Port,welcome everyone,What is a port?,港口是具有水陆联运设备和条件,供船舶安全进出和停泊的运输枢纽。是水陆交通的集结点和枢纽,工农业产品和外贸进出口物资的集散地,船舶停泊、装卸货物、上下旅客、补充给养的场所。由于港口是联系内陆腹地和海洋运输(国际航空运输)的一个天然界面,因此,人们也把港口作为国际物流的一个特殊结点。A port is a location on a coast or shore containing one or more harbors where ships can dock and transfer people or cargo to or from land.Port locations are selected to optimize(使完善)access to land and navigable water,for commercial demand,and for shelter(庇护所)from wind and waves.Ports with deeper water are rarer,but can handle larger,more economical ships.Since ports throughout history handled every kind of traffic,support and storage facilities vary widely,may extend for miles,and dominate the local economy.Some ports have an important military role.,The classification of port,(1)基本港(Base Port)是运价表现定班轮公司的船一般要定期挂靠的港口。大多数为位于中心的较大口岸,港口设备条件比较好,货载多而稳定。规定为基本港口就不再限制货量。运往基本港口的货物一般均为直达运输,无需中途转船。但有时也因货量太少,船方决定中途转运,由船方自行安排,承担转船费用。按基本港口运费率向货方收取运费,不得加收转船附加费或直航附加费。并应签发直达提单。(2)非基本港(Non-Base Port)凡基本港口以外的港口都称为非基本港口。非基本港口一般除按基本港口收费外,还需另外加收转船附加费。达到一定货量时则改为加收直航附加费。例如新几内亚航线的侯尼阿腊港(HONIARA),便是所罗门群岛的基本港口;而基埃塔港(KIETA),则是非基本港口。运往基埃塔港口的货物运费率要在侯尼阿腊运费率的基础上增加转船附加费43.00美元(USD)/FT。,The classification of port,港口按用途(application)分,有商港、军港、渔港、避风港等;商港(commercial port)军港(naval port OR military harbour)渔港(fishing port)避风港(haven),The classification of port,按所处位置(Location)分,有河口港、海港和河港等河口港(estuary harbour)位于河流入海口或受潮汐影响的河口段内,可兼为海船和河船服务。一般有大城市作依托,水陆交通便利,内河水道往往深入内地广阔的经济腹地,承担大量的货流量,故世界上许多大港都建在河口附近,如鹿特丹港、伦敦港、纽约港、列宁格勒港、上海港等。河口港的特点是,码头设施沿河岸布置,离海不远而又不需建防波堤,如岸线长度不够,可增设挖入式港池。,Introduction,海港(harbour)位于海岸、海湾或泻湖内,也有离开海岸建在深水海面上的。位于开敞海面岸边或天然掩护不足的海湾内的港口,通常须修建相当规模的防波堤,如大连港、青岛港、连云港、基隆港、意大利的热那亚港等。供巨型油轮或矿石船靠泊的单点或多点系泊码头和岛式码头属于无掩护的外海海港,如利比亚的卜拉加港、黎巴嫩的西顿港等。泻湖被天然沙嘴完全或部分隔开,开挖运河或拓宽、浚深航道后,可在泻湖岸边建港,如广西北海港。也有完全靠天然掩护的大型海港,如东京港、香港港、澳大利亚的悉尼港等。,Introduction,河港(river port)位于天然河流或人工运河上的港口,包括湖泊港和水库港。湖泊港和水库港水面宽阔,有时风浪较大,因此同海港有许多相似处,如往往需修建防波堤等。苏联古比雪夫、齐姆良斯克等大型水库上的港口和中国洪泽湖上的小型港口均属此类,The constitutes of a port,水域(water area)水域:通常包括进港航道、锚泊地和港池。进港航道(approach channel)锚泊地(anchoring berth OR anchorage area)港池(dock basin),进港航道(approach channel)进港航道要保证船舶安全方便地进出港口,必须有足够的深度和宽度、适当的位置、方向和弯道曲率半径,避免强烈的横风、横流和严重淤积,尽量降低航道的开辟和维护费用。当港口位于深水岸段,低潮或低水位时天然水深已足够船舶航行需要时,无须人工开挖航道,但要标志出船舶出入港口的最安全方便路线。如果不能满足上述条件并要求船舶随时都能进出港口,则须开挖人工航道。人工航道分单向航道和双向航道。大型船舶的航道宽度为80300米,小型船舶的为5060米。,锚泊地(anchoring berth OR anchorage area)锚泊地指有天然掩护或人工掩护条件能抵御强风浪的水域,船舶可在此锚泊、等待靠泊码头或离开港口。如果港口缺乏深水码头泊位,也可在此进行船转船的水上装卸作业。内河驳船船队还可在此进行编、解队和换拖(轮)作业。,港池(dock basin)港池指直接和港口陆域毗连,供船舶靠离码头、临时停舶和调头的水域。港池按构造形式分,有开敞式港池、封闭式港池和挖入式港池。港池尺度应根据船舶尺度、船舶靠离码头方式、水流和风向的影响及调头水域布置等确定。开敞式港池内不设闸门或船闸,水面随水位变化而升降。封闭式港池池内设有闸门或船闸,用以控制水位,适用于潮差较大的地区。挖入式港池在岸地上开挖而成,多用于岸线长度不足,地形条件适宜的地方。,陆域(land area)指港口供货物装卸、堆存、转运和旅客集散之用的陆地面积。陆域上有进港陆上通道(铁路、道路、运输管道等)、码头前方装卸作业区和港口后方区。前方装卸作业区供分配货物,布置码头前沿铁路、道路、装卸机械设备和快速周转货物的仓库或堆场(前方库场)及候船大厅等之用。港口后方区供布置港内铁路、道路、较长时间堆存货物的仓库或堆场(后方库场)、港口附属设施(车库、停车场、机具修理车间、工具房、变电站、消防站等)以及行政、服务房屋等。为减少港口陆域面积,港内可不设后方库场。,The equipment of a port,陆上设备包括间歇作业的装卸机械设备(门座式、轮胎式、汽车式、桥式及集装箱起重机、卸车机等)、连续作业的装卸机械设备(带式输送机、斗式提升机、压缩空气和水力输送式装置及泵站等)、供电照明设备、通讯设备、给水排水设备、防火设备等。