翻译与文化,翻译与文化一:理论:,意合与形合:所谓“形合”(hypotaxis)是指借助语言形式手段(包括词汇手段和形态手段)实现词语或句子的连接;所谓“意合”(parataxis)是指不借助语言形式手段而借助词语或句子所含意义的逻辑联系来实现它们之间的连接。前者注重语言形式上的接应(cohesion),后者注重意义上的连贯(coherence)。汉语:“意合”(parataxis),结构松散,不注重语法形式,由语境和上下文领会。英语:“形合”(hypotaxis),结构严谨,重视语法,逻辑关系强。,Example 1:汉语的意合:“他不干,我干.”就这没么一句话,至少可以有四种理(1)假设关系:(如果)他不干,(那么)我(来)干.(2)因果关系:(因为)他不干,(所以)我(才)干.(3)转折关系:他不干,(但是)我干.(4)让步关系:(即使)他不干,我(也)干.因此,在翻译这句话是必须根据上下文,甚至说话人的语气,才能对其意思作出确切的判断.,Example 2:英语的形合:“知己知彼,百战不殆;不知己而知彼,一胜一负;不知己不知彼,每战必殆.”(谋攻)这里非形式链接很明显,若将其中隐含、省略、模糊的东西补上,其形式标记应如下:“(若)知己(又)知彼,(则)百战不殆;(若)不知己而知彼,(则)(将)一胜(及)一负;(若)不知己(又)不知彼,(则)每战(将)必殆.”再看英语译文:“You can fight a hundred battles without defeat if you know the enemy as well as yourself.You will win one battle and lose one battle if you know yourself but leave yourself in the dark about the enemy.You will lose every battle if you leave both the enemy and yourself in the dark.”从译文中可看出,凡汉语中隐含的成分英语中一个也不能少.而且译文中还用了“you”这虚指主语,汉语中完全不必要.汉语意义的内在衔接形成一种隐约的“意义脉络”,更初象一点,就是古人所说的“文意”、“文气”,汉语正是靠这种“意脉”来组织句子,而不是受“形”的框束.,汉译英时要把汉语的意合句译成英文,一定要找到合适的连接词,把源文中最重要的信息装入目的语主句,次要信息装入从句。例:我和父亲不想见已二年余了,我最不能忘记的是他的背影。It is more than two years since i last saw father,and what i can never forget is the sight of his back.姐姐在机场等我,我得去接她,我不去她会生气。My sister is waiting for me at the airport,so i must go to meet her.If i dont,she will get angry.,英译汉时源语中的显性衔接手段在汉语中不保留,所以英语中的连接词常常被省略。例:In August 1946,on my fifth trip through China,bound for my Moscow home but not in haste,since my husband has died in the war,I came to Yanan.一九四六年,我在回莫斯科家的途中,第五次路过中国:由于我丈夫已在战争中牺牲了,当时我并不急于回去,就到了延安。It had been a fine,golden autumn,a lovely farewell to those who would lose their youth,and some of them their lives,before the leaves turned again in a peace time fall.那是个天气晴朗金黄可爱的秋天,美好的秋色为那些青年送别。待到战后和平时期,黄叶纷飞的秋天再度来临时,当时的青年已经失去青春,有的丧失了生命。,翻译与文化二:英语名词介词较多;汉语动词较多,Examples:1.具有动作含义的名词转化为动词A study of the letter leaves us no doubt as to the motives behind it.研究一下这封信,我们毫不怀疑这信别有用心。2.作为习语主体的名词转译为动词The speaker gave an excellent picture of the living conditions in Africa.(一些习语化的短语动词:have a try,take care of,pay attention to.),3.介词转化为动词Away she skimmed over the lawn,up the path,up the steps,across the veranda,and into the porch.她转身蹦着跳着跑了,越过草地,跑上小径,跨上台阶,穿过阳台,进了门廊。4.不少介词短语也具有动作意义in excess of,by means of,in favor of,instead of,regardless of.,翻译与文化三:英语中被动语态使用较多,汉语中主动语态使用较多,Example 1:欠泪的,泪已尽The tears one owed have all been required in kind.分离聚合皆前定All are predestined,partings and reunions.若得火山无烈焰,必须宝扇有清凉If the Fiery Mountains flames are to be put out,the precious fan must blow them cool.,Example 2:心病终须新药治,解铃还是系铃人The cure for a broken heart is heartening news;The knot must be untied by the one who tied it.只因西方圣灵河岸上三生石畔,有绛珠草一株,时有赤瑕宫神瑛侍者,日以甘露灌溉,这绛珠草始得久延岁月。In the west,on the bank of the Sacred River,besides the Stone of Three Incarnations there grew a Vermilion Pearl Plant which was watered every day with sweet dew by the attendant Shen Ying in the Palace of Red Jade.,Example 3:生死有命,富贵在天Life and death are determined by fate,rank and riches decreed by Heaven.这样看来,人心天意,他们两个竟是天配的了So it seems human wishes are willed by providence,and they are fated to marry.,翻译与文化四:英语繁复迂回汉语轻灵简单,Example 1:因空见色,由色生情,传情入色,自色悟空,空空道人遂易名为情僧,改石头记为情僧录。Since all manifestations are born of nothingness and in turn give rise to passion,by describing passion for what is manifest we comprehend nothingness.So the Taoist changed his name to the Passionate Monk and changed the title of the book from The Tale of the Stone to the Record of the Passionate Monk.,Example 2:贾政尚未认清,急忙出船,欲待扶住问他是谁。