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    建筑工程类英语词 (I).ppt

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    建筑工程类英语词 (I).ppt

    建筑工程类英语词汇,Rawmaterial TreeWooden,GLASSBrickFrame,LETS GO!,Civilsvln.土木;民间的;文职的.applying to ordinary citizens.of or in a condition of social orderThe word civil derives from the Latin for citizen“土木”这个词是从拉丁语“citizen”派生而来。,Civil engineeringsvl ndnrn.土木工程Civil engineering,the oldest of the engineering specialties,is the planning,design,construction,and management of the built environment土木工程,最老的工程专业,是建筑环境的规划、设计、施工和管理。,Constructionknstrknn.建筑物;建造;解释;建造物 vt.施工.the act of constructing somethingConstruction work should begin on 5 march.施工工作应该在3月5号开始。,Architecturerktktn.建筑学;建筑风格;体系结构;(总体、层次)结构We are already able to print architecture scaled objects.我们基本可以完成具有建筑规模的物体。,Buildingbldn.建筑物;楼房;房屋;建筑(艺术或行 业)v.build的现在分词They lived in an old building.他们住在一座旧建筑里。,Architectrktktn.建筑师,设计师Then I can tell you are a conventioal architect.那么可以说你是个传统建筑师了。,Public facilitiespblk fsilitizn.公共设施Gradually improve the public facilities related to the enterprises.逐步完善与企业有关的公共设施。,Masonrymesnrin.石工工程,砖瓦工工程;砖石建筑In california we retrofit all of the masonry building.在加州,我们已经翻新了所有的砖石结构房屋。,Residential,rzdnladj.住宅的,适于作住宅的;与居住有关的;适宜作住宅的Residential real estate appears to be even more overvalued.住宅房地产的估值似乎更是过高。,Greenbeltrinbeltn.(城市周围的)绿色地带;绿带The impact of greenbelt on urban atmospheric environment and air quality.绿化带对城市大气环境及空气质量的影响。,Skyscraperskaskrepn.摩天大楼,超高层大楼;特别高的东西Could a penny dropped off a skyscraper actually kill you?摩天大楼上掉下的一枚硬币能杀死人吗?,Designdzanvt.&vi.设计;绘制 n.设计;图案;结构;计划They will help design your products.他们会帮助你设计产品。,Planplnn.平面图;示意图 vt.&vi.计划,打算,设计The plan would save money.该计划将可以省钱。,Structuresstrktn.结构(structure的名词复数);构造物Others deposit thin filaments of polymer in order to build structures up.其它方法是将聚合物纤维丝进行沉淀来构造外形。,Surveysvevi.测量土地 vt.调查;勘测;俯瞰;测量Tappan promised reij that hed do an aerial survey.塔潘向瑞什承诺,说自己将会做一次航空测量。,Excavation,kskvenn.挖掘;开凿;开凿的洞穴(或山路等);(发掘出来的)古迹Excavation was under way on a new trench,on the other side of a low limestone ridge.在一条低矮的石灰岩脊体的另一侧,新的挖掘工作已经开始。,Projectsprdktn.项目(project的名词复数)v.计划One-off projects will continue to attract capital.一次性的项目会继续吸引资本。,Alteration,ltrenn.变化,改变;变更The structural alterations made to the house were planned with Gails help.对房屋结构调整的规划是在盖尔的帮助下完成的。,Specificationsspsfkenzn.规格;载明;详述;详细的计划书Our first step is releasing the specifications and mechanical drawings.第一步是,发布规格说明和机械图纸。,Scaleskeln.规模;比例(尺)vt.测量The scale of urbanisation is impressive.城市化的规模令人印象深刻。,Assignsanvt.转让,分配 n.受托者Assign him a task reflecting the size of his ego.分配给他一项能反映他自负程度的任务。,Assignee,sanin.受托人,代理人;受让人;被指定人Signature of applicant or assignee of record.申请人或记录受让人的签名。,Environmentaln,varnmntladj.(个人)环境的The environmental equations arent simple.维护环境平衡不是简单的事情。,Columnklmn.纵队,列;圆柱Finish round steel columns by framing around them with 2x4s.用2x4s包裹钢柱,工程完成。