2011年广东省普通高考英语听说考试样题解读与应试策略,“考试要求”与“高考样题”考试院已发布数月。,请问:,1.你有考试院发布的听说考试样题吗?如果有,研究过了吗?,2.考试要求上说Part B“观看一段大约两分钟的片断”,命题时真有两分钟的视频对话吗?,3.Part B中的三问与机答的对话(人机对话)与视频对话是什么关系?,4.五答的答案信息与视频对话及三问与机答的对话究竟有什么样的秘密关系?,听说考试的内容范围与能力要求,1.语言知识 要求考生掌握并能运用英语语音、词汇、语法基础知识以及所学功能意念和话题,要求词汇量为3500个词左右。,2.语言运用 听力要求考生听懂所熟悉话题的简短独白和对话。考生应能:(1)理解主旨和要义;(2)获取具体的、事实性信息;(3)对所听内容做出推断;(4)理解说话者的意图、观点和态度。,口语要求考生根据题示进行口头表达。考生应能:(1)询问或传递事实性信息,表达意思和想法;(2)做到语音、语调自然;(3)做到语言运用得体;(4)使用有效的交际策略。,A节 模仿朗读,考纲要求 要求考生观看一段大约一分钟的片断,然后考生开始模仿训练:先阅读文字稿,再对照文字稿听录音。完成训练之后考生开始模仿朗读:考生对照片断的字幕朗读,要求考生的语音、语调和语速尽可能与片断保持一致。,考试流程可归纳为:观看阅读听录音朗读(录音),高考样题 Part A Reading Aloud In this part,you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.Under the effect of global warming,the ice cap has lost 40%of its thickness in 40 years.Its surface area in the summer shrinks year by year.It could disappear before 2030.Some predictions suggest 2015.Soon these waters will be free of ice several summer months a year.The sunbeams that the ice sheet previously reflected back now penetrate the dark water,heating it up.The warming process gathers pace.This ice contains the records of our planet.The concentration of carbon dioxide hasnt been so high for several hundred thousand years.Humanity has never lived in an atmosphere like this.,命题研究 材料来源:本试题选自法国环保记录片家园(home)的英文解说词。多个网站或博客中都有这些内容。如:http:/=38583&cid=155该样题有以下特点:话题:世界环境。是考试说明中“话题项目表”所列24个话题之一。内容:由于全球升温导致冰川加速融化,很可能会消失。长度:视频文字长度为103 个词。视频时间约1分钟。,生词:共有5个生词,其中,派生词有prediction(预言,预测),previously(以前,预先),concentration(浓缩,集中)等3个;合成词有sunbeams(阳光,日光)1个;纯生词只有penetrate(渗透,穿透)1个。朗读时可能给考生造成困难的单词有prediction,previously,reflect,penetrate,record,concentration,dioxide,humanity,atmosphere等,特别是这些单词的重音位置;下列数字的读法也要注意:40%(forty percent),2030(twenty thirty),2015(twenty fifteen)等。,考试流程:1.观看短片约1分钟(了解大意,整体感知);2.阅读文本准备约1分钟(快速默读,记下发音没有把握的难词或数字);3.对照文体听录音(特别注意听清前面记下不会读的单词和数字);4.观看视频,开始朗读并录音(语音、语调自然,语速与画面一致)。,应试技巧1.要尽可能模仿片断中的语音、语调,若不能做到模仿得同原声一模一样,但一定要设法做到发音准确、清晰,语调规范。2.语速一定要与画面保持一致,过快或过慢都会扣分。3.要注意停顿和节奏。4.朗读时要注意句子重音、连读、失去爆破、意群的划分。5.考生应特别注意听自己不会读的生词的读音,并力图记下生词的读音。,B节角色扮演,考纲要求 要求考生观看一段大约两分钟的片断,明确自己拟要扮演的角色以及要完成的任务。看完片段之后首先根据中文提示,准备20秒钟后用英语提出三个问题,计算机将回答考生的提问;然后计算机向考生提出五个问题,考生必须根据自己所听的内容(包括片段和计算机的回答两部分)回答问题,回答问题之前考生有10秒钟的准备时间。,高考样题Part B Role Play(角色扮演)In this part,you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks:listen to a speaker,ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions.Now please listen to the speaker.情景介绍角色:你是学生任务:(1)和同学谈论各自的大学生活及今后的打算;(2)根据谈话内容回答问题。,Frank:Oh.Hi Maria.I havent seen you for ages.Maria:Hi,Frank.Im in the neighborhood.So I thought I would drop by.So how have you been?Frank:Oh,Im doing okay,but school has been really busy these days.Im doing hotel management at college,and I work part-time,20 hours a week as a waiter at a restaurant near my campus(五问第1题答案信息点).The pay isnt bad.How about you?Maria:Im very fine.Im doing computer science.Actually,when I first started college,I wanted to major in French(五问第2题答案信息点),but I realized I might have a hard time finding a job using the language,so I changed to computer science.With the right skills,finding a job in the computer industry shouldnt be as difficult.,Now please ask the speaker three questions.You have twenty seconds to prepare the question.When you hear a beep,begin to ask the question.1.