名词性从句的译法,名词性从句,主语从句宾语从句表语从句同位语从句,主语从句的译法,“that+从句的主语+从句的谓语+主句的谓语”译法:可以将“that从句”单独译成一句,加逗号,再使用“这”字作主语的句子。“that”在句中只起连接作用,可省去不翻。,例:,That the living conditions are improving is evident.,生活条件在改善,这很明显。,That the pilot could have survived the crash seemed inconceivable.,驾驶员在飞机坠毁之后,竟然还能活着,这看来是不可想象的事。,“It is+形容词+that 从句”译法:先将“that从句”单独翻译出来,然后加上“(这是)很+形容词”的结构。有时将形容词转译成副词短语,会使译文更符合汉语的表达习惯。,例:,Its probable that we will be a little late.,A.我们要迟到一会儿,这很可能。,B.我们很可能要迟到一会儿。,It was really astonishing that she refused to talk to her parents.,A.她拒绝和父母交谈,这真令人吃惊。,B.令人吃惊的是,她竟然拒绝和父母交谈。,It is strange that he should have failed to see his own shortcomings.,A.他竟然没有看出自己的缺点,这很奇怪。,B.真奇怪,他竟然没有看出自己的缺点。,It is+名词+that从句,翻译这类结构时,通常会涉及到“词类转换”和“语序调整”等翻译技巧。常用于这种结构的名词词组有:a fact,a pleasure,a pity,a pleasant thing,ones duty,an honor,a shame,no easy job,good news,a waste of time等,例:,It is an accepted fact that the climate around the world is changing.,世界各地的气候都在变化,这是人所共知的事实。,相当于:That the climate around the world is changing is an accepted fact.,Its a pity that you missed such a fine talk.,真遗憾,这样好的报告你没听到。,It is a sheer waste of time that we read such kind of trash.,阅读这样的垃圾图书简直就是浪费时间。,It+被动语态+that从句,这类句型常译成主动句,并增加泛指的“大家”、“我们”、“人们”等作主语。通常对这种结构的译法是保留原文句子结构的前后顺序,先译主句,再译从句。,例:,It is generally regarded that stress should be put on the prevention of disease.,人们普遍认为,疾病应当以预防为主。,It is frequently said that computers solve problems only because they are“programmed”to do so.,人们常说,电脑之所以能解决问题,只是因为它们给输入了解决问题的“程序”。,It+谓语+that从句,通常按原文句子结构顺序翻译,It 不译出来。,例:,It seems that she is going to buy a car on installment.,她好像要用分期付款的方式购买汽车。,It goes without saying that plants cannot grow without sunlight.,不言而喻,没有阳光,植物就不能生长。,翻译由“what,whatever,who,whoever,whom,whose,which”等引导的主语从句,通常按原文句子结构的顺序翻译,主语从句在句中依然还作主语。,例:,Whoever breaks the rule should be punished.,无论谁违反了这项规定都要受到惩罚。,Whatever you say will never change my mind.,无论你说什么都改变不了我的想法。,宾语从句的译法,在把宾语从句译成汉语时,通常按照句子的语序翻译即可。有时也视具体情况对原文语序进行调整。,例:,They proposed that we take certain precautions.,他们建议我们采取一定的预防措施。,Lets see how we can raise our efficiency.,咱们看看怎样才能提高效率。,If you are interested in our proposal,we should be glad to know on what terms you would be willing to conclude an agreement.,如果贵方对我方的提议感兴趣,我方想知道贵方的签约条件。,I know nothing about the matter except what you told.,除了你告诉我的情况以外,我对此事一无所知。,表语从句的译法,在把表语从句译成汉语时,通常按照句子的语序翻译即可。,The question is whether he has signed the contract.,问题是他是否已在合同上签了字。,The trouble is that they are short of money.,麻烦的是他们缺钱。,同位语从句的译法,将同位语从句翻译成宾语。将同位语从句翻译成定语。将同位语从句翻译成同位语。,将同位语从句翻译成宾语,There are clear indications that the war will soon be over.,有明显的迹象表明战争即将结束。,We express the hope that they would come and visit China again.,我们希望他们再来中国访问。,将同位语从句翻译成定语,The old professor gave us some advice how we should use the software.,老教授给我们提出了一些如何使用这个软件的建议。,We must face the fact that we might lose our deposit.,我们必须正视我们可能会失去存款的事实。,将同位语从句翻译成同位语,The scientists made an exciting discovery that this waste material could be turned into plastics.,科学家获得了令人振奋的发现,即可以把这种废料制成塑料。,The answer lies in the fact that the girl practices the piano every evening.,答案在于这样的事实,即这个女孩每天晚上都练习钢琴。,翻译练习,How you manage on your small income is puzzle to me.,我一直纳闷你是如何靠那点收入过日子的。,The fact is that funding for international environmental cooperation has been drying up even as environmental issues are at the top of the globl agenda.,事实是,虽然环境问题位居全球的首要问题,国际环境合作的资金却在不断萎缩。,I m sorry to tell you that we are unable to give you a definite date of shipment for the time being.,很抱歉,现在我们还无法告诉您确切的装船日期。,We have no information whether you will deliver the goods in time.,我方想知道贵方能否及时交货。,With so many companies cutting back on their work force lately,do you know how an employee can hold onto his current job?,鉴于最近如此众多的公司在裁员,您知道作为一个雇员如何才能保住自己目前的工作吗?,Well discuss the problem whether the sports meeting will be held on time.,我们将讨论运动会能否按时开的问题。,It is common sense that the whale is not a fish.,鲸鱼不是鱼,这是普通常识。,It is my suggestion that everybody should be there by seven oclock.,我建议所有的人必须七点钟到达那里。,The manager made a suggestion that the meeting should be put off till Friday.,经理建议会议延期到星期五。,I told him that because of the last condition,I had to turn it down.,我告诉他,由于最后一项条件,我不得不拒绝。,I hope youll be entirely satisfied with this initial shipment.,我希望贵方对第一批货会感到非常满意。,It is impolite not to return telephone calls-regardless of whom they are from.,不管电话是谁打的,不回电话是不礼貌的。,We appreciate your cooperation and trust that our products will turn out to your satisfaction.,谢谢贵方的合作,相信我方的产品会让贵方满意的。,For a moment,I even thought that this was some sort of test,and that this woman was someone from the head office,testing my loyalty.,曾有一刻,我甚至认为这是一种考验,这位女士是从总公司来的,来检验我的忠诚的。,At that stage in my life,I really was not certain where I would ultimately go in life and what I would do with the years ahead of me.,在人生的这一阶段,我真的不能确定我的人生之路最终将会走向何方,以后的岁月里我会做什么。,Enthusiasm means that your are stimaulated by your work,and are able to find new challenges and keep growing professionally.But most jobs have some elements that are less fun and more difficult to carry out.This is where passion really comes into play.When you love that you do,it isnt too difficult to get the job done.The hard part is performing equally well in those less interesting tasks.,热情是指你受到工作的激励,能发现新的挑战,工作能力得到不断提升。但大多数工作却是少乐趣多困难。这是真正需要激情的地方。当你喜欢所做的事,完成这件事不会太难。难的是把那些缺少乐趣的工作完成得一样好。,