Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,5 h,10 j,1 i,2 f,3 g,4 c,6 a,7 b,8 e,9 d,1 Writing a literature Review,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,Enhancing your academic language,1 Radiation occurs naturally in our environment,a typical person is,and always has been struck by 15,000 particles of radiation every second from natural resources,and an average medical X-ray involves being struck by 100 billion.,1 辐射自然存在于我们的环境当中,一般人每秒钟都遭受着来自自然资源中15,000个粒子的辐射,而一次普通的医疗X光检查则带有1,000亿个粒子的辐射。,Translate the following sentences from Text 11 into Chinese.,1 Writing a literature Review,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,Enhancing your academic language,2 These materials can come into contact with people principally through small releases during routine plant operations,accidents in nuclear power plants,accidents in transporting radioactive materials,and escape of radioactive wastes from confinement systems.,2 这些材料主要通过发电厂常规运行时的少量释放物,核电站事故和放射性材料运输事故、以及放射性废料从隔离系统中泄漏而与人体发生接触的。,Translate the following sentences from Text 11 into Chinese.,1 Writing a literature Review,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,Enhancing your academic language,3 Much can be done to avert genetic diseases utilizing currently available technology;if 1%of the taxes paid by the nuclear industry were used to further implement this technology,80 cases of genetic disease would be averted for each case caused by the nuclear industry.,3 在利用现有技术预防遗传性疾病方面还有很多事可以做;如果利用核工业纳税款的1%来进一步实施这项技术,那么每一种由核工业造成的疾病中有80例遗传疾病都将得到防止。,Translate the following sentences from Text 11 into Chinese.,1 Writing a literature Review,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 11 into Chinese.,4Very high radiation doses can destroy body functions and lead to death within 60 days,but such“noticeable”deaths would be expected in only 2%of reactor melt-down accidents;there would be over 100 in 0.2%of melt-downs,and 3500 in 1 out of 100,000 melt-downs.,4 高剂量的辐射会摧毁身体机能并在60天内导致死亡,但这种“明显的”死亡仅仅在2%的核反应堆熔毁事故中能够被预料到,在0.2%的熔毁事故中会超过100天,而在1/100,000的熔毁事故中会超过3,500天。,1 Writing a literature Review,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 11 into Chinese.,5 The all-inclusive estimates of radon effects are that one nuclear power plant operating for one year will eventually avert a few hundred deaths,while an equivalent coal burning plant will eventually cause 30 deaths.,5 对于氡效应的全面估计是一家运行了一年的核电站最终将避免几百人死亡,而一个同等的煤电厂将最终导致30人死亡。,1 Writing a literature Review,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,1 Writing a literature review,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,5 j,10 g,1 e,2 a,3 i,4 h,6 c,7 b,8 d,9 f,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,1 Writing a literature review,Enhancing your academic language,1 Though radioactive steam has been released to reduce pressure within the wrecked complexs reactors and there has been additional radiation leakage from the three explosions there,the resulting spikes in radiation levels have not been sustained.,1 尽管放射性的蒸汽已经被释放以降低被毁坏的络合物反应堆的压力,并且在三次爆炸中有额外的辐射泄露,但是正在发生的辐射水平却没有一直处于最高点。,Translate the following sentences from Text 12 into Chinese.,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,1 Writing a literature review,Enhancing your academic language,2 This type of radiation has sufficient energy to ionize atoms(usually creating a positive charge by knocking out electrons),thereby giving them the chemical potential to react deleteriously with the atoms and molecules of living tissues.,2 这一类型的辐射有足够的能量来电离原子(通常通过毁坏电子而产生正电),从而给予这些原子化学潜能,使之与生物组织中的原子和分子发生对人体有害的反应。,Translate the following sentences from Text 12 into Chinese.,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,1 Writing a literature review,Enhancing your academic language,3 That is because a large portion of gamma and X-ray radiation will pass directly through the body without interacting with the tissue(considering that at the atomic level,the body is mostly empty space),whereas alpha and beta radiation,unable to penetrate tissue,will expend all their energy by colliding with the atoms in the body and likely cause more damage.,3 这是因为大部分的伽玛射线和X光射线无需通过与身体的组织发生作用(就原子水平而言,身体基本上是中空的空间)而直接穿透身体,而无法穿透组织的射线和射线则会通过与身体原子的碰撞使其能量得以扩展,并且有可能导致更多的损坏。,Translate the following sentences from Text 12 into Chinese.,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,1 Writing a literature review,Enhancing your academic language,4 DNA damage from ionizing radiation can cause mutations that lead to cancer,especially in tissues with high rates of cell division,such as the gastrointestinal tract,reproductive cells and bone marrow.,4 由于电离辐射所带来的脱氧核糖核酸的破坏可能会造成重大改变,导致癌症的发生,尤其是对有高频率细胞分裂的组织,比如消化道、生殖细胞和骨髓。