第十二章表达转换译法Affirmative&Negative Expressions in Translation,退出,含有否定意义的动词译为否定句含有否定意义的名词译为否定句含有否定意义的代词译为否定句含有否定意义的形容词译为否定句含有否定意义的连词译为否定句含有否定意义的副词译为否定句含有否定意义的介词(短语)译为否定句12.3.8 含有否定意义的句子结构译为否定句,第十二章 表达转换译法,12.1 按表达习惯译,反话正说,否定译肯定正话反说,肯定译否定反话反说,否定译否定,12.2 按内涵意义译,肯定译否定,更能传神达意否定译肯定,更能表达原文涵义,12.3 按词汇意义译,第十二章综合练习及参考答案,课堂互动1,课堂互动2,课堂互动3,课堂互动4,课堂互动5,综合练习1,第十二章重点,-end,综合练习2,退出,3,表达转换译法亦称“正说反译法”、“正反译法”、“反正、正反表达法”,即以“正”译“反”或以“反”译“正”来表达原语的内容。由于民族、文化、思维方式、语言表达等众多方面的差异,一种语言用正面讲的话,另一种语言无法直白原语的内容,为求语用、修辞相当、或出于语言习惯要用相反的方式表达出来,用否定的说法来表达原语肯定的形式,或以肯定的说法来表达原语否定的形式。,第十二章表达转换译法Affirmative&Negative Expressions in Translation,4,生活中,正话不仅可以正说,还可以反说;反话不仅可以反说,还可以正说;实话不仅可以实说,还可以虚说;直话不仅可以直说,还可以弯说;硬话不仅可以硬说,还可以软说。比如有这样一个人,一连乘坐了几天火车,一路上忍着没抽烟,车快到终点站时,便问扫地收铺的列车员:“现在可以抽烟了吧?”列车员有礼貌的嫣然一笑,说:“任何时候都可以抽,不过需要劳驾劳驾您多走几步”说着,用手指了一下车厢内的车体接合部。这明明还是不让抽,可说得顺耳,既达到了禁烟的目的,又给人留了面子。“任何时候都可以抽”和“任何时候都不可以抽”,在这里的意思实质上是一样的,但去掉一个“不”字,使人感觉大不一样,容易让人接受。,5,又比如,有一位老大爷,骑自行车的技术还算可以,常在人堆里骑行而不愿下车。有一次,他却惹了麻烦,车前轮撞上了一位先生,这位先生人高马大,这下可好看了,非闹一场不可!可这位先生却冲他噗嗤一笑:“呦!看你年纪不少,技术还不错咧!”这话“社会效益”好,用肯定的方式表达了否定的意义,把老大爷给臊了个大红脸,其效果比打还厉害。,6,英语中有肯定形式表示肯定意义,也有肯定形式表示否定意义;同样否定形式有表示否定意义的,也有否定形式表示肯定意义的。当肯定或否定在形式与内容上完全一致时,即用肯定形式表示肯定意义,否定形式表示否定意义,称为肯定与否定的一般表示法。但是肯定与否定这两个方面在一定的特殊条件下又能互相包含,互相转化。在形式与内容上出现了不一致现象,即否定形式表达肯定意义,或肯定形式表达否定意义。,7,例如“Wet paint”译作“油漆未干”,不可能译成“湿的油漆”;“Leave my papers alone.”译作“别动我的文稿”而不是“把我的论文单独放”;“For business only.”不是“只为工作”而是“闲人免进”;“I hear everything.”若译作“我听见每件事”似乎是老外在讲汉语,而地道的汉语应反译为“什么都瞒不过我”。,8,英语中这类否定大多是用否定词来表示。否定词覆盖面很广,包括名词、代词、动词、形容词、副词、介词、连词等。其否定形式复杂多样,除了使用否定词外,还大量使用否定词缀,如“dis-,il-,in-,im-,ir-,non-,un-,anti-,-less,under-”等;形式肯定意义否定的动词如“avoid,ban,call off,cancel,deny,deprive,exclude,escape,evade,forbid,fail,hate,ignore,lack,lose,miss,neglect,prohibit,quit,refuse,rid,stop”等;,9,介词和副词如“beyond,above,but,except,past”等;形容词如“absent,bad,bare,empty,last,poor,vacant”等;相关的名词如“absence,vacancy,deprivation,exclusion”等;短语如“free from,far from,out of,instead of,in place of,past repair,off color,beyond debate,beyond control,out of sight,out of breath”等以及其他结构如“moreman,other than,rather than”等,都可以用于表达否定意义。,10,汉语的否定词比英语少得多,在表达否定意义时,汉语没有严格意义上的形态变化,表达形式比较简单,易于辨认,几乎所有表达否定意义的词语中都含有明显的标志性否定词,以副词居多,个别形容词或少数动词,如“不、没、没有、未、无、非、否、别、莫、勿、毋、休、失、免、缺、禁、忌、戒、防”等。,11,由于英汉两种语言的差异和思维方式的不同,有时英语用否定形式表达的意义,汉语只能用肯定的形式来表达,否则会使人感到别扭,不地道;英语用肯定形式表达的意义,汉语只能用否定的形式来表达,听起来才顺耳,自然得体。改变表达方式主要从三反面考虑:语言习惯,语言形式,词汇意义。,12,英语中有一些否定句,如果译为汉语的否定形式,译文就不符合汉语语言习惯,有时逻辑上也不通。所以汉译时,可根据词句的涵义、逻辑关系,按汉语表达习惯,把否定译肯定,才符合汉语思维和行文习惯。特别是有些带有否定词如not,no,never,nothing等的句子,常含有肯定的意义。,12.1 按表达习惯译(Translation Based on Habitual Expressions),12.1.1 反话正说,否定译肯定,13,例1:An opportunity is not likely to repeat itself.【译文】机会难得。例2:Such things are of no rare occurrence.【译文】这些事情经常发生。,14,例3:“Here in Poland,you people dont know how to eat properly.Noodles and chicken soup and chicken soup and noodles.What are noodles anyway?Nothing but water.You only bloat the belly.”【译文】在波兰这里,人们真不懂得怎么吃。老是鸡汤面条、面条鸡汤。面条算什么饭一碗水,只胀大了肚皮。,15,例4:No man can have too much knowledge and practice.【译文】知识和实践越多越好。例5:Thats not a man that lives who does not know his god-like hours.