雅思口语有哪些常见失分点 雅思口语有哪些常见失分点?我们总结了一下,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语有哪些常见失分点?首先,最受大家欢迎的备考方法莫过于模仿标准答案,但是这也是导致失分最严重的问题之一。雅思口语考官阅人无数,所以考生模仿的素材必定逃不过他的法眼,而考官已经十分厌倦了,怎么还能够给你高分呢?其次,很多的标准答案用词比较难,所以,如果考生的英语发音,英语语言的组织能力不够好的话,用这么难的词,考官一听就能听出来考生是事先备好的。这样反而会适得其反。其次, 使用较难的单词也是雅思口语失分常见误区之一。很多时候,考生说不几句话就卡住无话可说,原因在于拼命想想难词,以至于不会表达无法开口。其实,在真正的英语交流中,我们会发现很多的外教讲话时英语的用词是非常简单的,这就是英语交流的精华。在真正的日常交流中,外国人并不会去追求一些难的单词,而更多的是用最简单的词汇和语法结构将自己的意思表达出来即可。所以,建议考生不要去追求用什么难的单词,而是想方设法用自己已经会的表达把意思表达清楚即可。即使是在第三部分,题目非常的难,考生也可以很好的回答其中80%的题目。第三,盲目认为雅思口语语速越快越好。据实验表明,虽然偏慢的语速会导致考生在语言流畅度方面得分偏低,但一味的追求快速也不是好方法。考官不仅会听考生语言是否流畅,也要听是否连贯。所以即使考生的语速很快,但如果不断重复,而且还出现很多逻辑错误,同样也得不了高分。因此这一点也就成了雅思口语备考的重大误区。最后,考场表情僵硬也是会导致失分的。很多时候,考生会觉得用母语说话时能够声情并茂的表达出自己所想,让对方真切的感受到你的感受,但是一到用英语表达时面部表情就格外僵硬?这也是导致考生在雅思口语考试失分的一个重要因素。以下是一些常见的容易忽略的雅思口语失分点在雅思口语评分标准的"发音"评分项中,有这样一个界定:"能够使用表情、肢体语言帮助自己被理解。"根据这个标准,如果你有下列问题,你会被扣分:(1) 几乎不看考官,可能被扣0.2分。(2) 虽然看着考官,但是表情和口语答案并不配套。(3) 因为考官面无表情,你原先勉强保持的微笑逐渐僵硬,直至像考官一样面无表情,这样,你可能被扣0.05分。为了不被扣分,建议各位考生这样做:(1) 在备考阶段,一定要注意"表情和语言配套"!(2) 在实际考试的时候,无论你紧张与否,无论考官是否面无表情,请你脸上保持微笑,哪怕很生硬。雅思口语考试常见扣分点2、70%的考生,因"舌头"被扣分笔者最为纳闷的是:众多中国考生,明明知道"不伸舌头"会被扣分,为什么坚持"不伸舌头"?如果考生找借口说:"我习惯不伸舌头啦",那考官会说:"向至少0.2分说再见吧!"雅思口语考试常见扣分点3、90%的考生,因"单字不重音"被扣分遇到"单字重音",你必须把那些单词放慢、加重,原因很简单,在整个句子当中,只有这些单词,才是最重要的,其他单词,都要轻读。在雅思的"发音"评分标准中,有这样一个界定:"考生会使用重读、弱读,使自己更容易被理解。"而我们多数中国考生,仅仅把重读理解为一个单词里的重音音节,而不能把重音理解为"一个句子中的重音单词",所以自然要被扣分了。雅思口语考试常见扣分点4、90%的考生,只使用"单"词,而不使用"词串"不会使用"词串"的考生,得分一定会被扣0.5-1分。事实上,不会"词串"恰恰是中国考生的致命伤,它除了影响了词汇分,还影响了流利分和速度分。雅思口语考试常见扣分点5、99%的考生,只使用"一种语法",而不使用"多种语法"多数中国考生,只使用单一的语法结构,即主谓宾结构,而很少使用多种语法,如被动语态、强调句、虚拟语态、疑问句、感叹句等,因为中国考生本性"含蓄害羞",最喜欢用平铺直叙的陈述句,而很少表情丰富地使用疑问句、感叹句、强调句等。我们只能说,只有稍微改变自己害羞的个性,才有可能操练起多种语法。雅思口语Part3难度太高不会答题?详解Part3答题技巧一.雅思口语Part3难点解析都说雅思口语Part3难,那么雅思口语Part3难在哪里?它的难点是什么呢?我们来详细分析一下。1.问题更有深度先来说雅思口语Part3的第一个难点,问题。Part3的问题不同于part1和Part2,问题更有深度。比如你在Part2谈论了旅行,那么接下来可能会问你旅游业的利弊,或者问你交通的利弊等等。这些话题有的听起来可能跟part1相似,但却问的是更为深层次的内容。有的时候一些Part3的问题可能会让你一时无法想出合适的回答。总之,这个阶段难度上升最能直观感受到的就是口语问题难度增加。2. 答题要求更高雅思口语Part3不仅问题更有深度,对于回答的要求更高了,此时决不能一句话回应考官的问题,建议举出实例说明观点。比如,当问到关于城市的话题时,考官问你,你觉得住在城市有什么好处?如果你只用一句话“城市生活给人们生活提供了极大的便利”回应问题,那么口语分数肯定高不了。你要根据问题去具体地具体说明为什么生活在城市生活会便利,比如交通更方便,购物更方便,上学更方便等等。一定要注意,这一题答题要求更高,不能一两句就敷衍过去。3.没有准备时间虽然Part3要求大家尽可能答的具体,但是考试中并没有给大家预留出额外的准备时间,考官问完问题后,你就要立刻根据问题来回答,几乎没有思考时间。这也是雅思口语Part3的难点之一。二.雅思口语Part3答题技巧解析1.创造准备时间我们在上文中提到,雅思口语Part3几乎没有思考时间,要根据问题立刻回应考官,大家要依靠一些技巧去给自己争取一些思考时间。最为实用的方式就是重复问题,但是不能原句重复,要学着用Paraphrasing 的技巧去重复问题,这样就能为自己争取到一些思考时间。如果对于所问话题一点思路也没有的话,不要沉默,可以开口讲“让我考虑一下”讲完以后可以考虑几秒钟,迅速组织答案回答问题。2.根据话题准备素材每次口语考试前都会有关于雅思口语考试的机经预测,建议大家根据口语机经上的话题准备答题素材,确保在口语答题中能够举出实际例子。根据话题准备雅思口语Part3素材的时候可以根据话题去准备一些能够套用到不同话题的素材,在考试中遇到类似问题就用这些素材来答题。3.答案不能太窄注意逻辑思维雅思口语Part3的答题面虽然不宜太过宽泛,但是也不能太窄,如果论述面太窄不利于展开论述。另外在答题的时候也要注意一下答题的逻辑思维,如果考官针对你的答案提出异议,你要会自我辩护或者自圆其说。雅思口语part2高分话题范文:a positive changeDescribe a positive change that you have made to your life.You should say:what the change waswhen it happenedwhere it happenedand explain how you have benefited from this change雅思口语part2高分话题范文参考:Ok, well the positive change which I would like to tell you about was actually a pretty simple one, but its improved my life a great deal, and basically all it was, was getting up an hour earlier every day.The reason I started doing it was because it got to the point where my whole day was taken up with various