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    ,Lesson 55 Not a gold mine,in a short while,He is a thief.That means he has _ fingers.Its a piece of cake.That means its easy as_.He was dismayed _ the words that his friend said.at B.to C.form D.in4.The kitchen is at sixes and sevens.That means the kitchen is in a _.,sticky,pie,A,mess,in a short while,5.Please sign_ this registered letter!in B.for C.at D.on6.in a short time _7.She tries to persuade her husband to buy a new car.(同义句)She tries to persuade her husband into buying a new car.(反义句)She tries to persuade her husband out of buying a new car.8.他一回来就买了一幢房子。He had _ returned _ he bought a house.He had _ returned _ he bought a house.,B,in a short while,no sooner,than,hardly,when,gold n.金子golden adj.珍贵的,黄金般的a _medal a _opportunity Silence is golden.沉默是金。,gold,golden,mine 矿 矿工miner矿物质mineral 矿泉水 mineral water,treasure 金银财宝;珠宝(U)珍宝,珍品(C)lost treasure 失踪宝藏,v.珍惜,珍重,真爱,revealer n.探测器v.透露、泄露、揭露reveal reveal sth to sbreveal that,invent v.发明 发明家inventor 发明Inventioninventive adj.有创意的,Who invented the steam engine?(蒸汽机)an inventive person 有发明创造才能的人,detect V.探测;侦察n.侦探detective,detect sb.in doing sth.觉察某人正在做某事 I detect him in looking out of the window.,buryv.埋葬埋头于、专心致力于bury oneself in sth,He buried himself in learning English.他专心致志地学习英语。,pirate n.海盗v.剽窃,非法翻印,侵犯专利 pirated CD,arm v.武装be armed with 全副武裝armed to the teeth arms n.武器army n.军队(多指陆军),1.I want to drink some _(矿泉水)water2.I will never _(泄露)your secret.3.Speech is silver;silence is g_.4.China was the first country that_(发明)the paper.5.In the evenings,she b_ herself in her books.6.The soldiers were _(武装)to the teeth and ready to fight.7.It is said that the _(海盗)buried their_(财宝)on this island.,mineral,invented,uries,pirates,treasure,olden,reveal,armed,hole,cave,black hole,sea,field,seashore,sand,soil,trunk,entrance n.入口,(+to/of)Where is the entrance to the park,please?Ill meet you at theentranceof the zoo tomorrow.出口exit(from)进入entranceexamination,worthless adj.毫无价值的worth adj.值得的Abirdinthehandisworthtwointhebush.一鸟在手,胜似二鸟在林。be worth doing 值得做.The film is worth seeing again.What isworth doingis worth doing well.值得做的事就值得做好。,thoroughly adv.彻底地、完全的He is a thoroughly nice person.他是个大好人。adj.彻底地、完全的thoroughgive the room a thorough cleaning,confident adj.自信的be confident of sth 对某事有信心be confident that 对.坚信He is confident of success.She is confident that she will win the race.confidence n.信心You are too shy.You should have more confidence in yourself.Confidencein yourself is the first step on the road to success.自信是向成功之路迈出的第一 步。,He has_to get full marks.He lacks_in himself.He is quite_that he will pass the examination.,confidence,confidence,confident,value n.价值valueless adj.无价值的(worthless)valuable adj.有价值的something is valuable something is of value某物有价值,She received a _(彻底的)examination at the hospital.2.Wheres thee_ to the cave?The book is w_ reading.4.One has to be_(自信的)in himself.5.He is a man who is of_(价值)to the people.,thorough,ntrance,orth,confident,value,gold mine 金矿lost treasure 失踪宝藏revealer n.探测器invent v.发明 detect v.探测bury v.埋藏pirate n.海盗be armed with 用装备起来party n.一群人 soil n.泥土worthless adj.毫无价值的 tin trunk 铁皮箱confident adj.有信心的,Listen to the recording and answer the questions:What has the machine“The Revealer”been used to do?It has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground.2.Why did the party go into a cave near the seashore?It is said that the pirates used to hide gold in it.3.What did the party find after search the cave thoroughly?They found an empty tin trunk.,Comprehension questions1 What almost came true recently?Dreams of finding lost treasure.2 Is The Revealer a new machine?Yes,it is.3 Whats it been used to do?To detect gold.,4 Was the machine used in a cave?Yes,it was.5 Where was the cave?Near the seashore.6 Who are said to have buried gold there?Pirates.7 What did they often fail to do?To collect the gold they buried in the cave.8 Where did the search party go?Into the cave.,9 What did they have with them?The Revealer.10 What did they hope to find?Buried treasure.11 Who was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave?The leader was.12 What did the machine show?That there was gold under theground.,13 How did the party feel?Very excited.14 They dug a hole,didnt they?Yes,they did.15 How deep was it?Two feet deep.,Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently.,Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently.,of 介词短语作后置定语a girl of seventeen a vase