,Archrtn.弓形;拱门;拱形物;足弓,齿弓 vt.(使)弯成拱形;用拱连接;向后弯Often,the tops of a great wall guard post and an arch peek above the water line.通常情况下,这一段长城的一座烽火台和一个拱形门洞的顶部都会露出水面。,Raw r mtrln.原料;原材料;生料All raw material to this island nation must be imported by sea.这片土地上需要的所有原料都必须从海外进口。,Wooden wdnadj.木制的;木头的Wooden accordion clutch bag designed by stella mccartney.由stella mccartney设计的木制可折叠手提包。,Steel stiln.钢,钢材adj.钢制的;钢铁业的China has more than 1200 steel mills.中国有1200多家钢铁公司。,lime soil lam sln.灰土Lime-fly ash loess,composed of fly ash,lime and loess,is a new material in subgrade backfill to take the place of the(traditional)lime soil.二灰黄土是利用石灰、粉煤灰与土料混合作为回填土的一种新型材料,用以代替传统的灰土或素填土。,Concretekkritn.混凝土;建钢筋混凝土vt.使凝固;用混凝土修筑Most houses are made of glass and concrete here.这里大多数房屋是用玻璃和混凝土制成的。,Glasslsn.玻璃;玻璃制品;镜子These beautiful clear glass like pillars.这些美丽的玻璃就像柱子。,Roofrufn.屋顶,房屋Along the roof line there are 10 pointed cupolas.沿着屋顶线条有10处突出的炮塔。,Foundationsfandenn.地基;地基(foundation的名词复数);基础;建立The temples foundations have been laid,but nothing more has been done.圣殿的根基已经打好,但是其他的什么也没有做。,Postpostn.岗位;邮件;标杆 vt.张贴;公布;邮递;布置 vi.快速行进The device is fixed to a post.这个装置被固定在杆子上。,Beambimn.梁,栋梁The basic beam consists of a rectangular.tube with an arch-shaped conduit formed inside it.这种基础梁由矩形管构成,矩形框架内是拱形管道。,Lintellntln.楣,过梁He went in,bowing his head under the low lintel.门楣挺矮,他低着头走进去。,Framefremn.框架However,thats probably the wrong interpretative frame.然而,这恐怕是错误的解读框架。,Floorsflorn.底(floor的名词复数);楼面The kitchen has white walls and limestone floors.厨房有白色的墙壁和石灰岩地砖的地面。,Stairstrn.楼梯;(楼梯的)一级Tripping the pensioner on the stair.使得老人一下绊倒在楼梯上。,Elevatorlvetn.电梯Creative elevator ad in japan promotes kagatani kitchen knives.日本的创意电梯广告,用来推销kagatani牌厨房刀具。,Forcefrsn.力Only force can change their chauvinist ways.只有强制力才能改变他们的沙文主义做法。,Gravityrvtin.重力The only force holding them together is gravity.连接到一块的唯一力量来自重力。,Tensiontnnn.张力,拉力And each time you pull her in,it releases that tension.然后,你每次把她拉回来,张力就松弛下来。,Compressionkmprnn.压缩,压力Compression knee bands discourage bending.压缩膝盖的带子阻止我弯腿。,Shear rvi.剪切;力切变n.剪切;力切力Fluid shear is the mechanical force exerted by the movement of fluids over cell surfaces and has been found to play an important role in cellular differentiation,development and function.流体剪切力是由于液体流经细胞表面所产生的一种机械力,目前发现其在细胞分化、发育及行使细胞功能的过程中起到了巨大的作用。,Torsiontrnn.扭转;扭曲;扭矩Inclination and torsion,visual inspection and complete measurements.检查倾斜度和扭矩、外观检查结果和所有测量值。,Squeezeskwizvt.&vi.挤压But the squeeze comes not just from falling oil prices.但是这种挤压并不仅仅来自下降的石油价格。,Expandkspndvt.使变大vi.膨胀They dont expand our brains natural limits.他们并不能扩展我们大脑天生的局限。,Contractkntrktvt.&vi.收缩In contrast,the uk economy continued to contract.而与之相反的是,英国经济仍在继续收缩。,Densitydnstin.密度Mercury has a much greater density than water.水银的密度比水大得多。,water resistance wt rzstns n.耐水性Although the polyester possesses great hardness,it still shows good elasticity and good oil resistance,but shows poor water resistance结果表明:弹性体聚酯在具有高硬度情况下,仍具有弹性,并且耐油性很好,但耐水性差。