stuff, like classes and homework, and I found that I hardly had any free time left. So I kind of realized that the only way to make more time for myself was to get up earlier, and so thats what I decided to do. It wasnt easy at first, especially when it was cold, but thankfully it got a lot easier, and now I find it no effort at all getting out of bed at five in the morning,Anyway, as for when I first started doing this, well, I guess it must have probably been about two or three years ago, round about the time I was busy preparing for my university entrance exams, and I was getting up at something like five or six every morning to revise. And after my exams finished, I remember thinking to myself, wouldnt it be good to continue getting up early and have all this extra time to do things at the beginning of the day.So thats pretty much how it all started, and finally, with regard to how Ive benefited from this change, well to put it simply, Id say Ive benefited immensely, in more ways than one. For example, its given me time to do a bit of exercise every day, which I didnt use to have time for. So now Ive become a lot fitter. And as well as this, I also now have the time to eat a proper breakfast every day, instead of skipping it, like I used to do, so Ive basically become much healthier as a result.Thats more or less everything, I guess, so thanks very much for listening.雅思口语part2高分话题范文:your favourite park/gardenDescribe your favourite park/garden.You should say:Where it isWhat can be seen thereHow often you go thereAnd explain why you like it.雅思口语part2高分话题范文参考:Well, as you can imagine, Ive been to quite a few parks and gardens, but if I had to pick a favourite, I guess I would probably say Taiziwan Park, which is somewhere in the centre of Hangzhou, not far from the West Lake.And regarding what you can see there, well I guess the first thing to mention would be the tulips, which are really gorgeous, and are all over the place. In fact, Im sure if you look on the Internet, youll probably be able to see some photos of the park and the flowers. And as well as the tulips, another thing that a lot of people go to see is the cherry blossom, which is quite literally stunning, especially in the spring time. Unfortunately though, Ive seen quite a number of people shaking the blossom off the branches, which means it disappears quicker than it would do naturally. So its a bit of a pity, as nothing much can really be done about it. But anyway, its honestly no exaggeration to say that the park is incredibly beautiful, and thats why youll also see a lot of young couples there taking wedding photos.Anyway um, as for how often I go there, well if truth be told, I dont really go there all that often, probably only something like three or four times a year, the main reason being that it gets really crowded on weekends, and its a bit of an effort to get to from where I live.So finally then, with regard to why I like this park, well theres not really that much more to say about it, you know, its just a really nice and scenic place to go and relax. Oh yeah, and the other great thing about it is that its free entrance, which didnt use to be the case a while ago, so I guess Ill be going there more often in the future!