(William Wordsworth)【译文】凡是活在世上的人都曾有过神仙般的几段绝好时光。(双重否定表示强烈肯定),16,例1:The significance of these incidents wasnt lost on us.【译文】这些事引起了我们的重视。例2:He has no small chance of success.【译文】他大有成功的可能。例3:Nothing is useless to man.【译文】样样东西都有用。(双重否定用来表示强烈肯定),补充例句,17,例4:The thought of returning to his native land never deserted him amid his tribulation.【译文】在苦难中,重返故土的想法始终在他心头萦绕。例5:That we can have no knowledge farther than we can have perception of that agreement or disagreement.(John Locke:An Essay Concerning Human Understanding)【译文】只有当我们能直觉到观念符合或不符合的时候,我们才能有知识。,补充例句,18,课堂互动1:翻译句子,注意否定译肯定,1These scientists could not believe the two Curies more.2John can be relied on;he eats no fish and plays the game.3There is nothing like health.4Were almost home;well be there in no time.5Students,with no exception,are to hand in their papers this afternoon.,19,课堂互动1:翻译句子,注意否定译肯定,6Styles come and go,but good taste is timeless.7All the articles are untouchable in the museum.8Mexico City is an earthquake zone and earth tremors are not unusual.9No one has nothing to offer to society.10I cant wait to see you again.,20,英语中有一些句子,句式是肯定句,意义却是否定的。因为没有表示否定意义的助动词,故而称之为肯定表达形式。汉语中没有与其相对应的表达形式,翻译时,可根据词句的涵义,按汉语表达习惯,肯定译否定,通顺自然,语言地道。例1:The window refuses to open.【译文】窗户打不开。例2It is a wise father that knows his own child.【译文】聪明的父亲也未必了解自己的儿子。,12.1.2 正话反说,肯定译否定,21,例3:Keep off the grass.【译文】请勿踏草坪。例4:She refrained from laughing.【译文】她忍住没有笑。例5:The thick carpet killed the sound of my footsteps.【译文】我走在厚厚的地毯上一点儿声音也没有。,22,补充例句,例1The pursuit of science withdraws interest from external things.【译文】科学家由于致力于科学研究,对外界事物总是不感兴趣。例2:In the grave the rich and the poor lie equal.【译文】人死后即无贫富之差别。例3:We live meagerly,but at the same time,we blessed in many ways.【译文】我们生活并不富裕,但同时在很多方面又是很幸运的。,23,补充例句,例4:My guess is as good as yours.【译文】我的猜测并不比你的高明。例5:Before he could stop,I had rushed out of the classroom.【译文】在他还没来得及阻拦我之前,我已经跑出教室。,24,课堂互动2:翻译句子,注意肯定译否定,1She was refused admittance by them.2The world today is far from peacefulness.3His noble deeds are above all praise.4The handshake also has a rich history as a symbol of reconciliation or rapport.5We may safely say so.,25,课堂互动2:翻译句子,注意肯定译否定,6He laughed till his side split.7The mistake escaped me.8The truth is quite other than what you think.(other than=not,anything but)9They are racing to build an economy based on something other than oil revenues.10I did not know that I was spelling a word or even that words existed;I was simply making my fingers go in a monkey-like imitation.,26,英语中有一些否定表达形式,汉语也可用否定表达形式,但要注意逻辑关系、上下关系、否定范围,是特指否定还是泛指否定,是单词、短语否定还是句子否定,是隐形否定还是显形否定,只要搞清这些关系,才能把否定译否定而不改变原文之意。,12.1.3 反话反说,否定译否定,例1:That sort of thing was so much in the air that I,for one,didnt question it.【译文】到处都是这样,我也就不觉得有什么不对。(特指否定)例2:His refusal is not final.【译文】他的拒绝并不是不可改变的。(重复否定),27,例3:Tell me not,in mournful numbers,“Life is not but an empty dream.”For the soul is dead that slummers,And things are not what they seem.(Longfellow)【译文】请莫用悲调愁言,对我诉说人生虚若幻梦。那恰如死去的沉睡灵魂,才不知造物的仪态千般,风情万种。