Value Stream Mapping(VSM)价值流程图,Whats Lean什么是精益生产,Lean is a philosophy where waste is identified continuously and eliminated passionately.Waste is any activity(or inactivity)that consumes resources for which the customer is not willing to pay.,PhilosophyThinkingToolkitPracticeJourneysLife,NOT a programNot flavor Not a campaign,3 Level of Lean精益生产的三个层次,Principles Of Lean精益生产5原则,Customer defines VALUEIdentify the VALUE STREAM(and eliminate 8 wastes)Make value-creating steps FLOWLet customer PULL product from you as neededPursue PERFECTION(empower people who add value),Value Added增值Any activity that increases the market form or function of the product or service.(These are things the customer is willing to pay for.)任何增加市场或产品和服务的功能或市场形式的活动(客户愿意为此付费的活动)Non-Value Added Any activity that does not add market form or function or is not necessary.(These activities should be eliminated,simplified,reduced or integrated.)任何不增加市场或产品和服务的功能(这些活动应当消除,简化,减少或合并),Value Added vs.Non-Value Added 增值与非增值的定义,Value added or not价值增加或者没有?,设置/转拉移动/寻找组装包装仓库返工,今天只有5%的活动增加了价值,接收检查库存物料运输数据登记计算,Waste is anything that does not directly add value to the final product or contribute to the products transformation.浪费是指对最终成品不直接增值或产品的转变不作贡献的任何东西。Waste only adds time and cost,no value.浪费只增加时间和成本,不增加价值。Waste is the reason that product flow stops and is the cause for non competitiveness.生产流动的停止是造成浪费的原因,浪费是缺乏竞争性的根源。,浪费是.,What is waste什么是浪费,What Types waste浪费分类,1型浪费:指的是一系列虽然不对外部顾客创造价值,可能对内部客 户创造价值,主要是因为目前的工艺及技 术水平或工艺需 要,还不能立即彻底消除的耗费资源的活动。1型浪费同样需要去减少和消除。,2型浪费:指的是可以通过改善,立即可以消除的浪费形态。浪费广 泛存在于现场之中,主要以7种典型的浪费形式存在,是我 们需要群策群力,去观察、发现并立即消除的对象。,7 Functional Wastes of Lean精益思想中的七种功能性浪费,DEFECTS,EXTRA PROCESSING,INVENTORY,TRANSPORTATION,OVERPRODUCTION,MOTION,WAITING,Value Stream Definition价值流的定义,A Value Stream Map(VSM)is a hand-drawn map that helps people to see and understand process,material and information flow through a production process or value stream,from start to finish.,Why use it?为什么使用它,Value Stream Mapping is a Pencil and Paper tool that helps you see and understand the flow of Material and Information as a product makes its way through the value stream.and then use lean tools to eliminate waste 价值流程图是用铅笔和白纸作为工具,帮助你去识别和理解在整个产品价值流中的物流和信息流然后利用精益工具,消除浪费。让所有与目标价值流有关的人对当前以及未来的状态形成共同看法。为便于交流,提供可视化图,提供共同语言。使每个人都能看到浪费的现象,从而将大家的注意力都集中到改进生产上来。帮助你看到不仅仅是单一的过程,将物流和信息流联系起来为推进改善提供蓝图。将精益的概念和技术紧密结合起来,What we mean by Value Stream Mapping is simple:我们所说的价值流图是很简单的:Follow a products production path from beginning to end(supplier to customer).产品的生产路线从开始到结束(供应商到客户)Carefully Draw a visual representation of every process in the material and information flow.过程导向,把物流和信息流和用一种直观可视的方法仔细的表现出来。Then ask a set of questions and draw(using Icons)a“Future State”map of how value should flow.然后问一系列问题,用图标画在指明价值流动的将来价值流图,Value Stream Mapping价值流图,Information,Lead Time Data Bar,Manufacturing Loop,Supplier Loop,Customer Loop,Blocks of Value Stream Map价值流图的5大板块,VSM Kaizen Steps价值流图改善的步骤,Step1:Mapping Current VSM。绘制当前价值流图 1.1:Understand customer demand 理解客户的需求 1.2:Process flow and data box 工序流数据箱-Quick identify main process(in order)迅速的识别主要的过程(按次序)-Fill in data boxes填写数据箱 1.3:Map the material flow 画出物料流及库存三角-Draw inventory triangles库存三角-Delivery to customer 产品投递给客户-Delivery from suppliers供应商投递原材料 1.4:Map the information flow 画出信息流-How do processes know what to make?怎么知道要做什么?-Where is material being pushed?哪儿推动物料?1.5:Calculate Total Product Cycle Time 计算产品生产周期Step 2:Discover kaizen opportunities,Burst point list.