,The,Pursuit,of,Happyness,Film,Appreciation,Director,Gabriele Muccino,Writer,Steven Conrad,Stars,Will Smith,Jaden Smith,DirectorGabriele Muccino,ActorWill Smith,ActorJaden Smith,WriterSteven Conrad,Casts,Based on a true story about a man named Christopher Gardner.Gardner has invested heavily in a device known as a Bone Density scanner.He feels like he has made these devices.However,they do not sell as they are marginally better than the current technology at a much higher price.As Gardner tries to figure out how to sell them,his wife leaves him,he loses his house,his bank account,and credit cards.Forced to live out in the streets with his son,Gardner is now desperate to find a steady job;he takes on a job as a stockbroker,but before he can receive pay,he needs to go through 6 months of training,and to sell his devices.,Storyline,In 1981,San Franciscosalesman Chris Gardner(Will Smith)invests his entire life savings in portablebone densityscanners,which he demonstrates to doctors and pitches as a handyquantum leapover standardX-rays.The scanners play a vital role in Chriss life.While he is able to sell most of them,the time lag between the sales and his growing financial demands enrage his already bitter and alienated wife Linda(Thandie Newton),who works as a hotel maid.The financial instability increasingly erodes their marriage,in spite of them caring for their five-year-old son,Christopher Jr.(Jaden Smith).,Plot,Plot,While downtown trying to sell one of the scanners,Gardner meets Jay Twistle(Brian Howe),a manager for Dean Witter Reynolds and impresses him by solving a Rubiks Cube during a taxi ride.After Jay leaves,Gardner lacks money to pay the fare,and chooses to run,resulting in the driver chasing him into a BART station.Gardner boards a train but loses one of his scanners in the process.His new relationship with Jay earns him the chance to become an intern stockbroker.,Plot,The day before the interview,Gardner grudgingly agrees to paint his apartment so as to postpone being evicted due to his difficulty in paying the rent.While painting,Gardner is greeted by two policemen at his doorstep,who take him to the station,stating he has to pay for his numerous parking tickets he has accumulated.As part of the sanction,Gardner is ordered to spend the night in jail,complicating his schedule for the interview the next morning.He manages to arrive at Dean Witters office on time,albeit still in his shabby clothes.Despite his appearance,he impresses the interviewers,and lands an unpaid internship.He would be amongst 20 interns competing for a paid position as a broker.,Dont ever let somebody tell you you cant do something.not even me.You got a dream,you gotta protect it.People cant do something themselves,they wanna tell you you cant do it.If you want something,go get it.Period.,Saying,Plot,Gardners unpaid internship does not please Linda,who eventually leaves for New York because she might get a job at her sisters boyfriends new restaurant.After Gardner bluntly says she is incapable of being a single mom,she agrees that Christopher Jr.will remain with his dad.Gardner is further set back when his bank account is garnished by the IRS for unpaid income taxes,and he and Christopher are evicted,Plot,He ends up with less than$22,resulting in them being homeless,and are forced at one point to stay in a restroom at a BART station.Other days,he and Christopher spend nights at a homeless shelter,in BART,or,if he manages to procure cash,at a hotel.Later,Gardner finds the bone scanner that he lost in the BART station and,after repairing it,sells it to a physician,thus completing all his sales of his scanners.,Disadvantaged by his limited work hours,and knowing that maximizing his client contacts and profits is the only way to earn the broker position,Gardner develops a number of ways to make phone sales calls more efficiently,including reaching out to potential high value customers,defying protocol.One sympathetic prospect who is a top-level pension fund manager even takes him and his son to a San Francisco 49ers game.Regardless of his challenges,he never reveals his lowly circumstances to his colleagues,even going so far as to lend one of his bosses five dollars for cab fare,a sum that he cannot afford.,Plot,Plot,Concluding his internship,Gardner is called into a meeting with his managers.One of them notes he is wearing a new shirt.Gardner explains it is his last day and thought to dress for the occasion.The manager smiles and says he should wear it again tomorrow,letting him know he has won the coveted full-time position giving him his 5 dollars as he promised.Fighting back tears,Gardner shakes hands with them,then rushes to his sons daycare to embrace Christopher.They walk down the street,joking with each other and are passed by the real Chris Gardner(in a business suit appearance).The epilogue reveals that Gardner went on to form his own multimillion-dollar brokerage firm.,They just dont make many this good.The audience and I cried,laughed,cheered and applauded.The climactic scene is as powerful and cathartic as The Shawshank Redemptions golden moment.Will Smith is terrific,his son Jaden is just perfect,and Thandie Newton puts in a convincing supporting act.The movies 1980s San Francisco is absorbing and authentic without stealing the show.Best of all,if you are a thinker,this movie will challenge your visions of family,business and society.On one hand,the film reinforces the great American myth of the self-made man and equal opportunity.Myths are not necessarily false simply for being myths-we can make some of them true by choice,and our belief in this myth still helps make America great.Free-market capitalism is not the cure to all ills-surely it is the source of many ills-but it does open social doors that nothing else can even budge.On the other hand,if you can leave this movie without a burning indignation that any American child of any race should have to struggle just to have a place to sleep,you must be cynical indeed.This movie doesnt get on a soapbox,not even for a second-it just tells a real-life story that owns you before you know it.I hope a few of us will let our motivations own us for years instead of hours after the movies over.,Review,Thanks for watching.,