of great value,Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently.,of 介词短语作后置定语a girl of seventeen a vase of great value,Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently.,(预言、期望)实现,成为事实His dream willcome truesooner or later.,Dreams of _ almost _ recently.,A new machine called The Revealer has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground.,A new machine called The Revealer has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground.,A new machine called The Revealer has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground.,A new machine called The Revealer has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground.,A new machine called The Revealer has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground.,A new machine called _ has been _ and it has been _ to _ gold which has been _ in the ground.,The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where-it is said-pirates used to hide gold.,The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where-it is said-pirates used to hide gold.,The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where-it is said-pirates used to hide gold.,it is said插入语“据说”插入语不充当句子成分,起附加说明解释的作用。,The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where-it is said-pirates used to hide gold.,The machine was used in a _ near the_ where-it is said-_ used to _ gold.,The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then fail to collect it.,The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then fail to collect it.,would 表示过去习惯发生的动作。,used to 与 would 都可用来描述在过去某一段时间内的习惯性动作或经常做的事。二者区别在于used to 可用来表示现在与过去对比,而would 不能。I have given up smoking.I used to smoke very heavily.2)would 只表示过去重复的动作,used to还可表示过去的状态和情况。This sort of novel used to be very popular.3)would 可与often,always,frequently,sometimes等时间副词连用。,1.I_ always get home early2.He _ read detective fictions.But now he prefer to science fictions.3.The river _ be clean.,would,used to,used to,单选题,1.There _ a lot of red-crowned cranes in this area.A.was used to B.was used to be C.used to D.used to be,单选题,2.She used to _ with her parents,but now she is used to _ with her classmates at school.A.live;living B.live;live C.living;living D.living;live,单选题,3.He used to _ in a small village,but now he has been used to _ in the big city.A.live;living B.live;live C.living;living D.living;live,单选题,4.Mrs Green _ go to hospital,but now she is in good health.A.has to B.need to C.used to D.ought to,The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then fail to collect it.,fail to do 未能(做).,沒能(做).He failed to keep his word.,The pirates _ often bury gold in the cave and then _ to collect it.,Armed with the new machine,a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure.,Armed with the new machine,a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure.,armed with 过去分词短语作状语,表示伴随状态。The professor came in the classroom,followed by his students.,Armed with the new machine,a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure.,现在分词短语做状语,表示伴随。The teacher came to us smiling.,Armed with the new machine,a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure.,_ with the new machine,a _ went into the cave _ to find _ treasure.,The leader of the party was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machine showed that there was gold under the ground.,The leader of the party was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machine showed that there was gold under the ground.,The_ of the party was _ the soil near _ the cave when the machine _ that there was gold _.,Very excited,the party dug a hole two feet deep.They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless.,Very excited,the party dug a hole two feet deep.They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless.,Very excited,the party dug a hole two feet deep.They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless.,dig v.