那人已经拜了四拜,站起来打了个问讯。贾政才要还揖,迎面一看,不是别人,确是宝玉。The man prostrated himself before Jia Zheng,who hurried out of the cabin,meaning to raise him up and see who he was,but the man had already kowtowed four times,then stood up and made him a Buddist salutation.Jia Zheng was about to bow in return when he recognized his son.,Example 3:岂知宝玉是下凡历劫的,竟哄了老太太十九年!如今叫我才明白。Little did I know that Baoyu was a spirit who had come to earth to undergo certain trials,and who managed to fool the old lady for nineteen years!Only now is it clear to me.原来宝玉会过雨村回来听见了,便知金钏儿含羞赌气自尽,心中早又五内摧伤,进来被王夫人数落教训,也无话可说。见宝钗进来,放得便出来。Now,Baoyu,on his return from seeing Yucun,had been cut to the heart by the news that her disgrace had driven Jinchuan to suicide.He had nothing to say in reply to his mothers scolding,but Baochais arrival gave him a chance to slip out.,Example 4:那人冷笑道:“林黛玉生不同人,死不同鬼,无魂无魄,何处寻访!凡人魂魄,聚而成形,散而为气,生前聚之,死则散焉。常人尚无可寻访,何况林黛玉呢。汝快回去罢。”“Lin Daiyu in life was no ordinary mortal;in death she is no ordinary ghost,”said the apparition with a scornful laugh.“As she has no ghost,where can you find her?The spirits of man assume a form only when concentrated;when dissipated they change into vapour.In life they have a form;after death they scatter.So even ordinary mortals cannot be traced after death,let along Lin Daiyu.You had better go back home.”,理论翻译与文化五:,英语有曲折变化(inflection),主要表现为名词在单复数,动词的时态变化等等,而汉语则没有这些变化。Example:1.Suddenly all the lights went out.突然间所有的灯都灭了。2.The only way to satisfy the golf boom was to build more courses.满足这场高尔夫球热的唯一途径是增减球场。3.the distant boom of guns 远处隆隆的炮声,4.Gared glared at the lording,the scars and his ear holes flushed red with anger where Maester Aemon had cut the ears away.中文翻译会说:割掉耳朵;绝不会说“耳朵们”5.Will went in front,his shaggy little garron picking the way carefully through the undergrowth.A light snow had fallen the night before,and there were stones and roots and hidden sinks lying just under its crust,waiting for the careless and the unway.Ser Waymar Royce came next,his great black destrier snorting impatiently,6.In Miss Jemimas eyes an autograph letter of her sister,Miss Pinkerton,was an object of as deep veneration aswould have been a letter from a sovereign.Only whenher pupils quitted the establishment,or when they were about to be married,and once,when poor Miss Birch died of the scarlet fever,was Miss Pinkerton known to write personally to the parents of her pupils;and it wasJemimas opinion that if anything could console Mrs.在吉米玛小姐看起来,她姐姐亲笔签字的信和皇帝的上谕一般神圣。平克顿小姐难得写信给家长;只限于学生离校,或是结婚,或是像有一回那可怜的白却小姐害猩红热死掉的时候,她才亲自动手。,翻译与文化六:英语重抽象,汉语重具体。,Examples:1.As the manager of the Performance sits before the curtainon the boards and looks into the Fair,a feeling of profoundmelancholy comes over him in his survey of the bustling place.领班的坐在戏台上幌子前面,对着底下闹哄哄的市场,瞧了半晌,心里不觉悲惨起来。【名利场】,2.A black servant,who reposed on the box besidethe fat coachman,uncurled his bandy legs as soon asthe equipage drew up opposite Miss Pinkertons shiningbrass plate,and as he pulled the bell at least a score ofyoung heads were seen peering out of the narrow windows of the stately old brick house.胖子车夫的旁边坐着一个当差的黑人,马车在女学堂发光的铜牌子前面一停下来,他就伸开一双罗圈腿,走下来按铃。这所气象森严的旧房子是砖砌的,窗口很窄,黑人一按铃,就有二十来个小姑娘从窗口探出头来。,