies.Songkran is fun and festive.There is singing and dancing in the streets and people douse each other with water.,Key:,1-Vocabulary Exercises,Vocabulary Exercise,Practice using each of the following words learned in the text in a sentence given below.Change the word form where necessary.Note that each one can be used only once.,1.The crowd became more angry and started _ stones at the police.2.It was reported that when the shopping mall was on fire two people were _ to death by a big pole in the rush to escape.3.Eating only _ cooked foods will reduce your risk of illness.4.Pilots must _ from alcohol for 24 hours before flying.5.Christmas is one of the main _ in the Christian Calendar.,festival crush routine through drenchhurl fast abstain worship memorialize,hurling,crushed,thoroughly,abstain,festivals,1-Vocabulary Exercises,Vocabulary Exercise,6.Gandhi drank some orange juice to end his three-week _.7.This vaccine is already _ used in our country.8.A church is a place of _;please behave respectfully.9.The American tourists became totally _ in the heavy rain.10.The Prime Minister attended a service to _ those who died in the war.,festival crush routine through drenchhurl fast abstain worship memorialize,fast,routinely,worship,drenched,memorialize,1-Vocabulary Activity,Vocabulary Activity,Write at least five words you associate with each way to commemorate a holiday.Use the words in the box first.Then add your own words.You may use a dictionary.,colors uniforms temple church mosque dancing party religious crackers solidersshopping memorize hands greetings musical instruments,crackers,match,fire,outdoors,festival,soldiers,musical instruments,dancing,crowds,government,hands,cooker,tent,camping,backpack,mosque,church,temple,religious,loyal,faithful,colors,birthday,Christmas,email,post office,party,shopping,cards,flowers,CDs,greetings,luck,successful,voyage,graduation,memorize,sorrow,grave,memorial,funeral,uniforms,colorful,traditional,formal,dress,1-Writing,Writing


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