,Translate the following sentences from Text 12 into Chinese.,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,1 Writing a literature review,Enhancing your academic language,5 According to Gonzalez,some of the emergency workers at Chernobyl received several sieverts of radiation,and many were working“basically naked”due to the heat,allowing contaminated powder to be absorbed through their skin.,5 根据冈萨雷斯的观点,在切尔诺贝利工作的一些应急工人受了几西韦特的辐射。因为酷热的缘故,许多人基本上是“赤裸”地工作,这就使得被污染的粉末通过他们的皮肤被身体吸收。,Translate the following sentences from Text 12 into Chinese.,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,1 Writing a literature review,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,5 i,10 b,1 f,2 d,3 g,4 h,6 e,7 j,8 a,9 c,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,1 Writing a literature review,Enhancing your academic language,1 Then again,officials tend to downplay everything,so as not to to make the masses panic as were being adversely affected from all sorts of things like fluoridation of U.S.water,chemical pesticides,unnecessary forced vaccination,hormone use and synthetic feeding of our livestock and poultry,and genetic modification of our produce.,1 官员们为了不让公众恐慌,这一次又将辐射轻描淡写。事实上周围各种事物已经给我们带来有害影响:如,添了氟化物的水、化学杀虫剂、不必要的强制接种、使用激素、用人工饲料喂养牲畜和家禽和改变基因的农产品等。,Translate the following sentences from Text 13 into Chinese.,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,1 Writing a literature review,Enhancing your academic language,2 That nobody in his/her right mind wants to visit Japan again for the next 80 to 100 years should be an indication how dire the situation is there.,2 任何正常人在未来的80到100年都不再想去日本,这一事实足以表明那里的形势有多么严峻。,Translate the following sentences from Text 13 into Chinese.,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,1 Writing a literature review,Enhancing your academic language,3 Radiation is all around us in our daily lives and these findings are a minuscule amount compared to what people experience every day,3 日常生活中辐射无处不在,已检测出的辐射与我们每天接触到的相比,数量微乎其微。,Translate the following sentences from Text 13 into Chinese.,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,1 Writing a literature review,Enhancing your academic language,4 There is no lower limit of exposure under which there is no damage and which can be considered safe.Any amount of radiation will damage cells.,4 不存在一个较低的辐射量下限,低于这个下限辐射是安全的,不会造成危害。任何数量的辐射都会破坏人体细胞。,Translate the following sentences from Text 13 into Chinese.,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,1 Writing a literature review,Enhancing your academic language,5 How can one rest easy when ones fellow man is suffering,even if thousands of miles away?,5 当我们的兄弟正在遭受苦难时,哪怕他们离我们很远,我们怎么会无动于衷呢?,Translate the following sentences from Text 13 into Chinese.,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,1 Writing a literature review,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,5 h,10 a,1 i,2 b,3 f,4 e,6 j,7 d,8 c,9 g,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,1 Writing a literature review,Enhancing your academic language,1 2011年3月11日日本发生了9级大地震,地震引起的海啸给沿海地区造成毁灭性的破坏,海啸过后,村庄被夷为平地。,Translate the following sentences from Text 14 into Chinese.,1.On March 11,2011,a magnitude 9.0 earthquake struck Japan,causing a devastating tsunami that tore through the coastal regions and leveled the village in its path.,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,1 Writing a literature review,Enhancing your academic language,2 Iodine-131 has a half-life of 8 days-meaning that it is half as radioactive after 8 days,thus making its effects relatively short lived.,2 碘131的半衰期为8天,意味着8天过后其放射性衰弱为以前的一半,从而使它的放射性效果存在的时间相对较短。,Translate the following sentences from Text 14 into Chinese.,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,1 Writing a literature review,Enhancing your academic language,3 Many commonly used medical procedures contribute to a persons average radiation exposure.To get a sense of the magnitude of 3 mSv,consider this:a typical mammogram delivers 0.13 mSv per test;a chest X-ray delvers 0.1 mSv;and a rountine dental X-ray delviers 0.04 to 0.15 mSv。,3 人们经常受到的辐射是在一些常见的医学检查过程中造成的。想要知道3毫西弗的量有多大,不妨考虑以下几种情况:拍一次普通的乳房X光照片接受的辐射量为0.13毫西弗;胸透的辐射量为0.1毫西弗,一次常规牙齿X光片的辐射量是0.040.15毫西弗。,Translate the following sentences from Text 14 into Chinese.,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,1 Writing a literature review,Enhancing your academic language,4 迄今为止,一些参与核电站抢险、力争控制核泄露形势的工作人员已经接受了高剂量的辐射,其中有几位在进入含有高浓度辐射的电站水池作业后已入院治疗。,4 So far,several people working to contain the damage from the nuclear plant to bring the situation under control have been exposed to high levels of radiation,including a few who were hospitalized after stepping in puddles of water at the facility that contained highly concentrated levels of radiation.,Translate the following sentences from Text 14 into Chinese.,Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review,1 Writing a literature review,Enhancing your academic language,5 Exposure to high doses of radiation can lead to a broad range of acute health problems which are usually only experienced by individual close to the source of radiation such as reactor workers.One of the possible acute effects of exposure to high levels of radiation over a small period of time is Acute Radiation Syndrome(ARS)or radiation sickness.,5 接受高剂量的辐射能给健康带来各种严重问题,通常只有那些接近辐射源的人员,如核反应堆工人,才会有这些问题。