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    雅思大神7+的口语经验分享 很多考生在备考雅思口语的道路上是比较迷茫的,也是在雅思中最头痛的问题。每次考试差不多都会被口语拉低分数,那你知道口语大神的7.5分、8分是怎么样炼成的吗?下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思大神7+的口语 学会这些方法你也可以一、雅思口语的逻辑与表达我们先来看看一道Part1话题中的案例及解析:Which do you prefer, e-books or paper books?这是有关于雅思口语考试Part 1的经典选择类题目,此题的解题关键是给出明确的选择并给出2-3个合适的理由即可,需要有明确的答题结构,即topic sentence- supporting details- conclusion.重点在于supporting details的有层次性的解释。学生回答的时候需要在逻辑性方面与表达方面注意。其次,有关流利度与语音语调,也是同学们需要注意的问题,就是注意流利的前提是吐字清楚和语调有起伏,才能不给考官背诵的印象和使信息不至于造成缺失。二、雅思口语的语调:注重情感有了情感,就有轻重缓急和停顿强调,才不至于听起来像一个机器人一样。在雅思考试里,考官就坐在你对面,你的回答如果生动而具有感染力,这无疑会增加回答的趣味和说服力,听起来真诚而又令人信服。在各种模板范文到处飞的今天,如果你做到了真诚,那无疑就向7分迈出了坚实的一步。【如何做到有情感】适度地使用程度副词(尽量避免通篇very),在程度副词上有一定气息的延长,听起来就非常地convincing,比如I really hate politics. Its extremely boring and absolutely useless. 考试的时候尽量用一些生活化的词汇,考官听到后会觉得这是你真实想法的流露,即使用词很简单,也不会影响分数,因为这就是生活啊。三、雅思口语素材的积累考生要注意累积不同话题的素材,要想在考场上快速反应而不会无话可说,平时就得根据自己身边的所见所闻积累有创意的特别的观点。例如遇到的有趣的事、认识的敬佩的人、买到的新东西、觉得好看的电视节目和广告等,都在生活当中可以发现并记录。要获得雅思口语7分,需要准备一些常用的slang(俚语)以及proverb(俗语),例如There is no accounting for tastes(萝卜青菜各有所爱), Once bitten, twice shy(一朝被蛇咬十年怕井绳)。只要在考试的时候能够适当用上一些slang or proverb,考官定会对你刮目相看。以上就是为大家带来的一些大神备考雅思口语的方法。口语的练习关键在于多听,多看,多收集素材和多开口练习等,这是个长期累积的过程,没有一日速成的捷径。希望此文对大家有所帮助,如果烤鸭们还在为学习效率低、不会学习方法而发愁,那就持续关注我们的雅思频道吧。雅思口语范文赏析:环保人士解题思路Describe a person who helps to protect the environmentYou should say:Who this person isHow this person protects the environmentWhat difficulty this person has facedAnd how you feel about this person你应该说:这个人是谁这个人是如何保护环境的这个人遇到了多大的困难啊以及你对这个人的感觉Part3Is it important to teach students environmental protection at school?How can people protect the environment?What is the importance of environmental education?Do you think it is necessary to make environmental protection as a subject?在学校里教学生环保很重要吗?人们如何保护环境?环境教育的重要性是什么?你认为有必要把环境保护作为一门学科吗?口语范文The environmentally friendly person I am going to tell you is my grandma. She is already 83 years old, but quite healthy.Every morning after breakfast, she takesa walk in a park nearby, which usuallylasts an hour. In the evening, she would sit in front of the house and chat with other old ladies.她已经83岁了,但是很健康。每天早饭后,她在附近的公园散步,通常要走一个小时。晚上,她会坐在房子前面和其他老太太聊天。The way she protects the environment is quite simple. She insists to bring her own cloth bag to the supermarket to buy some vegetables on her way home from the walk so that she will not need the plastic bags a year ago, she did not do that. She loved to use the plastic bags because they are light and convenient. But when i told her that plastic bags are almost impossible to dissolve in nature and can kill animals when the accidentally eat them, her behavior changed. Now wherever she goes, she will take her cloth bag.她保护环境的方法很简单。她坚持自己带布袋去超市买菜回家的路上从步行,这样她就不需要塑料袋一年前,她没有这样做。她喜欢用塑料袋,因为它们轻便方便。但当我告诉她,塑料袋几乎不可能溶解在大自然中,当人们不小心吃到塑料袋时,塑料袋会杀死动物,她的行为发生了变化。现在无论她走到哪里,她都会带上她的布袋。Giving up plastic bags and using a cloth bag instead is quite ar easy way to protect the environment, but insistence is another thing.Even though we know how harmful plastic is to the environment, sometimes we would still use it because of its convenience.放弃塑料袋而使用布袋是一个相当容易的方法来保护环境,但坚持是另一回事。即使我们知道塑料对环境是多么有害,有时我们还是会使用它,因为它很方便。That is why I admire my grandma. She never forgets to bring her cloth bag. If everybody behaves like her, I believe our environmental issue will be significantly alleviated in a short time这就是为什么我钦佩我的奶奶。她从不忘记带她的布袋。如果每个人都像她一样,我相信我们的环境问题会在短时间内得到显著缓解。雅思口语part2高分话题范文:喜欢的照片Describe a photo of yourself that you like.When the photograph was takenWhat it looks likeWhat significant memory you have regarding this photographand explain why it is one of your favourite photographs.雅思口语part2高分话题范文参考:Well, these days such photographs are called selfie and I did not know that there was something called selfie until I turned to 23! Selfie is indeed a craze these days while it was unheard of in the past, at least to me. The photograph that I would like to talk about was not a so-called selfie that teenagers take these days using the front camera of their mobile phones. I took this picture many years ago when I was around 12 years old with a large Canon camera.My father gave me this camera on my 12th birthday and this was the first time when I owned a camera. I loved to capture pictures of my relatives and beautiful sceneries. We had to use a rolled film at that time called rollfilm and did not have the freedom to take as many photos as we wanted unlike the digital camera owners have these days.One day I was invited to one of my friends birthday party and his parents requested me to bring my camera with me. I took many photos at that party and at night when I returned from the party, I noticed that 2-3 film strips were still empty and I could take more photos before I send the film roll to be washed and printed. At that time I was in my room and could not find anything suitable to capture. I was standing in front of the looking glass and the idea of taking my own picture popped into my head. It was a Canon CF-23 model camera and had only 3-4 options to adjust the light and flash while taking a photo. I had to spend more than 5 minutes to capture the picture and after I saw the printed version of this photo, I loved it.The picture shows me standing straight and holding a camera in front of my eyes. The backlight was visible and was more like a shining star in the sky. A part of the room was visible but everything in the opposite direction as it was through the mirror. I like this photo very much. It was taken by me, the idea was new, at least to me and the photo looks nice. My mother has this picture in her picture album and every time I see this photo, it reminds me my teenage days.


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