,anti-permeabilitynta pmbltin.抗渗性How to make the concrete to be pumped to have a high impermeability is an urgent question如何使混凝土既具有可泵性,又有较高的抗渗性,是施工中亟待解决的问题。,frost resistancefrst rzstnsn.抗冻性The frost resistance of Lytag concrete adding mineral admixture is better than that of ordinary concrete.掺加矿物掺合料的粉煤灰陶粒混凝土的单面抗冻性大大优于普通混凝土的单面抗冻融性。,flammable materialflmbl mtrln.易燃材料Pyjamas made from flammable material have been removed from most shops.大部分商店都不再出售用易燃材料做的睡衣了。,hardness h:dnis n.硬度;坚硬;困难;冷酷The strength、toughness and hardness of HAZ reduced as t8/5 increase.热影响区的强度、冲击功和硬度随t8/5的增加而减小。,Bamboo Structurebmbu strktn.竹架Bamboo Structure,Claybag,Straw Roof Experiment on Emergency Shelter of Low-cost Rural Material竹架,土袋,草顶廉价土材料临时安置房建造实验。,Asbestos zbests n.矿石棉 adj.石棉的The residents contact directly or indirect asbestos in the daily life,so they would suffer from MPM after 20 to 40 years.加上居民使用青石棉制品,造成日常生活中直接或间接接触到石棉,经2040年潜伏期开始发病。,Brickbrik 砖块;砖形物;口心肠好的人 vt.用砖砌 adj.用砖做的;似砖的The masonry structure is developing based on brick block.砌块砌体结构是在砖砌体的基础上发展起来的。,Polymer plim n.化聚合物The structure of crosslinked-PVC foam plastic was semi-interpenetrating polymer network.制备的Crosslinked-PVC泡沫塑料具有半互穿聚合物网络结构。,stonestun n.石头;结石;宝石 adj.石的,石制的 vt.向扔石块;用石头铺They crushed down stone for making cement.他们碾碎石头以制造水泥。,Ceramicsirmikadj.陶瓷的;陶器的;制陶艺术的 n.陶瓷;陶瓷制品Ti3SiC2 has both metal and ceramic properties.Ti3SiC2兼有金属和陶瓷的许多优异性能。,componentkmpunntadj.组成的,构成的 n.成分;组件;元件Color design is an important component in the process of indoor design or plan.色彩设计是室内设计或策划过程中的一个重要组成部分。,acceleratorkselreit n.油门;催化剂;加速装置A low alkaline liquid accelerator for Portland cement(LSA in short)was synthesized by means of organic and inorganic composite.采用有机无机复合的方法合成了一种低碱液态水泥速凝剂(简称LSA速凝剂)。,waterproof materialw:tpru:f mtiril n.防水材料Before a storm,sailors cover the hatches with waterproof material.Then they nail on battens to hold the hatch coverings firmly in place.在风暴来临前,水手使用防水材料盖好舱门,然后用薄木条把舱门覆盖物钉牢。,Antifreezentfrizn.防冻剂The chemical,ethylene glycol,is widely used in products from polyester fibres to antifreeze for cars乙二醇目前广泛应用于各种产品中,包括聚酯纤维和汽车防冻剂。,coloured cementkld simentn.彩色水泥The colored clinker cement which fired directly from kiln has the advantages of low cost,bright colour and good colour durability.水泥窑中直接烧成的彩色熟料水泥具有成本低、色泽鲜艳、色彩稳定性好等特点。,Limelaim n.石灰;酸橙;绿黄色 vt.撒石灰于;涂粘鸟胶于 adj.绿黄色的Lime in the soil is detrimental to some plants土壤里的石灰对某些植物有害。,Pitch pitvi.倾斜;投掷;搭帐篷;坠落 vt.投;掷;定位于;用沥青涂;扎营;n.沥青;音高;程度;树脂;倾斜;投掷If you happen to spill some gas or oil on the floor,newspaper will help absorb the spill and can prevent a permanent stain on concrete or a soft spot in your asphalt drive如果你碰巧将一些汽油或机油洒在地板上,报纸将帮助你吸收倾洒物并且可以保护你的物品避免永久染色或在沥青车道上留下独特的记号。,rockrkn.岩石;摇滚乐;暗礁 vi.摇动;摇晃vt.摇动;使摇晃 The energy dissipation is related to the internal damage of rock to some extent.岩石能量耗散在一定程度上反映了岩石内部的损伤破坏情况。,Durabilitydjurbiltin.