短时间内的高剂量辐射可能带来的一个严重后果是急性辐射症状或辐射病。,Translate the following sentences from Text 14 into Chinese.,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,5 c,10 d,1 b,2 i,3 e,4 f,6 h,7 g,8 a,9 j,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,1 特别是在有悠久的农业生产传统和主张环保的游说集团的国家里,转基因食品的主意似乎有悖自然。,1 Particularly in countries with long agricultural traditions-and vocal green lobbies-the idea seems against nature.,Translate the following sentences from Text 15 into Chinese.,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,2 In wealthy countries,the debate about biotech is tempered by the fact that we have a rich array of foods to choose from-and a supply that far exceeds populations.,2 在富裕的国家里,由于有大量丰富的食品可供选择,而且供应远远超过需求,所以关于生物技术的争论相对缓和一些。,Translate the following sentences from Text 15 into Chinese.,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,3 Biotechnologists have developed genetically modified rice that is fortified with beta carotene-which the body converts into vitamin A-and additional iron,and they are working on other kinds of nutritionally improved crops.,3 生物技术专家已经培育出了含有-胡萝卜素身体可将之转化为维生素A和更多铁元素的转基因水稻,目前正在研究培育其他一些增进营养成分的农作物。,Translate the following sentences from Text 15 into Chinese.,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 15 into Chinese.,4 Genetically modified,virus-resistant crops can reduce that damage,as can drought-tolerant seeds in regions where water shortage limit the amount of land under cultivation.,4转基因的抗病毒作物可以减少这种损失,就像抗干旱种子在耕地面积因缺水而受到限制的地区起到的作用一样。,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 15 into Chinese.,5 Especially in countries with undeveloped transport infrastructures,geography restricts food availability as dramatically as genetics promises to improve it.,5 尤其在运输基础设施落后的国家,地理条件对食物供给的限制正如遗传学为食物供给带来的希望一样大。,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,5 i,10 d,1 f,2 c,3 e,4 a,6 h,7 g,8 j,9 b,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,1 It is put forward in the risk assessment documents that the GM components of transformed plants are completely destroyed in the digestive tract of humans and animals.,1.风险评估文件中提到,被转变植物中的转基因成分与植物中所含的其它基因材料都在人和动物的消化道中一并被摧毁。,Translate the following sentences from Text 16 into Chinese.,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,2 Therefore,it was decided that we undertake a study to see the effect of the most commonly used GM crop on the birth rate,mortality and weight gain of rat pups,whose mother were fed diets supplemented with Roundup Ready soya,a kind of GM food.,2 因此,我们决定进行一项研究来探寻雌性鼠的主要饮食为美联储大豆(一种转基因食品)的情况下,最常见的转基因作物对大鼠幼崽生育率、死亡率和体重增加的影响。,Translate the following sentences from Text 16 into Chinese.,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,3 Since it is well established that raw soybean contains a number of anti0nutrients,such as the lectins,trypsin inhibitors,etc.(Pusztai et al.1998),and also female hormone-line substances,it was thought to be necessary to compare these data also with those from a positive control group when animals were not exposed to any soya flour supplementation.,3 众所周知,生大豆含有大量的抗营养素如凝集素,胰蛋白酶抑制剂(普兹泰等人,1998),以及女性激素类物质,因此,有必要将没有补充大豆粉控制对照组的动物与这些数据进行对照研究。,Translate the following sentences from Text 16 into Chinese.,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 16 into Chinese.,4It is the more surprising,since the pups were smaller about half,therefore more milk should have been available for the individual pups.,4 更令人吃惊的是,由于幼崽更小,约一半大小,因此会有更多奶提供给单个的幼崽。,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 16 into Chinese.,5 However,no mortality was observed with female rats,nor with the young pups survived,although they also began to eat the GM soya,it is supposed that the effect could be mediated by the two first factors.,5 然而,没有观测到雌性大鼠的死亡率,也没有观察到存活的幼崽的死亡率,尽管它们也开始吃转基因大豆,可以推测,(转基因大豆的)负面影响可能被前面的两个因素中和了。,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,5 a,10 h,1 c,2 f,3 i,4 g,6 b,7 d,8 j,9 e,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,The results of detailed experiments showed that 2S albumen from Brazil nut was a major Brazil nut allergen and that the newly expressed protein in transgenic soy retained its allergenicity and therefore its potential ability to provoke clinical reactivity in patients with allergy to Brazil nut.,1 详细的实验结果表明:巴西坚果中2S蛋白是巴西坚果的主要过敏原;转基因大豆中的最新显露的蛋白保持了其过敏性,因此,可能促使对巴西坚果过敏的病人发生临床反应。,Translate the following sentences from Text 17 into Chinese.,Unit 5Writing an AcademicEssay,1 Definition,Enhancing your academic language,2 The second question as to whether a new transgene could expr