寻找改善机会,绘制爆炸点Step 3:mapping Future VSM,绘制将来价值流图 Step 4:Develop and follow action plan。制定改善行动计划,Sources for customer data客户数据的来源Plan for Every Part(PFEP)每个零件的计划Budgeted volumes预算的产量Production Control forecasts生产控制预测Analyze variation(daily,weekly,monthly)分析变化(每日,每周,每月)Production history 生产历史Analyze variation(daily,weekly,monthly)分析变化(每日,每周,每月)Sales information databases销售信息数据库Product changes,new business opportunities产品改变,新的业务机会,Step 1.1:Understand customer demand 理解客户需求,CUSTOMER,Demand客户需求,术语Takt Time,Takt Time-节拍时间,Takt Time=客户需求的速度,假设我们每天可用时间是27000秒,客户需求每天是965 PCS,客户节拍是多少?,术语L/T VAT L/T,Cycle Time is the time it takes an operator to go through all of their work elements before repeating them.Also,it is the time between parts coming off the end of the process(eg,drop-rate from a cell).周期时间(C/T):一个零件或产品在一个过程中需多久被完 成Value Added Time is the time of those work elements that actually transform the product in a way the customer is willing to pay for.产品所经历的实体的变化所耗用的顾客愿意为之买单的时间Lead Time is the time it takes one piece to move all the way through a process or a value stream,from start to finish(dock to dock).前置期-在价值流或全过程从开始到完成一个产品所需的时间。,术语Cycle Time,Cycle Time周期时间,节拍时间?,总周期时间?,=28 秒,=94 秒,Walk the process走过整个过程Dont rely on what you think is happening,find out what is really happening不要依赖你想的,找出事情实际是怎样。Record physical data about the process记录过程的物理数据List out the individual steps in the process列出过程中的每个步骤In the process use arrows to designate the flow of material between each step在过程中用箭号指出在每个步骤之间的物流,Step 1.2-Process flow and data box 工序流数据箱,VSM Current State 价值流图当前状态,VSM Current State价值流图当前状态,Map the Process Flow画出流程图(产品生产过程),Collect data from the production floor从生产线收集数据,Shipping,Information for a Process Data Box数据箱中的信息,Identify raw material receipt area on map识别物料接收处Determine amount of raw material inventory on hand for product family selected:Days/shifts on hand确定选择的产品族的存货数量:每天/班在手库存Identify how material moves through process:Push or Pull识别物料如何在过程中移动:推动或拉动,Step 1.3:Map the Material Flow 画出物料流图,VSM Current State价值流图当前状态,Step 1.3:Map the Material Flow画出物料流图,VSM Current State价值流图当前状态,VSM Current State价值流图当前状态,Step 1.4:Map the Information Flow 将信息流画出,Draw a“stepped line”at the bottom of the map在底部画出阶梯图Under each inventory location,list the days/shifts on hand在存货处,列出多少天的库存在手,Step 1.5:Calculate Total Production Lead time计算产品生产周期,VSM Current State价值流图当前状态,On the right hand side of the chart:在价值流图右下侧:Calculate the Value Created Time by adding all the cycle times 计算价值增值时间Calculate the Total Production Lead Time by adding the Inventory on hand quantities and the Cycle times计算总的生产提前期Determine the“Opportunity Time”确定机会时间,Step 1.5:Calculate Total Product cycle time计算产品生产周期,VSM Current State价值流图当前状态,Step1.5:Calculate Total Product cycle time计算产品生产周期,VSM Current State价值流图当前状态,Creative Thinking创造性思维,Creativity is about breaking down prior assumptions and making new connections for new ideas.At the foundation of the creative process are three major principles:Separate idea generation from evaluationChallenge assumptionsBreak and make connectionsAvoid groupthink,Lean Tools Deployment By Loop,Loop 1(create continuous flow)5SContinuous Flow ManufacturingTotal Productive MaintenanceSet-up ReductionError ProofingStandardized WorkLoop 2(schedule customer demand)Pull System(pitch)Loop 3(pull from shared resources and suppliers)Pull System(kanban and FIFO),Completed Current State Map,C/O=1 hr,#shifts=2,uptime=85%,#mach=1,C/T=4 sec,10 Days Bar Stock,1800,Loop 1,Loop 2,Loop 3,Value Stream States&Questions 价值流的状态&疑问,1.Arrange production base on Tack time 按照节拍时间生产对意外问题作出的快速反应消除意外故障的原因降低下游工装配工序的换模时间2.Connect process by one-piece flow as possible as you can 尽可能创建连续流How can you flow with maximum velocity(EPED)within each process?