,28,补充例句,例1:We never thought of nothing wrong.(=We never thought of anything wrong.)【译文】我们从来没想到有什么错误。(重复否定)例2:Waste not,want not.(=If you dont waste,you will not want.)【译文】不浪费,不缺乏。(一般否定)例3You have been ignoring me.【译文】你一直不把我放在眼里。例4Most of the time I am in ignorance of his whereabouts.【译文】我常常不知道他的去向。,29,课堂互动3:翻译句子,注意否定译否定,1He was so underpaid and so deep in his work that he had declared never to marry.2It is unlikely but not impossible.3Catch me making the same error again.4He doesnt seem to like the idea.5Wealth we employ,not for talk and ostentation,but when there is a real use for it.,30,6But all men are not born to reign.7All men cant be the first.8All that write poems are not poets.(=Not all that write poems are poets.)9Both children are not clever.10.The mountain is not valuable because it is high.(=The mountain is valuable not because it is high.,课堂互动3:翻译句子,注意否定译否定,31,从以上例子可以看出正反译法是一个很有用的翻译技巧,虽然说法变了,意思还是原来的。之所以要改变,主要是由于词语之间的关系、句式的变化、习惯表达等方面的因素。如不改变,照字面译,译文就会显得单调、别扭、不自然,有时还不好懂、不明白。正反译法涉及到词、短语、甚至整个句子的处理问题,用得恰到好处,常会“绝处逢生”,有助于获得自然理想的、符合逻辑习惯的汉语译文,“正话反说,反话正说”是提高译文水平的有效方法之一。,32,12.2 按内涵意义译(Translation Based on Essential Expressions),12.2.1肯定译否定,更能传神达意,例1:In the high altitude snow and ice remain all the year.【译文】海拔高的地方,冰雪常年不化。例2:The explanation is pretty thin.【译文】这个解释很不详细。,33,例3:I have looked for him everywhere except in the dormitory.【译文】我到处找他,就是宿舍没有去。例4:Slips are scarcely avoidable when youre new to your work.【译文】工作没有经验,出点差错,在所难免。例5:The sun sends out more solar energy than man can use.【译文】太阳放出的太阳能,人类用不完。,34,例1:His work often falls short of the mark.【译文】他的作品常常达不到标准。例2:There have always been more books than anyone could read.【译文】任何人都不能读尽天下之书。例3:It was beyond his power to sign such a contract.【译文】他无权签订这个合同。,补充例句,35,补充例句,例4:Yet the process of achieving gender equality is still an ongoing one.【译文】然而争取男女平等的过程仍然是一项未竟之业。例5:Indeed,this nations best-loved author was every bit as adventurous,patriotic,romantic,and humorous as anyone has ever imagined.【译文】的确,这位在美国最受欢迎的作家的探索精神、爱国热情、浪漫风格以及幽默感丝毫不亚于人们能够想象的程度。,36,12.2.2否定译肯定,更能表达原文涵义,例1:Dont lose time in posting the letter.【译文】赶快把信发出去。例2:There is nothing unexpected about it.【译文】一切在意料之中。例3:I could not feel better.【译文】我感觉很好。,37,例4:Nothing can live without water.【译文】万物皆靠水生存。例5:A book may be compared to your neighbour;if it is good,it can not last too long;if bad,you cannot get rid of it too early.【译文】一本书可比作邻居;如果好,结识愈久愈好;如果不好,分手愈早愈好。,38,例1:It leaves nothing to be desired.【译文】这已完美无缺。例2:This fresh air will do you no harm after you being in the house all day.【译文】在屋里呆了一整天之后,吸吸新鲜空气对你大有好处。例3:He never spared himself and so he made me work hard.【译文】他严格要求自己,也叫我努工作。,补充例句,39,例4:Youve automatically arranged for a reward if you comply with your commitment and a punishment if you dont.【译文】一旦实现承诺,你自然会得到奖励;如果食言,面临的就是惩罚。例5:In some countries no major business is conducted without eye contact,requiring face-to-face conversation.【译文】在有些国家,大生意必须要通过目光接触,面对面交谈才能进行。