港内陆上运输机械设备包括火车、载重汽车、自行式搬运车及管道输送设备等。水上装卸运输机械设备包括起重船、拖轮、驳船及其他港口作业船、水下输送管道等。,Technical feature,主要有港口水深、码头泊位数、码头线长度、港口陆域高程等港口水深(harbour depth)码头泊位数(Number of berth)码头线长度(Terminal line length)港口陆域高程(land area elevation),Addition,水工建筑物(hydraulic structure)一般包括防波堤、码头、修船和造船水工建筑物。进出港船舶的导航设施(航标、灯塔等)和港区护岸也属于港口水工建筑物的范围。防波堤(breakwater)码头(wharf)修船和造船水工建筑物(hydraulic structure of Ship repairing and shipbuilding)航标(navigation mark)灯塔(Lighthouse OR beacon)港区护岸(Port revetment),码头(wharf),供船舶停靠、装卸货物和上下旅客的水工建筑物。广泛采用的是直立式码头,便于船舶停靠和机械直接开到码头前沿,以提高装卸效率。内河水位差大的地区也可采用斜坡式码头,斜坡道前方设有趸船作码头使用;这种码头由于装卸环节多,机械难于靠近码头前沿,装卸效率低。在水位差较小的河流、湖泊中和受天然或人工掩护的海港港池内也可采用浮码头,借助活动引桥把趸船与岸连接起来,这种码头一般用做客运码头、卸鱼码头、轮渡码头以及其他辅助码头。,码头结构形式有重力式、高桩式和板桩式。主要根据使用要求、自然条件和施工条件综合考虑确定。重力式码头。靠建筑物自重和结构范围的填料重量保持稳定,结构整体性好,坚固耐用,损坏后易于修复,有整体砌筑式和预制装配式,适用于较好的地基。高桩码头。由基桩和上部结构组成,桩的下部打入土中,上部高出水面,上部结构有梁板式、无梁大板式、框架式和承台式等。高桩码头属透空式结构,波浪和水流可在码头平面以下通过,对波浪不发生反射,不影响泄洪,并可减少淤积,适用于软土地基。近年来广泛采用长桩、大跨结构,并逐步用大型预应力混凝土管柱或钢管柱代替断面较小的桩,而成为管柱码头。板桩码头。由板桩墙和锚碇设施组成,并借助板桩和锚碇设施承受地面使用荷载和墙后填土产生的侧压力。板桩码头结构简单,施工速度快,除特别坚硬或过于软弱的地基外,均可采用,但结构整体性和耐久性较差。,鹿特丹港(rotterdam port),Rotterdam is the second-largest city in the Netherlands and one of the largest ports in the world.Starting as a dam(大坝)constructed in 1270 on the Rotte River,Rotterdam has grown into a major international commercial centre(商业中心).Its strategic(战略的)location at the Rhine(莱茵河)-Meuse(墨兹河)-Scheldt(斯凯尔特河)delta(三角洲)on the North Sea and at the heart of a massive(大规模)rail,road,air and inland waterway distribution system extending throughout Europe is the reason that Rotterdam is often called the Gateway to Europe.In the province of South Holland,Rotterdam is in the west of Netherlands and the south of the Randstad.The population of the city was 616,250 on February 1,2012.The population of the greater Rotterdam area,called Rotterdam-Rijnmond(地区)or just Rijnmond,is approximately 1.3 million.Rotterdam is one of Europes most vibrant,multicultural cities;known for its university(Erasmus),cutting-edge(尖端)architecture,lively cultural life,striking riverside setting,its maritime heritage(传统)and the Rotterdam Blitz(闪电).The largest port in Europe and one of the busiest ports in the world,the port of Rotterdam was the worlds busiest port from 1962 to 2004,when it was surpassed by Shanghai.Rotterdams commercial and strategic importance is based on its location near the mouth of the Nieuwe Maas(New Meuse),a channel in the delta formed by the Rhine and Meuse on the North Sea.These rivers lead directly into the centre of Europe,including the industrial Ruhr region(鲁尔区).Rotterdam is currently bidding(投标)to host the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics.,Beautiful rotterdam,The Erasmus Bridge across the Meuse,Flag,Location of Rotterdam,南安普顿港口(Southampton port),The Port of Southampton is a major passenger and cargo port located in the central part of the south coast of England.It benefits from a sheltered location(掩蔽位置),unique double tides(昼夜工作),close proximity(极其的)to the motorway network(高速公路网络)and good rail