你必须要做兼职吗?2.毕业后你想做什么?3.你已决定按照你父母的意愿去做吗?,1.你必须要做兼职吗?考生问:Do you have to do a part-time job?机回答:Well,fortunately I got a four-year scholarship that pays for all my fees.You know,it is not easy to get.Im lucky.,特别提示:五答中第3题答案信息点。,(计算机回答的录音播放两遍),2.毕业后你想做什么?考生问:What do you want to do after graduation?机回答:My parents want me to go on studying for a second or a third degree.They hope I can become a teacher in the university.(特别提示:五答中第4题答案信息点),become a teacher,(计算机回答的录音播放两遍),3.你已决定按照你父母的意愿去做吗?考生问:Have you decided to do as your parents told you to?机回答:Well,I havent decided for sure.To study for higher degrees will be tough work and it takes years to complete them.Its not a bad idea to have a job in the computer industry when I get my first degree.特别提示:五答中第5题答案信息点。,To study for higher degrees will be tough work,(录音播放两遍),Now please get ready to answer five questions.You are allowed ten seconds to prepare the answer.When you hear a beep,begin to answer the question.1.Where does Frank do his part-time job?2.What did Maria want to major in when she first started college?3.Why did Maria say that she is lucky?4.What kind of job do Marias parents want her to do after graduation?5.How does Maria like studying for higher degrees?,机提问:1.Where does Frank do his part-time job?(录音播放两遍)考生答:He works as a part-time waiter at a restaurant near his campus.特别提示:答案信息点来自视频对话中。,视频对话回顾:Maria:Hi,Frank.Im in the neighborhood.So I thought I would drop by.So how have you been?Frank:Oh,Im doing okay,but school has been really busy these days.Im doing hotel management at college,and I work part-time,20 hours a week as a waiter at a restaurant near my campus.The pay isnt bad.How about you?,I work part-time,20 hours a week as a waiter at a restaurant near my campus.,机提问:2.What did Maria want to major in when she first started college?考生答:She wanted to major in French when she first started college.特别提示:答案信息点来自视频对话中。,视频对话回顾:Frank:Oh,Im doing okay,.How about you?Maria:Im very fine.Im doing computer science.Actually,when I first started college,I wanted to major in French,but I realized I might have a hard time finding a job using the language,so I changed to computer science.,when I first started college,I wanted to major in French,机提问:3.Why did Maria say that she is lucky?考生答:Because she got a four-year scholarship that paid for all her fees.It is not easy to get.特别提示:答案在三问中的第1问的机答中。,第1问的机答回顾:1.你必须要做兼职吗?考生问:Do you have to do a part-time job?