,补充例句,40,课堂互动4:翻译句子,注意正反内涵意义,1She is past hope of recovery.2The evidence is clear enough,excluding all possibilities.3He aims at inhuman perfection in everything he does.4Styles come and go,but good taste is timeless.5The doubt was still unsolved after his repeated explanation.,A.翻译下列句子,41,课堂互动4:翻译句子,注意正反内涵意义,6In all my travel I had yet to see a place as beautiful as the West Lake.7She is old enough to know better than to spend all her money on clothes.8Suddenly he heard a sound behind him,and realized he was not alone in the garage.9You ought to know better than to go out in this cold weather in those thin summer shoes;no wonder your feet got cold.10Little I dreamed when I had him in my arms,a baby,that I should be some day marrying him out of my own house.(G.Meredith),42,课堂互动4:翻译句子,注意正反内涵意义,1Man is not born to die.A人生下来就是要活下去。B人生下来不是要死。2He will certainly come unless he is ill.A只要他没有病倒,就一定会来的。B除非他病倒,他就一定会来的。3John was a fool for danger.A.约翰对危险是傻子。B.约翰天不怕地不怕。,B.正误判断,43,课堂互动4:翻译句子,注意正反内涵意义,4Such a chance was denied me.A我被这样一个机会给拒绝了。B我没有得到这样一个机会。5.She is just like a man.A她刚好像个男人。B她一点也不像个女人。6“I deserve it.I deserve that they should know.I am too silly to be alive.”(:The Celestial Omnibus)A“真是的!我应该让他们知道这件事。我真是傻得该死。”B“真是的!我应该让他们知道这件事。我傻得不能活。”,44,课堂互动4:翻译句子,注意正反内涵意义,7Africa is not kicking out Western imperialism in order to invite other new masters.A非洲不踢出西方帝国主义为了请进其他新的主子。B非洲踢出西方帝国主义并不是为了请进其他新的主子。8The significance of these incidents wasnt lost on us.A这些事件引起了我们的重视。B 这些事件不是对我们不起作用。,45,课堂互动4:翻译句子,注意正反内涵意义,9I believe then that I would die there,and I saw with a terrible clarity the things of the valley below.They were not the less beautiful to me.(N.S.Momaday:The End of my Childhood)A这时我觉得我要死在那儿了,下面山谷里的景致却看得异常清晰。在我看来,这些景致依然那样美丽。B这时我觉得我要死在那儿了,而下面山谷里的景致却看得异常清晰。在我看来,这些景致并不是不美丽。10Catch her telling lies again!A 她再也不敢说谎了。B 她正在说谎让人给逮住了。,46,句子中并无 no,not,never 等词汇,但动词含有否定语气,可译为否定句。这类动词如“fail,miss,lack,hold,ignore,refuse,withhold,refrain(from),neglect,deny,overlook,exclude”等在句子中出现,就可运用反意译法,这样会使意义更明确。,12.3 按词汇意义译(Translation Based on Lexical Meanings),12.3.1含有否定意义的动词译为否定句,例1:A few pages of this dictionary are wanting.【译文】这本字典少了几页。例2:To our disappointment,he failed to take the overall situation into account.【译文】使我们失望的是他不顾全大局。,47,例3:If the weather holds a couple of days,the plane will take off.【译文】要是天气三两天内保持不变,飞机就起飞。例4:His body is fine other than the paralysis,but he has told me that if it ever gives out he would be interested in having his head put on another body.【译文】除了四肢瘫痪以外,他的身体还算不错的,他已对我说过,身体一旦不行了,他愿意将自己的脑袋安在别人身上。,48,例1:She has missed out the sweet course.【译文】那道甜食她已不吃了。例2:Mr.White has refrained from making any official comment on the coup in that country.【译文】怀特先生并没有对该国的政府发表正式评论。例3:The board has decided to withhold part of their grant money from certain students.【译文】委员会决定不发给某些学生的部分助学金。例4:They excluded children(from)getting in.【译文】他们不许小孩入内。,补充例句,49,补充例句,例5:The system of water supply in the city leaves much to be desired.【译文】这座城市的自来水供应系统极不完善。例6:it is“one of the most barbarous customs in the world,considering us as a civilized and a Christian country,that we deny the advantages of learning to women.”