耐久性Considering the importance of embankment,the durability of the strip in reinforced earth has always been a crucial subject.由于路堤的重要性,加筋材料的耐久性问题一直为加筋土技术研究的重要课题。,Environmental protectionin,vairnmentl pruteknn.环保Light timber structure housing has the features of energy-reservation,eco-friendly(environmental protection),quake-proof and the reproducibility of the building material.轻型木结构住宅,具有节能、环保、抗震和建筑材料可再生性等特点。,engineerendinin.工程师Participating in the formulation and perfection of the plan for educating and training outstanding engineers(PETOE)is going through the whole process of the outstanding engineer training.参与高校卓越工程师教育培养计划专业培养方案的制定和完善贯穿着卓越工程师培养的全过程。,building sitesbildi sat n.工地The company prefabricated sections of houses and moved them to building sites for workers to assemble。公司预制好房屋的各个部件,然后运到建筑工地由工人们将其组装起来。,transportationtrnsprtenn.运输Small shippers are most often disserviced by transportation breakdown。小件托运者往往因运输故障而受损。,construction supervisionknstrkn spvn工程监造Technical supervision of site construction is an indispensable link of an engineering project.It guarantees an engineering project goes smoothly.现场施工技术监造是工程项目不可缺少的环节,是施工顺利进行,加快工程进度的保证。,acreekn.土地,地产;英亩That was in 1958,and the government paid sixty dollars an acre.那是在1958年,政府以六十美元一英亩的价格付了款。,sound bafflesand bfln.隔音板Cabinets come in a variety of styles,colors,and many contain baffles,fans,and other features机箱有多种不同的风格和颜色,很多机箱还包含隔音板、风扇以其他装置。,Acquisition kwizin n.(知识、技能等的)获得,取得,占有 the act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of somethingIn fact you could consider the nurturing of this awareness as fundamental to skills acquisition.事实上你可以把这种对认知的培养作为获得技能的基本法则。,aditdtn.进路,进口,入口到达,进入 a nearly horizontal passage from the surface into a mineWindow of such an adit pants and T-shirts indicate that people live here.一个洞穴的窗户。裤子和衬衫表明这里有人居住。,alterltv.cause to change;make different;cause a transformation改变,改动;复原,更改;使变样:Sophistry cannot alter history.诡辩改变不了历史。,basement besmntn.地下室 the lowermost portion of a structure partly or wholly below ground level;often used for storageIn the basement theres no room to stash.在地下室,没有存东西的地方了。,market mrktn.市场;行情;股票市场;市面;集市;销路;商店 the world of commercial activity where goods and services are bought and soldThey rigged the market.他们垄断了市场。,Bearer br n.持票人;建承木;托架;送信人;搬运工人someone whose employment involves carrying something.The check is payable to bearer.向持票人付款的支票。,Bedding bedi n.寝具;(建筑)基床;(家畜)草垫 adj.适于花坛种植的.coverings that are used on a bed.material used to provide a bed for animals.Apart from clothes and bedding,I have nothing.我除了行李被褥之外一无所有。,bedplate bd,pletn.台板;床板In order to ensure the accurate alignment of the gear reducer,grind and remove the imprint marks unintentionally left on the gear reducer surface and foundation bedplate surface.为保证减速机精确定位,修磨因不慎而造成的减速机底面上和基础台板表面上的凸痕等。,Blast baiu,blst n.爆炸;冲击波;一阵 vt.爆炸;损害;使枯萎 vi.猛攻.a very long fly ball.a sudden very loud noiseThe blast was the largest so far in the new solar cycle.