links.Owned and operated by Associated British Ports since 1982,the port is the busiest cruise terminal and second largest container port in the UK.The port is located ten miles(16 km)inland,between the confluence(汇流处)of the rivers Test and Itchen and the head of the mile wide inlet,known as Southampton Water.The mouth of the inlet is protected from the effects of foul weather(坏天气)by the mass of the Isle of Wight(怀特岛),which gives the port an advantageous sheltered location.Additional advantages include a densely populated hinterland(人口稠密的腹地)and close proximity to London,and excellent(优秀的)rail and road links to the rest of Britain which,however,bypass(分流)the congestion(拥挤)of London.,南安普顿港口(Southampton port),The average tidal range(平均潮差)is approximately 5 feet,with 17 hours per day of rising water thanks to(由于)the ports double tides.These allow the largest container and cruise ships access to the port for up to(多达)80 percent of the time,according to the container terminal operator DP World Southampton.A common misconception(常识错误)is that the double tide is caused by one tide(潮汐)coming up each side of the Isle of Wight.However,the effect is actually caused as a result of tidal flow through the English Channel.High tide at one end of the Channel(Dover)occurs at the same time as low tide at the other end(Lands End).Points near the centre have one high water as the tidal swell(隆起)goes from left to right,another as it then goes from right to left,making two for each one at either end,neither as high as the one at each end,Beautiful Southampton,The United Kingdom,Location,The Port of Karachi is one of the South Asia s largest and busiest seaport,handling about 60%of the nations cargo(25 million tons per annum(每年)located in karachi Pakistan.It is located between the Karachi towns of Kiamari and Saddar,close to the main business district and several industrial areas.The geographic position(地理位置)of the port places it in close proximity(临近)to major shipping routes such as the Strait of Hormuz(霍尔木兹海峡).The administration(管理)of the port is carried out by the Karachi Port Trust(卡拉奇港务局),which was established in the nineteenth century.,The Port of Karachi(卡拉奇港口),About Karachi,Type of harbor:Natural,Size of harbor 11 km(6.8 mi),Available berths(泊位)30,Wharfs2,Annual cargo tonnage(年货运量)25 million Metric tons(公吨),Annual container volume 2.3 million TEUs,Port of Miami(迈阿密港),The Dante B.Fascell Port of Miami is a seaport located in Biscayne Bay(比斯坎湾)in Miami,Florida,United States.It is connected to Downtown Miami by Port Boulevard(大马路),a bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway(近岸内航道).The port is located on Dodge Island(道奇岛),which is the combination of three historic islands(历史性岛屿)(Dodge,Lummus and Sams Islands)that have since been combined into one.It is named in honor of(向致敬)Florida Congressman Dante Fascell.As of 2011,the Port of Miami accounts for 176,000 jobs and has an annual economic impact(经济影响)in Miami of$18 billion.It is the 11th largest cargo container port