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    Christen,Christianity:,the Orthodox(Eastern)Church(Istanbul)正教(1054)Roman Catholicism(Catholic)(Rome)公教,天主教 Martin Luther,1517,the Reformation:Protestantism(Protestant)新教 Henry VIII,early 16th century,the Church of England Archbishop Canterbury,2,Roman Catholicism,Roman Catholic Church is the largest single Christian body,composed of those Christians who acknowledge the supreme authority of the bishop of Rome,the pope,in matters of faith.The word catholic(Greek katholikos)means universal and has been used to designate the church since its earliest period,when it was the only Christian church.Roman Catholics may be simply defined as Christians in communion with the Pope.Roman Catholicism holds that the Pope and the Bishops have in varying degrees the spiritual authority Christ assigned to his apostles.The voice is regarded as infallible when speaking on matters of faith and morals.,3,Protestantism,Protestantism began as a movement to reform the Western Christian church in the 16th century,resulting in the Protestant Reformation,which severed the reformed churches from the Roman Catholic church.The declared aim of the original reformers was to restore the Christian faith as it had been at its beginning,while keeping what they thought valuable from the Roman Catholic tradition that had developed during the intervening centuries.The Protestant movement actually preceded the 16th-century Reformation.Several dissident movements in the late medieval church anticipated the Reformation by protesting the pervasive corruption in the church and by criticizing fundamental Catholic teachings.,4,Protestantism is a special development within Christianity.It is distinct from Roman Catholicism in that it breaks from papal obedience.Protestantism is widely practiced in most northwestern European countries except southern Germany,Ireland,France,and Belgium.,Protestantism,Protestant Church,Catholic Church,Jesus Christ,Saint Maria,Catholics and protestants worship in many different ways however many people say they are both Christians.Both religions follow the Bible but they just believe in different things.Catholics believe that the virgin Mary was a virgin all her life and the appearance of Jesus Christ was a complete miracle.Protestants deny Marys virginity as they believe there was nothing miraculous about the birth of Jesus.,Catholics are huge followers of the church and have a lot more beliefs than protestants.They have very long ceremonies and they treat their churches as well as they treat their homes.Catholics tend to follow the church as they think this is where divine authority comes from.The catholic churches are far more decorated than the protestant churches.Protestants just follow their church as they believe it comes from the Bible and dont feel the need to hold long ceremonies.Their churches are a lot less decorated than catholic churches.,the sufficiency and authority of Scripture Protestants believe that the Bible alone is the sole source of Gods special revelation to mankind,and as such it teaches us all that is necessary for our salvation from sin.Protestants view the Bible as the standard by which all Christian behavior must be measured.This belief is commonly referred to as“Sola Scriptura”and is one of the“Five Solas”(sola being Latin for“alone”)that came out of the Protestant Reformation as summaries of some of the important differences between Catholics and Protestants.Catholics on the other hand reject the doctrine of“Sola Scriptura”and do not believe that the Bible alone is sufficient.They believe that both the Bible and sacred Roman Catholic tradition are equally binding upon the Christian.Many Roman Catholics doctrines,such as purgatory,praying to the saints,worship or veneration of Mary,etc.have little or no basis at all in Scripture,but are based solely on Roman Catholic traditions.Essentially the Roman Catholic Churchs denial of“Sola Scriptura”and their insistence that both the Bible and their“Sacred Tradition”are equal in authority undermines the sufficiency,authority and completeness of the Bible.,over the office and authority of the Pope According to Catholicism the Pope is the“Vicar of Christ”(a vicar is a substitute),and takes the place of Jesus as the visible head of the Church.As such he has the ability to speak“ex cathedra”(with authority on matters of faith and practice),and when he does so his teachings are considered infallible and binding upon all Christians.Protestants believe that no human being is infallible,and that Christ alone is the head of the church.Catholics rely on apostolic succession as a way of trying to establishing the Popes authority.But Protestants believe that the churchs authority does not come from apostolic succession,but instead is derived from the Word of God.Spiritual power and authority does not rest in the hands of a mere man,but in the very Word of God recorded in Scripture.While Catholicism teaches that only the Catholic Church can properly