如何在每个过程以最大速度流动,精益价值流的特征(提问)Lean VSM Characters(Check List),3.“Where will you need to use supermarket pull systems?”在连续流程无法向上游扩展时,建立超市超市拉动系统Does each“customer”pull from its supplier?每个客户都从供应商处拉动吗?4.“At what single point in the production chain will you schedule production?”下达订单到一个点 选择定拍工序,精益价值流的特征(提问)Lean VSM Characters(Check List),5.“How will you level the production mix?”你如何平衡混合式生产(是否在定拍工序,均衡地安排多种产品的生产);Is final customer demand(ordering if build to order or buying if build to inventory)level?最终客户的需求是稳定的吗?Does/can the final build sequence match actual demand?最终生产顺序与实际需求匹配吗?Does/can the build sequence match operations capability?生产顺序与运作能力匹配吗?6.Release production requirement lowly&consistently release and take away?”持续地向定拍工序下达小批量的生产指令;Are you or can you use milk run logistics?你能使用无风险供应吗?,Future State Questions未来状态问题,7.在定拍工序的上游,开发每天生产每种零件的能力(希望到每班、每小时、每个托盘)8.“What process improvements will be necessary?”还有什么过程改进是需要来提高快速响应的速度及生产的稳定性?Can every process in the value stream build Every Product Every Day?价值流的每个过程每天都能生产每一种产品吗?Where can you reduce inventory to cut lead time?哪里你能降低库存以减少提前期1.Cut WIP first,then先减少在制品,然后2.Raw Material,then原材料,然后3.Finished Goods成品4.SMED 快速换型Overwhelming process improvement need illustrated by Value Stream Mapping.强制性的过程改善应在价值流程图中表示Fix the Information system!搞定信息系统,Future State Questions未来状态问题,Path 2,Path 1,Path 1=8+2+7+2.3+7=26.3,Path 2=10+4+4.5+7+2.3+7=34.8,ExampleCurrent State VSM当前价值流诊断例,ExampleCurrent State VSM当前价值流诊断例,Process Boxes,Dont Wait 不要等待To“manage the exceptions”you need to plan 为了达到期望,你需要计划。Tie into business objectives和业务目标紧密结合Break your future state into“loops”将未来状态分成几个圈Make a VS Plan:What to do by when什么时候做什么Now relate the FS Map to your layout将未来状态图与你的布局图联系起来VS Manager completes VS Review form in advance价值流经理完成价值流评估表Conduct VS Reviews walking the flow沿着流程评估价值流,Plan andImplementation,A Plan to Get There到达目标的计划,Challenges挑战Distinction between flow of material and flow of information物流和信息流的差别Information moves with material信息和物流一起流动。Try to use them all anyway尽量使用所有的概念Takt time,Flow,Pull,Triggers,etc.节拍,流,拉动,触发Data boxes数据盒What data is important?什么数据是重要的Group needs to decide this 小组必须作出决定,Suggest提示,To Complete the Cycle,It Helps to Understand the Past and Envision the Future完成全部状态图会帮助理解过去和想象未来Current state(where you are now)当前状态(你在那里)Future state(where you can be in 3 months,or at least this year)未来状态(个月后或至少今年内会在哪里)Ideal state(=all value&no muda,a North Star!)理想状态(指南针),Value Stream States价值流的状态,Implementation via Kaizen通过改善来提高,Action Plan and Priority(Example)行动计划及优先等级,未来价值流,Value Stream Mapping Icons价值流图图标,Information Flow信息流,Signal Kanban信号看板,Production Pull生产拉动,Replenish Pull(to user)补充拉动(给使用者),Information Flow Icons 信息流图标,Value Stream Icons价值流图标,These are the standard Value Stream map flow icons.See the Index of Icons for a more detailed list.这些是标准的价值流图的图标,Material Flow Icons物流图标,Process工序框Outside Entities外部实体Data Box数据箱,Icon图标 Represents代表 Notes注释,One box equals an area of continuous flow.Label all processes.Also used for depts.Like production control每个盒子等于连续流中的一个区域,也用作表示部门,如生产控制Use to show customer,suppliers and external manufacturing processes用来表示客户供应商和外部制造过程Used to record information concerning a manufacturing process,department,etc.