in the United States.In 2010,a record 4.33 million passengers traveled through the Port of Miami.One in seven of all the worlds cruise passengers start from Miami,Hot Miami,A erial view(鸟瞰图)of the Port of Miami,The United States,Type of harbor Natural/Artificial,Port Director Bill Johnson,Vessel arrivals 2,489,Annual cargo tonnage 7.42 million,Passenger traffic(客流量)4.33 million,Annual revenue$94.70 million,The Port of Houston(休斯敦港),The Port of Houston is a port in Houston the fourth-largest port in the United States.The Port is a 25-mile-long complex of diversified public and private facilities(多元化的公共和私人设施)located a few hours sailing time from the Gulf of Mexico.It is the busiest port in the United States in terms of foreign tonnage,second-busiest in the United States in terms of overall tonnage,and thirteenth-busiest in the world.Though originally(起初)the ports terminals were primarily(主要地)within the Houston city limits,the port has expanded to such a degree that today it has facilities in multiple(数量众多的)communities in the surrounding area.In particular(尤其)the ports busiest terminal,the Barbours Cut Terminal,is located in Morgans Point.The Port of Houston is a cooperative entity(合营实体)consisting of both the port authority,which operates the major terminals along the Houston Ship Channel,and more than 150 private(私人的)companies situated along Buffalo Bayou and Galveston Bay.Many petroleum(石油)corporations have built refineries(精炼厂)along the channel where they are partially protected from the threat of major storms in the Gulf of Mexico.The petrochemical complex associated with the Port of Houston is one of the largest in the world.,Glaring Houston,Logo of the Port of Houston Authority,Type of harbor Artificial/natural,Number of cargo container terminals(货运集装箱码头)2,Number of major general cargo terminals(大杂货码头)5,Port Metro Vancouver(温哥华港),Port Metro Vancouver is a non-shareholder(股票持有人),financially(财政上)self-sufficient(自给自足)corporation,established by the Government of Canada in January 2008,pursuant to(根据)the Canada Marine Act,and accountable(有责任的)to the federal Minister of Transport(联邦交通运输部部长).It is the principal authority(主要权威)for shipping and port-related land and sea use in the Metro Vancouver region(地区;范围).In 2010,it was the largest port by tonnage in Canada and the fourth largest in North America.,gorgeous Vancouver,Founded Amalgamation January 1,2008,Former authorities(前政府)prior to amalgamation-Port of Vancouver-North Fraser Port Authority-Fraser River Port Authority,Major marine terminals 28,including automobile(汽车)(2),breakbulk(杂货)(2),bulk(散装)(19),containers(4)and cruise(2),Annual container volume 2.2 million TEU,Annual cargo tonnage 102 million metric revenue tons,Cruise traffic 898,473 passengers256 sailings,President and CEO Robin Silvester,The Port of Montreal(蒙特利尔港),The Port of Montreal,is a port located in Montreal,Quebec,(魁北克)Canada,on the St Lawrence river.It is one of the largest inland ports in the world,it is the second busiest port in Canada,and