and correctly interpret the Bible,Protestants believe that the Bible teaches that God sent the Holy Spirit to indwell all born again believers,enabling all believers to understand the message of the Bible.,how one is saved Another of the“Five Solas”of the reformation was“Sola Fide”(faith alone),which affirms the biblical doctrine of justification by grace alone through faith alone because of Christ alone according to Roman Catholicism,man cannot be saved by faith alone in Christ alone.They teach that the Christian must rely on faith plus“meritorious works”in order to be saved.Essential to the Roman Catholic doctrine of salvation are the Seven Sacraments,which are:baptism,confirmation,the Eucharist,Penance,anointing of the sick,Holy Orders,and matrimony.Protestants believe that on the basis of faith in Christ alone,believers are justified by God as all their sins are paid for by Christ on the cross and His righteousness is imputed to them.Catholics on the other hand believe that Christs righteousness is imparted to the believer by“grace through faith,”but in itself is not sufficient to justify the believer.The believer must“supplement”the righteousness of Christ imparted to him with meritorious works.,14,Catholics have seven sacraments:圣礼 baptism holy communion 圣餐 first confession marriage holy orders 授予圣职 anointing of the sick 病人傅油礼 confirmation 坚信礼Protestants only have two sacraments baptism Eucharist 圣餐礼,15,1.Catholics kneel in church;Protestants do not kneel because they have bad knees.2.Catholics like to light as many candles as possible;Protestants are a bit more conscious of fire-safety.3.Catholics attend church every Sunday;Protestants take off Sundays during the football season.4.Catholic priests dress up in costumes;Protestant ministers are more fashion-sensitive.5.Catholics promote chastity before marriage;Protestants promote the hush-hush policy on sex.,16,6.Catholics seek aid from the Saints;Protestants are stuck with each other.7.Catholics are artistic innovators;Protestants are culinary experts.8.Catholics receive Communion;Protestants are on a diet.9.Catholics laugh at themselves;Protestants laugh at Catholics.10.Catholics will go to heaven;Protestants will go to Disney World.,17,Unit 7Beauty,by Susan Sontag,18,Susan Sontag,1933-2004 One of Americas most influential intellectuals,internationally renowned for the passionate engagement and breadth of her critical intelligence and her ardent activism in the cause of human rights,died in New York City on December 28,2004.,19,Susan Sontag,The author of 17 books translated into 32 languages,she has written novels,stories,essays,and plays;written and directed films;and worked as a theater director in the United States and Europe.Honors the 2003 Peace Prize of the German Book Trade the 2003 Prince of Asturias Prize the 2001 Jerusalem Prize the National Book Award for In America(2000)the National Book Critics Circle Award for On Photography(1978),20,Susan Sontag,Susan Sontag is a powerful thinker,as smart as shes supposed to be,and a better writer,sentence for sentence,than anyone who now wears the tag“intellectual”.-New York ObserverWe wouldnt recognize our postwar intellectual history without Susan Sontag.-Talk Magazine,21,Susan Sontag,苏珊桑塔格(Susan Sontag,1933年1月16日2004年12月28日)生卒于纽约,是美国著名的作家和评论家,著名女权主义者,她被认为是近代西方最引人注目,最有争议性的女作家及评论家。她的写作领域广泛,以其才华、敏锐的洞察力和广博的知识著称。著作主要有反对阐释(Against Interpretation),激进意志的风格(Styles of Radical Will),论摄影(On Photography),艾滋病及其隐喻(AIDS and Its Metaphors)和小说火山情人(The Volcano Lover)。2000年,她的历史小说在美国获得了美国图书奖(National Book Awards)。她还是一位社会评论家和文学评论家,她对时代以及文化的批评包括摄影、艺术、文学等,被誉为“美国公众的良心”。此外,她也是一位反战人士,1960年代反对越南战争,也写文章批评过伊拉克战争。,Discussion,Who(a woman)do you think is truly beautiful?Who(a man)do you think is truly handsome?Why?,22,23,Beauty,List as many words as you can to describe what you think an ideal female/male should be like.Do you think“being beautiful”is the most desirable quality in women?Are women concerned about their outward appearance only?Why and how do women make themselves beautiful?Are there any criteria?What social discrimination is implied in the old Chinese saying 男才女貌?,24,韩国小姐选美20佳丽全撞脸,25,What is beauty,美善美,甘也,从羊从大,羊在六畜主给膳也,羊大则美。善,从羊从二言,表示众口夸赞的意思,由膳食之美引申为美好之义。因为羊的性情温和驯顺,所以“善”又有善良、慈善之义。,26,What is beauty,Living well and beautifully and justly are all one thing.-Socrates 苏格拉底(470?BC-399?BC,Greek philosopher),27,What is beauty,The good is the beautiful.-Plato 柏拉图(428?BC-347?BC,Greek philosopher),28,What is beauty,I say:the beautiful is the symbol of the morally good.-“Critique of Judgment”Immanuel Kant 康德(1724-1804,German philosopher),29,What is beauty,Beauty is truth,truth beauty,that is all Ye know on earth,and all ye need to know.-“Ode on a Grecian Urn”,John Keats 济慈(1795-1821,British poet.),30,Today,Today,31,32,The Beauty Myth 美貌的神话 by Naomi Wolf(1992),The pressure to be beautiful has become contemporary cultures most effective form of control over women.Women flood the workforce,thereby posing an economic threat to men.Societys expectation that women cultivate personal beauty served as the latest weapon against women.As women are compelled by the society to spend so much time,money,and emotional effort trying to be beautiful that they were left with no energy to compete economically.,33,Structure,I.