挖dig-dug-dug,Very excited,the party dug a hole two feet deep.They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless.,Very excited,the party dug a hole two feet deep.They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless.,Very excited,the party dug a hole two feet deep.They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless.,Very excited,the party dug a hole two feet deep.They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless.,Very _,the party _ a hole _.They _ found a small gold coin which was almost _.,The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk.In spite of this,many people are confident that The Revealer may reveal something of value fairly soon.,The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk.In spite of this,many people are confident that The Revealer may reveal something of value fairly soon.,The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk.In spite of this,many people are confident that The Revealer may reveal something of value fairly soon.,不管,尽管in spite of+n./pron./doingShe works so hardin spite ofher illness.,The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk.In spite of this,many people are confident that The Revealer may reveal something of value fairly soon.,后置定语,修饰something,The party then searched the whole cave _ but did not find anything except an empty _._ this,many people are confident that The Revealer may _ something _ fairly soon.,Text:Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recently.最近,找到失踪宝藏的梦想差一点儿变成现实。come true为固定短语,表示“(预言、期望等)成为事实”、“(愿望)实现”:His dream to travel around the world at last came true.(2)treasure n.财宝(不可数),2.A new machine called The Revealer has been invented And it has been used to detect gold which has been buried in the ground.一种叫“探宝器”的新机器已经发明出来,并被人们用来探测地下埋藏的金子。invent v.发明,名词形式为 invention.,3.The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where-it is said-pirates used to hide gold.在靠近海边的一个据说过去海盗常在里面藏金子的岩洞里,这种机器被派上了用场。it is said 是插入语,当“据说”讲。pirate n.海盗,4.The pirates would often bury gold in the cave and then fail to collect it.海盗们过去常把金子埋藏在那个洞里,可后来却没能取走。(1)would在这里不表示过去将来时,而表示过去的习惯性动作,它后面跟动词原形。(2)fail to do sth.表示“未能”、“不能”做某事:Doctors failed to save the girls life.fail 也可用来表示没有通过某项考试,5.Armed with the new machine,a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure.一支用这种新机器装备起来的探宝队进入了这个岩洞,希望找到埋藏着的金子。Arm(ed)with可以表示“带着”、“装着”、“穿着”等:Dont worry.Im armed with an umbrella.Youd better arm yourself with a warm coat.,6.The leader of the party was examining the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machine showed that there was gold under the ground.当这个队的队长正在检查洞口附近的土壤时,那台机器显示出它的下面埋有金子。entrance可以表示“入口”、“大门”等:I cant find the entrance to the park.Is this the entrance of the park/your school?entrance examinations 入学考试,7.Very excited,the party dug a hole two feet deep.They finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless.队员们异常激动,就地挖了一个两英尺深的坑,但最后找到的是一枚几乎一钱不值的小金币。(1)与armed with引导的短语相似,very excited也是过去分词(短语)作状语,表示主语所处的状态:Very worried about his child,he phoned the police.(2)deep在表示“有深”时要位于数字之后:We have a swimming pool six feet deep.,8.The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk.队员们接着又把整个洞彻底搜寻了一遍,但除了一只空铁皮箱外什么也没找到。thoroughly adv.彻底地 与completely 相比,thoroughly 更强调仔细,没有遗漏任何地方。,9.In spite of this,many people are confident that The Revealer may reveal something of value fairly soon.尽管如此,很多人仍然相信“探宝器”很快就会探出值钱的东西来 confident adj.有信心的,1.dream of/about doing sth 梦想做某事2.lost treasure 丢失的宝藏 look for treasure 寻宝e true 实现,变成现实,He_and confessed the whole thing.他招供并承认一切罪行。Hell_by and by.他不久就会回来。He had to_before the party ended.他不得不在舞会结束前离去。Spring_winter.冬去春来。How did this_?这事是怎么发生的?,came clean,come back,come away,comes after,come about,4.use v.使用(useful,useless)-难点be used to do sth.被用于做某事used to do sth.过去常常做某事be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事be used for sth/doing sth.某物被用做,1.He _work sixteen hours a day.2.I _see him often.3.He always_scented sentid(有气味的)soap.4.He _buy two bars of chocolate a day.5.I couldnt stand the noise at first but I _it now.6.I _swimming in cold water.,5.It is said 据说It is said that the pen writes well,so I bought one yesterday.It is said that it is true.,6.fail to do sth.失败做某事,没有做某事,未履行做某事,He failed to follow up my suggestion.他没有照着我的建议做下去。He failed to obtain a scholarship.他没有获得奖学金。,7.dig v.挖(dug,dug),dig a hole two feet deep 挖个两英尺深的坑The party dug a hole two feet deep.(划线提问)How deep did the party dig a hole?,8.gold coin 金币,9.an empty tin trunk 一个空的铁皮箱子,10.in spite of+名词、代词、动名词,I went out in spite of the rain.尽管下雨我仍外出了。_ _ _ _,I went out.,In,spite,of,raining,Key to Summary writingThe Revealer is a new machine which is used for detecting buried gold.Using this machine,a search party recently tried to find gold in a cave near the seashore.Although they examined the cave thoroughly they only found a small gold coin which was practically worthless.However many people believe that the machine may reveal something of value soon.,作业,背单词54-55Summary writing 课后练习讲义,


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