it is one of the busiest ports in North America.It is also the entry point to other major cities such as Toronto,Detroit and Cleveland.It handles 26,000,000 tonnes(28,660,094 short tons;25,589,370 long tons)of cargo annually.It remains a trans-shipment point for grain,sugar,petroleum products,machinery,and consumer goods(生活消费品).For this reason,Montreal is also the railway hub of Canada.In 1964,the Canadian Coast Guard began to use icebreakers(破冰船)to keep the navigation channel open,first and foremost(首要的)as an environmental measure designed to protect riverside communities from spring floods caused by ice jams(冰塞),but also allowing winter navigation in the port.The port is preparing to build and operate a new$500-million(U.S.)container facility,and has opened an office in Chicago to promote its advantages in serving the U.S.Midwest,Hello Montreal!,Major marine terminals 4,Vessel arrivals 2,039(FY 2010),Annual container volume 1,331,351 twenty-foot equivalent units(TEU),Annual cargo tonnage 25,919,667 t(28,571,542 short tons;25,510,305 long tons)revenue tons,Cruisetraffic 40,142 passengers,President and CEO Sylvie Vachon,Limassol(利马索尔),Limassol or Lemesos is the second-largest city in Cyprus,with a population of 235,056(2011).It is the largest city in geographical size(地理大小),and the biggest municipality on the island.The city is located on Akrotiri Bay,on the islands southern coast and it is the capital of Limassol District.Limassol is the biggest Cypriot port in the Mediterranean transit trade(过境贸易).It has also become one of the most important tourism,trade and service-providing centres in the area.Limassol is renowned for its long cultural tradition,and is home to the Cyprus University of Technology.A wide spectrum(范围)of activities and a number of museums and archaeological sites(考古遗址)are available to the interested visitor.Consequently(因此),Limassol attracts a wide range of tourists mostly during an extended summer season to be accommodated in a wide range of hotels and apartments.A large marina(码头)is currently being constructed near the old town.Limassol was built between two ancient cities,Amathus and Kourion,so during Byzantine rule(拜占庭规则)it was known as Neapolis(new town).Limassols tourist strip(旅游带)now runs east along the coast as far as Amathus(可见).To the west of the city is the Akrotiri Sovereign Base Area,part of the British Overseas Territory of Akrotiri and Dhekelia.,star-studded Limassol,View of the port,Location,Flag of the area,Population 235,056,The Port of Barcelona(巴塞罗那港),The Port of Barcelona has a 2000-year history and great contemporary(当代)commercial importance.It is Catalonia(加泰罗尼亚)s largest port,vying with(和竞争)Tarragona(塔纳戈拉),and Europes ninth largest container port,with a trade volume of 2.57 million TEUs in 2008.It is also one of the most important ports in the Mediterranean.The port is managed by the Port Authority of Barcelona.Its 7.86 km2are divided into three zones:Port Vell(the Old Port),the commercial/industrial port and t