(P1-3)the ancient and modern ideas of beautyII.(P4-7)How women and men are treated differently:the oppression of womenIII.(P8-9)the adverse effect of the gender stereotype on the development of women IV.(P10)calling on women and society to get out of the trap,34,Part I,I.(P1-3)the ancient and modern ideas of beauty P1 Greek definition of“beauty”P2 modern concept of“beauty P3 influences contributing to the degradation of the word“beauty”,35,Part I,Degradation of the notion of“beauty”,Ancient Greece,Christianity,Modern days,overall excellence,physical and moraloutside and inside,male and female,superficial enchantment,physicaloutside,male and female,female good looks only,female,physicaloutside,36,Part I,virtue:(Latin word)valor,worth,moral perfectionlame:unable to walk;(excuse,argument,remark)weak,poor 牵强的、勉强的、站不住脚的 e.g.(I didnt hand in the assignment)My lame excuse was that I had too much else to do.(He didnt say“hello”to me the other day we met.)“I didnt recognize you,”he said lamely.,37,Part I,paradoxical:self-contradictory,puzzlingpedagogical:teaching pedagogy 教学法,教育学One of Socrates main pedagogical acts was to be ugly and teach how full of paradoxes life really was.Socrates used the contrast between his inner strengths and outward ugliness to tell his nave and handsome followers that there were many such strong contrasts in the real world.,38,Part I the trio of ancient Greek philosophers,Socrates(469-399BC)Greek philosopher who initiated a question-and-answer method of teaching as a means of achieving self-knowledge Socrates was tried for corrupting the minds of Athenian youth and subsequently put to death.His theories of virtue and justice have survived through the writings of Plato,his most important pupil.,39,Part I the trio of ancient Greek philosophers,Plato(427-347BC)A follower of Socrates He founded the Academy(386),where he taught and wrote for much of the rest of his life.Plato presented his ideas in the form of dramatic dialogues,as in The Republic.,40,Part I the trio of ancient Greek philosophers,Aristotle(384-322 BC)A pupil of Plato,the tutor of Alexander the Great,and the author of works on logic,metaphysics,ethics,natural sciences,politics,and poetics,he profoundly influenced Western thought.In his philosophical system theory follows empirical(以观察或实验为根据的)observation and logic,based on the syllogism(三段论法),is the essential method of rational inquiry.,41,Part I,be wary of/about:be cautious about possible danger or problem.e.g.People are understandably wary of the new government.Having been taken in several times by street peddlers,he is now very wary of them.Im very wary about believing these stories.,42,Part I,What does the sentence“We do not”mean?How do you interpret“we are more wary of the enchantments of beauty”?What point is the author trying to state here?,Now we do not believe that inside beauty and outside beauty can harmoniously coexist in one person as ancient Greeks held.,43,Part I,We not only split off is also intelligent,talented,good.We not only separate the“inside”from the“outside”most easily,not believing that inside beauty(character,intellect)can coexist with outside beauty(looks)in one person,and are in fact shocked to meet one who is beautiful both inside and outside.,44,Part I,set adrift:to leave(someone or a boat)to float on the water without direction(here)separate the word“beauty”from its original meaningalienated:separated 疏离的arbitrary:随意的superficial:肤浅的,45,Part I,lose prestige:lose significance,lose prominence 失去威信(be,act,stand)on the defensive:expecting or resisting conflict or attack 处于防御姿态,进行辩解put sb.on the defensive e.g.He was on the defensive all the time I was criticizing him.,46,Part I,Associating beauty with women has put beauty even further on the defensive,morally.Since beauty is used to refer to female superficial enchantment,it is more likely for people to feel doubtful about the moral adequacy of a physically beautiful woman.,47,Part II,II.(P4-7)How women and men are treated differently:the oppression of women P4“Beautiful”and“handsome”are not equivalents.P5 social stereotypes for women and men P6 conventional ideas concerning what women should do or should be like P7 conventional ideas concerning what men should do or should be like,48,Part II,P4:a transitional paragraphequivalent:对应词e.g.The equivalent of the word“beauty”in Chinese is“美”.demean:lower oneself in dignity 降低身份,有辱人格,贬损e.g.demean oneself by taking a bribe 因受贿而为人不齿overtone:implication 暗示,弦外之音demeaning overtone:implication of humiliation,49,Part II,vestige:mark,traceto the detriment of:harm,damage 对不利,有损于e.g.He worked longer and longer to the detriment of his marriage.,50,Part II,Why does it harm the notion of beauty as well aso


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