【译文】“不给妇女以学习的机会是世界上最野蛮的风俗之一,而我们还把自己看成是一个文明的基督教国家呢。”,50,句子中含有否定语气的名词,可译为否定句。这类名词如“absence,exclusion,lack,failure,ignorance,neglect,refusal,reluctance,variance”等在句子中出现,就可运用反意译法,这样使表达更为符合情理。,12.3.2含有否定意义的名词译为否定句,例1:His absence of mind during the driving nearly caused an accident.【译文】他开车时心不在焉,差点出事。例2:The two brothers have been at variance for many years.【译文】这兄弟俩不和睦已有好多年了。,51,例3:Never concentrate all your attention on one or two problems to the exclusion of others.【译文】别把注意力集中在一两个问题上,而不顾其它问题。例4:Failure to fix the signs and symbols peculiar to mathematics in mind and to learn the definitions and technical terms keeps you from mastering the mathematical subjects.【译文】记不住数学所有的记号和符号,弄不清定义和术语,你就学不好数学。,52,例1:Your absence of mind resulted in this accident.【译文】你注意力不集中才导致了这次事故。例2:His failure to work well worried us.【译文】他未做好工作使我们感到焦虑。例3:She made a great show of reluctance,but finally accepted our offer.【译文】他对我们的建议做出极不满意的样子,但最后还是接受了。例4:Chance and accidents are only the aliases of ignorance.【译文】碰巧和意外都只是不了解事实真相的别名。,补充例句,53,补充例句,例5:It was his answer to suggestion of reluctance to fight.(W.Stevenson:A Man Called Intrepid)【译文】这就是他对不赞成打的意见的回答。例6:The almost total absence of any U.S.sway with the parties directly involved in such a dangerous situation is sobering to say the least.【译文】事态如此严重而美国对直接参与的国家却丝毫起不了影响,这个情况至少也应该使人们头脑清醒过来了。,54,句子中含有否定语气的代词(代词词组),可译为否定句。这类代词如“anything but”等在句子中出现,就可运用反意译法,“anything but”之后一般接名词、代词、形容词、分词等。这样使译文简洁流畅。,12.3.3含有否定意义的代词译为否定句,例1:He is anything but modest.【译文】他一点也不谦虚。例2:We shall design anything but old-fashioned machines.【译文】我们决不设计老式机器。例3:That little bridge is anything but safe.【译文】那座小桥不安全。,55,例1:It is anything but a new-type machine.【译文】这决不是一台新型机器。例2:He is anything but diligent.【译文】他一点也不用功。例3:I doubt if I have anything more for my present rule of life than following inclinations which do me and nobody else any harm,and actually give pleasure to those I love best.【译文】我现在只是悠然自得地生活着,这于我有害而对任何他人都没有害处,实际上还让那些我最爱的人感到快乐呢除此之外,我不相信自己目前还有更多的生活准则。,补充例句,56,句子中含有否定语气的形容词(形容词短语)可译为否定句。这类形容词如“few,little,poor,free from(of),far from,safe from,apart from,short of,inferior to”等在句子中出现,就可运用反意译法。这样使译文清楚明白。,12.3.4含有否定意义的形容词译为否定句,例1:True,reading is far from the only source of knowledge.【译文】的确,阅读远非知识的唯一来源。例2:This creek is free of ice in winter.【译文】这条小溪冬天不结冰。,57,例3:There is a poor supply of well-qualified English teachers in the school.【译文】这所学校缺少合格的英语老师。例4:There is no doubt that the novel stands distinctly apart from her other novels in tone and moral message,though not in theme.【译文】无疑这部小说,与她的其它小说相比,主题未改,但情调与道德信仰却全然不同。,58,例1:The show was far from being a failure;it was a great success.【译文】这次演出根本没有失败,是十分成功。例2:Water and air have little effect upon lead.【译文】水和空气对铅没有什么影响。例3:The moving body is kept free from the action of forces.【译文】该运动的物体未受外力的作用。例4:She(Jane Austen)was worried that Emma“might appear inferior in wit”to Pride and Prejudice.【译文】她(简 奥斯丁)曾担心爱玛可能会在风格上显得不如傲慢与偏见。,补充例句,59,句子中含有否定语气的连词,可译为否定句。这类连词如“unless,otherwis