用来记录与制造过程,部门相关的信息,Material Source:“Learning to See”Appendix A,I,300 Pieces,1 day,Icon Represents Notes,Inventory存货 Count and time should noted 数量和时间应当记录Supermarket Direction of legs indicate in and out超市 方向表示进出Buffer or safety stock Buffer or safety stock must be noted on the drawings缓冲或安全库存 缓冲或安全库存必须表示在图上Truck Shipment Note frequency of shipments卡车运输 表示运输的频率,Material Flow Icons物流图标,Icon Represents Notes,Movement of Finished Goods 成品的运动“Push”material movement推动物料运动Physical pull物理拉动Transfer of controlled quantities of material between processes in a first in first out sequence用先进先出的顺序转移控制数量的物料,Also shows movement of raw material and components from suppliers 同时表示来自供应商的原材料和配件Identifies material pushed by the supplier not pulled by the consumer识别由供应商推动的物料而不是由客户拉动的。Pull of materials from a supermarket从超市拉动物料Indicates a device to limit quantityand ensure FIFO flow of material between processes.Max quantity should be indicated.Use downstream pacemaker processes only!表示一个有数量限制的装置和确保先进先出的物流,应当表示最大数量.使用在向下流动的带动过程,Material Flow Icons物流图标,Material Flow Icons物流图标,Tugger route.Place symbol over the physical pull arrow line or the dotted withdrawal kanban line拖动路线,将该符号放在物理拉动箭号线或虚线拉动看板线上Hand cart route.Place symbol over the physical pull arrow line or the dotted withdrawal kanban line手推车Use only for current state仅用于当前状态,Icon Represents Notes,Used for a motorized vehicle of some type to deliver materials on a timed sequenced route用于机动的定时的顺序物料输送Used for a hand powered vehicle of some type to deliver materials on time sequenced route.用于手动的定时的顺序物料输送Used only in a push environment仅用于推动的环境,Information Flow Icons信息流图标,Icon Represents Notes,Manual information flow手工信息流Electronic information flow电子信息流Captures information获取的信息“Go See”production scheduling去看生产排程,Example:production schedule to shipping 例如:出货生产排程Example:EDI to suppliers例如:与供应商的电子数据交换Used to describe an information flow用来表示信息流Adjusting scheduling based on checking inventory level.Not a true pull.Used in current state diagrams only依据存货水平调整排程,不是真正的拉动,仅用在当前状态图,Information Flow Icons信息流图标,Icon Represents Notes,20,Production Kanban(dotted line indicates Kanban flow.Also shows standard pack quantity生产看板(虚线表示看板流,也表示标准包装数Withdrawal Kanban.Indicates standard pack quantity 拉动看板,也可表示标准包装数Kanban(pull signal)post看板(拉动信号)展示板,Tells a process how many of what can be produced and gives permission to do so告诉一个生产过程可以生产多少和允许这样做。Tells how many of what can be withdrawn(from the supermarket)and gives permission to do so告诉可以从超市中拉动多少和允许这样做。Place wherever Kanban are collected and held for return to sender收集与返回看板给发送者的收集点,Information Flow Icons信息流图标,Icon Represents Notes,Signal kanban信号看板Load leveling mechanism负荷平衡装置Sequenced pull(ball or wheel)顺序拉动(球或轮子),Production kanban used with batch processing(ie molding)to signal when a re-order point has been reached and it is time to produce another batch生产看板用于批量生产以给信号何时再生产另一批Used to level the volume and mix of kanban over a specified period of time.Creates a repetitive sequencing of production of parts in pre-determined quantities of each在一段特定时间内,按一定的生产顺序,用于平衡混合看板生产负荷Used in fabrication processes to level load.Gives permission to produce a pre-determined quantity in sequence用于制造过程平衡负荷,General Icons通用图标,Icon Represents Notes,Operator操作员Kaizen lightening burst改善点,Represents a person viewed from above从上往下看Highlights a critical improvement needs at specific processes.Indicates an area of critical need in the implementation process显示在特定过程的关键改善点,General Icons通用图标,VSM绘制的规则,一个苹果拿来分享,还是产生一个苹果一种想法拿来分享,就会产生两种见解,