机回答:Well,fortunately I got a four-year scholarship that pays for all my fees.You know,it is not easy to get(五答中第3题答案信息点).Im lucky.,机提问:4.What kind of job do Marias parents want her to do after graduation?考生答:They wanted her to become a teacher in the university after graduation.特别提示:答案在三问中的第2问的机答中。,第2问的机答回顾:2.毕业后你想做什么?考生问:What do you want to do after graduation?机回答:My parents want me to go on studying for a second or a third degree.They hope I can become a teacher in the university.,机提问:5.How does Maria like studying for higher degrees?考生答:She thinks it would be tough work because it takes years to complete them.特别提示:答案在三问中的第3问的机答中。,第3问的机答回顾:3.你已决定按照你父母的意愿去做吗?考生问:Have you decided to do as your parents told you to?机回答:Well,I havent decided for sure.To study for higher degrees will be tough work and it takes years to complete them.Its not a bad idea to have a job in the computer industry when I get my first degree.,命题研究 Part B Role Play 角色扮演命题特点归纳总结,计算机视频对话(约1分钟,样题是52秒,只播1遍)A:B:A:B:三问(考生问 机回答)五答(机问 考生答)考生第1问 机回答 机问1 考生答考生第2问 机回答 机问2 考生答考生第3问 机回答 机问3 考生答 机问4 考生答 机问5 考生答,三问就是任务(1)。考生充当视频中的一个角色,如A,同B继续谈话。,五答就是任务(2)。根据对话内容(视频对话+考生三问与机答)回答问题,应试技巧 1.根据情景介绍中的角色和任何,预测对话的大体内容。,2.视频录像片断出现的场景有利于我们理解对话内容,因此考试时,让视频图象为理解对话内容服务,但不要过多关注。要把重点放在听力上,千万不要让图象分散注意力,影响听力理解。,3.看视频时,要注意记录要点,特别是人物、事物、时间、地点、原因、数字等信息,以及这些信息之间的联系。因为这些信息要到”五答”时回答第12问时才会用到,间隔的时间长,跨度大,而且只视听一遍,所以记录非常非常重要!,4.三问首先要根据汉语提示确定用哪种类型的问句提问。考生要掌握好各种类型疑问句的句式结构。录音时根据不同类型的问句用不同的语调。如一般问句用升调,特殊问句用降调,选择问句前升后调。,5.在20秒的准备时间里,要根据中文提示进行简单翻译,形成初步答案。这样才会在计算机回答时可以专心作记录,为五答作准备。,6.三问的机答内容,分别是五答的第35题的答案所在,考生务必作好记录。因计算机回答两遍,估计考生听懂并记录其要点不是很难。,7.五答时考生务必要听清计算机的提问,特别要听清疑问词。8.尽可能问什么答什么,不要答非所问,画蛇添足。,Part C 故事复述,考纲要求 C节故事复述,要求考生先听一段大约两分钟的独白,录音播放两遍。考生准备一分钟之后开始复述所听的内容。要求考生尽可能使用自己的语言复述,而且复述内容应涵盖尽可能多的原文信息点。选取的独白其体裁主要以记叙文和议论文为主。,高考样题 Part C RetellingIn this part,you are required to listen to a monologue,and then retell it based on what you have heard.梗概:穷小伙给女友送碎花瓶,假装是进门时摔碎的,可是花瓶碎片是预先独立包装好的。关键词:vase(花瓶)broken(碎的)drop(摔下,丢下)unpack(从包裹中取出)separately(分别地,独立地),You have ONE minute to prepare the story.现在开始复述。Now please get ready.When you hear a beep,begin to retell it.,命题研究,材料来源:本段命题材料在多个网站都有。如:http:/=/show_114_526444_1.html(有英汉对照),考试流程:首先在视频中出现“梗概”和“关键词”;15秒钟之后,听一段大约两分钟无图像无字幕的独白,录音听两遍;考生准备一分钟后复述独白的大概内容。,独白难度:该故事共219个词,浅显易懂,没有生词,没有难懂的句子,易懂易记易复述。复述时间:根据样题,考生在大约两分钟内完成。,文体预测:虽然考试要求中说”以记叙文和议论文为主”,但我们认为,既然是故事复述,在高考时应该会是记叙文,要求复述议论文的可能性不大。,应试技巧1.在听故事前,考生应阅读故事梗概和关键词,并据此发挥想象,预测故事内容。,2.这部分重点是听力。在听的过程中要注意快速记录关键词,听记叙文时应听清并记录故事中的人物和人物之间的关系,记录故事发生的时间、地点、起因、经过、结果,以及故事给我们的启示等。,3.若有标题,要听清标题,这对理解故事内容很重要,因为它对故事情节起着概括作用。4.首尾句对理解全文起着关键作用,要特别注意听。,5.对个别词句没听懂,不要慌,只要听懂大意,抓住关键信息就行了。6.考纲要求考生复述时尽可能使用自己的语言,复述内容应涵盖尽可能多的原文信息点。,7.在记叙文中常用one day,on his way to,at first,then,later,afterwards,soon,before,after,when,while,as soon as,since,during,eventually,at last,finally,in the end,immediately,on arrival等表示时间顺序的连词或连接性词语来叙述故事发展的先后或做某事的过程。,8.专题练习充分利用梗概和关键词的提示作用,根据所听内容,将其串联起来,这是复述的一个好办法。,Thank you!,