这是在新的太阳活动周期中最大的一次爆炸。,Bluff blf n.吓唬;绝壁;断崖 vi.吓唬 vt.吓唬;愚弄 adj.直率的;陡峭的.a high steep bank(usually formed by river erosion).pretense that your position is stronger than it really isDo not brag or bluff.不要自夸和虚张声势。,Brickwork brkwkn.砌砖;砖砌的建筑物.masonry done with bricks and mortarAt the bottom of some is the brickwork of tombs,marking the area as a cemetery.一些沟壕的底部是古墓的砖制结构,标示着这块区域是一片墓地。,Bolt boltn.螺栓,螺钉;闪电 vt.筛选;囫囵吞下;突然说出,脱口说出.a discharge of lightning accompanied by thunder.a sliding bar in a breech-loading firearm that ejects an empty cartridge and replaces it and closes the breechHe tightened the bolt up slowly.他慢慢拧紧螺钉。,bond bnd n.债券;结合;约定;粘合剂 vi.结合,团结在一起 vt.使结合;以作保.an electrical force linking atoms.stick to firmlyThe bond bears interest.这债券生息。,Boom bmvt.使兴旺;发隆隆声 n.繁荣;吊杆;隆隆声 vi.急速发展;发隆隆声.a deep prolonged loud noise.make a deep hollow soundHow long can the present business boom last?目前这种商业繁荣能持续多久?,borebrvi.钻孔 vt.钻孔;使烦扰 n.孔;令人讨厌的人.a person who evokes boredom.make a hole with a pointed power or hand toolShe bore down everything before her.她克服了面前一切困难。,bracket brktn.支架;括号;墙上凸出的托架 vt.括在一起;把归入同一类;排除.a category falling within certain defined limits.support with bracketsthe bracket notation means you can index into this variable.这个括号的意思是你可以,索引这个变量。,Bund bnd n.堤岸;码头;同盟The bulk of the money has gone into infrastructure,including two new airport terminals,a subway expansion,and a Bund makeover.大批的钱被投向基础设施建设,包括两个新的机场候机楼,新的地铁线路以及外滩的改造工程。,bunker bkn.沙坑;煤仓;燃料库 vt.使陷入困境;把球击入沙坑.a hazard on a golf course.hit a golf ball into a bunkerThey then all went and took the third bunker with little trouble.然后他们一拥而上,毫不费力的拿下了第三个地堡。,bulldozer bldozn.推土机;欺凌者,威吓者large powerful tractor;a large blade in front flattens areas of groundRemoving the nest from its perch,we placed it outside on a tree branch far from the impending chaos and then stood back,as the bulldozer lifted its enormous fork and plunged it into the roof.我们移动了他们的鸟巢,从他们原来打窝的地方搬到外面的树枝上去了,这里远离(小木屋)即将倒塌的混乱。当我们回身看时,推土机已经举起他的大铲子插入屋顶。,bush bn.灌木;矮树丛 vi.丛生;浓密地生长vt.以灌木装饰;使精疲力竭.a low woody perennial plant usually having several major branchesnot of the highest quality or sophisticationThe rabbit started from the bush.野兔从灌木丛中突然窜了出来。,camber kmbvt.外倾角;使拱起;使弯作弧形 n.弧形;曲弧度 vi.成弧形;使拱起.a slight convexity(as of the surface of a road).curve upward in the middleI can see a point,a circle and a camber.有一个点,有一个圆,还有一个曲面。,cellar sln.地窖;酒窖;地下室 vt.把藏入地窖.an excavation where root vegetables are stored.storage space where wines are storedThe tornado is coming,so we had better batten down the hatches here and get to the cellar.龙卷风即将来临,因此我们最好把这里的舱口封上,到地下室去。,collapse klpsvi.倒塌;瓦解;暴跌 n.倒塌;失败;衰竭vt.使倒塌,使崩溃;使萎陷.an abrupt failure of function or health.break down,literally or metaphoricallyThe earthquake was the occasion of the buildings collapse.地震是房屋倒塌的起因。,小组成员:第一组毛晓杰、葛剑锋、郁凯平潘照、赵熠昕、金宇飞,


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